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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Defines standards based image quality metrics.

These methods require the reconstructed image to be of a specifically shaped
standard object such as a Siemens star or a zone plate.

.. moduleauthor:: Daniel J Ching <>

__author__ = "Daniel Ching"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016, UChicago Argonne, LLC."
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'
__all__ = [

import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.signal

from xdesign.geometry import Circle, Point, Line
from xdesign.phantom import HyperbolicConcentric, UnitCircle

def compute_mtf_ffst(phantom, image, Ntheta=4):
    """Calculate the MTF using the method described in :cite:`Friedman:13`.

    .. seealso::


    phantom : :py:class:`.UnitCircle`
        Predefined phantom with single circle whose radius is less than 0.5.
    image : ndarray
        The reconstruction of the phantom.
    Ntheta : scalar
        The number of directions at which to calculate the MTF.

    wavenumber : ndarray
        wavelenth in the scale of the original phantom
    MTF : ndarray
        MTF values
    bin_centers : ndarray
        the center of the bins if Ntheta >= 1

    .. seealso::

    if not isinstance(phantom, UnitCircle):
        raise TypeError('MTF requires unit circle phantom.')
    if phantom.geometry.radius >= 0.5:
        raise ValueError('Radius of the phantom should be less than 0.5.')
    if Ntheta <= 0:
        raise ValueError('Must calculate MTF in at least one direction.')
    if not isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError('image must be numpy.ndarray')

    # convert pixel coordinates to length coordinates
    x = y = (np.arange(0, image.shape[0]) / image.shape[0] - 0.5)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    # calculate polar coordinates for each position
    R = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
    Th = np.arctan2(Y, X)
    # print(x)

    # Normalize the data to [0,1)
    x_circle = np.mean(image[R < phantom.geometry.radius - 0.01])
    x_air = np.mean(image[R > phantom.geometry.radius + 0.01])
    # print(x_air)
    # print(x_circle)
    image = (image - x_air) / (x_circle - x_air)
    image[image < 0] = 0
    image[image > 1] = 1

    # [length] (R is already converted to length)
    R_bin_width = 1 / image.shape[0]
    R_bins = np.arange(0, np.max(R), R_bin_width)
    # print(R_bins)

    Th_bin_width = 2 * np.pi / Ntheta  # [radians]
    Th_bins = np.arange(
        -Th_bin_width / 2, 2 * np.pi - Th_bin_width / 2, Th_bin_width
    Th[Th < -Th_bin_width / 2] = 2 * np.pi + Th[Th < -Th_bin_width / 2]
    # print(Th_bins)

    # data with radius falling within a given bin are averaged together for a
    # low noise approximation of the ESF at the given radius
    ESF = np.empty([Th_bins.size, R_bins.size])
    ESF[:] = np.NAN
    count = np.zeros([Th_bins.size, R_bins.size])
    for r in range(0, R_bins.size):
        Rmask = R_bins[r] <= R
        if r + 1 < R_bins.size:
            Rmask = np.bitwise_and(Rmask, R < R_bins[r + 1])

        for th in range(0, Th_bins.size):
            Tmask = Th_bins[th] <= Th
            if th + 1 < Th_bins.size:
                Tmask = np.bitwise_and(Tmask, Th < Th_bins[th + 1])

            # average all the counts for equal radii
            # TODO: Determine whether count is actually needed. It could be
            # replaced with np.mean
            mask = np.bitwise_and(Tmask, Rmask)
            count[th, r] = np.sum(mask)
            if 0 < count[th, r]:  # some bins may be empty
                ESF[th, r] = np.sum(image[mask]) / count[th, r]

    while np.sum(np.isnan(ESF)):  # smooth over empty bins
        ESF[np.isnan(ESF)] = ESF[np.roll(np.isnan(ESF), -1)]

    LSF = -np.diff(ESF, axis=1)

    # trim the LSF so that the edge is in the center of the data
    edge_center = int(phantom.geometry.radius / R_bin_width)
    # print(edge_center)
    pad = int(LSF.shape[1] / 5)
    LSF = LSF[:, edge_center - pad:edge_center + pad + 1]
    # print(LSF)
    LSF_weighted = LSF * np.hanning(LSF.shape[1])

    # Calculate the MTF
    T = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(LSF_weighted))
    faxis = (np.arange(0, LSF.shape[1]) / LSF.shape[1] - 0.5) / R_bin_width
    nyquist = 0.5 * image.shape[0]

    MTF = np.abs(T)
    bin_centers = Th_bins + Th_bin_width / 2

    return faxis, MTF, bin_centers

def compute_mtf_lwkj(image, n_sectors, n_radii=100):
    """Calculate the MTF using the method in :cite:`loebich2007digital`.

    This method fits a sinusoidal function to the image of a Siemens star
    at many radii. Then it uses the ratio of the amplitude of the sinusoidal
    function to its mean value as the modulation transfer function (MTF) at
    each radii.

    .. seealso::


    image : ndarray
        A centered image of a Siemens star.
    n_sectors: int >= 2
        The number of spokes/blades on the star. i.e. the number of
        light/dark pairs.

    frequency : array
        The spatial frequency in cycles per pixel length.
    mtf : array
        The MTF values for each frequency.

    .. seealso::

    assert image.shape[0] == image.shape[1], "image should be square."
    # Determine which radii to sample. Frequencies are limited by
    # the radius of the image and the Nyqust fequency (1/2).
    frequency = np.linspace(
        n_sectors / (np.pi * image.shape[0]),
    # Convert frequency into fractional radii; assume square image
    fradii = n_sectors / (np.pi * frequency * image.shape[0])
    line, theta = get_line_at_radius(image, fradii)
    mtf = fit_sinusoid(line, theta, n_sectors)
    return frequency, mtf

def get_line_at_radius(image, fradius, N=None):
    """Return an Nx1 array of the values of the image at a radius.

    image : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
        A centered image of the Siemens star.
    fradius : (M, ) :py:class:`numpy.array_like`
        The fractional radii of the image at which to extract lines.
        Given as a floats in the range (0, 1).
    N : int >= PI * image_width
        The number of points to sample along each line.

    line : (N, M) :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
        The values from image at each radius.
    theta : (N, 1) :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`
        The angles that were sampled [radians].

        If any value of `fradius` is not between 0 and 1.

    fradius = np.asanyarray(fradius)
    if np.any(fradius <= 0) or np.any(1 <= fradius):
        raise ValueError('fradius must be between 0 and 1.')
    # set the number of sample to pi * d in order to get good sampling
    image_width = np.min(image.shape)
    if N is None:
        N = int(np.pi * image_width)
        N = max(N, int(np.pi * image_width))
    # add singleton dimension to enable matrix multiplication
    M = fradius.size
    fradius.shape = (1, M)
    # calculate the angles to sample
    theta = np.arange(0, N) / N * 2 * np.pi
    theta.shape = (N, 1)
    # convert the angles to xy coordinates
    x = fradius * np.cos(theta)
    y = fradius * np.sin(theta)
    # round to nearest integer location and shift to center
    image_half = image_width / 2
    x = np.round((x + 1) * image_half)
    y = np.round((y + 1) * image_half)
    # extract from image
    line = image[x.astype(int), y.astype(int)]
    assert line.shape == (N, M), line.shape
    assert theta.shape == (N, 1), theta.shape
    return line, theta

def fit_sinusoid(value, angle, f, p0=[0.5, 0.5, 0]):
    """Fit a function of known frequency, f, to the value and angle data.

    We fit the function by minimizing the fitting_error between the square
    function and the measured values:

    fitting_error = mean + A0 * square(f * angle - shift) - value

    The MTF is then calculated using the fitted amplitude / the fitted mean.

    value : NxM ndarray
        The value of the function at N angles and M radii
    angle : Nx1 ndarray
        The N angles at which the function was sampled
    f : scalar
        The expected angular frequency; the number of black/white pairs in
        the Siemens star.
    p0 : list, optional
        The initial guesses for the mean, A0, and angular shift.

    MTFR: 1xM ndarray
        The modulation part of the MTF at each of the M radii

    # Function to minimize to get the amplitudes and mean values of the star
    def errorfunc(p, x, y):
        return p[0] + p[1] * scipy.signal.square(x - p[2]) - y

    M = value.shape[1]
    MTFR = np.ndarray((1, M))
    x = (f * angle).flatten()
    for radius in range(0, M):
        p1, success = scipy.optimize.leastsq(
            errorfunc, p0[:], args=(x, value[:, radius])
        MTFR[:, radius] = p1[1] / p1[0]
    assert (MTFR.shape == (1, M)), MTFR.shape
    return MTFR

def compute_nps_ffst(phantom, A, B=None, plot_type='frequency'):
    """Calculate the noise power spectrum from a unit circle image using the
    method from :cite:`Friedman:13`.

    phantom : UnitCircle
        The unit circle phantom.
    A : ndarray
        The reconstruction of the above phantom.
    B : ndarray
        The reconstruction of the above phantom with different noise. This
        second reconstruction enables allows use of trend subtraction instead
        of zero mean normalization.
    plot_type : string
        'histogram' returns a plot binned by radial coordinate wavenumber
        'frequency' returns a wavenumber vs wavenumber plot

    bins :
        Bins for the radially binned NPS
    counts :
        NPS values for the radially binned NPS
    X, Y :
        Frequencies for the 2D frequency plot NPS
    NPS : 2Darray
        the NPS for the 2D frequency plot

    if not isinstance(phantom, UnitCircle):
        raise TypeError('NPS requires unit circle phantom.')
    if not isinstance(A, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError('A must be numpy.ndarray.')
    if not isinstance(B, np.ndarray):
        raise TypeError('B must be numpy.ndarray.')
    if A.shape != B.shape:
        raise ValueError('A and B must be the same size!')
    if not (plot_type == 'frequency' or plot_type == 'histogram'):
        raise ValueError("plot type must be 'frequency' or 'histogram'.")

    image = A
    if B is not None:
        image = image - B

    resolution = image.shape[0]  # [pixels/length]
    # cut out uniform region (square circumscribed by unit circle)
    i_half = int(image.shape[0] / 2)  # half image
    # half of the square inside the circle
    s_half = int(image.shape[0] * phantom.geometry.radius / np.sqrt(2))
    unif_region = image[i_half - s_half:i_half + s_half, i_half -
                        s_half:i_half + s_half]

    # zero-mean normalization
    unif_region = unif_region - np.mean(unif_region)

    # 2D fourier-transform
    unif_region = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(unif_region))
    # squared modulus / squared complex norm
    NPS = np.abs((unif_region))**2  # [attenuation^2]

    # Calculate axis labels
    # TODO@dgursoy is this frequency scaling correct?
    x = y = (np.arange(0, unif_region.shape[0]) / unif_region.shape[0] -
             0.5) * image.shape[0]
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    # print(x)

    if plot_type == 'histogram':
        # calculate polar coordinates for each position
        R = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
        # Theta = nothing; we are averaging radial contours

        bin_width = 1  # [length] (R is already converted to length)
        bins = np.arange(0, np.max(R), bin_width)
        # print(bins)
        counts = np.zeros(bins.shape)
        for i in range(0, bins.size):
            if i < bins.size - 1:
                mask = np.bitwise_and(bins[i] <= R, R < bins[i + 1])
                mask = R >= bins[i]
            # average all the counts for equal radii
            if 0 < np.sum(mask):  # some bins may be empty
                counts[i] = np.mean(NPS[mask])

        return bins, counts

    elif plot_type == 'frequency':
        return X, Y, NPS

def compute_neq_d(phantom, A, B):
    """Calculate the NEQ according to recommendations by :cite:`Dobbins:95`.

    phantom : UnitCircle
        The unit circle class with radius less than 0.5
    A : ndarray
        The reconstruction of the above phantom.
    B : ndarray
        The reconstruction of the above phantom with different noise. This
        second reconstruction enables allows use of trend subtraction instead
        of zero mean normalization.

    mu_b :
        The spatial frequencies
    NEQ :
        the Noise Equivalent Quanta

    mu_a, NPS = compute_nps_ffst(phantom, A, B, plot_type='histogram')
    mu_b, MTF, bins = compute_mtf_ffst(phantom, A, Ntheta=1)

    # remove negative MT
    MTF = MTF[:, mu_b > 0]
    mu_b = mu_b[mu_b > 0]

    # bin the NPS data to match the MTF data
    NPS_binned = np.zeros(MTF.shape)
    for i in range(0, mu_b.size):
        bucket = mu_b[i] < mu_a
        if i + 1 < mu_b.size:
            bucket = np.logical_and(bucket, mu_a < mu_b[i + 1])

        if NPS[bucket].size > 0:
            NPS_binned[0, i] = np.sum(NPS[bucket])

    NEQ = MTF / np.sqrt(NPS_binned)  # or something similiar

    return mu_b, NEQ