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 * Errbit PHP Notifier.
 * Copyright © Pty. Ltd.
 * See the LICENSE file for details.

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Errbit/Exception.php';

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Errbit/XmlBuilder.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Errbit/Notice.php';

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Errbit/Errors/Base.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Errbit/Errors/Notice.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Errbit/Errors/Warning.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Errbit/Errors/Error.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Errbit/Errors/Fatal.php';

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Errbit/ErrorHandlers.php';

 * The Errbit client.
 * @example Configuring the client
 *    Errbit::instance()->configure(array( ... ))->start();
 * @example Notify an Exception manually
 *    Errbit::instance()->notify($exception);
class Errbit {
    private static $_instance = null;

     * Get a singleton instance of the client.
     * This is the intended way to access the Errbit client.
     * @return [Errbit]
     *   a singleton
    public static function instance() {
        if (!isset(self::$_instance)) {
            self::$_instance = new self();
        return self::$_instance;

    const VERSION       = '0.0.1';
    const API_VERSION   = '2.2';
    const PROJECT_NAME  = 'errbit-php';
    const PROJECT_URL   = '';
    const NOTICES_PATH  = '/notifier_api/v2/notices/';

    private $_config;
    private $_observers = array();

     * Initialize a new client with the given config.
     * This is made public for flexibility, though it is not expected you
     * should use it.
     * @param [Array] $config
     *   the configuration for the API
    public function __construct($config = array()) {
        $this->_config = $config;

     * Add a handler to be invoked after a notification occurs.
     * @param [Callback] $callback
     *   any callable function
     * @return [Errbit]
     *   the current instance
    public function onNotify($callback) {
        if (!is_callable($callback)) {
            throw new Errbit_Exception('Notify callback must be callable');

        $this->_observers[] = $callback;

        return $this;

     * Set the full configuration for the client.
     * The only required keys are `api_key' and `host', but other supported
     * options are:
     *   - api_key
     *   - host
     *   - port
     *   - secure
     *   - project_root
     *   - environment_name
     *   - url
     *   - controller
     *   - action
     *   - session_data
     *   - parameters
     *   - cgi_data
     *   - params_filters
     *   - backtrace_filters
     * @param [Array] $config
     *   the full configuration
     * @return [Errbit]
     *   the current instance of the client
    public function configure($config = array()) {
        $this->_config = array_merge($this->_config, $config);
        return $this;

     * Register all error handlers around this instance.
     * @param [Array] $handlers
     *   an array of handler names (one or all of 'exception', 'error', 'fatal')
     * @return [Errbit]
     *   the current instance
    public function start($handlers = array('exception', 'error', 'fatal')) {
        Errbit_ErrorHandlers::register($this, $handlers);
        return $this;

     * Notify an individual exception manually.
     * @param [Exception] $exception
     *   the Exception to notify (errors must first be converted)
     * @param [Array] $options
     *   an array of options, which override the client configuration
     * @return [Errbit]
     *   the current instance
    public function notify($exception, $options = array()) {

        $config = array_merge($this->_config, $options);

        $sock = fsockopen(
            $errno, $errstr,

        if ($sock) {
            stream_set_timeout($sock, $config['write_timeout']);
            fwrite($sock, $this->_buildHttpPayload($exception, $config));

        foreach ($this->_observers as $observer) {
            $observer($exception, $config);

        return $this;

    // -- Private Methods

    private function _checkConfig() {
        if (empty($this->_config['api_key'])) {
            throw new Errbit_Exception("`api_key' must be configured");

        if (empty($this->_config['host'])) {
            throw new Errbit_Exception("`host' must be configured");

        if (empty($this->_config['port'])) {
            $this->_config['port'] = !empty($this->_config['secure']) ? 443 : 80;

        if (!isset($this->_config['secure'])) {
            $this->_config['secure'] = ($this->_config['port'] == 443);

        if (empty($this->_config['hostname'])) {
            $this->_config['hostname'] = gethostname() ? gethostname() : '<unknown>';

        if (empty($this->_config['project_root'])) {
            $this->_config['project_root'] = dirname(__FILE__);

        if (empty($this->_config['environment_name'])) {
            $this->_config['environment_name'] = 'development';

        if (!isset($this->_config['params_filters'])) {
            $this->_config['params_filters'] = array('/password/');

        if (!isset($this->_config['agent'])) {
            $this->_config['agent'] = 'errbit-php';

        if (!isset($this->_config['connect_timeout'])) {
            $this->_config['connect_timeout'] = 3;

        if (!isset($this->_config['write_timeout'])) {
            $this->_config['write_timeout'] = 3;

        if (!isset($this->_config['backtrace_filters'])) {
            $this->_config['backtrace_filters'] = array(
                sprintf('/^%s/', preg_quote($this->_config['project_root'], '/')) => '[PROJECT_ROOT]'

    private function _buildTcpScheme($config) {
        return sprintf(
            $config['secure'] ? 'ssl' : 'tcp',

    private function _buildHttpPayload($exception, $config) {
        return $this->_addHttpHeaders(
            $this->_buildNoticeFor($exception, $config),

    private function _addHttpHeaders($body, $config) {
        return sprintf(
                    sprintf('POST %s HTTP/1.1',   self::NOTICES_PATH),
                    sprintf('Host: %s',           $config['host']),
                    sprintf('User-Agent: %s',     $config['agent']),
                    sprintf('Content-Type: %s',   'text/xml'),
                    sprintf('Accept: %s',         'text/xml, application/xml'),
                    sprintf('Content-Length: %d', strlen($body)),
                    sprintf('Connection: %s',     'close')

    private function _buildNoticeFor($exception, $options) {
        return Errbit_Notice::forException($exception, $options)->asXml();