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# Resin

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A CSS preprocessor.

## Installation

npm install resin


## Usage


var resin = require('resin');

  // Pass it a css file to process
  src: 'src/entry.css',
  // Tell it what browsers to prefix for
  browsers: ['last 1 version', 'ios', 'android 4'],
  // Add a namespace to your classes to avoid collisions
  namespace: 'dam',
  // Use the varibles plugin
  vars: true,
  // Use the inherit plugin
  extend: true,
  // Generate sourecemaps for debugging
  debug: true
// returns a promise.

This function will return an evaluated string that you can write to a file, or
stream etc.

Example writing to a file:

var resin = require('resin'),
  write = require('fs').writeFileSync,

  // Pass it a css file to process
  src: 'src/entry.css',
  // Tell it what browsers to prefix for
  browsers: ['last 1 version', 'ios', 'android 4']
  // Add a namespace to your classes to avoid collisions
  namespace: 'dam'
  write('path/to/output/dir/filename.css', result.css);

## Entry CSS file

@import "node-package-name";
@import "other-node-package-name";

Resin will pull in CSS source files distributed via npm packages and add them
to the AST. Uses [postcss-import]( under the covers.

## Features

Resin supports:

* [Imports](
* [Variables](
* [Extend](
* [Namespacing](
* [Autoprefixer](
* Source maps for debugging