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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/prolog/domain-object-model/prolog-global-info.ts

import { createSet, IImmutableSet } from 'thaw-common-utilities.ts';

import { IParser, ITokenizer } from 'thaw-interpreter-types';

import { GlobalInfoBase } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/global-info-base';

import { CutBacktrackException } from './cut-backtrack-exception';
import { CutDetector } from './cut-detector';
import { PrologClause } from './prolog-clause';
import { PrologFunctorExpression } from './prolog-functor-expression';
import { PrologGoal } from './prolog-goal';
import { PrologIntegerLiteral } from './prolog-integer-literal';
import { PrologModule } from './prolog-module';
import { createSubstitution } from './prolog-substitution';
import { createPrologVariable } from './prolog-variable';
import { StringIntKey } from './string-int-key';
import { createGoalFromFunctorExpression, findBindingVariablesInSubstitution } from '../utilities';

import { IPrologExpression } from './interfaces/iprolog-expression';
import { ISubstitution } from './interfaces/isubstitution';
import { IPrologVariable, isIPrologVariable } from './interfaces/ivariable';

enum SolutionCollectionMode {

export class PrologGlobalInfo extends GlobalInfoBase<IPrologExpression> {
    public static readonly ClauseAdded = 'Clause added.';
    public static readonly ClauseAlreadyExists =
        'An identical clause is already in the clause list.';
    public static readonly IsomorphicClauseAlreadyExists =
        'An isomorphic clause is already in the clause list.';
    public static readonly IsomorphicOrMoreGeneralClauseAlreadyExists =
        'An isomorphic or more general clause is already in the clause list.';
    public static readonly OperatorAdded = 'Operator added.';
    public static readonly InvalidCommand = 'Invalid command.';
    public static readonly Satisfied = 'Satisfied';
    public static readonly NotSatisfied = 'Not satisfied';
    // //public readonly List<PrologClause> ClauseList = new List<PrologClause>();
    // public readonly gs: LanguageSelector;
    // public readonly tokenizer: ITokenizer;
    // public readonly IParser parser;
    private variableRenameNum = 0;
    private allMode = false; // Determines how many solutions we will search for.  false means "first" mode; true means "all" mode.
    // private readonly HashSet<string> LoadedPresets = new HashSet<string>();
    private solutionCollectionMode = SolutionCollectionMode.None;
    private numSolutionsFound = 0;
    // private IPrologExpression findAll_Expression = null;
    // private List<IPrologExpression> findAll_ResultList = null;
    // private List<PrologVariable> caretListVariables = null;
    // private Dictionary<ExpressionListAsKey, List<IPrologExpression>> dictSolutions = null;
    // public string PathToDefaultDirectory = null;
    // private readonly Dictionary<StringIntKey, Func<PrologGoal, PrologSubstitution>> dictBuiltInPredicates
    //         = new Dictionary<StringIntKey, Func<PrologGoal, PrologSubstitution>>();
    // private readonly List<PrologOperator> Operators = new List<PrologOperator>();
    //     // #endif
    // public IInterpreterFileLoader FileLoader = null;
    private readonly DefaultModule = new PrologModule();
    // private readonly dictModules = new Map<string, PrologModule>(); // The keys are file paths.
    private guidNumber = 0;
    private readonly falseVal = new PrologIntegerLiteral(0);
    private readonly trueVal = new PrologIntegerLiteral(1);

        options: {
            parser?: IParser;
            tokenizer?: ITokenizer;
        } = {}
    ) {

    //     constructor(LanguageSelector gs, ITokenizer t, IParser p)
    //     {
    // = gs;
    //         tokenizer = t;
    //         parser = p;

    //         if (gs == LanguageSelector.Prolog)
    //         {
    //             dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("plus", 3)] = KaminPlus3;
    //             dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("minus", 3)] = KaminMinus3;
    //             dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("less", 2)] = LessThan2;
    //             dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("not-equal", 2)] = NotEquals2;
    //         }

    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("is", 2)] = Is2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("<", 2)] = LessThan2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey(">", 2)] = GreaterThan2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("=<", 2)] = EqualOrLessThan2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey(">=", 2)] = GreaterThanOrEqual2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("=:=", 2)] = ArithmeticEqual2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey(@"=\=", 2)] = ArithmeticNotEqual2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("=", 2)] = Unifiable2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey(@"\=", 2)] = NotUnifiable2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("==", 2)] = Equals2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey(@"\==", 2)] = NotEquals2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("open", 3)] = Open3;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("close", 1)] = Close1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("at_end_of_stream", 1)] = AtEndOfStream1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("read", 2)] = Read2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("get_code", 2)] = GetCode2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("write", 1)] = Write1; // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("write", 2)] = Write2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("tab", 1)] = Tab1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("tab", 2)] = Tab2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("nl", 0)] = NL0;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("nl", 1)] = NL1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("atom", 1)] = Atom1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("integer", 1)] = Integer1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("float", 1)] = Float1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("number", 1)] = Number1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("atomic", 1)] = Atomic1;
    //         // var: See usage in
    //         // See also
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("var", 1)] = Var1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("nonvar", 1)] = NonVar1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("ground", 1)] = Ground1; // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("random", 2)] = Random2;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("fail", 0)] = Fail0;
    //         // listing/0 and listing/1: See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("listing", 0)] = Listing0;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("listing", 1)] = Listing1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("arg", 3)] = Arg3; // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("=..", 2)] = Univ2; // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("atom_codes", 2)] = AtomicCodes;     // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("number_codes", 2)] = AtomicCodes;   // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("name", 2)] = AtomicCodes;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("atom_chars", 2)] = AtomicChars;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("number_chars", 2)] = AtomicChars;   // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("char_code", 2)] = CharCode;         // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("atom_number", 2)] = AtomNumber;     // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("atom_length", 2)] = AtomLength;     // See
    //         //dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("findall", 3)] = FindAll3;           // See
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("assert", 1)] = AssertA1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("asserta", 1)] = AssertA1;
    //         dictBuiltInPredicates[new StringIntKey("assertz", 1)] = AssertZ1;

    //         CreateBuiltInOperators();
    //         // #endif
    //     }

    public override toString(): string {
        return 'PrologGlobalInfo.toString()';

    public get falseValue(): IPrologExpression {
        // return new PrologIntegerLiteral(0);
        return this.falseVal;

    public get trueValue(): IPrologExpression {
        // return new PrologIntegerLiteral(1);
        return this.trueVal;

    public valueIsFalse(value: IPrologExpression): boolean {
        // return value === this.falseValue;

        // return this.valueIsInteger(value) && this.valueAsInteger(value) === 0;

        // Or: return this.valueIsInteger(value) && this.valueAsInteger(value) === this.valueAsInteger(this.falseValue);

        return value.equals(this.falseValue);

    public valueIsInteger(value: IPrologExpression): boolean {
        const pn = value.EvaluateToNumber();

        if (typeof pn === 'undefined') {
            return false;

        const n = pn.ToDouble();

        return !Number.isNaN(n) && Math.floor(n) === n;

    public valueAsInteger(value: IPrologExpression): number {
        // Should we return Number.NaN if value is not a (safe) integer?
        const pn = value.EvaluateToNumber();

        if (typeof pn === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('PrologGlobalInfo.valueAsInteger() error 1');

        const n = pn.ToDouble();

        if (Number.isNaN(n) || Math.floor(n) !== n) {
            throw new Error('PrologGlobalInfo.valueAsInteger() error 2');

        return n;

    public integerAsValue(value: number): IPrologExpression {
        return new PrologIntegerLiteral(value);

    //     private void CreateBuiltInOperators()
    //     {
    //         // See
    //         /*
    //         :-  op(  1200,  xfx,  [  :-,  -->  ]).
    //         :-  op(  1200,    fx,  [  :-,  ?-  ]).
    //         :-  op(  1100,  xfy,  [  ;  ]).
    //         :-  op(  1000,  xfy,  [  ’,’  ]).
    //         :-  op(    700,  xfx,  [  =,  is,  =..,  ==,  \==,  =:=,  =\=,  <,  >,  =<,  >=  ]).
    //         :-  op(    500,  yfx,  [  +,  -]).
    //         :-  op(    500,    fx,  [  +,  -  ]).
    //         :-  op(    300,  xfx,  [  mod  ]).
    //         :-  op(    200,  xfy,  [  ^  ]).
    //          */
    //         // See also
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(1200, OperatorType.xfx, ":-"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(1200, OperatorType.xfx, "-->"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(1200, OperatorType.fx, ":-"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(1200, OperatorType.fx, "?-"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(1100, OperatorType.xfy, ";"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(1100, OperatorType.xfy, "|"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(1050, OperatorType.xfy, "->"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(1000, OperatorType.xfy, ","));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(900, OperatorType.fy, @"\+"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, "="));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, "is"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, "=.."));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, "=="));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, @"\=="));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, "=:="));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, @"=\="));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, "<"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, ">"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, "=<"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(700, OperatorType.xfx, ">="));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(600, OperatorType.xfy, ":"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(500, OperatorType.yfx, "+"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(500, OperatorType.yfx, "-"));
    //         //Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(500, OperatorType.fx, "+"));
    //         //Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(500, OperatorType.fx, "-"));
    //         //Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(500, OperatorType.fx, "?")); // Do we use this?
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(400, OperatorType.yfx, "*"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(400, OperatorType.yfx, "/"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(400, OperatorType.yfx, "mod"));    // According to SWI-Prolog.
    //         //Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(300, OperatorType.xfx, "mod"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(200, OperatorType.xfy, "^"));
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(200, OperatorType.fy, "+"));       // According to SWI-Prolog.
    //         Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(200, OperatorType.fy, "-"));       // According to SWI-Prolog.
    //         //Operators.Add(new PrologOperator(0, OperatorType.fx, "("));
    //     }
    //     // #endif

    public Clear(): void {
        // ClauseList.Clear();
        this.variableRenameNum = 0;
        // LoadedPresets.Clear();
        // Operators.Clear();
        // CreateBuiltInOperators();
        // // #endif
        // dictModules.Clear();

    public FindFirstSolution(): void {
        this.allMode = false;

    public FindAllSolutions(): void {
        this.allMode = true;

    // public LoadPreset(presetName: string): string {
    //     // if (LoadedPresets.Contains(presetName)) {
    //     if (presetName in this.LoadedPresets) {
    //         // return string.Format("The preset '{0}' has already been loaded.", presetName);
    //         return `The preset '${presetName}' has already been loaded.`;
    //     }

    //     switch (presetName) {
    //         // case "<=":

    //         //     if (gs == LanguageSelector.Prolog)
    //         //     {
    //         //     ProcessInputString("(infer (<= X X))");
    //         //     ProcessInputString("(infer (<= X Y) from (less X Y))");
    //         //     }
    //         //     else
    //         //     {
    //         //     ProcessInputString("'<='(X, Y) :- X =< Y.");
    //         //     }

    //         //     break;

    //         // case "addtoend":

    //         //     if (gs == LanguageSelector.Prolog)
    //         //     {
    //         //     // (addtoend L X M) means that M is the list obtained by adding X to the end of L.
    //         //     ProcessInputString("(infer (addtoend nil X (cons X nil)))");
    //         //     ProcessInputString("(infer (addtoend (cons Y L) X (cons Y M)) from (addtoend L X M))");
    //         //     }
    //         //     else
    //         //     {
    //         //     ProcessInputString("addtoend([], X, [X]).");
    //         //     ProcessInputString("addtoend([Y | L], X, [Y | M]) :- addtoend(L, X, M).");
    //         //     }

    //         //     break;

    //         case 'append':
    //             //case "append2": // The preset name "append2" is deprecated.

    //             // if (gs == LanguageSelector.Prolog)
    //             // {
    //             // // (append L M N) means that N is the list obtained by appending M onto the end of L.
    //             // ProcessInputString("(infer (append nil L L))");
    //             // ProcessInputString("(infer (append (cons X L) M (cons X N)) from (append L M N))");
    //             // }
    //             // else
    //             // {
    //             this.ProcessInputString('append([], L, L).');
    //             this.ProcessInputString(
    //                 'append([X | Y], L, [X | Z]) :- append(Y, L, Z).'
    //             );
    //             // }

    //             break;

    //         case 'member':
    //             //case "member2": // The preset name "member2" is deprecated.

    //             // if (gs == LanguageSelector.Prolog)
    //             // {
    //             // ProcessInputString("(infer (member X (cons X L)))");
    //             // ProcessInputString("(infer (member X (cons Y M)) from (member X M))");
    //             // }
    //             // else
    //             // {
    //             this.ProcessInputString('member(X, [X | _]).');
    //             this.ProcessInputString('member(X, [_ | T]) :- member(X, T).');
    //             // }

    //             break;

    //         case 'permutation':
    //             this.LoadPreset('append');
    //             this.ProcessInputString('permutation([], []).');
    //             this.ProcessInputString(
    //                 'permutation(L, [H | T]) :- append(V, [H | U], L), append(V, U, W), permutation(W, T).'
    //             );
    //             break;

    //         case 'rev': // Reverse a list.
    //             this.ProcessInputString(
    //                 'accRev([H | T], A, R):-  accRev(T, [H | A], R).'
    //             );
    //             this.ProcessInputString('accRev([], A, A).');
    //             this.ProcessInputString('rev(L, R) :- accRev(L, [], R).');
    //             break;

    //         // case "succ":
    //         //     ProcessInputString("intToSucc(0, 0).");
    //         //     ProcessInputString("intToSucc(N, succ(L)) :- N > 0, M is N - 1, intToSucc(M, L).");
    //         //     ProcessInputString("succToInt(0, 0).");
    //         //     ProcessInputString("succToInt(succ(L), N) :- succToInt(L, M), N is M + 1.");
    //         //     break;

    //         // case "atom_concat":
    //         //     LoadPreset("append");
    //         //     // We want to use a cut in one of these clauses to avoid repeated results in the case where A1, A2, and A3 are all atomic.
    //         //     // We can use a cut in this clause because it can produce at most one result, even in "all" mode:
    //         //     ProcessInputString("atom_concat(A1, A2, A3) :- atomic(A1), atomic(A2), atom_chars(A1, L1), atom_chars(A2, L2), append(L1, L2, L3), atom_chars(A3, L3), !.");
    //         //     // We don't use a cut in ths clause because it can produce multiple results in "all" mode:
    //         //     ProcessInputString("atom_concat(A1, A2, A3) :- atomic(A3), atom_chars(A3, L3), append(L1, L2, L3), atom_chars(A1, L1), atom_chars(A2, L2).");
    //         //     break;

    //         // case "concat_atom":
    //         //     LoadPreset("atom_concat");
    //         //     ProcessInputString("concat_atomAcc(Acc, [], Acc).");
    //         //     ProcessInputString("concat_atomAcc(Acc, [H | T], Result) :- atom_concat(Acc, H, Acc2), concat_atomAcc(Acc2, T, Result).");
    //         //     // We can use a cut in this clause to avoid reporting results using both this clause and the next clause when in "all" mode.
    //         //     // This clause is not satisfied when there are variables in the first parameter.
    //         //     ProcessInputString("concat_atom([H | T], Result) :- concat_atomAcc(H, T, Result), !.");
    //         //     // We don't use a cut in ths clause because it can produce multiple results in "all" mode:
    //         //     ProcessInputString("concat_atom([X, Y], Result) :- atom_concat(X, Y, Result).");
    //         //     break;

    //         default:
    //             throw new Error(
    //                 `LoadPreset() : Unknown preset name '${presetName}'.`
    //             );
    //     }

    //     this.LoadedPresets.push(presetName);

    //     return `The preset '${presetName}' has been successfully loaded.`;
    // }

    //     public void LoadPresets()
    //     {
    //         //ProcessInputString("");
    //     }

    //     private PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor> CreateAtom(PrologFunctor f)
    //     {
    //         return new PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>(gs, f);
    //     }

    //     private PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor> CreateAtom(string name)
    //     {

    //         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
    //         {
    //             throw new Exception("CreateAtom() : The atom name is null or empty.");
    //         }

    //         return CreateAtom(new PrologFunctor(name));
    //     }

    public GetNextUniqueVariable(): IPrologVariable {

        return createPrologVariable(`Var${this.variableRenameNum}`);

    private GetVariablesFromGoalList(goalListParam: PrologGoal[]): IImmutableSet<IPrologVariable> {
        const result = createSet<IPrologVariable>();

        // console.log('goalListParam is', typeof goalListParam, goalListParam);

        for (const goal of goalListParam) {

        return result;

    public GetListOfBindingVariablesFromGoalList(goalListParam: PrologGoal[]): IPrologVariable[] {
        let result: IPrologVariable[] = [];

        for (const goal of goalListParam) {
            result = result.concat(goal.GetListOfBindingVariables());

        return result;

    //     private PrologSubstitution ApplyAssert1(PrologGoal goal, bool asserta)
    //     {
    //         var clause = CreateClause_General(goal.ExpressionList[0]);

    //         if (clause == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         if (asserta)
    //         {
    //             DefaultModule.ClauseList.Insert(0, clause);
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             DefaultModule.ClauseList.Add(clause);
    //         }

    //         return new PrologSubstitution();
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution AssertA1(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         return ApplyAssert1(goal, true);
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution AssertZ1(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         return ApplyAssert1(goal, false);
    //     }

    //     // Question: Should retract be able to remove multiple clauses when retracting a clause that uses non-binding variables?
    //     // See the definition of "undo" at the bottom of
    //     // Answer: No, we provide retractall (further below) for removing multiple clauses without binding any variables.

    //     private PrologSubstitution Retract1(PrologGoal goal, PrologSubstitution oldSubstitution, HashSet<PrologVariable> parentVariablesToAvoid)
    //     {
    //         var clause = CreateClause_General(goal.ExpressionList[0]);

    //         if (clause == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         var variablesToAvoid = clause.FindBindingVariables();

    //         variablesToAvoid.unionInPlace(parentVariablesToAvoid);
    //         variablesToAvoid.unionInPlace(oldSubstitution.FindBindingVariables());

    //         for (var clauseNum = 0; clauseNum < DefaultModule.ClauseList.Count; ++clauseNum)
    //         {
    //             var newClause = DefaultModule.ClauseList[clauseNum].RenameVariables(variablesToAvoid, this);
    //             var unifier = newClause.Unify(clause);

    //             if (unifier != null)
    //             {
    //                 DefaultModule.ClauseList.RemoveAt(clauseNum);

    //                 return oldSubstitution.Compose(unifier);
    //             }
    //         }

    //         // No clause was retracted.
    //         // TODO: Should we really return null if nothing was retracted, or should we say that "retract" successfully did nothing?
    //         return null;
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution RetractAll1(PrologGoal goal, PrologSubstitution oldSubstitution, HashSet<PrologVariable> parentVariablesToAvoid)
    //     {
    //         var clause = CreateClause_General(goal.ExpressionList[0]);

    //         if (clause == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         var variablesToAvoid = clause.FindBindingVariables();

    //         variablesToAvoid.unionInPlace(parentVariablesToAvoid);
    //         variablesToAvoid.unionInPlace(oldSubstitution.FindBindingVariables());

    //         var clausesToRemove = DefaultModule.ClauseList
    //             .Where(cl => clause.RenameVariables(variablesToAvoid, this).Unify(cl) != null)
    //             .ToList();

    //         if (clausesToRemove.Count == 0)
    //         {
    //             // No clause was retracted.
    //             // TODO: Should we really return null if nothing was retracted, or should we say that "retractall" successfully did nothing?
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         for each (var cl in clausesToRemove)
    //         {
    //             DefaultModule.ClauseList.Remove(cl);
    //         }

    //         return new PrologSubstitution();
    //     }

    //     // This function is used by Kamin's Prolog only.

    //     private PrologSubstitution KaminApplyBuiltInArithmeticOperator(
    //         PrologGoal goal,
    //         Func<int, int, int> arithmeticOperator)
    //     {
    //         var intlit1 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
    //         var intlit2 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

    //         if (intlit1 == null || intlit2 == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         var sum = arithmeticOperator(intlit1.Value, intlit2.Value);

    //         return goal.ExpressionList[2].Unify(new PrologIntegerLiteral(sum));
    //     }

    // private applyBuiltInComparisonOperator(
    //     goal: PrologGoal,
    //     // Func<int, int, bool> intComparisonOperator,
    //     // Func<double, double, bool> floatComparisonOperator
    //     comparisonOperator: (x: number, y: number) => boolean
    // ): ISubstitution | undefined {
    //     const lhsEvalated = goal.ExpressionList[0].EvaluateToNumber();
    //     const rhsEvalated = goal.ExpressionList[1].EvaluateToNumber();
    //     if (typeof lhsEvalated === 'undefined' || typeof rhsEvalated === 'undefined') {
    //         return undefined;
    //     }
    //     // let comparisonResult: boolean;
    //     //
    //     // if (lhsEvalated is PrologIntegerLiteral && rhsEvalated is PrologIntegerLiteral)
    //     // {
    //     //     comparisonResult = intComparisonOperator(lhsEvalated.ToInteger(), rhsEvalated.ToInteger());
    //     // }
    //     // else
    //     // {
    //     //     comparisonResult = floatComparisonOperator(lhsEvalated.ToDouble(), rhsEvalated.ToDouble());
    //     // }
    //     if (comparisonOperator(lhsEvalated.ToDouble(), rhsEvalated.ToDouble())) {
    //         return createSubstitution();
    //     }
    //     return undefined;
    // }
    // private greaterThan2(goal: PrologGoal): ISubstitution | undefined {
    //     return this.applyBuiltInComparisonOperator(goal, (x, y) => x > y);
    // }

    //     private PrologSubstitution GoalDisjunction2(
    //         PrologGoal goal,
    //         List<PrologGoal> goalList,
    //         List<CutDetector> cutDetectorList,
    //         int goalNum,
    //         PrologSubstitution oldSubstitution,
    //         HashSet<PrologVariable> parentVariablesToAvoid,
    //         List<PrologVariable> variablesInQuery,
    //         List<PrologModule> listOfCurrentModules)
    //     {
    //         var goal1 = ExpressionToGoal(goal.ExpressionList[0]);
    //         var goal2 = ExpressionToGoal(goal.ExpressionList[1]);
    //         var nextGoalNum = goalNum + 1;
    //         var cutDetector = cutDetectorList[goalNum];
    //         var currentModule = listOfCurrentModules[goalNum];
    //         PrologSubstitution localSubstitution;

    //         if (goal1 == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         goalList.Insert(nextGoalNum, goal1);
    //         cutDetectorList.Insert(nextGoalNum, cutDetector);
    //         listOfCurrentModules.Insert(nextGoalNum, currentModule);

    //         try
    //         {
    //             localSubstitution = ProveGoalList(goalList, cutDetectorList, nextGoalNum, oldSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery,
    //                 listOfCurrentModules);
    //         }
    //         finally // In case a CutBacktrackException is thrown.
    //         {
    //             goalList.RemoveAt(nextGoalNum);
    //             cutDetectorList.RemoveAt(nextGoalNum);
    //             listOfCurrentModules.RemoveAt(nextGoalNum);
    //         }

    //         if (localSubstitution != null)
    //         {
    //             return localSubstitution;
    //         }

    //         if (goal2 == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         goalList.Insert(nextGoalNum, goal2);
    //         cutDetectorList.Insert(nextGoalNum, cutDetector);
    //         listOfCurrentModules.Insert(nextGoalNum, currentModule);

    //         try
    //         {
    //             localSubstitution = ProveGoalList(goalList, cutDetectorList, nextGoalNum, oldSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery,
    //                 listOfCurrentModules);
    //         }
    //         finally // In case a CutBacktrackException is thrown.
    //         {
    //             goalList.RemoveAt(nextGoalNum);
    //             cutDetectorList.RemoveAt(nextGoalNum);
    //             listOfCurrentModules.RemoveAt(nextGoalNum);
    //         }

    //         return localSubstitution;
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution IfThenElse3(
    //         //PrologGoal goal,
    //         IPrologExpression ifPart,
    //         IPrologExpression thenPart,
    //         IPrologExpression elsePart,
    //         List<PrologGoal> goalList,
    //         List<CutDetector> cutDetectorList,
    //         int goalNum,
    //         PrologSubstitution oldSubstitution,
    //         HashSet<PrologVariable> parentVariablesToAvoid,
    //         List<PrologVariable> variablesInQuery,
    //         List<PrologModule> listOfCurrentModules)
    //     {
    //         var conditionGoal = ExpressionToGoal(ifPart);

    //         if (conditionGoal == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         var nextGoalNum = goalNum + 1;
    //         IPrologExpression chosenGoalAsExpression;
    //         var cutDetector = cutDetectorList[goalNum];
    //         var currentModule = listOfCurrentModules[goalNum];
    //         var cachedAllMode = allMode;
    //         var cachedSolutionCollectionMode = solutionCollectionMode;
    //         var tempGoalList = new List<PrologGoal>() { conditionGoal };
    //         // goalIfThenElse.ConditionGoal had better not be a cut;
    //         // it would not make much sense if it was, since it would always be satisfied, and it would do nothing.
    //         var tempCutDetectorList = new List<CutDetector>() { cutDetector };
    //         var tempListOfCurrentModules = new List<PrologModule>() { currentModule };
    //         PrologSubstitution localSubstitution;
    //         PrologSubstitution result;

    //         allMode = false;
    //         solutionCollectionMode = SolutionCollectionMode.None;

    //         try
    //         {
    //             localSubstitution = ProveGoalList(tempGoalList, tempCutDetectorList, 0, oldSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid, null, tempListOfCurrentModules);
    //         }
    //         finally
    //         {
    //             allMode = cachedAllMode;
    //             solutionCollectionMode = cachedSolutionCollectionMode;
    //         }

    //         if (localSubstitution != null)
    //         {
    //             chosenGoalAsExpression = thenPart;
    //             //localSubstitution = oldSubstitution.Compose(localSubstitution);
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             chosenGoalAsExpression = elsePart;
    //             localSubstitution = oldSubstitution;
    //         }

    //         var chosenGoal = ExpressionToGoal(chosenGoalAsExpression);

    //         if (chosenGoal == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         goalList.Insert(nextGoalNum, chosenGoal);
    //         cutDetectorList.Insert(nextGoalNum, cutDetector);
    //         listOfCurrentModules.Insert(nextGoalNum, currentModule);

    //         try
    //         {
    //             result = ProveGoalList(goalList, cutDetectorList, nextGoalNum, localSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery, listOfCurrentModules);
    //         }
    //         finally
    //         {
    //             goalList.RemoveAt(nextGoalNum);
    //             cutDetectorList.RemoveAt(nextGoalNum);
    //             listOfCurrentModules.RemoveAt(nextGoalNum);
    //         }

    //         return result;
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Functor3(PrologGoal goal, HashSet<PrologVariable> parentVariablesToAvoid)
    //     {
    //         var firstArgAsFunctorExpression = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;
    //         var firstArgAsVariable = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologVariable;
    //         var secondArgAsFunctorExpression = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;
    //         var secondArgAsVariable = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologVariable;
    //         var thirdArgAsInteger = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
    //         var thirdArgAsVariable = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologVariable;
    //         var functorSubstitution = new PrologSubstitution();

    //         if (firstArgAsFunctorExpression != null)
    //         {
    //             var functorName = firstArgAsFunctorExpression.Name;
    //             var functorArity = firstArgAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList.Count;

    //             if (secondArgAsFunctorExpression != null)
    //             {

    //                 if (secondArgAsFunctorExpression.Name != functorName || secondArgAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList.Count != 0)
    //                 {
    //                     return null;
    //                 }
    //             }
    //             else if (secondArgAsVariable != null)
    //             {
    //                 //functorSubstitution.SubstitutionList[secondArgAsVariable] = CreateAtom(firstArgAsFunctorExpression.Name);
    //                 functorSubstitution = secondArgAsVariable.Unify(CreateAtom(firstArgAsFunctorExpression.Name));
    //             }
    //             else
    //             {
    //                 return null;
    //             }

    //             if (thirdArgAsVariable != null && functorSubstitution.SubstitutionList.Count > 0)
    //             {
    //                 var newThirdArg = thirdArgAsVariable.ApplySubstitution(functorSubstitution);

    //                 thirdArgAsInteger = newThirdArg as PrologIntegerLiteral;
    //                 thirdArgAsVariable = newThirdArg as PrologVariable;
    //             }

    //             if (thirdArgAsInteger != null)
    //             {

    //                 if (thirdArgAsInteger.Value != functorArity)
    //                 {
    //                     return null;
    //                 }
    //             }
    //             else if (thirdArgAsVariable != null)
    //             {
    //                 //var sub = new PrologSubstitution(thirdArgAsVariable, new PrologIntegerLiteral(functorArity));
    //                 // Use Unify() because thirdArgAsVariable could be a non-binding variable.
    //                 var sub = thirdArgAsVariable.Unify(new PrologIntegerLiteral(functorArity));

    //                 functorSubstitution = functorSubstitution.Compose(sub);
    //             }
    //             else
    //             {
    //                 return null;
    //             }
    //         }
    //         else if (firstArgAsVariable != null)
    //         {

    //             if (secondArgAsFunctorExpression != null && secondArgAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList.Count == 0 &&
    //                 thirdArgAsInteger != null && thirdArgAsInteger.Value >= 0)
    //             {
    //                 var variablesToAvoid = goal.FindBindingVariables();

    //                 variablesToAvoid.unionInPlace(parentVariablesToAvoid);

    //                 var exprList = new List<IPrologExpression>();

    //                 for (var i = 0; i < thirdArgAsInteger.Value; ++i)
    //                 {
    //                     // TODO: This code is similar to code in ProveGoalList().  Factor out the common code.
    //                     PrologVariable v;

    //                     do
    //                     {
    //                         v = GetNextUniqueVariable();
    //                     }
    //                     while (variablesToAvoid.Contains(v));

    //                     exprList.Add(v);
    //                 }

    //                 functorSubstitution = firstArgAsVariable.Unify(new PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>(
    //                     gs,
    //                     secondArgAsFunctorExpression.Name,
    //                     exprList));
    //             }
    //             else
    //             {
    //                 return null;
    //             }
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             // The first argument is neither a functor expression nor a variable.
    //             // The second argument must be either a variable or firstArg.ToString().
    //             // The third argument must be either a variable or the integer zero.
    //             var firstArgAsString = goal.ExpressionList[0].ToString();

    //             if (secondArgAsFunctorExpression != null && secondArgAsFunctorExpression.Name == firstArgAsString &&
    //                 secondArgAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList.Count == 0)
    //             {
    //             }
    //             else if (secondArgAsVariable != null)
    //             {
    //                 functorSubstitution = secondArgAsVariable.Unify(CreateAtom(firstArgAsString));
    //             }
    //             else
    //             {
    //                 return null;
    //             }

    //             if (thirdArgAsVariable != null && functorSubstitution.SubstitutionList.Count > 0)
    //             {
    //                 var newThirdArg = thirdArgAsVariable.ApplySubstitution(functorSubstitution);

    //                 thirdArgAsInteger = newThirdArg as PrologIntegerLiteral;
    //                 thirdArgAsVariable = newThirdArg as PrologVariable;
    //             }

    //             if (thirdArgAsInteger != null && thirdArgAsInteger.Value == 0)
    //             {
    //             }
    //             else if (thirdArgAsVariable != null)
    //             {
    //                 //var sub = new PrologSubstitution(thirdArgAsVariable, new PrologIntegerLiteral(0));
    //                 // Use Unify() because thirdArgAsVariable could be a non-binding variable.
    //                 var sub = thirdArgAsVariable.Unify(new PrologIntegerLiteral(0));

    //                 functorSubstitution = functorSubstitution.Compose(sub);
    //             }
    //             else
    //             {
    //                 return null;
    //             }
    //         }

    //         return functorSubstitution;
    //     }

    //     private void Print(PrologGoal unsubstitutedGoal, PrologGoal goal)
    //     {

    //         if (sbOutput.Length > 0)
    //         {
    //             sbOutput.AppendLine();
    //         }

    // #if OLD_PRINT
    //         sbOutput.Append(string.Join(" ", goal.ExpressionList));
    // #else
    //         var resultList = new List<string>();

    //         for (var i = 0; i < goal.ExpressionList.Count; ++i)
    //         {
    //             resultList.Add(string.Format("{0} = {1}", unsubstitutedGoal.ExpressionList[i], goal.ExpressionList[i]));
    //         }

    //         sbOutput.Append(string.Join(", ", resultList));

    //         if (allMode)
    //         {
    //             sbOutput.Append(";");
    //         }
    // #endif
    //     }

    private AutomaticPrint(variablesInQuery: IPrologVariable[], substitution: ISubstitution): void {
        if (variablesInQuery.length === 0) {

        const substitutionsForBindingVariables = createSubstitution();

        for (const v of variablesInQuery) {
            const key = v.toString();
            const value = substitution.SubstitutionList.get(key);

            if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
                substitutionsForBindingVariables.SubstitutionList.set(key, value);

        this.printDirect(`Satisfying substitution is: ${substitutionsForBindingVariables}`);

    // private Is2(goal: PrologGoal): PrologSubstitution | undefined {
    //     const rhsEvaluated = goal.ExpressionList[1].EvaluateToNumber();

    //     if (typeof rhsEvaluated === 'undefined') {
    //         return undefined;
    //     }

    //     // if (goal.ExpressionList[0] is IPrologNumber) {
    //     if (
    //         goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral ||
    //         goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologFloatLiteral
    //     ) {
    //         // if (goal.ExpressionList[0].Equals(rhsEvaluated)) { // Remember that the int 1 does not equal the double 1.0 according to this code.
    //         if (goal.ExpressionList[0].EvaluateToNumber() === rhsEvaluated) {
    //             return new PrologSubstitution();
    //         }
    //     } else if (goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologVariable) {
    //         //var newSubstitution = new PrologSubstitution((PrologVariable)goal.ExpressionList[0], rhsEvaluated);
    //         // Use Unify() because goal.ExpressionList[0] could be a non-binding variable.

    //         return goal.ExpressionList[0].Unify(rhsEvaluated);
    //     }

    //     return undefined;
    // }

    private Unifiable2(goal: PrologGoal): ISubstitution | undefined {
        return goal.ExpressionList[0].Unify(goal.ExpressionList[1]);

    private NotUnifiable2(goal: PrologGoal): ISubstitution | undefined {
        const s = goal.ExpressionList[0].Unify(goal.ExpressionList[1]);

        if (typeof s !== 'undefined') {
            return undefined;

        return createSubstitution();

    private Equals2(goal: PrologGoal): ISubstitution | undefined {
        if (goal.ExpressionList[0].equals(goal.ExpressionList[1])) {
            return createSubstitution();

        return undefined;

    private NotEquals2(goal: PrologGoal): ISubstitution | undefined {
        if (goal.ExpressionList[0].equals(goal.ExpressionList[1])) {
            return undefined;

        return createSubstitution();

    //     private PrologSubstitution Tab1(PrologGoal goal) // See
    //     {
    //         var firstArgAsIntegerLiteral = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

    //         if (firstArgAsIntegerLiteral == null || firstArgAsIntegerLiteral.Value <= 0)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         for (var i = 0; i < firstArgAsIntegerLiteral.Value; ++i)
    //         {
    //             sbOutput.Append(' ');
    //         }

    //         return new PrologSubstitution();
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Tab2(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         var firstArgAsFileWriter = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologFileWriter;
    //         var secondArgAsIntegerLiteral = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

    //         if (firstArgAsFileWriter != null && secondArgAsIntegerLiteral != null && //secondArgAsIntegerLiteral.Value > 0 &&
    //             firstArgAsFileWriter.Tab(secondArgAsIntegerLiteral.Value))
    //         {
    //             return new PrologSubstitution();
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution NL0(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         sbOutput.AppendLine();
    //         return new PrologSubstitution();
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution NL1(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         var firstArgAsFileWriter = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologFileWriter;

    //         if (firstArgAsFileWriter != null && firstArgAsFileWriter.NewLine())
    //         {
    //             return new PrologSubstitution();
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Atom1(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         var firstAndOnlyArgAsFunctorExpression = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;

    //         if (firstAndOnlyArgAsFunctorExpression != null && firstAndOnlyArgAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList.Count == 0)
    //         {
    //             return new PrologSubstitution();
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }
    //     }

    // private Integer1(goal: PrologGoal): PrologSubstitution | undefined {
    //     if (goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral) {
    //         return new PrologSubstitution();
    //     }

    //     return undefined;
    // }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Float1(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {

    //         if (goal.ExpressionList[0] is PrologFloatLiteral)
    //         {
    //             return new PrologSubstitution();
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Number1(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {

    //         if (goal.ExpressionList[0] is IPrologNumber)
    //         {
    //             return new PrologSubstitution();
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Atomic1(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         var firstAndOnlyArgAsFunctorExpression = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;
    //         var firstAndOnlyArgIsAtom = firstAndOnlyArgAsFunctorExpression != null && firstAndOnlyArgAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList.Count == 0;

    //         if (firstAndOnlyArgIsAtom || goal.ExpressionList[0] is IPrologNumber)
    //         {
    //             return new PrologSubstitution();
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }
    //     }

    // private Var1(goal: PrologGoal): PrologSubstitution | undefined {
    //     if (goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologVariable) {
    //         return new PrologSubstitution();
    //     }

    //     return undefined;
    // }

    // private NonVar1(goal: PrologGoal): PrologSubstitution | undefined {
    //     if (goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologVariable) {
    //         return undefined;
    //     }

    //     return new PrologSubstitution();
    // }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Ground1(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {

    //         if (goal.ExpressionList[0].IsGround)
    //         {
    //             return new PrologSubstitution();
    //         }
    //         else
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Random2(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         var firstArgAsIntegerLiteral = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

    //         if (firstArgAsIntegerLiteral == null || firstArgAsIntegerLiteral.Value <= 0 || !(goal.ExpressionList[1] is PrologVariable))
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         var randomNumber = random.Next(firstArgAsIntegerLiteral.Value);

    //         // Use Unify() because goal.ExpressionList[1] could be a non-binding variable.
    //         return goal.ExpressionList[1].Unify(new PrologIntegerLiteral(randomNumber));
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Fail0(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         return null;
    //     }

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    // private Fail0(goal: PrologGoal): undefined {
    //     return undefined;
    // }

    //     // "listing" and "listing(targetName)"; see

    //     private PrologSubstitution Listing0(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {

    //         for each (var moduleName in dictModules.Keys)
    //         {
    //             sbOutput.AppendLine(string.Format("Module '{0}' :", moduleName));
    //             dictModules[moduleName].ClauseList.For Each(clause => sbOutput.AppendLine(clause.ToString()));
    //             sbOutput.AppendLine();
    //         }

    //         sbOutput.AppendLine("Default module:");
    //         DefaultModule.ClauseList.For Each(clause => sbOutput.AppendLine(clause.ToString()));
    //         return new PrologSubstitution();
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Listing1(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         string targetName = null;
    //         var functorExpression = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;
    //         var variable = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologVariable;

    //         if (functorExpression != null && functorExpression.ExpressionList.Count == 0)
    //         {
    //             targetName = functorExpression.Name; // The name probably does not begin with a capital letter or an underscore, unless it was single quoted.
    //         }
    //         else if (variable != null)
    //         {
    //             targetName = variable.Name; // The name begins with a capital letter or an underscore.
    //         }

    //         if (targetName == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         // TODO? Should we include clauses that contain mentions of targetName on their RHSs?

    //         for each (var moduleName in dictModules.Keys)
    //         {
    //             sbOutput.AppendLine(string.Format("Module '{0}' :", moduleName));
    //             dictModules[moduleName].ClauseList
    //                 .Where(clause => clause.Lhs.Name == targetName)
    //                 .ToList()
    //                 .For Each(clause => sbOutput.AppendLine(clause.ToString()));
    //             sbOutput.AppendLine();
    //         }

    //         sbOutput.AppendLine("Default module:");
    //         DefaultModule.ClauseList
    //             .Where(clause => clause.Lhs.Name == targetName)
    //             .ToList()
    //             .For Each(clause => sbOutput.AppendLine(clause.ToString()));
    //         return new PrologSubstitution();
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Arg3(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         var firstArgAsInteger = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
    //         var secondArgAsFunctorExpression = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;

    //         if (firstArgAsInteger == null || firstArgAsInteger.Value <= 0 ||
    //             secondArgAsFunctorExpression == null || secondArgAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList.Count < firstArgAsInteger.Value)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         return secondArgAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList[firstArgAsInteger.Value - 1].Unify(goal.ExpressionList[2]);
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution Univ2(PrologGoal goal)
    //     {
    //         var firstArgAsFunctorExpression = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;
    //         var firstArgAsVariable = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologVariable;
    //         var secondArgAsFunctorExpression = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;
    //         var secondArgAsVariable = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologVariable;

    //         if (firstArgAsFunctorExpression != null)
    //         {
    //             var f = CreateAtom(firstArgAsFunctorExpression.Name);
    //             var list = new PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>(LanguageSelector.Prolog2, new PrologFunctor("."),
    //                 new List<IPrologExpression>() { f, CSharpListToPrologList(firstArgAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList) });

    //             return list.Unify(goal.ExpressionList[1]);
    //         }
    //         else if (firstArgAsVariable != null)
    //         {
    //             var list = PrologListToCSharpList(goal.ExpressionList[1]);

    //             if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
    //             {
    //                 return null;
    //             }

    //             var f = list[0] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;

    //             if (f == null || f.ExpressionList.Count != 0)
    //             {
    //                 return null;
    //             }

    //             // Unify instead of explicitly creating the substitution, because list may contain firstArgAsVariable,
    //             // or firstArgAsVariable may be non-binding.
    //             return firstArgAsVariable.Unify(new PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>(LanguageSelector.Prolog2, f.Name, list.Skip(1).ToList()));
    //         }
    //         else if (goal.ExpressionList[0] is IPrologNumber)
    //         {
    //             // Note: This case is not described in
    //             var f = CreateAtom(goal.ExpressionList[0].ToString());
    //             var list = CSharpListToPrologList(new List<IPrologExpression>() { f });

    //             return list.Unify(goal.ExpressionList[1]);
    //         }

    //         return null;
    //     }

    //     private PrologSubstitution FindAll3(PrologGoal goal, HashSet<PrologVariable> parentVariablesToAvoid, PrologModule currentModule)
    //     {
    //         var secondArgAsFunctorExpression = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;

    //         if (secondArgAsFunctorExpression == null)
    //         {
    //             return null;
    //         }

    //         var tempGoalList = new List<PrologGoal>() { secondArgAsFunctorExpression.ToGoal() }; // oldSubstitution has already been applied.
    //         var tempCutDetectorList = new List<CutDetector>() { null };
    //         var tempListOfCurrentModules = new List<PrologModule>() { currentModule };
    //         var cachedSolutionCollectionMode = solutionCollectionMode;
    //         var cachedFindAll_Expression = findAll_Expression;
    //         var cachedFindAll_ResultList = findAll_ResultList;
    //         var cachedAllMode = allMode;

    //         solutionCollectionMode = SolutionCollectionMode.FindAll;
    //         findAll_Expression = goal.ExpressionList[0];
    //         findAll_ResultList = new List<IPrologExpression>();
    //         allMode = true;

    //         try
    //         {
    //             ProveGoalList(tempGoalList, tempCutDetectorList, 0, new PrologSubstitution(), parentVariablesToAvoid, null, tempListOfCurrentModules);
    //             return goal.ExpressionList[2].Unify(CSharpListToPrologList(findAll_ResultList));
    //         }
    //         finally
    //         {
    //             solutionCollectionMode = cachedSolutionCollectionMode;
    //             findAll_Expression = cachedFindAll_Expression;
    //             findAll_ResultList = cachedFindAll_ResultList;
    //             allMode = cachedAllMode;
    //         }
    //     }

    private doIntegerArithmetic(op: string, n1: number, n2: number): number {
        switch (op) {
            case 'add':
            case '+':
                return n1 + n2;
            case 'sub':
            case '-':
                return n1 - n2;
            case 'mult':
            case '*':
                return n1 * n2;
            case 'div':
            case '/':
                if (n2 === 0) {
                    throw new Error('doIntegerArithmetic() : Division by zero');

                return Math.floor(n1 / n2);
            case 'mod':
            case '%':
                if (n2 === 0) {
                    throw new Error('doIntegerArithmetic() : Modulus by zero');

                return n1 % n2;
                throw new Error(`doIntegerArithmetic() : Unsupported operator '${op}'`);

    private doIntegerComparison(op: string, n1: number, n2: number): boolean {
        switch (op) {
            case 'lt':
            case '<':
                return n1 < n2;
            case 'le':
            case '=<':
                return n1 <= n2;
            case 'gt':
            case '>':
                return n1 > n2;
            case 'ge':
            case '>=':
                return n1 >= n2;
            case 'eq':
            case '=:=': // Prolog's arithmetic equals comparison operator
                return n1 === n2;
            case 'ne':
            case '=\\=': // Prolog's arithmetic not-equal comparison operator
                return n1 !== n2;
                throw new Error(`doIntegerComparison() : Unsupported operator '${op}'`);

    private createSubstitutionForArithmeticOperation(
        goal: PrologGoal,
        vi: number,
        n1i: number,
        n2i: number,
        op: string
    ): ISubstitution | undefined {
        // TODO? : Return { match: boolean; substitution: ISubstitution | undefined; }
        // Then create an array or iterator or generator:
        // [() => this.createSubstitutionForArithmeticOperation(goal, a, b, c, op), ...]
        // and use .find() to find the first one (if any) with match === true
        const v = goal.ExpressionList[vi] as IPrologVariable;
        const n1 = goal.ExpressionList[n1i] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
        const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[n2i] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

        let result = 0;

        if ((op === '/' || op === 'div') && n2.Value === 0) {
            if (n1.Value !== 0) {
                return undefined;

            // We will define 0 / 0 to be 0, so that 0 * N = 0 => N = 0.
        } else {
            result = this.doIntegerArithmetic(op, n1.Value, n2.Value);

        return createSubstitution(v.Name, new PrologIntegerLiteral(result));

    private ProveGoalList(
        goalList: PrologGoal[],
        cutDetectorList: CutDetector[],
        goalNum: number,
        oldSubstitution: ISubstitution,
        parentVariablesToAvoid: IImmutableSet<IPrologVariable>,
        variablesInQuery: IPrologVariable[], // Print these variables and their values automatically upon success if there is no print() goal at the end
        listOfCurrentModules: PrologModule[]
    ): ISubstitution | undefined {
        if (goalNum >= goalList.length) {
            // The goal list has been satisfied.

            // console.log(
            //     `ProveGoalList() : The goal list of length ${goalList.length} has been satisfied`
            // );
            // console.log(
            //     'ProveGoalList() : Found solution:',
            //     oldSubstitution.toString()
            // );
            // this.printDirect(
            //     `ProveGoalList() : Found solution: ${oldSubstitution}`
            // );

            // **** Begin automatic printing ****
            // const lastGoal =
            //     goalList.length > 0 ? goalList[goalList.length - 1] : undefined;

            // if (
            //     typeof lastGoal !== 'undefined' &&
            //     lastGoal.Name !== 'print'
            // ) {
            //     // Don't do automatic printing if the last goal was a print() goal.
            this.AutomaticPrint(variablesInQuery, oldSubstitution);
            // }

            // **** End automatic printing ****

            // To continue searching for other solutions (i.e. if we are operating in "all" mode rather than "first" mode), return null.

            if (this.allMode) {
                return undefined;

            return oldSubstitution;

        if (oldSubstitution.SubstitutionList.size > 100) {
            throw new Error(
                'ProveGoalList() : **** Aborting because the substitution is too long. ****'
        // #endif

        // console.log('ProveGoalList() : The goal list is:');

        // for (let i = 0; i < goalList.length; i++) {
        //     console.log(
        //         `${i === goalNum ? '-> ' : ''}${i + 1} : ${goalList[i]}`
        //     );
        // }

        // console.log(
        //     `ProveGoalList() : Proving goal ${goalNum + 1} of ${
        //         goalList.length
        //     }...`
        // );

        const unsubstitutedGoal = goalList[goalNum];
        const currentModule = listOfCurrentModules[goalNum];
        const nextGoalNum = goalNum + 1;

        // console.log('unsubstitutedGoal is', unsubstitutedGoal.toString());
        // console.log('oldSubstitution is', oldSubstitution.toString());

        if (unsubstitutedGoal.isCut) {
            // The "cut" goal always succeeds.
            // console.log('ProveGoal: Detected a cut.');

            // 2014/03/07
            const cutDetector = cutDetectorList[goalNum];
            const cutSubstitution = this.ProveGoalList(

            if (typeof cutSubstitution === 'undefined' && typeof cutDetector !== 'undefined') {
                // We may not backtrack through a cut.
                throw new CutBacktrackException(cutDetector.guid);

            return cutSubstitution;

        const goal = unsubstitutedGoal.ApplySubstitution(oldSubstitution) as PrologGoal;

        // console.log(
        //     'ProveGoalList() : 1) substituted goal is',
        //     goal.toString()
        // );

        const numArgsInGoal = goal.ExpressionList.length;
        // const functionKey = new StringIntKey(goal.Name, numArgsInGoal);

        // console.log('Goal signature is', functionKey.toString());

        // if (dictBuiltInPredicates.ContainsKey(functionKey)) {
        //     var unifier = dictBuiltInPredicates[functionKey](goal);

        //     if (unifier == null) {
        //         return null;
        //     }

        //     return ProveGoalList(goalList, cutDetectorList, nextGoalNum, oldSubstitution.Compose(unifier),
        //     parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery, listOfCurrentModules);
        // }

        // if (gs === LanguageSelector.Prolog) // Built-in predicates that are used by Kamin's Prolog only.
        // {

        // switch (goal.Name)
        // {
        // case "print": // This can take any number of arguments.
        // Print(unsubstitutedGoal, goal);
        // return ProveGoalList(goalList, cutDetectorList, nextGoalNum, oldSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery,
        // listOfCurrentModules);

        // default:
        // break;
        // }
        // }

        // Built-in predicates:

        // TODO: Replace the next line with:
        // switch (`${goal.Name}/${numArgsInGoal}`) { ... }
        switch (goal.Name) {
            case 'fail':
                if (numArgsInGoal === 0) {
                    return undefined;


            // TODO: Remove 'add', 'sub', ... 'lt', 'gt', etc. Use the symbolic names.
            case 'add':
            case '+':
            case 'sub':
            case '-':
            case 'mult':
            case '*':
            case 'div':
            // case '/':
            case 'mod':
                // case '%':
                if (
                    numArgsInGoal === 3 &&
                    goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral &&
                    goal.ExpressionList[1] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral
                ) {
                    const n1 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
                    const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

                    if (goal.ExpressionList[2] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral) {
                        const n3 = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
                        const result = this.doIntegerArithmetic(goal.Name, n1.Value, n2.Value);

                        if (n3.Value === result) {
                            return this.ProveGoalList(
                        } else {
                            return undefined;
                    } else if (isIPrologVariable(goal.ExpressionList[2])) {
                        const v = goal.ExpressionList[2] as IPrologVariable;
                        const addSubstitution = createSubstitution(
                            new PrologIntegerLiteral(
                                this.doIntegerArithmetic(goal.Name, n1.Value, n2.Value)

                        return this.ProveGoalList(

            case 'lt': // '<':
            case '<':
            case 'le': // '<=':
            case '=<':
            case 'gt': // '>':
            case '>':
            case 'ge': // '>=':
            case '>=':
            case 'eq': // '=':
            case '=:=': // Prolog's arithmetic equals comparison operator
            case 'ne': // '!=':
            case '=\\=': // Prolog's arithmetic not-equal comparison operator
                if (
                    numArgsInGoal === 2 &&
                    goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral &&
                    goal.ExpressionList[1] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral
                ) {
                    const n1 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
                    const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

                    if (!this.doIntegerComparison(goal.Name, n1.Value, n2.Value)) {
                        return undefined;

                    return this.ProveGoalList(

            case 'not':
            case '\\+':
                if (numArgsInGoal === 1) {
                    const fe = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologFunctorExpression;
                    const innerGoal = createGoalFromFunctorExpression(fe);

                    const tempGoalList = [innerGoal];
                    // This next line prevents us from adding "not" to the built-in predicates dictionary:
                    const tempCutDetectorList = [cutDetectorList[goalNum]];
                    const tempListOfCurrentModules = [listOfCurrentModules[goalNum]];
                    const cachedAllMode = this.allMode;
                    const cachedSolutionCollectionMode = this.solutionCollectionMode;
                    let localSubstitution: ISubstitution | undefined;

                    this.allMode = false;
                    this.solutionCollectionMode = SolutionCollectionMode.None;

                    try {
                        // We don't need to use parentVariablesToAvoid here, since we don't propagate localSubstitution.
                        localSubstitution = this.ProveGoalList(
                    } finally {
                        this.allMode = cachedAllMode;
                        this.solutionCollectionMode = cachedSolutionCollectionMode;

                    if (typeof localSubstitution !== 'undefined') {
                        return undefined;

                    return this.ProveGoalList(


            case 'is':
                if (numArgsInGoal === 2) {
                    const e0 = goal.ExpressionList[0];
                    const n1 = goal.ExpressionList[1].EvaluateToNumber();

                    if (typeof n1 === 'undefined') {
                            `Goal is/2 : '${goal.ExpressionList[1]}' does not evaluate to a number.`

                        return undefined;
                    } else if (e0 instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral) {
                        if (e0.EvaluateToNumber() !== n1) {
                            return undefined;

                    } else if (isIPrologVariable(e0)) {
                        // We can say e0.Name because we already know that
                        // e0 instanceof PrologVariable is true.
                        return this.ProveGoalList(
                            oldSubstitution.compose(createSubstitution(e0.Name, n1)),
                    } else {
                            `Goal is/3 : '${goal.ExpressionList[0]}' is not an IntegerLiteral or a Variable.`

                        return undefined;


            // case "functor":
            //     // See

            //     if (numArgsInGoal == 3) // functor/3
            //     {
            //     var functorSubstitution = Functor3(goal, parentVariablesToAvoid);

            //     if (functorSubstitution == null)
            //     {
            //     return null;
            //     }

            //     return ProveGoalList(goalList, cutDetectorList, nextGoalNum, oldSubstitution.Compose(functorSubstitution),
            //     parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery, listOfCurrentModules);
            //     }

            //     break;

            case '=':
                if (numArgsInGoal === 2) {
                    return this.Unifiable2(goal);


            case '\\=':
                if (numArgsInGoal === 2) {
                    return this.NotUnifiable2(goal);


            case '==':
                if (numArgsInGoal === 2) {
                    return this.Equals2(goal);


            case '\\==':
                if (numArgsInGoal === 2) {
                    return this.NotEquals2(goal);


            // case "findall": // See

            //     if (numArgsInGoal == 3) // findall/3
            //     {
            //     var unifier = FindAll3(goal, parentVariablesToAvoid, currentModule);

            //     if (unifier == null)
            //     {
            //     return null;
            //     }

            //     return ProveGoalList(goalList, cutDetectorList, nextGoalNum, oldSubstitution.Compose(unifier),
            //     parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery, listOfCurrentModules);
            //     }

            //     break;

            // case "goal_disjunction":
            // case ";":

            //     if (numArgsInGoal == 2)
            //     {
            //     return GoalDisjunction2(goal, goalList, cutDetectorList, goalNum, oldSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery,
            //     listOfCurrentModules);
            //     }

            //     break;

            // case "if_then_else":

            //     if (numArgsInGoal == 3)
            //     {
            //     return IfThenElse3(goal.ExpressionList[0], goal.ExpressionList[1], goal.ExpressionList[2],
            //     goalList, cutDetectorList, goalNum, oldSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery, listOfCurrentModules);
            //     }

            //     break;

            // case "->":

            //     if (numArgsInGoal == 2)
            //     {
            //     var thenElseGoal = ExpressionToGoal(goal.ExpressionList[1]);

            //     if (thenElseGoal != null && thenElseGoal.Name == ":" && thenElseGoal.ExpressionList.length == 2)
            //     {
            //     return IfThenElse3(goal.ExpressionList[0], thenElseGoal.ExpressionList[0], thenElseGoal.ExpressionList[1],
            //     goalList, cutDetectorList, goalNum, oldSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery, listOfCurrentModules);
            //     }
            //     }

            //     break;

            // case "retract":

            //     if (numArgsInGoal == 1)
            //     {
            //     var unifier = Retract1(goal, oldSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid);

            //     if (unifier == null)
            //     {
            //     return null;
            //     }

            //     return ProveGoalList(goalList, cutDetectorList, nextGoalNum, oldSubstitution.Compose(unifier),
            //     parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery, listOfCurrentModules);
            //     }

            //     break;

            // case "retractall":

            //     if (numArgsInGoal == 1)
            //     {
            //     var unifier = RetractAll1(goal, oldSubstitution, parentVariablesToAvoid);

            //     if (unifier == null)
            //     {
            //     return null;
            //     }

            //     return ProveGoalList(goalList, cutDetectorList, nextGoalNum, oldSubstitution.Compose(unifier),
            //     parentVariablesToAvoid, variablesInQuery, listOfCurrentModules);
            //     }

            //     break;


        // **** BEGIN Special case: E.g. add(2, N, 5) ****

        if (
            goal.Name === 'add' &&
            numArgsInGoal === 3 &&
            goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral &&
            isIPrologVariable(goal.ExpressionList[1]) &&
            goal.ExpressionList[2] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral
        ) {
            // If 2 + N === 5 then N === 5 - 2

            // const n0 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
            // const v1 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as IVariable;
            // const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
            // const addSubstitution = createSubstitution(
            //     v1.Name,
            //     new PrologIntegerLiteral(this.doIntegerArithmetic('sub', n2.Value, n0.Value))
            // );

            // const addSubstitution = this.createSubstitutionForArithmeticOperation(goal.ExpressionList[1] as IVariable, goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral, goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral, '-');

            const addSubstitution = this.createSubstitutionForArithmeticOperation(

            if (typeof addSubstitution === 'undefined') {
                return undefined;

            return this.ProveGoalList(
        } else if (
            goal.Name === 'add' &&
            numArgsInGoal === 3 &&
            isIPrologVariable(goal.ExpressionList[0]) &&
            goal.ExpressionList[1] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral &&
            goal.ExpressionList[2] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral
        ) {
            // If N + 2 === 5 then N === 5 - 2
            const v0 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as IPrologVariable;
            const n1 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
            const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

            const addSubstitution = createSubstitution(
                new PrologIntegerLiteral(this.doIntegerArithmetic('sub', n2.Value, n1.Value))

            return this.ProveGoalList(
        } else if (
            goal.Name === 'sub' &&
            numArgsInGoal === 3 &&
            goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral &&
            isIPrologVariable(goal.ExpressionList[1]) &&
            goal.ExpressionList[2] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral
        ) {
            // If 5 - N === 2 then N === 5 - 2
            const n0 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
            const v1 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as IPrologVariable;
            const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

            const addSubstitution = createSubstitution(
                new PrologIntegerLiteral(this.doIntegerArithmetic('sub', n0.Value, n2.Value))

            return this.ProveGoalList(
        } else if (
            goal.Name === 'sub' &&
            numArgsInGoal === 3 &&
            isIPrologVariable(goal.ExpressionList[0]) &&
            goal.ExpressionList[1] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral &&
            goal.ExpressionList[2] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral
        ) {
            // If N - 2 === 3 then N === 2 + 3
            const v0 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as IPrologVariable;
            const n1 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
            const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

            const addSubstitution = createSubstitution(
                new PrologIntegerLiteral(this.doIntegerArithmetic('add', n1.Value, n2.Value))

            return this.ProveGoalList(
        } else if (
            goal.Name === 'mult' &&
            numArgsInGoal === 3 &&
            goal.ExpressionList[0] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral &&
            isIPrologVariable(goal.ExpressionList[1]) &&
            goal.ExpressionList[2] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral
        ) {
            // If 7 * N === 91 then N === 91 / 7 === 13
            const n0 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
            const v1 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as IPrologVariable;
            const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

            // Handle unsolvable cases like 1 * N === 0
            // Also handle solvable cases like 0 * N === 0
            let solution = 0;

            if (n0.Value === 0) {
                if (n2.Value !== 0) {
                    return undefined;
            } else {
                solution = n2.Value / n0.Value;

            const addSubstitution = createSubstitution(v1.Name, new PrologIntegerLiteral(solution));

            return this.ProveGoalList(
        } else if (
            goal.Name === 'mult' &&
            numArgsInGoal === 3 &&
            isIPrologVariable(goal.ExpressionList[0]) &&
            goal.ExpressionList[1] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral &&
            goal.ExpressionList[2] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral
        ) {
            // If N * 13 === 91 then N === 91 / 13 === 7
            const v0 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as IPrologVariable;
            const n1 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
            const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

            // Handle unsolvable cases like N * 1 === 0
            // Also handle solvable cases like N * 0 === 0
            let solution = 0;

            if (n1.Value === 0) {
                if (n2.Value !== 0) {
                    return undefined;
            } else {
                solution = n2.Value / n1.Value;

            const addSubstitution = createSubstitution(v0.Name, new PrologIntegerLiteral(solution));

            return this.ProveGoalList(
            // TODO: Support this div case: 91 / N === 7
        } else if (
            goal.Name === 'div' &&
            numArgsInGoal === 3 &&
            isIPrologVariable(goal.ExpressionList[0]) &&
            goal.ExpressionList[1] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral &&
            goal.ExpressionList[2] instanceof PrologIntegerLiteral
        ) {
            // If N / 13 === 7 then N === 13 * 7 === 91
            const v0 = goal.ExpressionList[0] as IPrologVariable;
            const n1 = goal.ExpressionList[1] as PrologIntegerLiteral;
            const n2 = goal.ExpressionList[2] as PrologIntegerLiteral;

            const addSubstitution = createSubstitution(
                new PrologIntegerLiteral(this.doIntegerArithmetic('mult', n1.Value, n2.Value))

            return this.ProveGoalList(

        // **** END Special case: E.g. add(2, N, 5) ****

        let resultSubstitution = this.ProveGoalListUsingModule(

        if (typeof resultSubstitution !== 'undefined') {
            // console.log(
            //     'ProveGoalList() : 1) Returning resultSubstitution:',
            //     resultSubstitution.toString()
            // );

            return resultSubstitution;

        const goalSignature = new StringIntKey(goal.Name, goal.ExpressionList.length).toString();

        for (const key of currentModule.ImportList.keys()) {
            const v = currentModule.ImportList.get(key);

            if (key === goalSignature && typeof v !== 'undefined') {
                resultSubstitution = this.ProveGoalListUsingModule(

                if (typeof resultSubstitution !== 'undefined') {
                    // console.log(
                    //     'ProveGoalList() : 2) Returning resultSubstitution:',
                    //     resultSubstitution.toString()
                    // );

                    return resultSubstitution;

        // console.log(
        //     'ProveGoalList() : No resultSubstitution; returning undefined'
        // );

        return undefined;

    private ProveGoalListUsingModule(
        goal: PrologGoal,
        goalList: PrologGoal[],
        cutDetectorList: CutDetector[],
        nextGoalNum: number,
        oldSubstitution: ISubstitution,
        parentVariablesToAvoid: IImmutableSet<IPrologVariable>,
        variablesInQuery: IPrologVariable[], // Print these variables and their values automatically upon success if there is no print() goal at the end
        currentModule: PrologModule,
        listOfCurrentModules: PrologModule[]
    ): ISubstitution | undefined {
        // console.log('ProveGoalListUsingModule() : currentModule name is', currentModule.Name);

        const variablesToAvoid = goal
            // variablesToAvoid.unionInPlace(oldSubstitution.FindBindingVariables());

        // console.log(
        //     `ProveGoalListUsingModule() : The variables to avoid for goal ${goal} are:`
        // );

        // for (const bv of variablesToAvoid) {
        //     console.log(`  ${bv}`);
        // }

        // Iterate over a copy of the ClauseList to protect against InvalidOperationExceptions due to assert*/retract*.
        const clauseListCopy = currentModule.ClauseList.slice(0);

        // console.log(
        //     'typeof clauseListCopy is:',
        //     typeof clauseListCopy
        // );

        // console.log('ProveGoalListUsingModule() : goal is:', goal.toString());
        // console.log(
        //     `ProveGoalListUsingModule() : Module contains ${currentModule.ClauseList.length} clause(s).`
        // );

        for (const clause of clauseListCopy) {
            // console.log(
            //     'typeof clause is:',
            //     typeof clause
            // );
            // console.log(
            //     'ProveGoalListUsingModule() : clause is:',
            //     clause.toString()
            // );

            const newClause = clause.RenameVariables(variablesToAvoid, this);

            // console.log(
            //     'ProveGoalListUsingModule() : clause with renamed variables is:',
            //     newClause.toString()
            // );

            // #if CONSOLE_WRITELINE
            // Console.WriteLine("ProveGoal: Trying to unify goal {0} with Lhs of clause {1}", goal, newClause);
            // #endif
            // console.log(
            //     `ProveGoalListUsingModule() : Attempting to unify ${goal} with the clause LHS ${newClause.Lhs}...`
            // );

            const unifier = newClause.Lhs.Unify(goal);

            if (typeof unifier === 'undefined') {
                // console.log('ProveGoalListUsingModule() : Unification failed.');


            // console.log(
            //     `ProveGoalListUsingModule() : goal ${goal} unifies with Lhs of clause ${newClause}`
            // );
            // console.log(`ProveGoalListUsingModule() : unifier is: ${unifier}`);

            // //Console.WriteLine("ProveGoal: Composing unifier with substitution: {0}", oldSubstitution);

            let localSubstitution: ISubstitution | undefined = oldSubstitution.compose(unifier);

            // console.log(
            //     `ProveGoalListUsingModule() : The composition of substitutions ${oldSubstitution} and ${unifier} is ${localSubstitution}`
            // );

            // See the program F2.16.txt for a test of the cut.
            const newVariablesToAvoid = this.GetVariablesFromGoalList(newClause.Rhs).union(

            // ThAW 2014/03/06 : We want to support cuts in goal disjunctions and if/then/else constructs.
            const cutDetector = new CutDetector(this.getNextGuid());

            const goalListLengthBeforeSplice = goalList.length;

            // console.log('goalList length before splice:', goalList.length);
            // goalList.InsertRange(nextGoalNum, newClause.Rhs);
            goalList.splice(nextGoalNum, 0, ...newClause.Rhs);
            // console.log('goalList length after splice:', goalList.length);

            if (goalList.length !== goalListLengthBeforeSplice + newClause.Rhs.length) {
                throw new Error('BOOM: goalListLengthBeforeSplice');

            // Insert as many copies of the cutDetector reference as we have subgoals in newClause.Rhs .
            // cutDetectorList.InsertRange(nextGoalNum, newClause.Rhs.Select(g => cutDetector));

            // listOfCurrentModules.InsertRange(
            //     nextGoalNum,
            //     newClause.Rhs.Select((g) => currentModule)
            // );

            for (let i = 0; i < newClause.Rhs.length; i++) {
                cutDetectorList.splice(nextGoalNum, 0, cutDetector);
                listOfCurrentModules.splice(nextGoalNum, 0, currentModule);

            try {
                localSubstitution = this.ProveGoalList(
            } catch (
                error // 2014/03/07
            ) {
                // Clean up the lists before we return or re-throw.
                //goalList.RemoveRange(nextGoalNum, newClause.Rhs.Count);
                //cutDetectorList.RemoveRange(nextGoalNum, newClause.Rhs.Count);

                if (!(error instanceof CutBacktrackException) || error.guid !== cutDetector.guid) {
                    throw error;

                return undefined;
            } finally {
                // console.log(
                //     'goalList length before undo of splice:',
                //     goalList.length
                // );
                // goalList.RemoveRange(nextGoalNum, newClause.Rhs.Count);
                goalList.splice(nextGoalNum, newClause.Rhs.length);
                // console.log(
                //     'goalList length after undo of splice:',
                //     goalList.length
                // );

                // cutDetectorList.RemoveRange(nextGoalNum, newClause.Rhs.Count);
                cutDetectorList.splice(nextGoalNum, newClause.Rhs.length);

                // listOfCurrentModules.RemoveRange(
                //     nextGoalNum,
                //     newClause.Rhs.Count
                // );
                listOfCurrentModules.splice(nextGoalNum, newClause.Rhs.length);

            if (goalList.length !== goalListLengthBeforeSplice) {
                throw new Error('BOOM: goalListLength after Splice');

            if (typeof localSubstitution !== 'undefined') {
                return localSubstitution;

        // #if CONSOLE_WRITELINE
        // Console.WriteLine("ProveGoal: *** Could not prove goal {0}", goal);
        // Console.WriteLine("ProveGoal: oldSubstitution is: {0}", oldSubstitution);
        // #endif

        return undefined;

    //     private bool ClauseIsIsomorphicToMemberOfClauseList(PrologClause clause, PrologModule currentModule)
    //     {
    //         var variablesToAvoid = clause.FindBindingVariables();

    //         return currentModule.ClauseList.Any(otherClause => clause.IsIsomorphicTo(otherClause, variablesToAvoid, this));
    //     }

    //     private bool ClauseIsNoMoreGeneralThanMemberOfClauseList(PrologClause clause, PrologModule currentModule)
    //     {
    //         var variablesToAvoid = clause.FindBindingVariables();

    //         for each (var otherClause in currentModule.ClauseList)
    //         {
    //             var renamedClause = otherClause.RenameVariables(variablesToAvoid, this);
    //             var unifier = renamedClause.Unify(clause);

    //             if (unifier != null && renamedClause.ApplySubstitution(unifier).Equals(clause))
    //             {
    //                 return true;
    //             }
    //         }

    //         return false;
    //     }

    public ProcessInput(parseResult: PrologClause | PrologGoal[], currentModuleName = ''): string {
        // console.log('ProcessInput() : Type of parseResult is:', typeof parseResult);

        // const inputAsFunctorExpression =
        //     parseResult as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;

        // if (typeof inputAsFunctorExpression !== 'undefined' && inputAsFunctorExpression.Name == ':-' && inputAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList.length === 1) {
        // if (inputTypeName === PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>.name && inputAsFunctorExpression.Name === ':-' && inputAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList.length === 1) {
        //     return ProcessCommand(inputAsFunctorExpression.ExpressionList[0], currentModuleName);
        // }
        // #endif

        const clause = parseResult as PrologClause;
        const goalList = parseResult as PrologGoal[];

        // console.log(
        //     'ProcessInput() : parseResult as PrologClause is:',
        //     clause.toString()
        // );
        // console.log(
        //     'ProcessInput() : parseResult as PrologGoal[] is:',
        //     goalList
        // );
        // console.log(
        //     'ProcessInput() : typeof parseResult.length is:',
        //     typeof goalList.length
        // );


        // if (parseResult is PrologClause) {
        // if (inputTypeName === {
        // if (typeof goalList.length === 'undefined') {
        if (clause instanceof PrologClause) {
            // var clause = (PrologClause)parseResult;
            const currentModule = this.FindModule(currentModuleName);

            // TODO: To search for a clause in the current module's clause
            // list, first convert the clause to a string.

            // if (typeof currentModule.ClauseList.find(clause) !== 'undefined') {
            //     return PrologGlobalInfo.ClauseAlreadyExists;
            //     // } else if (
            //     //     this.ClauseIsIsomorphicToMemberOfClauseList(
            //     //         clause,
            //     //         currentModule
            //     //     )
            //     // ) {
            //     //     return PrologGlobalInfo.IsomorphicClauseAlreadyExists;
            //     // } else if (
            //     //     this.ClauseIsNoMoreGeneralThanMemberOfClauseList(
            //     //         clause,
            //     //         currentModule
            //     //     )
            //     // ) {
            //     //     return PrologGlobalInfo.IsomorphicOrMoreGeneralClauseAlreadyExists;
            // }

            //Console.WriteLine("Adding clause '{0}' to module '{1}'.", clause, currentModuleName);
            // console.log(`Adding clause '${clause}' to module '${currentModuleName}'.`);

            return PrologGlobalInfo.ClauseAdded;
        } else if (
            goalList instanceof Array &&
            goalList.length > 0 &&
            // goalList[0] instanceof PrologGoal
            goalList.every((g: unknown) => g instanceof PrologGoal)
        ) {
            // We are performing a query.
            this.numSolutionsFound = 0;

            // var goalList = new List<PrologGoal>((List<PrologGoal>)parseResult);
            const cutDetectorList: CutDetector[] = [];
            const listOfCurrentModules: PrologModule[] = [];
            const cutDetector = new CutDetector(this.getNextGuid());
            let substitution: ISubstitution | undefined;

            // sbOutput.Clear();
            // goalList.For Each(g => cutDetectorList.Add(cutDetector));
            // goalList.for Each((g: PrologGoal) =>
            //     listOfCurrentModules.push(this.DefaultModule)
            // );

            // console.log(
            //     `1) goalList of length ${goalList.length} is:`,
            //     goalList.join(', ')
            // );

            for (let i = 0; i < goalList.length; i++) {

            try {
                substitution = this.ProveGoalList(
            } catch (error) {
                if (!(error instanceof CutBacktrackException) || error.guid !== cutDetector.guid) {
                    throw error;

            // if (sbOutput.Length > 0) {
            //     sbOutput.AppendLine();
            // }

            // sbOutput.Append(substitution != null ? Satisfied : NotSatisfied);

            // return sbOutput.ToString();

            // if (typeof substitution !== 'undefined') {
            //     // console.log(
            //     //     'Satisfying substitution is:',
            //     //     substitution.toString()
            //     // );

            //     // console.log(
            //     //     `2) goalList of length ${goalList.length} is:`,
            //     //     goalList.join(', ')
            //     // );

            //     // Create a subset of 'substitution' that contains only the values for the binding variables in goalList.
            //     const setOfBindingVariables = new Set<PrologVariable>();

            //     for (const goal of goalList) {
            //         setOfBindingVariables.unionInPlace(
            //             goal.FindBindingVariables()
            //         );
            //     }

            //     // console.log(
            //     //     'setOfBindingVariables:',
            //     //     setOfBindingVariables.toArray().join(', ')
            //     // );

            //     // const substitutionsForBindingVariables =
            //     //     new PrologSubstitution();

            //     // for (const v of setOfBindingVariables) {
            //     //     const key = v.toString();
            //     //     const value = substitution.SubstitutionList.get(key);

            //     //     if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
            //     //         substitutionsForBindingVariables.SubstitutionList.set(
            //     //             key,
            //     //             value
            //     //         );
            //     //     }
            //     // }

            //     // return (
            //     //     this.getPrintedText() +
            //     //     `Satisfying substitution is: ${substitutionsForBindingVariables.toString()}\n${
            //     //         PrologGlobalInfo.Satisfied
            //     //     }`
            //     // );

            //     this.AutomaticPrint(setOfBindingVariables, substitution);
            // }

            let satisfied: boolean;

            if (this.allMode) {
                this.printDirect(`Number of solutions found: ${this.numSolutionsFound}`);
                satisfied = this.numSolutionsFound > 0;
                // return (
                //     this.getPrintedText() + `\n${PrologGlobalInfo.NotSatisfied}`
                // );
            } else {
                satisfied = typeof substitution !== 'undefined';

                satisfied ? PrologGlobalInfo.Satisfied : PrologGlobalInfo.NotSatisfied

            return this.getPrintedText();
        } else if (typeof parseResult === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('PrologGlobalInfo.ProcessInput() : parseResult is undefined');
        } else {
            throw new Error(
                `PrologGlobalInfo.ProcessInput() : parseResult is of unrecognized type ${typeof parseResult}`

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    private FindModule(filePath: string): PrologModule {
        // if (dictModules.ContainsKey(filePath)) {
        //     return dictModules[filePath];
        // }

        return this.DefaultModule;

    public override evaluateToString(str: string): string {
        if (typeof this.tokenizer === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('PrologGlobalInfo.evaluateToString() : this.tokenizer is undefined.');
        } else if (typeof this.parser === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('PrologGlobalInfo.evaluateToString() : this.parser is undefined.');

        const parseResult = this.parser.parse(this.tokenizer.tokenize(str));
        const expr = parseResult as PrologClause | PrologGoal[];


        const evaluationResultAsString = this.ProcessInput(expr);

        return this.getPrintedText() + evaluationResultAsString;

    private getNextGuid(): string {
        return `guid-${this.guidNumber++}`;