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Test Coverage
// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/smalltalk/domain-object-model/operator-usage.ts

import { EvaluationException, Name } from 'thaw-interpreter-core';

import { EnvironmentFrame } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/environment-frame';

import { IVariable } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/variable';

import {
    // ISmalltalkClass,
} from './interfaces/iexpression';

import { SmalltalkArray } from './data-types/array';

import { SmalltalkBlock, unblockValue } from './data-types/block';

import { isSmalltalkCharacter } from './data-types/character';

import { SmalltalkFloat } from './data-types/float';

import { SmalltalkInteger } from './data-types/integer';

import { isSmalltalkString, SmalltalkString } from './data-types/string';

import { isSmalltalkSymbol, SmalltalkSymbol } from './data-types/symbol';

import { SmalltalkUserValue } from './data-types/user-value';

import { selfVar } from './bootstrap';

// import { SmalltalkEnvironmentFrame } from './environment-frame';

import { isSmalltalkVariable } from './variable';

// export class SmalltalkOperatorUsage implements ISmalltalkExpression {
//     public toString(): string {
//         if (this.expressionList.value.length === 0) {
//             return `(${this.operatorName})`;
//         }
//         return `(${this.operatorName} ${this.expressionList})`;
//     }
//     // This is virtual because Scheme.PrimOp overrides it.
//     public evaluate(
//         localEnvironment: ISmalltalkEnvironmentFrame | undefined,
//         receiver: ISmalltalkValue,
//         c: ISmalltalkClass | undefined,
//         globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo
//     ): ISmalltalkValue {
//         const actualNumArgs = this.expressionList.value.length;
//         const expectedNumArgs = this.tryGetExpectedNumArgs(globalInfo);
//         if (expectedNumArgs === undefined) {
//             throw new EvaluationException(
//                 `OperatorUsage : Unknown operator name '${this.operatorName.value}`,
//                 this.operatorName.line,
//                 this.operatorName.column
//             );
//         } else if (expectedNumArgs >= 0 && actualNumArgs !== expectedNumArgs) {
//             throw new EvaluationException(
//                 `OperatorUsage : Expected ${expectedNumArgs} argument(s) for operator '${this.operatorName.value}', instead of the actual ${actualNumArgs} argument(s)`,
//                 this.operatorName.line,
//                 this.operatorName.column
//             );
//         }
//         // T macroResult;
//         // if (TryInvokeMacro(expressionList.value, localEnvironment, globalInfo, out macroResult))
//         // {
//         //     return macroResult;
//         // }
//         const evaluatedArguments =
//             (expr: ISmalltalkExpression) => expr.evaluate(localEnvironment, ?, ?, globalInfo)
//         );
//         // var argTypesErrorMessage = CheckArgTypes(evaluatedArguments);
//         // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(argTypesErrorMessage))
//         // {
//         //     throw new EvaluationException(
//         //         string.Format("Operator '{0}': {1}", operatorName.Value, argTypesErrorMessage), this.operatorName.line, this.operatorName.column);
//         // }
//         return this.evaluateAux(evaluatedArguments, localEnvironment, globalInfo);
//     }
//     protected tryGetExpectedNumArgs(globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo): number | undefined {
//         if (['<', '>', '+', '-', '*', '/'].indexOf(this.operatorName.value) >= 0) {
//             return 2;
//         }
//         const fnDefRaw = globalInfo.functionDefinitions.get(this.operatorName.value);
//         // const macroDef = globalInfo.MacroDefinitions.get(this.operatorName);
//         switch (this.operatorName.value) {
//             case 'print':
//                 return -1; // Was 1. print now takes any number of arguments.
//             case '=':
//                 return 2;
//             default:
//                 if (fnDefRaw !== undefined) {
//                     const fnDef = fnDefRaw as FunctionDefinition<ISmalltalkValue>;
//                     return fnDef.argList.value.length;
//                     // } else if (globalInfo.MacroDefinitions != null && globalInfo.MacroDefinitions.ContainsKey(this.operatorName)) {
//                     //     return globalInfo.MacroDefinitions[operatorName].ArgumentCount;
//                 } else {
//                     return undefined;
//                 }
//         }
//     }
//     // protected virtual bool TryInvokeMacro(
//     //     List<IExpression<T>> unevaluatedArguments,
//     //     EnvironmentFrame<T> localEnvironment,
//     //     IGlobalInfo<T> globalInfo,
//     //     out T macroResult)
//     // {
//     //     macroResult = default(T);
//     //     return false;
//     // }
//     protected evaluateAux(
//         evaluatedArguments: ISmalltalkValue[],
//         localEnvironment: ISmalltalkEnvironmentFrame,
//         globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo
//     ): ISmalltalkValue {
//         const firstArgAsInt =
//             evaluatedArguments.length > 0 && globalInfo.valueIsInteger(evaluatedArguments[0])
//                 ? globalInfo.valueAsInteger(evaluatedArguments[0])
//                 : 0;
//         const secondArgAsInt =
//             evaluatedArguments.length > 1 && globalInfo.valueIsInteger(evaluatedArguments[1])
//                 ? globalInfo.valueAsInteger(evaluatedArguments[1])
//                 : 0;
//         const twoArgumentIntegerPredicateRaw = this.twoArgumentIntegerPredicates.get(
//             this.operatorName.value
//         );
//         const twoArgumentIntegerOperatorRaw = this.twoArgumentIntegerOperators.get(
//             this.operatorName.value
//         );
//         // if (IntegerOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentOperators.ContainsKey(this.operatorName.Value))
//         if (typeof twoArgumentIntegerOperatorRaw !== 'undefined') {
//             // return globalInfo.IntegerAsValue(IntegerOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentOperators[operatorName.Value](firstArgAsInt, secondArgAsInt));
//             return globalInfo.integerAsValue(
//                 (twoArgumentIntegerOperatorRaw as (operand1: number, operand2: number) => number)(
//                     firstArgAsInt,
//                     secondArgAsInt
//                 )
//             );
//             // } else if (IntegerOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentPredicates.ContainsKey(this.operatorName.Value))
//         } else if (typeof twoArgumentIntegerPredicateRaw !== 'undefined') {
//             // return IntegerOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentPredicates[operatorName.Value](firstArgAsInt, secondArgAsInt) ? globalInfo.TrueValue : globalInfo.FalseValue;
//             return (
//                 twoArgumentIntegerPredicateRaw as (operand1: number, operand2: number) => boolean
//             )(firstArgAsInt, secondArgAsInt)
//                 ? globalInfo.trueValue
//                 : globalInfo.falseValue;
//         }
//         const fnDefRaw = globalInfo.functionDefinitions.get(this.operatorName.value);
//         switch (this.operatorName.value) {
//             case '=':
//                 return evaluatedArguments[0] === evaluatedArguments[1]
//                     ? globalInfo.trueValue
//                     : globalInfo.falseValue;
//             // case 'print':
//             //     globalInfo.print(evaluatedArguments);
//             //
//             //     return evaluatedArguments[0];
//             default:
//                 if (typeof fnDefRaw !== 'undefined') {
//                     // Evaluate a user-defined function.
//                     const newEnvironment = new EnvironmentFrame<ISmalltalkValue>(
//                         globalInfo.dynamicScoping ? localEnvironment : globalInfo.globalEnvironment
//                     );
//                     // if (globalInfo.Debug)
//                     // {
//                     //     UpdateStackTrace(localEnvironment, newEnvironment, operatorName.Line, operatorName.Column);
//                     // }
//                     const fnDef = fnDefRaw; // as ISmalltalkFunctionDefinition;
//                     newEnvironment.compose(fnDef.argList, evaluatedArguments);
//                     return fnDef.body.evaluate(newEnvironment, ?, ?, globalInfo);
//                 }
//                 throw new EvaluationException(
//                     `EvaluateAux() : Unknown operator name '${this.operatorName.value}'`,
//                     this.operatorName.line,
//                     this.operatorName.column
//                 );
//         }
//     }
// }

const operatorsThatTakeEitherIntOrFloatArgs = ['=', '<', '>', '+', '-', '*', '/'];

const oneArgumentDoubleOperators = new Map<string, (x: number) => number>();
const twoArgumentDoublePredicates = new Map<string, (x: number, y: number) => boolean>();
const twoArgumentDoubleOperators = new Map<string, (x: number, y: number) => number>();

oneArgumentDoubleOperators.set('exp', (x: number) => Math.exp(x));
oneArgumentDoubleOperators.set('ln', (x: number) => Math.log(x));
oneArgumentDoubleOperators.set('sin', (x: number) => Math.sin(x));
oneArgumentDoubleOperators.set('cos', (x: number) => Math.cos(x));
oneArgumentDoubleOperators.set('tan', (x: number) => Math.tan(x));

twoArgumentDoublePredicates.set('<', (x: number, y: number) => x < y);
twoArgumentDoublePredicates.set('>', (x: number, y: number) => x > y);

twoArgumentDoubleOperators.set('pow', (x: number, y: number) => Math.pow(x, y));
twoArgumentDoubleOperators.set('atan2', (x: number, y: number) => Math.atan2(y, x));

export class SmalltalkOperatorUsage implements ISmalltalkExpression {
    // The method reference cache, as described in Exercise 12 on page 348:
    // private cachedClassReference: ISmalltalkClass | undefined;
    // private cachedMethodReference: ISmalltalkFunctionDefinition | undefined;

    private readonly valueOpNames = [
        // Arithmetic:

        // Math functions:

        // Type predicates

        // 'hash',
        // 'ref=',

        // String functions

        // Array functions

        // Utility functions

        private readonly operatorName: Name,
        public readonly expressionList: ISmalltalkExpression[]
    ) {
        // CachedClassReference = null;
        // CachedMethodReference = null;

    private evaluateNew(globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo): ISmalltalkValue {
        if (this.expressionList.length === 0) {
            throw new EvaluationException(
                'EvaluateNew() : There are no arguments.',

        const expr0 = this.expressionList[0];

        if (!isSmalltalkVariable(expr0)) {
            throw new EvaluationException(
                'EvaluateNew() : The first argument is not in the form of a variable.',

        // expr0 is an ISmalltalkVariable; its name is the name of the class of which we will create an instance.
        const className =;
        const smalltalkClass = globalInfo.classDict.get(className);

        if (typeof smalltalkClass === 'undefined') {
            throw new EvaluationException(
                `EvaluateNew() : Unknown class name '${className}'.`,

        const env = new EnvironmentFrame<ISmalltalkValue>();

        for (const memberVariable of smalltalkClass.clRep) {
            env.dict.set(, globalInfo.falseValue);
            // Or: env.add(memberVariable, globalInfo.zeroValue);

        const result = new SmalltalkUserValue(smalltalkClass, env);

        result.value.dict.set(, result);
        // Or: result.value.add(selfVar, result);

        return result;

    private evaluateAuxInt(
        evaluatedArguments: ISmalltalkValue[],
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
        globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo
    ): ISmalltalkValue {
        const firstArgAsInt = evaluatedArguments[0].toInteger();
        const secondArgAsInt = evaluatedArguments[1].toInteger();

        if (typeof firstArgAsInt === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('evaluateAuxInt() : firstArg is not an integer.');
        } else if (typeof secondArgAsInt === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('evaluateAuxInt() : secondArg is not an integer.');

        switch (this.operatorName.value) {
            case '+':
                return new SmalltalkInteger(firstArgAsInt + secondArgAsInt);

            case '-':
                return new SmalltalkInteger(firstArgAsInt - secondArgAsInt);

            case '*':
                return new SmalltalkInteger(firstArgAsInt * secondArgAsInt);

            case '/':
                return new SmalltalkInteger(Math.floor(firstArgAsInt / secondArgAsInt));

            case '=':
                // return firstArgAsInt === secondArgAsInt
                return evaluatedArguments[0].equals(evaluatedArguments[1])
                    ? globalInfo.trueValue
                    : globalInfo.falseValue;

            case '<':
                return firstArgAsInt < secondArgAsInt
                    ? globalInfo.trueValue
                    : globalInfo.falseValue;

            case '>':
                return firstArgAsInt > secondArgAsInt
                    ? globalInfo.trueValue
                    : globalInfo.falseValue;

                throw new Error(
                    `evaluateAuxInt() : Unsupported operator '${this.operatorName.value}'.`

        // if (IntegerOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentOperators.ContainsKey(OperatorName.Value))
        // {
        //     return new SmalltalkInteger(IntegerOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentOperators[OperatorName.Value](firstArgAsInt, secondArgAsInt));
        // }
        // else if (IntegerOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentPredicates.ContainsKey(OperatorName.Value))
        // {
        //     return IntegerOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentPredicates[OperatorName.Value](firstArgAsInt, secondArgAsInt) ? globalInfo.TrueValue : globalInfo.FalseValue;
        // }
        // // Internal error:
        // throw new Exception(string.Format("SmalltalkOperatorUsage.EvaluateAuxInt() : Invalid operator {0}", OperatorName.Value));

    //     private ISmalltalkValue EvaluateAuxFloat(List<ISmalltalkValue> evaluatedArguments, SmalltalkGlobalInfo globalInfo)
    //     {
    //         // Currently, EvaluateAuxFloat() is only called for two-argument functions.
    //         var firstArgAsDouble = ((ISmalltalkNumber)evaluatedArguments[0]).ToDouble();
    //         var secondArgAsDouble = ((ISmalltalkNumber)evaluatedArguments[1]).ToDouble();
    //         if (DoubleOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentOperators.ContainsKey(OperatorName.Value))
    //         {
    //             return new SmalltalkFloatValue(DoubleOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentOperators[OperatorName.Value](firstArgAsDouble, secondArgAsDouble));
    //         }
    //         else if (DoubleOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentPredicates.ContainsKey(OperatorName.Value))
    //         {
    //             return DoubleOperatorKeeper.TwoArgumentPredicates[OperatorName.Value](firstArgAsDouble, secondArgAsDouble) ? globalInfo.TrueValue : globalInfo.FalseValue;
    //         }
    //         // Internal error:
    //         throw new Exception(string.Format("SmalltalkOperatorUsage.EvaluateAuxFloat() : Invalid operator {0}", OperatorName.Value));
    //     }

    // TODO 2014/02/04: Split EvaluateGlobalFunction() into EvaluateValueOp() and a new, much smaller EvaluateGlobalFunction() (i.e. user-defined functions).

    private evaluateValueOp(
        evaluatedArguments: ISmalltalkValue[],
        globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo
    ): ISmalltalkValue {
        evaluatedArguments = => unblockValue(arg));

        // First, verify the number of arguments.
        let expectedNumArgs = -1;
        const actualNumArgs = evaluatedArguments.length;

        // Note: We only check DoubleOperatorKeeper here (and not IntegerOperatorKeeper) because
        // the integer operators are a subset of the double operators.

        if (oneArgumentDoubleOperators.has(this.operatorName.value)) {
            expectedNumArgs = 1;
        } else if (
            twoArgumentDoublePredicates.has(this.operatorName.value) ||
        ) {
            expectedNumArgs = 2;
        } else {
            switch (this.operatorName.value) {
                case 'strcat':
                    expectedNumArgs = -1; // Any number of arguments will do.

                case 'print':
                case 'number?':
                case 'symbol?':
                case 'char?':
                case 'string?':
                case 'object?':
                case 'array?':
                case 'random':
                case 'tostring':
                case 'stringtosymbol':
                case 'floor':
                case 'throw':
                case 'strlen':
                case 'typename':
                case 'hash':
                case 'newarray':
                case 'arraylength':
                    expectedNumArgs = 1;

                case '=':
                case 'string<':
                case 'ref=':
                case 'arrayget':
                case 'stridx':
                    expectedNumArgs = 2;

                case 'substr':
                case 'arrayset':
                    expectedNumArgs = 3;

                    break; // Do not throw an exception; global user-defined functions pass through here.

        if (expectedNumArgs >= 0 && actualNumArgs != expectedNumArgs) {
            throw new EvaluationException(
                `EvaluateValueOp: Expected ${expectedNumArgs} arguments for operator '${this.operatorName.value}', instead of the actual ${actualNumArgs} arguments.`,

        // Next, check the types of the arguments.
        let exceptionMessage = '';

        switch (this.operatorName.value) {
            case '+':
            case '-':
            case '*':
            case '/':
            //case '<':
            case '>':
            case 'pow':
            case 'atan2':
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isNumber()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'First argument is not a number';
                } else if (!evaluatedArguments[1].isNumber()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Second argument is not a number';


            case '<':
                if (
                    !(evaluatedArguments[0].isNumber() && evaluatedArguments[1].isNumber()) &&
                    !(evaluatedArguments[0].isSymbol() && evaluatedArguments[1].isSymbol()) &&
                    !(evaluatedArguments[0].isCharacter() && evaluatedArguments[1].isCharacter()) &&
                    !(evaluatedArguments[0].isString() && evaluatedArguments[1].isString())
                ) {
                    exceptionMessage =
                        'Arguments must be both numbers or both symbols or both characters or both strings';


            case 'random': // 2014/02/01: TODO: Should we insist that random's argument be an integer?
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isInteger) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Argument is not an integer';


            case 'exp':
            case 'ln':
            case 'sin':
            case 'cos':
            case 'tan':
            case 'floor':
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isNumber()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Argument is not a number';


            case 'stringtosymbol':
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isString()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Argument is not a string';
                } else if ((evaluatedArguments[0] as ISmalltalkStringValue).value === '') {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Argument is the empty string'; // We know that it's empty and not the null .NET reference.


            case 'throw':
            case 'strlen':
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isString()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Argument is not a string';


            case 'string<': // Deprecated; see <
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isString()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'First argument is not a string';
                } else if (!evaluatedArguments[1].isString()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Second argument is not a string';


            case 'substr':
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isString()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'First argument is not a string';
                } else if (!evaluatedArguments[1].isNumber()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Second argument is not a number';
                } else if (!evaluatedArguments[2].isNumber()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Third argument is not a number';


            case 'strcat':
                for (let i = 0; i < evaluatedArguments.length; ++i) {
                    if (evaluatedArguments[i].isObject()) {
                        const owner = evaluatedArguments[i].owner;

                        exceptionMessage = `Argument ${i + 1} is an object of type '${
                            typeof owner !== 'undefined' ? owner.className : '<No owner>'


            case 'newarray':
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isInteger) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Argument is not an integer';


            case 'arraylength':
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isArray()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Argument is not an array';


            case 'arrayget':
            case 'arrayset':
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isArray()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'First argument is not an array';
                } else if (!evaluatedArguments[1].isInteger) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Second argument is not an integer';


            case 'stridx':
                if (!evaluatedArguments[0].isString()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'First argument is not a string';
                } else if (!evaluatedArguments[1].isNumber()) {
                    exceptionMessage = 'Second argument is not a number';



        if (exceptionMessage) {
            throw new EvaluationException(
                `EvaluateValueOp: Operator '${this.operatorName.value}': ${exceptionMessage}`,

        // Now evaluate.
        let a: ISmalltalkValue[] | undefined;
        let f: number | undefined;
        let n: number | undefined;
        let s: string | undefined;

        try {
            switch (this.operatorName.value) {
                case '=':
                    return evaluatedArguments[0].equals(evaluatedArguments[1])
                        ? globalInfo.trueValue
                        : globalInfo.falseValue;

                case 'print':

                    return evaluatedArguments[0];

                case 'number?':
                    return evaluatedArguments[0].isNumber()
                        ? globalInfo.trueValue
                        : globalInfo.falseValue;

                case 'symbol?':
                    return evaluatedArguments[0].isSymbol()
                        ? globalInfo.trueValue
                        : globalInfo.falseValue;

                case 'char?':
                    return evaluatedArguments[0].isCharacter()
                        ? globalInfo.trueValue
                        : globalInfo.falseValue;

                case 'string?':
                    return evaluatedArguments[0].isString()
                        ? globalInfo.trueValue
                        : globalInfo.falseValue;

                case 'object?':
                    return evaluatedArguments[0].isObject()
                        ? globalInfo.trueValue
                        : globalInfo.falseValue;

                case 'array?':
                    return evaluatedArguments[0].isArray()
                        ? globalInfo.trueValue
                        : globalInfo.falseValue;

                case 'random':
                    n = evaluatedArguments[0].toInteger();

                    if (typeof n === 'undefined') {
                        throw new Error('random: Argument is not an integer.');

                    return new SmalltalkInteger(Math.floor(n * Math.random()));

                case 'tostring':
                    return new SmalltalkString(evaluatedArguments[0].toString());

                case 'stringtosymbol':
                    s = evaluatedArguments[0].toStringX();

                    if (typeof s === 'undefined') {
                        throw new Error('strlen: Argument is not a string.');

                    return new SmalltalkSymbol(s);

                case 'floor':
                    f = evaluatedArguments[0].toFloat();

                    if (typeof f === 'undefined') {
                        throw new Error('floor: Argument is not a number.');

                    return new SmalltalkInteger(f);

                // case 'throw':
                //     throw new SmalltalkException(((SmalltalkStringValue)evaluatedArguments[0]).Value, OperatorName.Line, OperatorName.Column);

                // case 'string<': // See page 54.  Deprecated; see <
                //     return ((SmalltalkStringValue)evaluatedArguments[0]).Value.localeCompare(((SmalltalkStringValue)evaluatedArguments[1]).Value) < 0
                //         ? globalInfo.TrueValue : globalInfo.FalseValue;

                case 'strlen':
                    s = evaluatedArguments[0].toStringX();

                    if (typeof s === 'undefined') {
                        throw new Error('strlen: Argument is not a string.');

                    return new SmalltalkInteger(s.length);

                // case 'substr':
                //     var strForSubstr = (SmalltalkStringValue)evaluatedArguments[0];
                //     var startForSubstr = globalInfo.ValueAsInteger(evaluatedArguments[1]);
                //     var lengthForSubstr = globalInfo.ValueAsInteger(evaluatedArguments[2]);
                //     return new SmalltalkStringValue(strForSubstr.Value.Substring(startForSubstr, lengthForSubstr));

                case 'typename':
                    return new SmalltalkString(evaluatedArguments[0].getTypename());

                // case 'hash':
                //     // ThAW 2014/01/28 : For now, we will avoid calling GetHashCode() on Smalltalk objects.
                //     // Of course, Smalltalk classes are free to implement their own hash functions.
                //     // (Would a hash function stub in the Object class prevent this global "hash" implementation from being called?)
                //     var hashResult = 0;
                //     if (!evaluatedArguments[0].IsObject())
                //     {
                //         hashResult = evaluatedArguments[0].GetHashCode();
                //     }
                //     return new SmalltalkInteger(hashResult);

                // case 'ref=':
                //     return object.ReferenceEquals(evaluatedArguments[0], evaluatedArguments[1]) ? globalInfo.TrueValue : globalInfo.FalseValue;

                // case 'strcat': // TODO 2014/12/09 : Use string.Join() instead of a StringBuilder?
                //     var sb = new StringBuilder();
                //     foreach (var ea in evaluatedArguments)
                //     {
                //         sb.Append(ea.ToString());
                //     }
                //     return new SmalltalkStringValue(sb.ToString());

                case 'newarray':
                    n = evaluatedArguments[0].toInteger();

                    if (typeof n === 'undefined') {
                        throw new Error('newarray: Argument is not an integer.');

                    return new SmalltalkArray(n);

                case 'arraylength':
                    a = evaluatedArguments[0].toArray();

                    if (typeof a === 'undefined') {
                        throw new Error('arraylength: Argument is not an array.');

                    return new SmalltalkInteger(a.length);

                // case 'arrayget':
                //     return ((SmalltalkArrayValue)evaluatedArguments[0]).GetElement(((SmalltalkInteger)evaluatedArguments[1]).Value);

                // case 'arrayset':
                //     return ((SmalltalkArrayValue)evaluatedArguments[0]).SetElement(
                //         ((SmalltalkInteger)evaluatedArguments[1]).Value, evaluatedArguments[2]);

                // case 'stridx':
                //     return ((SmalltalkStringValue)evaluatedArguments[0]).Index(evaluatedArguments[1]);

                    if (this.operatorName.value === '<') {
                        const arg0 = evaluatedArguments[0];
                        const arg1 = evaluatedArguments[1];

                        if (isSmalltalkCharacter(arg0) && isSmalltalkCharacter(arg1)) {
                            return arg0.value.localeCompare(arg1.value) < 0
                                ? globalInfo.trueValue
                                : globalInfo.falseValue;
                        } else if (isSmalltalkString(arg0) && isSmalltalkString(arg1)) {
                            return arg0.value.localeCompare(arg1.value) < 0
                                ? globalInfo.trueValue
                                : globalInfo.falseValue;
                        } else if (isSmalltalkSymbol(arg0) && isSmalltalkSymbol(arg1)) {
                            return arg0.value.localeCompare(arg1.value) < 0
                                ? globalInfo.trueValue
                                : globalInfo.falseValue;

                    if (
                        operatorsThatTakeEitherIntOrFloatArgs.indexOf(this.operatorName.value) >= 0
                    ) {
                        if (evaluatedArguments.every((arg) => arg.isInteger)) {
                            return this.evaluateAuxInt(evaluatedArguments, globalInfo);
                            // } else {
                            //     // return this.evaluateAuxFloat(evaluatedArguments, globalInfo);
                            //     throw new Error('evaluateAuxFloat() not yet implemented.');

                    f = evaluatedArguments.length > 0 ? evaluatedArguments[0].toFloat() : undefined;

                    if (typeof f !== 'undefined') {
                        const oneArgumentDoubleOperator = oneArgumentDoubleOperators.get(

                        if (typeof oneArgumentDoubleOperator !== 'undefined') {
                            return new SmalltalkFloat(oneArgumentDoubleOperator(f));

                        const f2 =
                            evaluatedArguments.length > 1
                                ? evaluatedArguments[1].toFloat()
                                : undefined;

                        if (typeof f2 !== 'undefined') {
                            const twoArgumentDoublePredicate = twoArgumentDoublePredicates.get(
                            const twoArgumentDoubleOperator = twoArgumentDoubleOperators.get(

                            if (typeof twoArgumentDoublePredicate !== 'undefined') {
                                return twoArgumentDoublePredicate(f, f2)
                                    ? globalInfo.trueValue
                                    : globalInfo.falseValue;
                            } else if (typeof twoArgumentDoubleOperator !== 'undefined') {
                                return new SmalltalkFloat(twoArgumentDoubleOperator(f, f2));

                    // #if DEAD_CODE
                    // // Evaluate a user-defined function.
                    // if (!globalInfo.FunctionDefinitions.ContainsKey(OperatorName.Value))
                    // {
                    //     throw new EvaluationException(
                    //         string.Format(`EvaluateGlobalFunction: Unknown function name '{0}'`, OperatorName.Value), this.operatorName.line, this.operatorName.column);
                    // }
                    // var funDef = globalInfo.FunctionDefinitions[OperatorName.Value];
                    // var newEnvironment = new SmalltalkEnvironmentFrame(null);
                    // newEnvironment.Compose(funDef.ArgList, evaluatedArguments);
                    // return funDef.Body.Evaluate(newEnvironment, globalInfo.ObjectInstance, null, globalInfo);
                    // #else
                    throw new EvaluationException(
                        `EvaluateValueOp: Unknown value op '${this.operatorName.value}'`,
                // #endif
        } catch (ex) {
            // catch (EvaluationException)
            // {
            //     throw;
            // }
            throw new EvaluationException(
                `EvaluateValueOp: Operator '${this.operatorName.value}': ${ex}`,

    private evaluateGlobalFunction(
        evaluatedArguments: ISmalltalkValue[],
        globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo
    ): ISmalltalkValue {
        if (this.valueOpNames.indexOf(this.operatorName.value) >= 0) {
            return this.evaluateValueOp(evaluatedArguments, globalInfo);

        try {
            // Evaluate a user-defined function.
            const funDef = globalInfo.functionDefinitions.get(this.operatorName.value);

            if (typeof funDef === 'undefined') {
                throw new EvaluationException(
                    `EvaluateGlobalFunction: Unknown function name '${this.operatorName.value}'`,

            // var funDef = globalInfo.FunctionDefinitions[OperatorName.Value];
            const newEnvironment = new EnvironmentFrame<ISmalltalkValue>();

                funDef.argList as IVariable<ISmalltalkValue>[],

            return funDef.body.evaluate(globalInfo, newEnvironment, {
                receiver: globalInfo.objectInstance
            // } catch (error: EvaluationException) {
            //     throw error;
        } catch (error) {
            throw new EvaluationException(
                `EvaluateGlobalFunction: Operator '${this.operatorName.value}': ${error}`,

    private evaluateMethod(
        method: ISmalltalkFunctionDefinition,
        evaluatedArguments: ISmalltalkValue[],
        // receiver: ISmalltalkValue, // | undefined,
        // c: ISmalltalkClass | undefined,
        globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo,
        options?: unknown
    ): ISmalltalkValue {
        const newEnvironment =
            new EnvironmentFrame<ISmalltalkValue>(/* globalInfo.GlobalEnvironment */);

        newEnvironment.compose(method.argList as IVariable<ISmalltalkValue>[], evaluatedArguments);

        return method.body.evaluate(globalInfo, newEnvironment, options);

    public evaluate(
        globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo, // I.e. IGlobalInfo<ISmalltalkValue>
        localEnvironment: ISmalltalkEnvironmentFrame | undefined, // I.e. IEnvironmentFrame<ISmalltalkValue> | undefined
        options?: unknown
    ): ISmalltalkValue {
        if (this.operatorName.value === 'new') {
            return this.evaluateNew(globalInfo);

        let evaluatedArguments: ISmalltalkValue[];
        // let method: ISmalltalkFunctionDefinition;
        // SmalltalkClass classInWhichMethodWasFound;

        // if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
        //     throw new Error('SmalltalkOperatorUsage.evaluate() : options is undefined');
        // }

        const optionsX = options as ISmalltalkEvaluateOptions;
        // const c = optionsX.c;
        const c = typeof optionsX !== 'undefined' ? optionsX.c : undefined;
        // const receiver = optionsX.receiver;
        // const receiver = typeof optionsX !== 'undefined' ? optionsX.receiver : undefined;

        if (this.expressionList.length > 0) {
            // const variable = this.expressionList[0] as ISmalltalkVariable;
            const expr0 = this.expressionList[0];

            // if (variable != null && variable.Name == "super") {
            if (isSmalltalkVariable(expr0) && === 'super') {
                if (typeof c === 'undefined') {
                    throw new EvaluationException(
                        `${this.operatorName.value}: super usage: c is undefined`,

                if (typeof c.superClass === 'undefined') {
                    throw new EvaluationException(
                        `${this.operatorName.value}: super usage: c.superClass is undefined`,

                const { method, classInWhichMethodWasFound } = c.superClass.findMethod(

                if (typeof method === 'undefined') {
                    throw new EvaluationException(
                        `${this.operatorName.value}: super usage: Method '${this.operatorName.value}' not found`,

                const selfValue = selfVar.evaluate(globalInfo, localEnvironment, options);

                evaluatedArguments = this.expressionList
                    .map((expr) => expr.evaluate(globalInfo, localEnvironment, options));

                return this.evaluateMethod(
                    // selfValue,
                    // classInWhichMethodWasFound,
                    { c: classInWhichMethodWasFound, receiver: selfValue }

        // #if USE_BLOCKS

        // if (typeof receiver === 'undefined') {
        //     throw new Error('SmalltalkOperatorUsage.evaluate() : receiver is undefined');
        // }

        // Create blocks (suspended computations) from the expressions.
        evaluatedArguments =
            (expr) =>
                new SmalltalkBlock(
                    // receiver,
                    // c,
                ) as ISmalltalkValue
        // #else
        //         evaluatedArguments = ExpressionList.Select(expr => expr.Evaluate(localEnvironment, receiver, c, globalInfo)).ToList();
        // #endif

        let result: ISmalltalkValue;

        if (evaluatedArguments.length === 0) {
            result = this.evaluateGlobalFunction(evaluatedArguments, globalInfo);
        } else {
            evaluatedArguments[0] = unblockValue(evaluatedArguments[0]);

            let method: ISmalltalkFunctionDefinition | undefined;
            // let classInWhichMethodWasFound: ISmalltalkClass | undefined;

            let newReceiverClass = evaluatedArguments[0].owner;

            if (typeof newReceiverClass !== 'undefined') {
                // throw new Error('OperatorUsage.evaluate() : newReceiverClass is undefined');

                // if (newReceiverClass === CachedClassReference) {
                //     method = CachedMethodReference;
                // } else {
                // { method, classInWhichMethodWasFound }
                const foo = newReceiverClass.findMethod(this.operatorName.value);

                method = foo.method;
                newReceiverClass = foo.classInWhichMethodWasFound;

            //     CachedClassReference = newReceiverClass;
            //     CachedMethodReference = method;
            // }

            if (typeof method !== 'undefined') {
                result = this.evaluateMethod(
                    // evaluatedArguments[0],
                    // newReceiverClass,
                    { c: newReceiverClass, receiver: evaluatedArguments[0] }
            } else {
                result = this.evaluateGlobalFunction(evaluatedArguments, globalInfo);

        return unblockValue(result);