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// thunk.ts

// A thunk (or suspension).

import { IEnvironmentFrame } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/environment-frame';
import { IExpression } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/iexpression';
import { IGlobalInfo } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/iglobal-info';

import { ISExpression } from '../../lisp/domain-object-model/isexpression';
import { SExpressionBase } from '../../lisp/domain-object-model/sexpression-base';

const typenameThunk = 'Thunk';

export function isThunk(obj: unknown): obj is Thunk {
    const otherThunk = obj as Thunk;

    return (
        typeof otherThunk !== 'undefined' &&
        typeof otherThunk.typename !== 'undefined' &&
        otherThunk.typename === typenameThunk

export class Thunk extends SExpressionBase {
    public readonly typename = typenameThunk;
    private dethunkedValue: ISExpression | undefined;

        public readonly body: IExpression<ISExpression>,
        public /* readonly */ thunkEnvironment: IEnvironmentFrame<ISExpression> // Not readonly, due to letrec.
    ) {

    // Do we need to override Equals() and GetHashCode() ?

    public toString(): string {
        if (typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined') {
            return this.dethunkedValue.toString();

        return '<thunk>';

    // public equals(obj: unknown): boolean {
    //     return object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj);
    // }

    public override isNumber(): boolean {
        return typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined' && this.dethunkedValue.isNumber();

    public override isSymbol(): boolean {
        return typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined' && this.dethunkedValue.isSymbol();

    public override isList(): boolean {
        return typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined' && this.dethunkedValue.isList();

    public override isNull(): boolean {
        return typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined' && this.dethunkedValue.isNull();

    public override isPrimOp(): boolean {
        return typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined' && this.dethunkedValue.isPrimOp();

    public override isClosure(): boolean {
        return typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined' && this.dethunkedValue.isClosure();

    public override isString(): boolean {
        return typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined' && this.dethunkedValue.isString();

    public dethunk(globalInfo: IGlobalInfo<ISExpression>): ISExpression {
        if (typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined') {
            return this.dethunkedValue;

        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
        let sexpr: ISExpression = this;

        while (isThunk(sexpr)) {
            sexpr = sexpr.body.evaluate(globalInfo, this.thunkEnvironment);

        this.dethunkedValue = sexpr;

        return sexpr;

    public override evaluate(
        globalInfo: IGlobalInfo<ISExpression>,
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
        localEnvironment?: IEnvironmentFrame<ISExpression>,
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
        options?: unknown
    ): ISExpression {

        // const result = this.body.evaluate(this.thunkEnvironment, globalInfo);
        // return SASLGlobalInfo.deThunk(result, globalInfo);

        if (typeof this.dethunkedValue !== 'undefined') {
            return this.dethunkedValue;

        return this.dethunk(globalInfo);

    public override isEqualTo(other: unknown): boolean {

        return false; // Or isThunk(other) && ...;