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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/lisp/domain-object-model/float-literal.ts

import { ArgumentException, EvaluationException } from 'thaw-interpreter-core';

import { IExpression } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/iexpression';
import { INumber } from './inumber';
import { ISExpression } from './isexpression';
import { SExpressionBase } from './sexpression-base';

const typenameFloatLiteral = 'FloatLiteral';

export function isFloatLiteral(obj: unknown): obj is FloatLiteral {
    const otherFloatLiteral = obj as FloatLiteral;

    return (
        typeof otherFloatLiteral !== 'undefined' &&
        otherFloatLiteral.typename === typenameFloatLiteral

export class FloatLiteral extends SExpressionBase implements INumber {
    // , IConvertibleToGraph
    public readonly typename: string = typenameFloatLiteral;
    public readonly value: number;

    constructor(value: unknown) {

        if (typeof value !== 'number') {
            throw new ArgumentException(
                `FloatLiteral constructor: typeof value is not 'number'; it is '${typeof value}'.`,
        } else if (Number.isNaN(value)) {
            throw new ArgumentException(
                'FloatLiteral constructor: value is not a number (NaN).',

        this.value = value as number;

    // public override string ToString()
    // {
    //     // E.g. If d == 13.0, we want the string to be "13.0" rather than just "13", so that we can distinguish it from an integer.
    //     // Note: d == (tan (/ pi 4)) is a good test case; it should yield "1.0", not "1".
    //     var result = Value.ToString();

    //     if (result.IndexOf('.') < 0 && result.IndexOf('E') < 0) // I.e. If result does not contain either '.' or 'E'.
    //     {
    //         result = result + ".0";
    //     }

    //     return result;
    // }

    public toString(): string {
        // TODO: Ensure that there is a decimal point in the resulting string.
        // Floating-point numbers must always contain a decimal point.
        // Integers must never contain a decimal point.
        // Do not allow the output to be formatted as scientific notation.
        let result = `${this.value}`;

        if (result.match(/[A-Za-z]/)) {
            throw new EvaluationException(
                `FloatLiteral.toString() : The result ${result} contains one or more alphabetic characters`

        if (result.indexOf('.') < 0) {
            result = result + '.0';

        return result;

    public toInteger(): number {
        return Math.floor(this.value);

    public toDouble(): number {
        return this.value;

    public override isNumber(): boolean {
        return true;

    public convertToGraph(): IExpression<ISExpression> {
        return this;

    public override isEqualTo(other: unknown): boolean {
        return isFloatLiteral(other) && other.value === this.value;