# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
<a name="3.4.0"></a>
# [3.4.0]( (2018-03-14)
### Features
* **package.json:** upgrade dependencies and devDependencies ([250a6cb](
<a name="3.3.0"></a>
# [3.3.0]( (2018-03-14)
### Features
* add webpack v4 support ([#21]( ([bde0c36](, closes [#20](
<a name="3.2.0"></a>
# [3.2.0]( (2017-10-23)
### Features
* **index.js:** support multiple patterns ([961b1d1](, closes [#2](
* **package.json:** add `glob-all` and `warning` to dependencies ([3961606](
* **package.json:** remove `glob` from dependencies ([03e08b6](
<a name="3.1.0"></a>
# [3.1.0]( (2017-10-21)
### Features
* **index.js:** rewrite with async function ([0754e72](
* **package.json:** add `babel-runtime`, `semver` and `util.promisify` to dependencies ([28cf6c5](
<a name="3.0.2"></a>
## [3.0.2]( (2017-06-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **index.js:** avoid creating a new object in reduce loop ([8dcf206](
<a name="3.0.1"></a>
## [3.0.1]( (2017-02-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **index.js:** prevent freeze when using dev server without bail ([#12]( ([b397e8d](
<a name="3.0.0"></a>
# [3.0.0]( (2016-09-22)
### Bug Fixes
* **** deprecated v2.0.5 ([b7dfd07](
* **index.js:** if bail is set, callback with error ([14b510a](
* index.js: error reporting behaviour changed when bail is set
Before: if bail is set, there's still an error from UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin
After: if bail is set, no error will be emitted by UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin
<a name="2.0.5"></a>
## (Deprecated) [2.0.5]( (2016-09-20)
*Deprecated* due to
### Bug Fixes
* **index.js:** if bail is set, callback with error ([#11]( ([23b85ad](, closes [#10](
<a name="2.0.4"></a>
## [2.0.4]( (2016-07-14)
<a name="2.0.3"></a>
## [2.0.3]( (2016-05-30)
<a name="2.0.2"></a>
## [2.0.2]( (2016-01-25)
<a name="2.0.1"></a>
## [2.0.1]( (2016-01-22)
<a name="2.0.0"></a>
# [2.0.0]( (2016-01-22)
### Features
* **src:** rewrite in ES2015 format ([9a61f21](
* src: Removes commonjs module support.
// webpack.config.js
var UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin = require("unused-files-webpack-plugin");
In ES2015 module format:
import UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin from "unused-files-webpack-plugin";
// it's the same as
import { default as UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin } from "unused-files-webpack-plugin";
// You could access from named export as well.
import { UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin } from "unused-files-webpack-plugin";
If you still use commonjs:
var UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin = require("unused-files-webpack-plugin").default;
// or named export
var UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin = require("unused-files-webpack-plugin").UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin;
// with destructive assignment
var { UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin } = require("unused-files-webpack-plugin");
<a name"1.3.0"></a>
## 1.3.0 (2015-09-07)
#### Features
* **options:** add failOnUnused to enable generating error ([7b7620d8](, closes [#3](
<a name"1.2.0"></a>
## 1.2.0 (2015-07-11)
#### Features
* **globOptions:** makes ignore option overidable ([6b630944](, closes [#1](
#### Breaking Changes
* globOptions.ignore is now overridable
If you choose to override globOptions with new ignore option,
make sure you'll include `node_modules/**/*` for the new ignore.
## 1.1.0 (2015-05-22)
#### Bug Fixes
* **UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin:**
* use objectAssign for default values ([f8a2b6f2](
* include emitted assets in fileDepsMap ([896e8e23](
## 1.0.0 (2015-05-22)
#### Features
* **UnusedFilesWebpackPlugin:** use glob to select files ([f8e081e8](