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'use strict'

 * This script inserts into mongo the contents of all the .json files in the /seeds directory.
 * The name of the file is the collection that the contents of that file will be inserted into.
 *      Example: This script will insert all the records in cohort.json into the collection "cohort"
 * Usage: $ node seed
 * @author Tom Caflisch

const mongo   = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const config  = require(process.cwd() + '/seed');
const fs      = require('fs'); // Used to get all the files in a directory
const util    = require('util');
const _       = require('lodash');
const errno   = require('errno');
const path    = require('path');
const json2mongo = require('json2mongo');

 * Reads the .json files from the ./seeds folder and inserts them into mongo
module.exports.seed = (dir) => {

  var listOfFiles = null;

    .then(list => {
      listOfFiles = list;
      return getConnection();
    .then(client => {
      return seedDb(dir, client, listOfFiles);
    .then(() => {
      console.log('All done. Go play!');
    .catch(err => {
      console.log('err = ', err);

 * Private

 * Loads all the json files from the ./seeds folder
function loadFiles(dir) {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject, notify) => {

    // Read all the files in the ./seeds folder
    fs.readdir(dir, (err, files) => {

      if(err || _.isUndefined(files)) {
        return reject('Error reading /seeds folder')
      } else {
        // Filter out everything except the .json/.js files
        files = files.filter(file => {
          return path.extname(file) === '.json' || path.extname(file) === '.js'

        return resolve(files)

 * Loops through all the .json files in ./seeds and removes all the records
 * @param dir    - The dir in which the seed files are located
 * @param client  - The mongo client to run queries against
 * @param list    - An array of all the .json files from the seeds folder
function seedDb(dir, client, list) {

  let db = client.db()
  console.log('Seeding files from directory ' + path.resolve(dir));

  return new Promise((resolve, reject, notify) => {

    var operations = []

    // Loop through every file in the list
    list.forEach(file => {

      // Set the filename without the extension to the variable collection_name
      var collection_name = file.split(".")[0]
      var contents = null

      // True if the current file has contents, false if it's empty
      var hasContents = fs.statSync(path.resolve(dir + '/' + file)).size > 0

      console.log('Seeding collection ' + collection_name)

      // If the file has contents, load them
      if(hasContents) {
        contents = require(dir + '/' + file)

        // If the seed file is NOT an array
        if (!util.isArray(contents)) {
          return reject(new Error('Seed file ' + collection_name + ' does not start with an Array'))

      // The chain of operations to occur for each file. Drop the existing collection if it exists, create it, insert data into it
      var chain = dropCollection(db, collection_name)
        .then(() => {
          return createCollection(db, collection_name);
        .then(() => {
          if(contents) {
            return insert(db, collection_name, contents)
        .catch(err => {
          return reject(errmsg(err));

      // Push the chain for each file to an array of promises

    // When all the drop/create/inserts are complete, we're finished
      .then(() => {
      .catch(err => {

 * Gets a connection to mongo
 * @returns {Promise}
function getConnection() {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject, notify) => {

    var NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV
    var connectionString = null

    // If NODE_ENV is set and there is no key in seed.json matching, throw an error
    if(NODE_ENV && !config[NODE_ENV]) {
      return reject('No key exists in seed.json for the passed in NODE_ENV')

    // If the connection string does not start with "mongodb://" or "mongodb+srv://", add it
    if(_.startsWith(config[NODE_ENV], "mongodb://") || _.startsWith(config[NODE_ENV], "mongodb+srv://")) {
      connectionString = config[NODE_ENV]
    } else {
      connectionString = 'mongodb://' + config[NODE_ENV]

    mongo.connect(connectionString, (err, client) => {

      if(err) {
        return reject(err)

      return resolve(client);

 * Creates a collection in mongo
 * @param collection
 * @returns {*}
function createCollection(db, name) {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject, notify) => {

    db.createCollection(name, (err, collection) => {

      if(err) {
        return reject(err)

      return resolve();

 * Drops a collection from mongo if it exists
 * @param collection  - The collection to drop
 * @returns {*}
function dropCollection(db, name) {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject, notify) => {

    // Check if the collection exists, else don't do anything
    collectionExist(db, name)
      .then(exists => {

        // If the collection exists, drop it
        if(exists) {

          db.dropCollection(name, (err, reply) => {

            if(err) {
              return reject(err)

            return resolve();
        } else {
          return resolve();

 * Checks if a collection exists
 * @param db    - The db to check if a collection exists in
 * @param name  - The name of the collection we want to see if exists
 * @returns {Promise}
function collectionExist(db, name) {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject, notify) => {

    db.listCollections().toArray((err, collections) => {

      if(err) {
        return reject(err)

      // If the collection exists in the mongo db
      if(_.find(collections, {name: name})) {
        return resolve(true);
      } else {
        return resolve(false)

 * Inserts an array of objects into mongo
 * @param db              - The db to insert into
 * @param collection_name - The collection to insert into
 * @param contents        - The contents to be inserted
 * @returns {*}
function insert(db, collection_name, contents) {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject, notify) => {

    // If it's an empty array, there's nothing to insert
    if(contents.length !== 0) {

      var data = => {
        return json2mongo(content);

      db.collection(collection_name).insertMany(data, (err, result) => {
        if(err) {
          return reject(err)

        return resolve(result)
    } else {
      return resolve()

 * Formats error messages to display the actual error message instead of all the errno codes and what not.
 * @param err         - The error object that may or may not contain an errno code
 * @returns {string}  - A simple message
function errmsg(err) {

  var str = 'Error: '
  // if it's a libuv error then get the description from errno
  if (errno.errno[err.errno]) {
    str += errno.errno[err.errno].description
  } else {
    str += err.message

  // if it's a `fs` error then it'll have a 'path' property
  if (err.path) {
    str += ' [' + err.path + ']'
  return str