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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/lambda-calculus/domain-object-model/call.ts

// Call === Function Call === Application (Invocation) of Function

import { createSet, ifDefinedThenElse, IImmutableSet } from 'thaw-common-utilities.ts';

import {
} from './interfaces/expression';

import {
} from '../type-guards';

import {
    // createVariableNameGenerator,
} from '../utilities';

import { LCValueBase } from './value-base';

export class LCFunctionCall extends LCValueBase implements ILCFunctionCall {
    constructor(public readonly callee: ILCExpression, public readonly arg: ILCExpression) {
    // TODO? : constructor(public readonly callee: LCExpressionMapKey, public readonly arg: LCExpressionMapKey) {}

    public toString(): string {
        return `(${this.callee} ${this.arg})`;

    public override containsVariableNamed(name: string): boolean {
        return this.callee.containsVariableNamed(name) || this.arg.containsVariableNamed(name);

    public override containsBoundVariableNamed(name: string): boolean {
        return (
            this.callee.containsBoundVariableNamed(name) ||

    public override containsUnboundVariableNamed(
        name: string,
        boundVariableNames: IImmutableSet<string>
    ): boolean {
        return (
            this.callee.containsUnboundVariableNamed(name, boundVariableNames) ||
            this.arg.containsUnboundVariableNamed(name, boundVariableNames)

    public override substituteForUnboundVariable(
        name: string,
        value: ILCExpression
    ): ILCExpression {
        return new LCFunctionCall(
            this.callee.substituteForUnboundVariable(name, value),
            this.arg.substituteForUnboundVariable(name, value)

    // Alpha-conversion is the renaming of bound variables
    // (λx.M[x]) → (λy.M[y])     α-conversion     Renaming the bound variables in the expression. Used to avoid name collisions.

    // Beta-reduction is substitution
    // ((λx.M) E) → (M[x := E])     β-reduction     Replacing the bound variables with the argument expression in the body of the abstraction.

    // Eta-reduction is ???
    // η-reduction expresses the idea of extensionality, which in this context is that two functions are the same if and only if they give the same result for all arguments. η-reduction converts between λx.f x and f whenever x does not appear free in f.
    // E.g. In Javascript, x => abs(x) eta-reduces to abs. See also
    // η-reduction can be seen to be the same as the concept of local completeness in natural deduction, via the Curry–Howard isomorphism.

    // α-conversion:

    public override renameBoundVariable(newName: string, oldName: string): ILCExpression {
        return new LCFunctionCall(
            this.callee.renameBoundVariable(newName, oldName),
            this.arg.renameBoundVariable(newName, oldName)

    public override isBetaReducible(): boolean {
        return (
            isLCLambdaExpression(this.callee) ||
            this.callee.isBetaReducible() ||

    private betaReduceCore(
        lambdaExpression: ILCLambdaExpression,
        arg: ILCExpression,
        generateNewVariableName: () => string
    ): ILCExpression {
        // Rename variables as necessary (α-conversion)
        // My idea for an algorithm:
        // 1) Build a set of all (unbound?) variables in the body;

        // I.e. Create an array of the names of all unbound variables in arg:
        const argVarNames = arg
            .filter((name: string) => arg.containsUnboundVariableNamed(name, createSet<string>()));

        // If we set argVarNames = [] so that we don't rename any variables,
        // the unit testing appears to never terminate.
        // const argVarNames: string[] = [];

        // 2) for each var v in the set:
        //   - If v occurs as a bound variable in the callee, then:
        //     - Generate a new variable name w that does not occur in the callee;
        //     - In the callee, replace all bound occurrences of v with w.
        // console.log("Names of variables in the call's actual parameter:", argVarNames);

        // The variable renaming here prevents unbound variables in arg from becoming
        // unintentionally bound when the substitution (into the Lambda expression's body)
        // is performed.

        for (const name of argVarNames) {
            if (lambdaExpression.containsBoundVariableNamed(name)) {
                let generatedVarName: string;

                do {
                    generatedVarName = generateNewVariableName();
                    // console.log(
                    //     `call.ts : betaReduceCore() : generatedVarName is ${generatedVarName}`
                    // );
                } while (lambdaExpression.containsVariableNamed(generatedVarName));

                // α-conversion :
                // console.log(
                //     `call.ts : betaReduceCore() : Old lambdaExpression is ${lambdaExpression}`
                // );
                lambdaExpression = lambdaExpression.renameBoundVariable(
                ) as ILCLambdaExpression;
                // console.log(
                //     `call.ts : betaReduceCore() : New (renamed) lambdaExpression is ${lambdaExpression}`
                // );

        // Substitution:
        // Replace all unbound occurrences of Lambda expression's formal parameter
        // (lambdaExpression.arg) in the Lambda expression's body (lambdaExpression.body)
        // with an actual parameter (arg) :

        return lambdaExpression.body.substituteForUnboundVariable(, arg);

    /// call-by-name - leftmost outermost, no reductions inside abstractions

    private betaReduceCallByName(
        generateNewVariableName: () => string,
        maxDepth: number
    ): ILCExpression {
        // - Demonstrating Lambda Calculus Reduction :
        // 7 Reduction Strategies and Reduction Functions
        // 7.1 Call-by-Name Reduction to Weak Head Normal Form
        // In Standard ML:
        // fun cbn (Var x) = Var x
        //     | cbn (Lam(x, e)) = Lam(x, e)
        //     | cbn (App(e1, e2)) =
        //         case cbn e1 of
        //             Lam (x, e) => cbn (subst e2 (Lam(x, e)))
        //             | e1’ => App(e1’, e2)
        // In Rust:
        // fn beta_cbn(&mut self, limit: usize, count: &mut usize) {
        //     if limit != 0 && *count == limit {
        //         return;
        //     }
        //     if let App(_) = *self {
        //         self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_cbn(limit, count);
        //         if self.is_reducible(limit, *count) {
        //             self.eval(count);
        //             self.beta_cbn(limit, count);
        //         }
        //     }
        // }

        // Note: fn is_reducible return true iff the lhs (the callee) is an abstraction
        // (a lambda expression), and the recursion depth limit has not yet been reached.

        // fn is_reducible appears to check only the current node, not child nodes.

        // ****

        if (maxDepth <= 0) {
            return this;
            // throw new Error('call.ts : betaReduceCallByName() : maxDepth <= 0');

        const options = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.CallByName,

        // First, evaluate this.callee; if it does not evaluate to a LCLambdaExpression,
        // then return.
        const evaluatedCallee = this.callee.etaReduce().deltaReduce().betaReduce(options);

        if (!isLCLambdaExpression(evaluatedCallee)) {
            const result = new LCFunctionCall(
                // Note: Simply using 'this.arg' as the second argument fails.

            return result;

        // case cbn e1 of
        // Lam (x, e) => cbn (subst e2 (Lam(x, e)))
        // x := evaluatedCallee.arg
        // e := evaluatedCallee.body

        // Next, substitute this.arg in for the arg in the evaluated callee.

        return this.betaReduceCore(evaluatedCallee, this.arg, generateNewVariableName)

    /// normal - leftmost outermost; the most popular reduction strategy

    private betaReduceNormalOrder(
        generateNewVariableName: () => string,
        maxDepth: number
    ): ILCExpression {
        // - Demonstrating Lambda Calculus Reduction :
        // 7 Reduction Strategies and Reduction Functions
        // 7.2 Normal Order Reduction to Normal Form
        // In Standard ML:
        // fun nor (Var x) = Var x
        //   | nor (Lam (x, e)) = Lam(x, nor e) // See our lambda-expression.ts
        //   | nor (App(e1, e2)) =
        //     case nor e1 of // ThAW: Was case cbn e1 of
        //       Lam(x, e) => nor (subst e2 (Lam(x, e)))
        //       | e1’ => let val e1’’ = nor e1’ in App(e1’’, nor e2) end
        // In Rust:
        // fn beta_nor(&mut self, limit: usize, count: &mut usize) {
        //     if limit != 0 && *count == limit {
        //         return;
        //     }
        //     match *self {
        //         Abs(ref mut abstracted) => abstracted.beta_nor(limit, count),
        //         App(_) => {
        //             self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_cbn(limit, count);
        //             if self.is_reducible(limit, *count) {
        //                 self.eval(count);
        //                 self.beta_nor(limit, count);
        //             } else {
        //                 self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_nor(limit, count);
        //                 self.rhs_mut().unwrap().beta_nor(limit, count);
        //             }
        //         }
        //         _ => (),
        //     }
        // }

        // ****

        if (maxDepth <= 0) {
            return this;
            // throw new Error('call.ts : betaReduceNormalOrder() : maxDepth <= 0');

        const options = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.NormalOrder,

        // First, evaluate this.callee; if it does not evaluate to a LCLambdaExpression,
        // then return.
        const evaluatedCallee = this.callee.deltaReduce().betaReduce(options);

        if (!isLCLambdaExpression(evaluatedCallee)) {
            // The result is App(e1’’, nor e2),
            // where e1’’ = nor e1’ = ...
            // and e1’ = nor e1 = evaluatedCallee
            // and e1 = this.callee
            const result = new LCFunctionCall(
                // Note: Simply using 'this.arg' as the second argument fails.

            return result;

        // Next, substitute this.arg in for the arg in the evaluated callee.

        return this.betaReduceCore(evaluatedCallee, this.arg, generateNewVariableName)

    /// call-by-value - leftmost innermost, no reductions inside abstractions

    private betaReduceCallByValue(
        generateNewVariableName: () => string,
        maxDepth: number
    ): ILCExpression {
        // - Demonstrating Lambda Calculus Reduction :
        // 7 Reduction Strategies and Reduction Functions
        // 7.3 Call-by-Value Reduction to Weak Normal Form
        // In Standard ML: (?)
        // fun cbv (Var x) = Var x
        //     | cbv (Lam(x, e)) = Lam(x, e)
        //     | cbv (App(e1, e2)) =
        //         case cbv e1 of
        //             Lam (x, e) => cbv (subst (cbv e2) (Lam(x, e)))
        //             | e1’ => App(e1’, (cbv e2))
        // In Rust:
        // fn beta_cbv(&mut self, limit: usize, count: &mut usize) {
        //     if limit != 0 && *count == limit {
        //         return;
        //     }
        //     if let App(_) = *self {
        //         self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_cbv(limit, count);
        //         self.rhs_mut().unwrap().beta_cbv(limit, count);
        //         if self.is_reducible(limit, *count) {
        //             self.eval(count);
        //             self.beta_cbv(limit, count);
        //         }
        //     }
        // }

        // ****

        if (maxDepth <= 0) {
            return this;
            // throw new Error('call.ts : betaReduceCallByValue() : maxDepth <= 0');

        const options = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.CallByValue,

        // First, evaluate this.callee; if it does not evaluate to a LCLambdaExpression,
        // then return.
        const evaluatedCallee = this.callee.deltaReduce().betaReduce(options);
        const evaluatedArg = this.arg.deltaReduce().betaReduce(options);

        if (!isLCLambdaExpression(evaluatedCallee)) {
            return new LCFunctionCall(evaluatedCallee, evaluatedArg);

        // case cbv e1 of
        // Lam (x, e) => cbv (subst (cbv e2) (Lam(x, e)))
        // x := evaluatedCallee.arg
        // e := evaluatedCallee.body

        // Next, substitute evaluatedArg in for the arg in the evaluated callee.

        return this.betaReduceCore(evaluatedCallee, this.arg, generateNewVariableName)

    // 7.4 Applicative Order Reduction to Normal Form
    /// applicative - leftmost innermost; the most eager strategy; unfit for recursion combinators

    private betaReduceApplicativeOrder(
        generateNewVariableName: () => string,
        maxDepth: number
    ): ILCExpression {
        // In Rust:
        // fn beta_app(&mut self, limit: usize, count: &mut usize) {
        //     if limit != 0 && *count == limit {
        //         return;
        //     }
        //     match *self {
        //         Abs(ref mut abstracted) => abstracted.beta_app(limit, count),
        //         App(_) => {
        //             self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_app(limit, count);
        //             self.rhs_mut().unwrap().beta_app(limit, count);
        //             if self.is_reducible(limit, *count) {
        //                 self.eval(count);
        //                 self.beta_app(limit, count);
        //             }
        //         }
        //         _ => (),
        //     }
        // }

        if (maxDepth <= 0) {
            return this;
            // throw new Error('call.ts : betaReduceApplicativeOrder() : maxDepth <= 0');

        const options = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.ApplicativeOrder,

        // First, evaluate this.callee; if it does not evaluate to a LCLambdaExpression,
        // then return.
        const evaluatedCallee = this.callee.deltaReduce().betaReduce(options);
        const evaluatedArg = this.arg.deltaReduce().betaReduce(options);

        if (!isLCLambdaExpression(evaluatedCallee)) {
            return new LCFunctionCall(evaluatedCallee, evaluatedArg);

        // Next, substitute evaluatedArg in for the arg in the evaluated callee.

        return this.betaReduceCore(evaluatedCallee, evaluatedArg, generateNewVariableName)

    // 7.5 Hybrid Applicative Order Reduction to Normal Form
    /// hybrid applicative - a mix between `CBV` (call-by-value) and `APP` (applicative)
    /// strategies; usually the fastest-reducing normalizing strategy

    private betaReduceHybridApplicativeOrder(
        generateNewVariableName: () => string,
        maxDepth: number
    ): ILCExpression {
        // In Rust:
        // fn beta_hap(&mut self, limit: usize, count: &mut usize) {
        //     if limit != 0 && *count == limit {
        //         return;
        //     }
        //     match *self {
        //         Abs(ref mut abstracted) => abstracted.beta_hap(limit, count),
        //         App(_) => {
        //             self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_cbv(limit, count); // Error? beta_cbv or beta_hap ?
        //             self.rhs_mut().unwrap().beta_hap(limit, count);
        //             if self.is_reducible(limit, *count) {
        //                 self.eval(count);
        //                 self.beta_hap(limit, count);
        //             } else {
        //                 self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_hap(limit, count);
        //             }
        //         }
        //         _ => (),
        //     }
        // }

        if (maxDepth <= 0) {
            return this;
            // throw new Error('call.ts : betaReduceHybridApplicativeOrder() : maxDepth <= 0');

        const optionsCBV = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.CallByValue,
        const optionsHAO = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.HybridApplicativeOrder,

        // First, evaluate this.callee; if it does not evaluate to a LCLambdaExpression,
        // then return.
        const evaluatedCallee = this.callee.deltaReduce().betaReduce(optionsCBV);
        const evaluatedArg = this.arg.deltaReduce().betaReduce(optionsHAO);

        if (!isLCLambdaExpression(evaluatedCallee)) {
            return new LCFunctionCall(evaluatedCallee, evaluatedArg);

        // Next, substitute evaluatedArg in for the arg in the evaluated callee.

        return this.betaReduceCore(evaluatedCallee, evaluatedArg, generateNewVariableName)

        // TODO: Implement the part:
        // if !self.is_reducible(limit, *count) then
        //   self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_hap(limit, count); // Note the hap rather than cbv

        // const evaluatedCallee = this.callee
        //     .deltaReduce()
        //     .betaReduce(
        //         BetaReductionStrategy.ApplicativeOrder,
        //         generateNewVariableName,
        //         maxDepth - 1
        //     );

    // 7.6 Head Spine Reduction to Head Normal Form
    /// head spine - leftmost outermost, abstractions reduced only in head position

    private betaReduceHeadSpine(
        generateNewVariableName: () => string,
        maxDepth: number
    ): ILCExpression {
        // In Rust:
        // fn beta_hsp(&mut self, limit: usize, count: &mut usize) {
        //     if limit != 0 && *count == limit {
        //         return;
        //     }
        //     match *self {
        //         Abs(ref mut abstracted) => abstracted.beta_hsp(limit, count),
        //         App(_) => {
        //             self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_hsp(limit, count);
        //             if self.is_reducible(limit, *count) {
        //                 self.eval(count);
        //                 self.beta_hsp(limit, count)
        //             }
        //         }
        //         _ => (),
        //     }
        // }

        if (maxDepth <= 0) {
            return this;
            // throw new Error('call.ts : betaReduceHeadSpine() : maxDepth <= 0');

        const options = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.HeadSpine,

        // First, evaluate this.callee; if it does not evaluate to a LCLambdaExpression,
        // then return.
        const evaluatedCallee = this.callee.deltaReduce().betaReduce(options);

        if (!isLCLambdaExpression(evaluatedCallee)) {
            return new LCFunctionCall(evaluatedCallee, this.arg);

        // Next, substitute evaluatedArg in for the arg in the evaluated callee.

        return this.betaReduceCore(evaluatedCallee, this.arg, generateNewVariableName)

    // 7.7 Hybrid Normal Order Reduction to Normal Form
    /// hybrid normal - a mix between `HSP` (head spine) and `NOR` (normal) strategies

    private betaReduceHybridNormalOrder(
        generateNewVariableName: () => string,
        maxDepth: number
    ): ILCExpression {
        // In Rust:
        // fn beta_hno(&mut self, limit: usize, count: &mut usize) {
        //     if limit != 0 && *count == limit {
        //         return;
        //     }
        //     match *self {
        //         Abs(ref mut abstracted) => abstracted.beta_hno(limit, count),
        //         App(_) => {
        //             self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_hsp(limit, count); // Error? beta_hsp or beta_hno?
        //             if self.is_reducible(limit, *count) {
        //                 self.eval(count);
        //                 self.beta_hno(limit, count)
        //             } else {
        //                 self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_hno(limit, count);
        //                 self.rhs_mut().unwrap().beta_hno(limit, count);
        //             }
        //         }
        //         _ => (),
        //     }
        // }

        if (maxDepth <= 0) {
            return this;
            // throw new Error('call.ts : betaReduceHybridNormalOrder() : maxDepth <= 0');

        const optionsHS = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.HeadSpine,
        const optionsHNO = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.HybridNormalOrder,

        // First, evaluate this.callee; if it does not evaluate to a LCLambdaExpression,
        // then return.
        const evaluatedCallee = this.callee.deltaReduce().betaReduce(optionsHS);

        if (!isLCLambdaExpression(evaluatedCallee)) {
            return new LCFunctionCall(evaluatedCallee, this.arg);

        // Next, substitute evaluatedArg in for the arg in the evaluated callee.

        return this.betaReduceCore(evaluatedCallee, this.arg, generateNewVariableName)

        // TODO: Implement the part:
        // if !self.is_reducible(limit, *count) then
        //   self.lhs_mut().unwrap().beta_hno(limit, count);
        //   self.rhs_mut().unwrap().beta_hno(limit, count);
        // endif

    private betaReduceThAWHackForYCombinator(
        generateNewVariableName: () => string,
        maxDepth: number
    ): ILCExpression {
        if (maxDepth <= 0) {
            return this; // This is needed to prevent unbounded recursion.
            // throw new Error('call.ts : betaReduceThAWHackForYCombinator() : maxDepth <= 0');

        const options = {
            strategy: BetaReductionStrategy.ThAWHackForYCombinator,

        // First, evaluate this.callee; if it does not evaluate to a LCLambdaExpression,
        // then return.
        const evaluatedCallee = this.callee
            .etaReduce() // ? Keep this or remove it?

        if (!isLCLambdaExpression(evaluatedCallee)) {
            const result = new LCFunctionCall(
                // Note: Simply using 'this.arg' as the second argument fails for the Y comb.
                // This is the first of two differences between this strategy and CallByName.
                // this.arg        // As in CallByName

            return result;

        // Next, substitute this.arg in for the arg in the evaluated callee.

        return this.betaReduceCore(evaluatedCallee, this.arg, generateNewVariableName)

    public override betaReduce(options: ILCBetaReductionOptions = {}): ILCExpression {
        if (typeof options.generateNewVariableName === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('call.ts betaReduce() : options.generateNewVariableName is undefined');

        let maxDepth = ifDefinedThenElse(options.maxDepth, defaultMaxBetaReductionDepth);

        if (maxDepth <= 0) {
            return this;


        const strategy = ifDefinedThenElse(options.strategy, defaultBetaReductionStrategy);
        // const generateNewVariableName = ifDefinedThenElse(
        //     options.generateNewVariableName,
        //     createVariableNameGenerator()
        // );

        const generateNewVariableName = options.generateNewVariableName;

        switch (strategy) {
            case BetaReductionStrategy.CallByName:
                return this.betaReduceCallByName(generateNewVariableName, maxDepth);

            case BetaReductionStrategy.NormalOrder:
                return this.betaReduceNormalOrder(generateNewVariableName, maxDepth);

            case BetaReductionStrategy.CallByValue:
                return this.betaReduceCallByValue(generateNewVariableName, maxDepth);

            case BetaReductionStrategy.ApplicativeOrder:
                return this.betaReduceApplicativeOrder(generateNewVariableName, maxDepth);

            case BetaReductionStrategy.HybridApplicativeOrder:
                return this.betaReduceHybridApplicativeOrder(generateNewVariableName, maxDepth);

            case BetaReductionStrategy.HeadSpine:
                return this.betaReduceHeadSpine(generateNewVariableName, maxDepth);

            case BetaReductionStrategy.HybridNormalOrder:
                return this.betaReduceHybridNormalOrder(generateNewVariableName, maxDepth);

            case BetaReductionStrategy.ThAWHackForYCombinator:
                return this.betaReduceThAWHackForYCombinator(generateNewVariableName, maxDepth);

                throw new Error(
                    `LCFunctionCall.betaReduce() : Unsupported BetaReductionStrategy ${BetaReductionStrategy[strategy]}`

    public override deltaReduce(): ILCExpression {
        return new LCFunctionCall(this.callee.deltaReduce(), this.arg.deltaReduce());

    public override etaReduce(): ILCExpression {
        // if (!isLCLambdaExpression(this.callee) || !this.callee.isEtaReducible()) {
        //     return this;
        // }
        // return this.callee.body.etaReduce();

        return new LCFunctionCall(this.callee.etaReduce(), this.arg.etaReduce());

    public override getSetOfAllVariableNames(): IImmutableSet<string> {
        return this.callee.getSetOfAllVariableNames().union(this.arg.getSetOfAllVariableNames());

    public override applySubstitution(substitution: ILCSubstitution): ILCExpression {
        return new LCFunctionCall(

    public unify(
        other: ILCUnifiable,
        variablesInOriginalExpr1Param?: IImmutableSet<string>,
        variablesInOriginalExpr2Param?: IImmutableSet<string>
    ): ILCSubstitution | undefined {
        const variablesInOriginalExpr1 = ifDefinedThenElse(
        const variablesInOriginalExpr2 = ifDefinedThenElse(
            (other as ILCExpression).getSetOfAllVariableNames()

        if (isLCVariable(other)) {
            return other.unify(this, variablesInOriginalExpr2, variablesInOriginalExpr1);
        } else if (!isLCFunctionCall(other)) {
            return undefined;

        const otherLCFunctionCall = other as LCFunctionCall;
        const unifier1 = this.callee.unify(

        if (typeof unifier1 === 'undefined') {
            return undefined;

        const argA = this.arg.applySubstitution(unifier1);
        const argB = otherLCFunctionCall.arg.applySubstitution(unifier1);

        const unifier2 = argA.unify(argB, variablesInOriginalExpr1, variablesInOriginalExpr2);

        if (typeof unifier2 === 'undefined') {
            return undefined;

        return unifier1.compose(unifier2);