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# Backbone-Forms jQuery UI editors

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A [Backbone-Forms]( [jQuery UI]( related editors

## Table of contents

* [Installation](#installation)
* [jQuery UI editors](#editors)
  * [autocomplete](#autocomplete)
  * [checkbox](#checkbox)
  * [checkboxes](#checkboxes)
  * [datepicker](#datepicker)
  * [radio](#radio)
  * [selectmenu](#selectmenu)
  * [slider](#slider)
  * [spinner](#spinner)

## Installation


bower install backbone-forms-jquery-ui


npm install backbone backbone-forms backbone-forms-jquery-ui

## jQuery UI editors

### autocomplete

#### Schema options

`options` - Array of strings or Backbone Collection

`editorOptions` - jQuery UI autocomplete [options](

#### Example

var states = ['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California',
  'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia', 'Hawaii',
  'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana',
  'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota',
  'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire',
  'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Carolina', 'North Dakota',
  'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island',
  'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont',
  'Virginia', 'Washington', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming'

var form = new Backbone.Form({
  schema: {
    state: {
      type: 'jqueryui.autocomplete',
      title: 'State',
      options: states,
      editorOptions: {
        minLength: 2


### checkbox

#### Schema options

`editorOptions` - jQuery UI checkboxradio [options](

#### Example

var form = new Backbone.Form({
  schema: {
    val: {
      type: 'jqueryui.checkbox',
      title: 'Val'


### checkboxes

#### Schema options

`editorOptions` - jQuery UI checkboxradio [options](

#### Example

var form = new Backbone.Form({
  schema: {
    val: {
      type: 'jqueryui.checkboxes',
      title: 'Val',
      options: ['1', '2', '3']


### datepicker

#### Schema options

`editorOptions` - jQuery UI datepicker [options](

#### Example

var form = new Backbone.Form({
  schema: {
    date: {
      type: 'jqueryui.datepicker',
      title: 'Date',
      editorOptions: {
        numberOfMonths: [2, 3]


### radio

#### Schema options

`editorOptions` - jQuery UI checkboxradio [options](

#### Example

var form = new Backbone.Form({
  schema: {
    val: {
      type: '',
      title: 'Val',
      options: ['1', '2', '3']


### selectmenu

#### Schema options

`options` - Array of strings or Backbone Collection

`editorOptions` - jQuery UI selectmenu [options](

#### Example

var form = new Backbone.Form({
  schema: {
    speed: {
      type: 'jqueryui.selectmenu',
      title: 'Speed',
      options: ['Slower', 'Slow', 'Medium', 'Fast', 'Faster']


### slider

#### Schema options

`editorOptions` - jQuery UI slider [options](

#### Example

var form = new Backbone.Form({
  schema: {
    val: {
      type: 'jqueryui.slide',
      title: 'Val'


### spinner

#### Schema options

`editorOptions` - jQuery UI spinner [options](

#### Example

var form = new Backbone.Form({
  schema: {
    val: {
      type: 'jqueryui.spinner',
      title: 'Val',
      editorOptions: {
        min: 0,
        max: 100,
        page: 10
