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// github:tom-weatherhead/common-utilities.ts/src/trees/avl-hash-tree.ts

// import IAVLHashTreeKey from './iavl-hash-tree-key';

// export default interface IAVLHashTreeKey<K> {
//     equals(other: K): boolean;
//     getHashCode(): number;
// }

// class AVLHashTreeNode<K, V> {
//     private hashCode: number;
//     private hashBucket: Array<[K, V]>;
//     private leftChild: AVLHashTreeNode<K, V> | null;
//     private rightChild: AVLHashTreeNode<K, V> | null;

//     constructor(hashCode: number) {
//         this.hashCode = hashCode;
//         this.hashBucket = [];
//         this.leftChild = null;
//         this.rightChild = null;
//     }

//     public get(key: K, hashCodeOfKey: number): V | null {

//         if (hashCodeOfKey < this.hashCode) {
//             return this.leftChild ? this.leftChild.get(key, hashCodeOfKey) : null;
//         } else if (hashCodeOfKey > this.hashCode) {
//             return this.rightChild ? this.rightChild.get(key, hashCodeOfKey) : null;
//         } else {
//             const bucketEntry = this.hashBucket.find((be: [K, V]) => key.equals(be[0]));

//             if (bucketEntry) {
//                 return bucketEntry[1];
//             } else {
//                 return null;
//             }
//         }
//     }

//     // public set(key: K, hashCodeOfKey: number, value: V): void {
//     //     return;
//     // }

//     // public delete(key: K, hashCodeOfKey: number): boolean {
//     //     return true;
//     // }
// }

// export default class AVLHashTree<K, V> where K implements IAVLHashTreeKey<K> {
// export default class AVLHashTree<K implements IAVLHashTreeKey<K>, V> {
export default class AVLHashTree<K, V> {
    // private root: AVLHashTreeNode<K, V> | null;
    private internalMap = new Map<number, [K, V][]>();
    private fnGetHashCode: (key: K) => number;
    private fnKeyEquals: (key1: K, key2: K) => boolean;

    constructor(fnGetHashCode: (key: K) => number, fnKeyEquals: (key1: K, key2: K) => boolean) {
        // this.root = null;
        this.fnGetHashCode = fnGetHashCode;
        this.fnKeyEquals = fnKeyEquals;

    public get(key: K): V | null {
        // if (this.root) {
        //     return this.root.get(key, key.getHashCode());
        // } else {
        //     return null;
        // }

        const hashCodeOfKey = this.fnGetHashCode(key);
        const keyValuePairArray = this.internalMap.get(hashCodeOfKey);

        // if (!(keyValuePairArray instanceof Array<[K, V]>)) {
        if (typeof keyValuePairArray === 'undefined') {
            return null;

        const keyValuePair = keyValuePairArray.find((kvp: [K, V]) =>
            this.fnKeyEquals(kvp[0], key)

        if (typeof keyValuePair === 'undefined') {
            return null;

        return keyValuePair[1];

    public set(key: K, value: V): void {
        // This may insert a node, which may cause pivots to occur.

        const hashCodeOfKey = this.fnGetHashCode(key);
        const keyValuePairArray = this.internalMap.get(hashCodeOfKey);

        // if (!(keyValuePairArray instanceof Array<[K, V]>)) {
        if (typeof keyValuePairArray === 'undefined') {
            this.internalMap.set(hashCodeOfKey, [[key, value]]);


        const i = keyValuePairArray.findIndex((kvp: [K, V]) => this.fnKeyEquals(kvp[0], key));

        if (i < 0) {
            keyValuePairArray.push([key, value]);
        } else {
            // We need to replace an existing value.
            keyValuePairArray[i][1] = value;

        this.internalMap.set(hashCodeOfKey, keyValuePairArray);

    // public delete(key: K): boolean {
    //     // This may delete a node, which may cause pivots to occur.

    //     return true;
    // }