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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/lambda-calculus/domain-object-model/interfaces/expression.ts

//! [β-reduction]( for lambda `Term`s

import { IEqualityComparable, IImmutableSet, IStringifiable } from 'thaw-common-utilities.ts';

export enum BetaReductionStrategy {

// Type T is the language's expression type.
export interface ISubstitution<T> extends IStringifiable {
    readonly SubstitutionList: Map<string, T>;

    length: number;
    // containsOnlyVariables: boolean;
    isOneToOne: boolean;

    // findBindingVariables(): IImmutableSet<IVariable>;
    compose(otherSub: ISubstitution<T>): ISubstitution<T>;

export type ILCSubstitution = ISubstitution<ILCExpression>;

export interface ISubstitutable<T> {
    applySubstitution(substitution: ISubstitution<T>): T;

export interface IUnifiable<T> extends ISubstitutable<T> {
        other: IUnifiable<T>,
        // I.e. if x is in this, and y is in other, then we don't want to
        // a unifier to replace x with y if y is in variablesInOriginalExpr1.
        variablesInOriginalExpr1?: IImmutableSet<string>,
        variablesInOriginalExpr2?: IImmutableSet<string>
    ): ISubstitution<T> | undefined;
    isIsomorphicTo(other: IUnifiable<T>): boolean;

export type ILCUnifiable = IUnifiable<ILCExpression>;

// An LCExpressionMapKey is a reference to an expression value in the map.
export type LCExpressionMapKey = number;
// export type LCExpressionMapKey = string;

export type LCExpressionMapType = Map<LCExpressionMapKey, ILCExpression>;

export interface ILCBetaReductionOptions {
    readonly strategy?: BetaReductionStrategy;
    readonly generateNewVariableName?: () => string;
    readonly maxDepth?: number;

export interface ILCExpression extends IStringifiable, IUnifiable<ILCExpression> {
    readonly typename: string;
    // readonly mapKey: LCExpressionMapKey;
    // So whenever this expression is reduced, call:
    // expressionMap.set(this.mapKey, reducedExpr);
    // This by-reference paradigm should enable lazy evaluation (?)
    // as well as avoiding repeated evaluations of copies of the same expression.

    containsVariableNamed(name: string): boolean;
    containsBoundVariableNamed(name: string): boolean;
    containsUnboundVariableNamed(name: string, boundVariableNames: IImmutableSet<string>): boolean;
    substituteForUnboundVariable(name: string, value: ILCExpression): ILCExpression;
    getSetOfAllVariableNames(): IImmutableSet<string>;
    // TODO? : getArrayOfAllUnboundVariableNames(): string[];

    // α-conversion
    renameBoundVariable(newName: string, oldName: string): ILCExpression; // Alpha-conversion

    // β-reduction
    isBetaReducible(): boolean;
    betaReduce(options?: ILCBetaReductionOptions): ILCExpression;

    // δ-reduction for extended Lambda calculus; e.g. ((+ 2) 3) δ-> 5
    deltaReduce(): ILCExpression;

    // η-reduction: Reduce λx.(f x) to f if x does not appear free in f.
    etaReduce(): ILCExpression;

    // κ-reduction is the reduction of the SKI combinators (?)

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */
export interface ILCValue extends ILCExpression {}

export interface ILCFunctionCall extends ILCExpression {
    readonly callee: ILCExpression;
    readonly arg: ILCExpression;

export interface ILCLambdaExpression extends ILCValue {
    readonly arg: ILCVariable;
    readonly body: ILCExpression;

export interface ILCVariable extends IEqualityComparable, ILCExpression {
    readonly name: string;