// thaw-image-processing.ts/src/gaussian-blur.ts
// Adapted from
// See also
import { IThAWImage } from '../util/image';
import { convolveImageFromBuffer } from '../util/convolve';
import Sample from '../util/sample';
import SampleArrayAndWeight from '../util/sample-array-and-weight';
function gaussianDistribution(x: number, mu: number, sigma: number): number {
const d = x - mu;
const n = 1.0 / (Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * sigma);
return Math.exp((-d * d) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) * n;
function sampleInterval(
f: (x: number) => number,
minInclusive: number,
maxInclusive: number,
sampleCount: number
): Sample[] {
const result: Sample[] = [];
const stepSize = (maxInclusive - minInclusive) / (sampleCount - 1);
for (let s = 0; s < sampleCount; ++s) {
const x = minInclusive + s * stepSize;
const y = f(x);
result.push(new Sample(x, y));
return result;
function integrateSimpson(samples: Sample[]): number {
let result =
samples[0].sampleValueAtX +
samples[samples.length - 1].sampleValueAtX;
for (let s = 1; s < samples.length - 1; ++s) {
const sampleWeight = s % 2 === 0 ? 2.0 : 4.0;
result += sampleWeight * samples[s].sampleValueAtX;
const h =
(samples[samples.length - 1].x - samples[0].x) / (samples.length - 1);
return (result * h) / 3.0;
function roundTo6DecimalPlaces(n: number): number {
return Math.round(n * 1000000) / 1000000;
export function generateKernel(sigma: number, kernelSize: number): number[] {
// sigma must be a positive number.
// kernelSize must be an odd positive integer smaller than 999.
const sampleCount = 1000.0;
let samplesPerBin = Math.ceil(sampleCount / kernelSize);
if (samplesPerBin % 2 === 0) {
// need an even number of intervals for Simpson integration => odd number of samples
let weightSum = 0;
const kernelLeft = -Math.floor(kernelSize / 2);
const calcSamplesForRange = (
minInclusive: number,
maxInclusive: number
): Sample[] => {
return sampleInterval(
(x) => gaussianDistribution(x, 0, sigma),
// Get samples left and right of kernel support first
const outsideSamplesLeft: Sample[] = calcSamplesForRange(
-5 * sigma,
kernelLeft - 0.5
const outsideSamplesRight: Sample[] = calcSamplesForRange(
-kernelLeft + 0.5,
5 * sigma
const allSamples: SampleArrayAndWeight[] = [
new SampleArrayAndWeight(outsideSamplesLeft, 0)
// Now, sample kernel taps and calculate tap weights
for (let tap = 0; tap < kernelSize; ++tap) {
const left = kernelLeft - 0.5 + tap;
const tapSamples: Sample[] = calcSamplesForRange(left, left + 1);
const tapWeight: number = integrateSimpson(tapSamples);
allSamples.push(new SampleArrayAndWeight(tapSamples, tapWeight));
weightSum += tapWeight;
allSamples.push(new SampleArrayAndWeight(outsideSamplesRight, 0));
// Renormalize the kernel and round its entries to 6 decimal places.
const result = [];
for (let i = 1; i < allSamples.length - 1; ++i) {
result.push(roundTo6DecimalPlaces(allSamples[i].weight / weightSum));
return result;
export function gaussianBlurImage(
srcImage: IThAWImage,
sigma: number,
kernelSize: number
): IThAWImage {
const kernel = generateKernel(sigma, kernelSize);
return convolveImageFromBuffer(srcImage, kernel);