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// thaw-tic-tac-toe-engine/src/engine.js

// npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-env chai grunt grunt-cli grunt-contrib-watch grunt-eslint grunt-mocha-test grunt-nsp mocha

'use strict';

const config = require('../config/config');
const errorMessages = require('./error_messages');
const testDescriptors = require('./test_descriptors');

const minMaxPly = config.minMaxPly || 1;
const maxMaxPly = config.maxMaxPly || 6;

const victoryScore = 100;
const defeatScore = -victoryScore;

class Game {
    constructor (boardString, maxPly) {
        // I.e The game is being played on a 3-by-3 board.
        this.boardWidth = 3;
        this.boardHeight = 3;
        this.boardArea = this.boardWidth * this.boardHeight;
        this.boardIsSquare = this.boardWidth === this.boardHeight;
        // boardString must have a length of exactly 9 characters.
        // TODO: Support 4-by-4 boards, or even non-square boards (just skip the diagonal checks for open lines and victory)
        this.boardString = boardString;
        // TODO? Ensure that maxPly is an integer ?
        this.maxPly = maxPly;
        this.emptyNumber = ' ';
        this.victoryValue = victoryScore;
        this.defeatValue = defeatScore;

        // if (typeof this.boardString !== 'string') {
        //     throw new Error('boardString is not a string.');
        // } else if (this.boardString.length !== this.boardArea) {
        //     throw new Error('The length of boardString is not ' + this.boardArea + '.');
        // }

        // Each character must be an 'X', an 'O', or a space. If any other characters are encountered, return an error.

        this.xPopulation = (this.boardString.match(/X/g) || []).length;
        this.oPopulation = (this.boardString.match(/O/g) || []).length;
        this.spacePopulation = (this.boardString.match(/ /g) || []).length;

        this.boardString = this.boardString.split('');
        // This should be: this.boardArray = this.boardString.split('');

        /* if (this.xPopulation + this.oPopulation + this.spacePopulation !== this.boardArea) {
            throw Error('boardString contains one or more invalid characters.');
        } else */ if (this.xPopulation === this.oPopulation) {
            this.playerToStart = 'X';
        } else if (this.xPopulation === this.oPopulation + 1) {
            this.playerToStart = 'O';
        // } else {
            // throw new Error('Invalid boardString due to population counts.');

        this.boardPopulation = this.xPopulation + this.oPopulation;

        // if (this.maxPly < minMaxPly || this.maxPly > maxMaxPly) {
        //     throw Error(errorMessages.maxPlyOutOfRange(this.maxPly, minMaxPly, maxMaxPly));
        // }

    getSquareAt (row, col) {
        return this.boardString[row * this.boardWidth + col];

    setSquareAt (row, col, value) {
        // TODO? Ensure that value is one of ['X', 'O', ' '] ?
        this.boardString[row * this.boardWidth + col] = value;

    isVictory (player, row, column) {
        // 1) Check the specified row.
        var victory = true;

        for (var column2 = 0; column2 < this.boardWidth; ++column2) {

            if (this.getSquareAt(row, column2) !== player) {
                victory = false;

        if (victory) {
            return true;

        // 2) Check the specified column.
        victory = true;

        for (var row2 = 0; row2 < this.boardHeight; ++row2) {

            if (this.getSquareAt(row2, column) !== player) {
                victory = false;

        if (victory) {
            return true;

        if (this.boardIsSquare) {
            // The board is square, so there are two diagonals that we can check.
            let i;

            if (row === column) {
                // 3) Check the primary diagonal.
                victory = true;

                for (i = 0; i < this.boardHeight; ++i) {

                    if (this.getSquareAt(i, i) !== player) {
                        victory = false;

                if (victory) {
                    return true;

            if (row + column === this.boardHeight - 1) {
                // 4) Check the secondary diagonal.
                victory = true;

                for (i = 0; i < this.boardHeight; ++i) {

                    if (this.getSquareAt(i, this.boardWidth - 1 - i) !== player) {
                        victory = false;

                if (victory) {
                    return true;

        return false;

    placePiece (player, row, column) {
        // If player is X or O, the square being written to must be empty just before the move is made.
        // If player is Empty, the square being written to must be non-empty just before the move is made.

        // if (row < 0 || row >= this.boardHeight) {
        //     throw new Error('placePiece() : row ' + row + ' is out of range; this.boardHeight == ' + this.boardHeight);
        // }

        // if (column < 0 || column >= this.boardWidth) {
        //     throw new Error('placePiece() : column ' + column + ' is out of range; this.boardWidth == ' + this.boardWidth);
        // }

        // var oldSquareContent = this.getSquareAt(row, column);

        // if (player !== this.emptyNumber) {

        //     if (oldSquareContent !== this.emptyNumber) {
        //         throw new Error('placePiece() : Attempted to write an X or an O into a non-empty square.');
        //     }
        // } else if (oldSquareContent === this.emptyNumber) {
        //     throw new Error('placePiece() : Attempted to erase an already-empty square.');
        // }

        this.setSquareAt(row, column, player);

        if (player === this.emptyNumber) {

            return false;
        } else {

            return this.isVictory(player, row, column); // This can return true for real or speculative moves.

    getNumOpenLines (opponent) {
        var numOpenLines = this.boardWidth + this.boardHeight + (this.boardIsSquare ? 2 : 0);
        let row;
        let column;

        // 1) Check all rows.

        for (row = 0; row < this.boardHeight; ++row) {

            for (column = 0; column < this.boardWidth; ++column) {

                if (this.getSquareAt(row, column) === opponent) {

        // 2) Check all columns.

        for (column = 0; column < this.boardWidth; ++column) {

            for (row = 0; row < this.boardHeight; ++row) {

                if (this.getSquareAt(row, column) === opponent) {

        if (this.boardIsSquare) {
            // 3) Check the primary diagonal.

            for (row = 0; row < this.boardWidth; ++row) {

                if (this.getSquareAt(row, row) === opponent) {

            // 4) Check the secondary diagonal.

            for (row = 0; row < this.boardWidth; ++row) {

                if (this.getSquareAt(row, this.boardWidth - 1 - row) === opponent) {

        return numOpenLines;

    getBoardValue (player, opponent) {        // Our heuristic function
        return this.getNumOpenLines(player) - this.getNumOpenLines(opponent);

    findBestMove (player, ply, bestUncleRecursiveScore) {    // For alpha-beta pruning.
        var returnBestCoordinates = ply === this.maxPly;
        let opponent;

        if (player === 'X') {
            opponent = 'O';
        } else if (player === 'O') {
            opponent = 'X';
        // } else {
            // throw new Error(`Cannot calculate the opponent of '${player}'.`);

        var bestMoveValue = this.defeatValue - 1;        // Worse than the worst possible move value.
        var bestMoveList = returnBestCoordinates ? [] : null;
        var doneSearching = false;

        for (var row = 0; row < this.boardHeight && !doneSearching; ++row) {

            for (var column = 0; column < this.boardWidth; ++column) {
                let moveValue;

                if (this.getSquareAt(row, column) !== this.emptyNumber) {
                    // Is the "continue" keyword "bad" in JavaScript?
                    // See e.g.
                    continue;            // eslint-disable-line no-continue

                if (this.placePiece(player, row, column)) { // I.e. if this move results in immediate victory.
                    moveValue = this.victoryValue;
                } else if (this.boardPopulation < this.boardArea && ply > 1) {
                    moveValue = -this.findBestMove(opponent, ply - 1, bestMoveValue);
                } else {
                    moveValue = this.getBoardValue(player, opponent);

                this.placePiece(this.emptyNumber, row, column);    // Erase the piece that was just placed.

                if (moveValue === bestMoveValue && returnBestCoordinates) {
                    bestMoveList.push({row: row, column: column});
                } else if (moveValue > bestMoveValue) {
                    bestMoveValue = moveValue;

                    if (bestMoveValue > -bestUncleRecursiveScore) {
                        // *** Here is where the alpha-beta pruning happens ****
                        // Because of the initial parameters for the top-level move, this break is never executed for the top-level move.
                        doneSearching = true;
                        break; // ie. return.
                    } else if (returnBestCoordinates) {
                        bestMoveList = [{row: row, column: column}];
                    } else if (bestMoveValue === this.victoryValue) {
                        // Prune the search tree by searching this tree node no further, since we are not constructing a list of all of the best moves.
                        doneSearching = true;

        /* if (bestMoveValue < this.defeatValue || bestMoveValue > this.victoryValue) {
            throw new Error(`findBestMove() : The bestMoveValue '${bestMoveValue}' is out of range.`);
        } else */ if (!returnBestCoordinates) {
            return bestMoveValue;
        // } else if (bestMoveList.length === 0) {
            // throw new Error('findBestMove() : The bestMoveList is empty at the end of the method.');
        } else {
            var i = parseInt(Math.random() * bestMoveList.length, 10);
            var bestMove = bestMoveList[i];

            return {
                bestRow: bestMove.row,
                bestColumn: bestMove.column,
                bestMoveList: bestMoveList.sort(function (move1, move2) {

                    if (move1.row !== move2.row) {
                        return move1.row - move2.row;
                    } else {
                        return move1.column - move2.column;
                bestScore: bestMoveValue,
                // boardPopulation: this.boardPopulation,
                player: player

function findBestMove (boardString, maxPly) {
    let game = new Game(boardString, maxPly);

    // The third parameter helps to initialize the alpha-beta pruning.
    return game.findBestMove(game.playerToStart, game.maxPly, game.defeatValue - 1);

module.exports = {
    minMaxPly: minMaxPly,
    maxMaxPly: maxMaxPly,
    victoryScore: victoryScore,
    defeatScore: defeatScore,
    errorMessages: errorMessages,
    testDescriptors: testDescriptors,
    findBestMove: findBestMove