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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/scheme/domain-object-model/scheme-global-info.ts

import { IParser, ITokenizer } from 'thaw-interpreter-types';

import { ArgumentException } from 'thaw-interpreter-core';

import { GlobalInfoBase } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/global-info-base';

import { FloatLiteral } from '../../lisp/domain-object-model/float-literal';
import { IntegerLiteral } from '../../lisp/domain-object-model/integer-literal';
import { ISExpression } from '../../lisp/domain-object-model/isexpression';
import { LISPSymbol } from '../../lisp/domain-object-model/lisp-symbol';
import { NullSExpression } from '../../lisp/domain-object-model/null-sexpression';

export class SchemeGlobalInfo extends GlobalInfoBase<ISExpression> {
    private readonly trueValueForAccessor: ISExpression = new LISPSymbol('T'); // Symbols are immutable
    private readonly falseValueForAccessor: ISExpression = new NullSExpression(); // This is immutable too
    // public static readonly Variable<ISExpression> varStackTrace = new Variable<ISExpression>("__STACK_TRACE__", 0, 0);

        options: {
            parser?: IParser;
            tokenizer?: ITokenizer;
        } = {}
    ) {

    protected loadSASLSafePresets(): void {
        // These presets do not use side effects: set, begin, while, etc.

        // this.globalEnvironment.add(varStackTrace, new NullSExpression());
        // this.globalEnvironment.add(new Variable<ISExpression>("e", 0, 0), new FloatLiteral(Math.E));
        // this.globalEnvironment.add(new Variable<ISExpression>("pi", 0, 0), new FloatLiteral(Math.PI));

        // Define commonly-used lambda expressions here.
        // Of particular importance are combine, compose, and curry.

        this.evaluate('(set id (lambda (x) x))');
            '(set combine (lambda (f sum zero) (letrec ((loop (lambda (l) (if (null? l) zero (sum (f (car l)) (loop (cdr l))))))) loop)))'
        ); // Version 2, using letrec: see page 126
        this.evaluate('(set compose (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (g (f x)))))');
        this.evaluate('(set curry (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (f x y)))))');

        this.evaluate('(set compose2args (lambda (f g) (lambda (x y) (g (f x y)))))');
        this.evaluate('(set reverse2args (lambda (f) (lambda (x y) (f y x))))');

        this.evaluate('(set > (reverse2args <))');
        this.evaluate("(set not (lambda (x) (if x '() 'T)))");
        this.evaluate('(set and (lambda (x y) (if x y x)))');
        this.evaluate('(set or (lambda (x y) (if x x y)))');
        this.evaluate('(set mod (lambda (m n) (- m (* n (/ m n)))))');
        this.evaluate('(set gcd (lambda (m n) (if (= n 0) m (gcd n (mod m n)))))');
            '(set atom? (lambda (x) (or (null? x) (or (number? x) (or (symbol? x) (string? x))))))'
        ); // What about primop? and closure? ?
        this.evaluate('(set atom? (compose list? not))'); // Version 2
            "(set equal (lambda (l1 l2) (if (atom? l1) (= l1 l2) (if (atom? l2) '() (if (equal (car l1) (car l2)) (equal (cdr l1) (cdr l2)) '())))))"
        ); // Version 1
                '(set equal (lambda (l1 l2)',
                '    ((atom? l1) (= l1 l2))',
                "    ((atom? l2) '())",
                '    ((equal (car l1) (car l2)) (equal (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))',
                "    ('T '())",
            ].join(' ')
        ); // Version 2
        this.evaluate('(set >= (compose2args < not))');
        this.evaluate('(set <= (compose2args > not))');
        this.evaluate('(set <> (compose2args = not))');
        this.evaluate("(set any (lambda (l) (if (null? l) '() (if (car l) 'T (any (cdr l))))))");
            "(set all (lambda (l) (if (null? l) 'T (if (not (car l)) '() (all (cdr l))))))"

        //this.evaluate("(set mapcar (lambda (f l) (if (null? l) '() (cons (f (car l)) (mapcar f (cdr l))))))"); // Original definition.
        //this.evaluate("(set mapc (curry mapcar))");  // Original definition.  From page 101.
        this.evaluate("(set mapc (lambda (f) (combine f cons '())))"); // Second definition.
        this.evaluate('(set mapcar (lambda (f l) ((mapc f) l)))'); // Second definition.

        this.evaluate("(set any2 (combine id or '()))");
        this.evaluate("(set all2 (combine id and 'T))");

        //this.evaluate("(set +1 (lambda (n) (+ n 1)))"); // Version 1
        this.evaluate('(set +1 ((curry +) 1))'); // Version 2

        //this.evaluate("(set append (lambda (l1 l2) (if (null? l1) l2 (cons (car l1) (append (cdr l1) l2)))))"); // Version 1
        this.evaluate('(set append (lambda (l1 l2) ((combine id cons l2) l1)))'); // Version 2

            "(set reverse (lambda (l) (letrec ((rev-aux (lambda (l1 l2) (if (null? l1) l2 (rev-aux (cdr l1) (cons (car l1) l2)))))) (rev-aux l '()))))"
            '(set skip (lambda (n l) (if (or (null? l) (= n 0)) l (skip (- n 1) (cdr l)))))'
            "(set take (lambda (n l) (if (or (null? l) (= n 0)) '() (cons (car l) (take (- n 1) (cdr l))))))"
        this.evaluate('(set abs (lambda (n) (if (< n 0) (- 0 n) n)))');

        //this.evaluate("(set cadr (lambda (l) (car (cdr l))))"); // Version 1
        this.evaluate('(set cadr (compose cdr car))'); // Version 2

        this.evaluate('(set length (lambda (l) (if (null? l) 0 (+1 (length (cdr l))))))'); // Adapted from page 29.

(set find (lambda (pred lis) ; From page 104
(if (null? lis) '()
    (if (pred (car lis)) 'T (find pred (cdr lis))))))"); // Version 1
                '(set find (lambda (pred lis)',
                "    ((null? lis) '())",
                "    ((pred (car lis)) 'T)",
                "    ('T (find pred (cdr lis)))",
            ].join(' ')
        ); // Version 2

        this.evaluate('(set nth (lambda (n l) (if (= n 0) (car l) (nth (- n 1) (cdr l)))))'); // Adapted from page 43.

        /* TODO:

    public override loadPreset(presetName: string): string {
        if (typeof this.tokenizer === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('SchemeGlobalInfo.loadPreset() : this.tokenizer is undefined.');
        } else if (typeof this.parser === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('SchemeGlobalInfo.loadPreset() : this.parser is undefined.');

        switch (
            presetName // presetName.ToLower()
        ) {
            case 'assoc':
                // Association list functions (adapted from page 32)
                this.evaluate('(set caar (compose car car))');
                this.evaluate('(set cadar (compose car cadr))');
                        '(set assoc (lambda (x alist)',
                        '    (cond',
                        "        ((null? alist) '())",
                        '        ((= x (caar alist)) (cadar alist))',
                        "        ('T (assoc x (cdr alist)))",
                        '    )',
                    ].join(' ')
                        '(set mkassoc (lambda (x y alist)',
                        '    (cond',
                        '        ((null? alist) (list (list x y)))',
                        '        ((= x (caar alist)) (cons (list x y) (cdr alist)))',
                        "        ('T (cons (car alist) (mkassoc x y (cdr alist))))",
                        '    )',
                    ].join(' ')

                // Additional function
        (set assoc-contains-key (lambda (x alist)
            (if (null? alist) '()
                (if (= x (caar alist)) 'T
                    (assoc-contains-key x (cdr alist))))))");
                    '(set assoc-contains-key (lambda (x alist) (find (compose car ((curry =) x)) alist)))'

                // Adapted from page 55
                        '(set rplac-assoc (lambda (x y alist)',
                        "((null? alist) '())",
                        '((= x (caar alist)) (rplacd (car alist) (list y)))',
                        '((null? (cdr alist)) (rplacd alist (list (list x y))))',
                        "('T (rplac-assoc x y (cdr alist)))",
                    ].join(' ')

            case 'queue':
                // Queue functions (adapted from page 37)
                this.evaluate("(set empty-queue '())");
                this.evaluate('(set front car)');
                this.evaluate('(set rm-front cdr)');

                //this.evaluate("(set enqueue (lambda (t q) (if (null? q) (list t) (cons (car q) (enqueue t (cdr q))))))"); // Version 1
                this.evaluate('(set enqueue (lambda (t q) (append q (list t))))'); // Version 2; 2013/11/30

                this.evaluate('(set empty? null?)');

            // case 'compose': // From page 104
            //     //this.evaluate("(set compose (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (g (f x)))))");
            //     break;

            case 'set':
                // Scheme set functions; from pages 104-105
                this.evaluate("(set nullset '())");
                this.evaluate('(set member? (lambda (x s) (find ((curry equal) x) s)))');
                this.evaluate('(set addelt (lambda (x s) (if (member? x s) s (cons x s))))');
                this.evaluate('(set union (lambda (s1 s2) ((combine id addelt s1) s2)))');

            case 'select':
                        '(set select (lambda (indices l)',
                        '(letrec ((select* (lambda (n indices l)',
                        "((or (null? indices) (null? l)) '())",
                        '((= n (car indices)) (cons (car l) (select* (+1 n) (cdr indices) (cdr l))))',
                        "('T (select* (+1 n) indices (cdr l)))))))",
                        '(select* 0 indices l))))'
                    ].join(' ')

            case 'flatten':
                        '(set flatten (lambda (tree)',
                        "(if (null? tree) '()",
                        '(if (atom? tree) (list tree)',
                        '(append (flatten (car tree)) (flatten (cdr tree)))))))'
                    ].join(' ')

            case 'sublist':
                        '(set sublist (lambda (l start len)',
                        "((or (<= len 0) (null? l)) '())",
                        '((> start 0) (sublist (cdr l) (- start 1) len))',
                        "('T (cons (car l) (sublist (cdr l) 0 (- len 1)))))))"
                    ].join(' ')
                        '(set removesublist (lambda (l start len)',
                        '((or (<= len 0) (null? l)) l)',
                        '((> start 0) (cons (car l) (removesublist (cdr l) (- start 1) len)))',
                        "('T (removesublist (cdr l) 0 (- len 1))))))"
                    ].join(' ')

            case 'substring':
                    '(set substring (lambda (str start len) (listtostring (sublist (stringtolist str) start len))))'
                    '(set removesubstring (lambda (str start len) (listtostring (removesublist (stringtolist str) start len))))'

            case 'stack':
                this.evaluate("(set empty-stack '())");
                this.evaluate('(set push cons)');
                this.evaluate('(set peek car)');
                this.evaluate('(set pop cdr)');
                this.evaluate('(set empty-stack? null?)');

            case 'filter':
                        '(set filter (lambda (pred l)', // ; Returns only the elements of l for which pred is true.
                        "((null? l) '())",
                        '((pred (car l)) (cons (car l) (filter pred (cdr l))))',
                        "('T (filter pred (cdr l)))",
                    ].join(' ')
                        '(set remove (lambda (x l)', // ; Returns a copy of l that has had all occurrences of x removed.
                        '(filter (compose ((curry =) x) not) l)',
                    ].join(' ')

            case 'sort':
                        '(set insertion-sort (lambda (lessthan)',
                        '(insert (lambda (x l)',
                        '((null? l) (list x))',
                        '((lessthan x (car l)) (cons x l))',
                        "('T (cons (car l) (insert x (cdr l))))",
                        "(combine id insert '())",
                    ].join(' ')
                        '(set quicksort (lambda (lessthan)',
                        '(partition (lambda (pivot-element l lessthanlist notlessthanlist)',
                        '((null? l) (list lessthanlist notlessthanlist))',
                        '((lessthan (car l) pivot-element) (partition pivot-element (cdr l) (cons (car l) lessthanlist) notlessthanlist))',
                        "('T (partition pivot-element (cdr l) lessthanlist (cons (car l) notlessthanlist)))",
                        '(qs (lambda (l)',
                        '(if (< (length l) 2) l',
                        "(let ((partitioned-lists (partition (car l) (cdr l) '() '())))",
                        '(append (qs (car partitioned-lists)) (cons (car l) (qs (cadr partitioned-lists))))',
                    ].join(' ')
                        '(set merge-sort (lambda (lessthan)',
                        '(merge (lambda (l1 l2 reversed-result)',
                        '((null? l1) (append (reverse reversed-result) l2))',
                        '((null? l2) (append (reverse reversed-result) l1))',
                        '((lessthan (car l1) (car l2)) (merge (cdr l1) l2 (cons (car l1) reversed-result)))',
                        "('T (merge l1 (cdr l2) (cons (car l2) reversed-result)))",
                        '(cut-list (lambda (l)',
                        '(let ((len (/ (length l) 2)))',
                        '(list (take len l) (skip len l))',
                        '(ms (lambda (l)',
                        '(if (< (length l) 2) l',
                        '(let ((lists (cut-list l)))',
                        "(merge (ms (car lists)) (ms (cadr lists)) '())",
                    ].join(' ')


                throw new Error(`loadPreset() : Unknown preset name '${presetName}'.`);

        return `The preset '${presetName}' has been successfully loaded.`;

    public override loadPresets(): void {
        // Define commonly-used lambda expressions here.

        // And now we can load any SASL-unsafe, Scheme-only presets below.
        /* TODO:

    public get falseValue(): ISExpression {
        return this.falseValueForAccessor;

    public get trueValue(): ISExpression {
        return this.trueValueForAccessor;

    public override valueIsFalse(value: ISExpression): boolean {
        return value.isNull();

    public valueIsInteger(value: ISExpression): boolean {
        // return (value as IntegerLiteral) !== undefined; // No.

        return value instanceof IntegerLiteral;

        // TODO: Use a type guard: return isIntegerLiteral(value);

    public valueAsInteger(value: ISExpression): number {
        // TODO: 2019-12-22 : It looks like we need to combine ISExpression and INumber:

        // const valueAsNumber = value as INumber;
        // const valueAsInt = value as IntegerLiteral;

        // if (valueAsInt === undefined) {
        if (!(value instanceof IntegerLiteral)) {
            throw new ArgumentException('valueAsInteger() : The value is not an IntegerLiteral.', 'value');

        // return valueAsInt.toInteger();

        return (value as IntegerLiteral).toInteger();

        if (value instanceof IntegerLiteral) {
            return (value as IntegerLiteral).toInteger();
        } else if (value instanceof FloatLiteral) {
            return (value as FloatLiteral).toInteger();
        } else {
            throw new ArgumentException(
                'valueAsInteger() : The value is neither an IntegerLiteral nor a FloatLiteral.',

    public integerAsValue(value: number): ISExpression {
        return new IntegerLiteral(value);

    public valueIsNumber(value: ISExpression): boolean {
        // return (value as IntegerLiteral) !== undefined;

        // return (value as IntegerLiteral) !== undefined || (value as FloatLiteral) !== undefined;

        // return (value as INumber) !== undefined;

        // return value instanceof INumber;

        return value.isNumber();

    public valueAsNumber(value: ISExpression): number {
        // return (value as INumber).toDouble();

        const i = value as IntegerLiteral;
        const f = value as FloatLiteral;

        if (i !== undefined) {
            return i.value;
        } else if (f !== undefined) {
            return f.value;
        } else {
            throw new ArgumentException('valueAsNumber() : The value is neither an IntegerLiteral nor a FloatLiteral.', 'value');

        if (value instanceof IntegerLiteral) {
            return (value as IntegerLiteral).value;
        } else if (value instanceof FloatLiteral) {
            return (value as FloatLiteral).value;
        } else {
            throw new ArgumentException(
                'valueAsNumber() : The value is neither an IntegerLiteral nor a FloatLiteral.',

    public numberAsIntegerValue(value: number): ISExpression {
        // Convert to the language's native integer data type
        return new IntegerLiteral(value);

    public numberAsFloatValue(value: number): ISExpression {
        // Convert to the language's native floating-point number data type
        return new FloatLiteral(value);

    // public static CreateStackTraceInNewEnvironmentFrame(EnvironmentFrame<ISExpression> oldEnvFrame, EnvironmentFrame<ISExpression> newEnvFrame,
    //     int line, int column): void {
    //     var oldStackTrace = oldEnvFrame.Lookup(varStackTrace);
    //     var list1 = new SExpressionList(new IntegerLiteral(column), new NullSExpression());
    //     var list2 = new SExpressionList(new IntegerLiteral(line), list1);
    //     var newStackTrace = new SExpressionList(list2, oldStackTrace);

    //     newEnvFrame.Add(varStackTrace, newStackTrace); // Add(), not AddBubbleDown().
    //     //Console.WriteLine("CreateStackTraceInNewEnvironmentFrame(): Added (line, column) = ({0}, {1}).", line, column);
    //     //Console.WriteLine("newStackTrace = {0}", newStackTrace);
    // }

    public override setDebug(debug: boolean): boolean {
        this.debug = debug;

        return true;