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// github:tom-weatherhead/common-utilities.ts/src/huffman.ts

import { PriorityQueue } from './collection-classes/priority-queue';

export interface IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T> {
    readonly datum?: T;
    readonly count: number;
    readonly leftChild?: IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T>;
    readonly rightChild?: IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T>;

function treeTraversal<T>(
    treeNode: IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T>,
    result: [T, string][],
    bitString: string
): [T, string][] {
    if (typeof treeNode.datum !== 'undefined') {
        result.push([treeNode.datum, bitString]);

        // if (
        //     typeof treeNode.leftChild === 'undefined' ||
        //     typeof treeNode.rightChild === 'undefined'
        // ) {
        //     throw new Error('HuffmanEncoding treeTraversal: Children should be undefined.');
        // }
    } else if (
        typeof treeNode.leftChild !== 'undefined' &&
        typeof treeNode.rightChild !== 'undefined'
    ) {
        treeTraversal(treeNode.leftChild, result, bitString + '0');
        treeTraversal(treeNode.rightChild, result, bitString + '1');
    } else {
        throw new Error('HuffmanEncoding treeTraversal: Too many undefineds.');

    return result;

export function createHuffmanEncoding<T>(input: Iterable<[T, number]>): [T, string][] {
    const fnComparator = (
        t1: IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T>,
        t2: IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T>
    ): boolean => t1.count < t2.count;
    const iterable: Iterable<IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T>> = Array.from(input).map(
        ([datum, count]: [T, number]): IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T> => {
            return { datum, count };
    const pq = new PriorityQueue<IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T>>(fnComparator, iterable);

    // const pq = new PriorityQueue<IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T>>(fnComparator);
    // for (const [datum, count] of input) {
    //     const foo: IHuffmanEncodingTreeNode<T> = { datum, count };
    //     pq.enqueue(foo);
    // }

    while (pq.size > 1) {
        const t1 = pq.dequeue();
        const t2 = pq.dequeue();

        if (typeof t1 === 'undefined' || typeof t2 === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('createHuffmanEncoding() : t1 or t2 is undefined.');

            count: t1.count + t2.count,
            leftChild: t1,
            rightChild: t2

    const t = pq.dequeue();

    if (typeof t === 'undefined') {
        throw new Error('createHuffmanEncoding() : t is undefined.');

    return treeTraversal(t, [], '');