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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/prolog/domain-object-model/prolog-name-expression.ts

import { createSet, IImmutableSet } from 'thaw-common-utilities.ts';

import { LanguageSelector } from 'thaw-interpreter-types';

import { IPrologExpression } from './interfaces/iprolog-expression';
import { IPrologNumber } from './interfaces/iprolog-number';
import { IPrologVariable } from './interfaces/ivariable';

export abstract class PrologNameExpression /* implements IPrologExpression */ {
    public readonly gs: LanguageSelector;
    public readonly Name: string;
    public readonly ExpressionList: IPrologExpression[];
    // public DCGDoNotAddExtraArguments = false; // Part of Definite Clause Grammar support.

        gs: LanguageSelector,
        name: string, // T,
        expressionList: IPrologExpression[] | undefined = undefined
    ) { = gs;
        this.Name = name;

        if (typeof expressionList !== 'undefined') {
            this.ExpressionList = expressionList;
        } else {
            this.ExpressionList = [];

    // private ListToString(expr: IPrologExpression): string {
    //     const functorExpression = expr as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;

    //     if (
    //         typeof functorExpression !== 'undefined' &&
    //         functorExpression.Name === '[]' &&
    //         functorExpression.ExpressionList.length === 0
    //     ) {
    //         return '';
    //     } else if (
    //         typeof functorExpression !== 'undefined' &&
    //         functorExpression.Name === '.' &&
    //         functorExpression.ExpressionList.length === 2
    //     ) {
    //         return `, ${functorExpression.ExpressionList[0]}${this.ListToString(
    //             functorExpression.ExpressionList[1]
    //         )}`;
    //     } else {
    //         return ` | ${expr}`;
    //     }
    // }

    // private SequenceToString(expr: IPrologExpression): string {
    //     const functorExpression = expr as PrologNameExpression<PrologFunctor>;

    //     if (
    //         typeof functorExpression !== 'undefined' &&
    //         functorExpression.Name === 'consSeq' &&
    //         functorExpression.ExpressionList.length === 2
    //     ) {
    //         return `${
    //             functorExpression.ExpressionList[0]
    //         }, ${this.SequenceToString(functorExpression.ExpressionList[1])}`;
    //     } else {
    //         return `${expr}`;
    //     }
    // }

    public toString(): string {
        // const nameAsString = this.Name.toString();
        // const isProlog2FunctorExpression = === LanguageSelector.Prolog2;

        if (this.ExpressionList.length === 0) {
            // #if DEAD_CODE
            // if (isProlog2FunctorExpression && nameAsString == "nil")
            // {
            //     return "[]";
            // }
            // #endif
            return this.Name;
            // } else if (gs === LanguageSelector.Prolog) {
            //     return string.Format("({0} {1})", Name, string.Join(" ", ExpressionList.Select(expr => expr.ToString())));
        // else if (
        //     isProlog2FunctorExpression &&
        //     this.ExpressionList.length === 2
        // ) {
        //     if (this.Name === '.') {
        //         return `[${this.ExpressionList[0]}${this.ListToString(
        //             this.ExpressionList[1]
        //         )}]`;
        //         // } else if (this.Name === 'consSeq') {
        //         //     // #if DEAD_CODE
        //         //     // return string.Format("{0}, {1}", ExpressionList[0], SequenceToString(ExpressionList[1]));
        //         //     // #else
        //         //     // ThAW 2014/03/28 : I added the brackets here because without them, ?- X = [(1, 2), (3, 4)], print(X). yielded [1, 2, 3, 4],
        //         //     // which was misleading.
        //         //     return `(${this.ExpressionList[0]}, ${this.SequenceToString(
        //         //         this.ExpressionList[1]
        //         //     )})`;
        //         //     // #endif
        //     }
        // }

        return `${this.Name}(${ IPrologExpression) =>
        ).join(', ')})`;

    public FindBindingVariables(): IImmutableSet<IPrologVariable> {
        const result = createSet<IPrologVariable>();

        for (const expr of this.ExpressionList) {

        return result;

    public GetListOfBindingVariables(): IPrologVariable[] {
        return this.FindBindingVariables().toArray();

    public ContainsVariable(v: IPrologVariable): boolean {
        return this.ExpressionList.some((expr: IPrologExpression) => expr.ContainsVariable(v));

    public get IsGround(): boolean {
        return this.ExpressionList.every((expr: IPrologExpression) => expr.IsGround);

    public abstract EvaluateToNumber(): IPrologNumber | undefined;