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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/lambda-calculus/operators.ts

import { ifDefinedThenElse } from 'thaw-common-utilities.ts';

import { ILCExpression } from './domain-object-model/interfaces/expression';

import { LCFunctionCall } from './domain-object-model/call';

import { LCLambdaExpression } from './domain-object-model/lambda-expression';

import { LCVariable } from './domain-object-model/variable';

// import { isChurchNumeral } from './church-numerals';

import { churchNumeralToInteger } from './church-numerals';

import { isLCFunctionCall, isLCLambdaExpression, isLCVariable } from './type-guards';

import { areIsomorphic, reduce } from './utilities';

function v(s1: string | undefined, s2: string): LCVariable {
    return new LCVariable(ifDefinedThenElse(s1, s2));

function l(v: LCVariable, e: ILCExpression): LCLambdaExpression {
    return new LCLambdaExpression(v, e);

function c(e1: ILCExpression, e2: ILCExpression): LCFunctionCall {
    return new LCFunctionCall(e1, e2);

export function createValueTrue(options: { x?: string; y?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    const x = v(options.x, 'x');
    const y = v(options.y, 'y');

    return l(x, l(y, x));

export function createValueFalse(options: { x?: string; y?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    const x = v(options.x, 'x');
    const y = v(options.y, 'y');

    return l(x, l(y, y));

// I.e. let var = e1 in e2

export function createStatementLetUsage(
    vv: LCVariable,
    e1: ILCExpression,
    e2: ILCExpression
): ILCExpression {
    return c(l(vv, e2), e1);

export function createOperatorIfUsage(
    condition: ILCExpression,
    thenPart: ILCExpression,
    elsePart: ILCExpression
): ILCExpression {
    return c(c(condition, thenPart), elsePart);

export function createOperatorIf(
    options: { b?: string; x?: string; y?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // if : λb.λx.λy.((b x) y)

    const b = v(options.b, 'b');
    const x = v(options.x, 'x');
    const y = v(options.y, 'y');

    return l(b, l(x, l(y, createOperatorIfUsage(b, x, y))));

export function createOperatorAndUsage(expr1: ILCExpression, expr2: ILCExpression): ILCExpression {
    // && (and) : λp.λq.((p q) FALSE)
    return c(c(expr1, expr2), createValueFalse());

export function createOperatorAnd(options: { p?: string; q?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    // && (and) : λp.λq.((p q) FALSE)
    const p = v(options.p, 'p');
    const q = v(options.q, 'q');

    return l(p, l(q, createOperatorAndUsage(p, q)));

export function createOperatorOrUsage(expr1: ILCExpression, expr2: ILCExpression): ILCExpression {
    // || (or) : λp.λq.(((IF p) TRUE) q)
    return createOperatorIfUsage(expr1, createValueTrue(), expr2);

export function createOperatorOr(options: { p?: string; q?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    // || (or) : λp.λq.(((IF p) TRUE) q)
    const p = v(options.p, 'p');
    const q = v(options.q, 'q');

    return l(p, l(q, createOperatorOrUsage(p, q)));

export function createOperatorIsZeroUsage(
    expr: ILCExpression,
    options: { x?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // (z? or 0?) (isZero) : λn.((n λx.FALSE) TRUE)
    const x = v(options.x, 'x');

    return c(c(expr, l(x, createValueFalse())), createValueTrue());

export function createOperatorIsZero(options: { n?: string; x?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    // (z? or 0?) (isZero) : λn.((n λx.FALSE) TRUE)
    const n = v(options.n, 'n');

    return l(n, createOperatorIsZeroUsage(n));

export function createOperatorIncrementUsage(
    expr: ILCExpression,
    options: { f?: string; x?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // ++ (successor) : λn.λf.λx.(f ((n f) x))
    const f = v(options.f, 'f');
    const x = v(options.x, 'x');

    return l(f, l(x, c(f, c(c(expr, f), x))));

export function createOperatorIncrement(
    options: { n?: string; f?: string; x?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // ++ (successor) : λn.λf.λx.(f ((n f) x))
    const n = v(options.n, 'n');

    return l(n, createOperatorIncrementUsage(n, options));

export function createOperatorDecrementUsage(
    expr: ILCExpression,
    options: { f?: string; x?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // -- (predecessor) : λn.λf.λx.(((n λg.λh.(h (g f))) λu.x) λu.u)
    const f = v(options.f, 'f');
    const x = v(options.x, 'x');
    const g = new LCVariable('g');
    const h = new LCVariable('h');
    const u = new LCVariable('u');

    return l(f, l(x, c(c(c(expr, l(g, l(h, c(h, c(g, f))))), l(u, x)), l(u, u))));

export function createOperatorDecrement(
    options: { n?: string; f?: string; x?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // -- (predecessor) : λn.λf.λx.(((n λg.λh.(h (g f))) λu.x) λu.u)
    const n = v(options.n, 'n');

    return l(n, createOperatorDecrementUsage(n, options));

export function createOperatorAddUsage(
    expr1: ILCExpression,
    expr2: ILCExpression,
    options: { f?: string; x?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // + : λm.λn.λf.λx.((n f) ((m f) x))
    const f = v(options.f, 'f');
    const x = v(options.x, 'x');

    return l(f, l(x, c(c(expr2, f), c(c(expr1, f), x))));

export function createOperatorAdd(
    options: { m?: string; n?: string; f?: string; x?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // + : λm.λn.λf.λx.((n f) ((m f) x))
    const m = v(options.m, 'm');
    const n = v(options.n, 'n');

    return l(m, l(n, createOperatorAddUsage(m, n, options)));

export function createOperatorMultiplyUsage(
    expr1: ILCExpression,
    expr2: ILCExpression,
    options: { f?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // * : λm.λn.λf.(m (n f))
    const f = v(options.f, 'f');

    return l(f, c(expr1, c(expr2, f)));

export function createOperatorMultiply(
    options: { m?: string; n?: string; f?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    // * : λm.λn.λf.(m (n f))
    const m = v(options.m, 'm');
    const n = v(options.n, 'n');

    return l(m, l(n, createOperatorMultiplyUsage(m, n, options)));

// export function createOperator(options: {} = {}): ILCExpression {
//     ;
// }

// **** Pairs (Tuples) ****

// From :

// Tuples and lists in lambda calculus
// Tuples
// A tuple is a pair of functions. Using the lambda expressions below, a pair of a and b can be made using ‘pair a b’, and the first and second functions of p can be extracted using ‘first p’ and ‘second p’ respecively.
//     pair = λabf.fab -> λa.λb.λf.((f a) b) -> I.e. if
//         - ((pair a) b) -> λf.((f a) b)
//     first = λp.p(λab.a) -> λp.(p (λa.λb.a)) -> I.e. λp.(p TRUE)
//     second = λp.p(λab.b) -> λp.(p (λa.λb.b)) -> I.e. λp.(p FALSE)

export function createPairUsage(
    first: ILCExpression,
    second: ILCExpression,
    options: { f?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    const f = v(options.f, 'f');

    return l(f, c(c(f, first), second));

export function createFunctionCreatePair(
    options: { f?: string; a?: string; b?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    const a = v(options.a, 'a');
    const b = v(options.b, 'b');

    return l(a, l(b, createPairUsage(a, b, options)));

export function createFunctionGetFirstOfPair(
    options: { x?: string; y?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    return createValueTrue(options);

export function createFunctionGetSecondOfPair(
    options: { x?: string; y?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    return createValueFalse(options);

// **** Lists ****

// A list is either empty, or consists of a head (any lambda expression) and a tail (another list). The most elegant way of representing a list is based on the representation of integer. The list containing a1, a2..., is represented by λfx.fa1(fa2( The lambda expression for the empty list, append function, head function and test for the empty list are:
//     -? λf.λx.((f a1) (((f a2) (...((f an-1) ((f an) x)) ...))))
//     empty (i.e. the empty list?) = λf.λx.x -> I.e. the Church numeral zero
//     append = λa.λl.λf.λx.((f a) (((l f) x)))
//     head = λl.((l (λa.λb.a)) (any expression)) -> Gets the head of a list?
//     isempty = λl.((l (λa.λb.FALSE)) TRUE)
// ((append a) l) constructs a list with head a and tail l.

// export function createEmptyList(options: { f?: string; x?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
//     // This is equivalent to the Church numeral zero.
//     const f = v(options.f, 'f');
//     const x = v(options.x, 'x');
//     return l(f, l(x, x));
// }
// export function createFunctionAppend(
//     options: { a?: string; l?: string; f?: string; x?: string } = {}
// ): ILCExpression {
//     // append = λa.λl.λf.λx.((f a) ((l f) x))
//     const a = v(options.a, 'a');
//     const ll = v(options.l, 'l'); // Var named ll because of the func l() above.
//     const f = v(options.f, 'f');
//     const x = v(options.x, 'x');
//     return l(a, l(ll, l(f, l(x, c(c(f, a), c(c(ll, f), x))))));
// }
// export function createFunctionGetHeadOfList(options: { l?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
//     // head = λl.((l (λa.λb.a)) (any expression))
//     const ll = v(options.l, 'l');
//     return l(ll, c(c(ll, createValueTrue()), ll));
// }
// export function createFunctionIsListEmpty(
//     options: { a?: string; b?: string; l?: string } = {}
// ): ILCExpression {
//     // isempty = λl.((l (λa.λb.FALSE)) TRUE)
//     const a = v(options.a, 'a');
//     const b = v(options.b, 'b');
//     const ll = v(options.l, 'l');
//     return l(ll, c(c(ll, l(a, l(b, createValueFalse()))), createValueTrue()));
// }

// The tail function is more complicated, and makes use of the tuples defined above. The principle is to start off with a pair (empty, empty), and at each stage turn the pair (x, y) into the pair (y, ((append a) y)), where a is the current list element, and then take the first element of the pair. The lambda expression is:
//     tail = λl.first(l(λab.pair(second b)(append a (second b)))(pair empty empty))
//         -> λl.(first (l (λa.λb.(pair (second b)) ((append a) (second b))) ((pair empty) empty)))

// export function createFunctionGetTailOfList(
//     options: { l?: string; a?: string; b?: string } = {}
// ): ILCExpression {
//     // tail = λl.first(
//     //   l(λab.pair(second b)(append a (second b)))
//     //   (pair empty empty)
//     // )
//     // -> λl.(first (l
//     //   (
//     //     λa.λb.(pair (second b))
//     //     ((append a) (second b))
//     //   )
//     //   ((pair empty) empty)))
//     const ll = v(options.l, 'l');
//     // const cp = createFunctionCreatePair();
//     // const f = createFunctionGetFirstOfPair();
//     // const s = createFunctionGetSecondOfPair();
//     // const e = createEmptyList();
//     // const ap = createFunctionAppend();
//     const cp = createFunctionCreatePair({ f: 'f51', a: 'a51', b: 'b51' });
//     const f = createFunctionGetFirstOfPair({ x: 'x51', y: 'y51' });
//     const s = createFunctionGetSecondOfPair({ x: 'x52', y: 'y52' });
//     const e = createEmptyList({ f: 'f52', x: 'x53' });
//     const ap = createFunctionAppend({ f: 'f53', x: 'x54' });
//     const a = v(options.a, 'a');
//     const b = v(options.b, 'b');
//     return l(
//         ll,
//         c(
//             f,
//             c(
//                 ll, // Calls No. 1 and 2
//                 c(
//                     // BEGIN Call No. 3
//                     // BEGIN Callee No. 3
//                     l(
//                         a,
//                         l(
//                             b,
//                             c(
//                                 // Create a pair : Takes 2 args, so make 2 calls
//                                 c(cp, c(s, b)), // The pair's first element
//                                 c(c(ap, a), c(s, b))
//                             )
//                         ) // The pair's second element
//                     ), // END of creation of pair
//                     // END Callee No. 3
//                     c(c(cp, e), e) // Argument for call No. 3
//                 ) // END Call No. 3
//             )
//         )
//     );
// }

// Lists version 2

// From :

// let rec
//  CONS = lambda h. lambda t. lambda f. f h t,

export function lcaConsUsage(
    h: ILCExpression,
    t: ILCExpression,
    options: { f?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    const f = v(options.f, 'f');

    return l(f, c(c(f, h), t));

export function lcaCons(options: { h?: string; t?: string; f?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    const h = v(options.h, 'h');
    const t = v(options.t, 't');

    return l(h, l(t, lcaConsUsage(h, t, options)));

//  NIL = lambda f. true, // (i.e. the empty list)

export function lcaCreateNil(options: { f?: string; x?: string; y?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    const f = v(options.f, 'f');

    return l(f, createValueTrue(options));

export function booleanToLCBoolean(b: boolean): ILCExpression {
    return b ? createValueTrue() : createValueFalse();

//  isNull? = NULL = lambda L. L (lambda h. lambda t. false), // (i.e. NULL NIL is true; NULL (anything else) is false)
// I.e. isNull? = λl.(l λh.λt.false) = λl.(l λh.λt.λa.λb.b)
// 2021-10-20 : Note Bene: If the argument passed to 'null?' is neither nil nor a list,
// then the result could be neither true nor false.

export function lcaIsNullUsage(
    ll: ILCExpression,
    options: { h?: string; t?: string; x?: string; y?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    const h = v(options.h, 'h');
    const t = v(options.t, 't');

    return c(ll, l(h, l(t, createValueFalse(options))));

// export function lcaIsNullUsage(ll: ILCExpression): ILCExpression {
//     return booleanToLCBoolean(areIsomorphic(ll, lcaCreateNil()));
// }

export function lcaIsNull(
    options: { l?: string; h?: string; t?: string; x?: string; y?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    const ll = v(options.l, 'l');

    return l(ll, lcaIsNullUsage(ll, options));

    // return l(ll, lcaIsNullUsage(ll));

//  HD = lambda L. L (lambda h. lambda t. h), // head; i.e. car

export function lcaHeadUsage(
    ll: ILCExpression,
    options: { h?: string; t?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    const h = v(options.h, 'h');
    const t = v(options.t, 't');

    return c(ll, l(h, l(t, h)));

    // I.e. return c(ll, createValueTrue(options));

export function lcaHead(options: { l?: string; h?: string; t?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    const ll = v(options.l, 'l');

    return l(ll, lcaHeadUsage(ll, options));

//  TL = lambda L. L (lambda h. lambda t. t), // tail; i.e. cdr

export function lcaTailUsage(
    ll: ILCExpression,
    options: { h?: string; t?: string } = {}
): ILCExpression {
    const h = v(options.h, 'h');
    const t = v(options.t, 't');

    return c(ll, l(h, l(t, t)));

    // I.e. return c(ll, createValueFalse(options));

export function lcaTail(options: { l?: string; h?: string; t?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    const ll = v(options.l, 'l');

    return l(ll, lcaTailUsage(ll, options));

//  PRINT = lambda L.
//    if NULL L then '/' else (HD L)::(PRINT (TL L))
// in let L = CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)) {an e.g.}
// in PRINT( CONS (NULL NIL)       {T}
//         ( CONS (NULL L)         {F}
//         ( CONS (HD L)           {1}
//         ( CONS (HD (TL L))      {2}
//         ( CONS (HD (TL (TL L))) {3}
//           NIL)))))              {/}
// {\fB Define (Flat) Lists From Scratch. \fP}

// ThAW: I.e.:

// car = hd = λl.(l true)
// cdr = tl = λl.(l false)

// An example list: λf.((f head) tail)

// cons = λh.λt.λf.((f h) t)

// nil = λf.true

// null? = λl.(l λh.λt.false)

// End of Lists version 2

// - In LISP terms:
//     - head = car
//     - tail = cdr
//     - cons? = append? -> It looks like append adds a onto the head of l, not the tail.
//         cons = λa.λl.λf.λx.?((f a) (l f) x)

export function lcaIsListUsage(ll: ILCExpression): ILCExpression {
    // TODO: If possible, implement this in the Lambda Calculus, not Typescript.

    return booleanToLCBoolean(isList(ll));

export function lcaIsList(options: { l?: string } = {}): ILCExpression {
    const ll = v(options.l, 'l');

    return l(ll, lcaIsListUsage(ll));

export function createCombinator(name: string): ILCExpression {
    const x = new LCVariable('x');
    const y = new LCVariable('y');
    const z = new LCVariable('z');

    switch (name) {
        case 'I':
            // The identity operator I, with the property that I x = x. See
            // I = SKK :
            // Note that I can be defined in terms of the other operators, since W K x = K x x = x, so I = W K. Also, since S K K x = K x (K x) = x, I can be defined as S K K.
            return l(x, x);

        case 'K':
            // The constancy operator K with the property that K x y = x. See
            return l(x, l(y, x));

        case 'S':
            // The distributor S with the property that S x y z = ((x z) (y z)). See
            return l(x, l(y, l(z, c(c(x, z), c(y, z)))));

        case 'Y':
            // The fixed-point combinator Y with the property that 𝐘𝐹=𝐹(𝐘𝐹) for any 𝜆-term 𝐹
            // λx.(λy.(x (y y)) λy.(x (y y)))
            return l(x, c(l(y, c(x, c(y, y))), l(y, c(x, c(y, y)))));

            throw new Error(
                `createCombinator() : Combinator '${name}' is either unimplemented or non-existent.`

export function reducesToTrue(expr: ILCExpression): boolean {
    return areIsomorphic(reduce(expr), createValueTrue());

export function reducesToFalse(expr: ILCExpression): boolean {
    return areIsomorphic(reduce(expr), createValueFalse());

export function isList(expr: ILCExpression): boolean {
    // A list (i.e. a pair) looks like this:
    // l(v, c(c(v, ?), ?))

    return (
        isLCLambdaExpression(expr) &&
        isLCFunctionCall(expr.body) &&
        isLCFunctionCall(expr.body.callee) &&
        isLCVariable(expr.body.callee.callee) && ===

export function exprToString(l: ILCExpression): string {
    const n = churchNumeralToInteger(l);

    return Number.isNaN(n) ? `${l}` : `${n}`;

export function listToString(l: ILCExpression): string {
    const fnIsListEmpty = lcaIsNull({ l: 'l0', h: 'h0', t: 't0', x: 'x0', y: 'y0' });
    // const fnIsListEmpty = lcaIsNull({ l: 'l0' });

    const fnGetHeadOfList = lcaHead({ l: 'l3', h: 'h3', t: 't3' });
    const fnGetTailOfList = lcaTail({ l: 'l4', h: 'h4', t: 't4' });

    const strList: string[] = [];

    while (!reducesToTrue(c(fnIsListEmpty, l))) {
        if (!isList(l)) {
            throw new Error('listToString() : !isList');

        const head = reduce(c(fnGetHeadOfList, l));

        l = reduce(c(fnGetTailOfList, l));

    return '[' + strList.join(', ') + ']';