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# Legato: Ruby Client for the Google Analytics Core Reporting and Management API #

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## [Check out the Wiki!]( ##

**Feel free to open an issue if you have a question that is not answered in the [Wiki](**

If you've come here from Garb, welcome! There are a few changes from Garb, so you'll want to check out:

* [Model Data](
* [Query Parameters](
* And the biggest difference: [Filtering](

If you're not able to upgrade quite yet, Garb has been maintained

## Google Analytics Management ##

1. Get an OAuth2 Access Token from Google, Read about [OAuth2](

    access_token = OAuth2 Access Token # from Google

2. Create a New User with the Access Token

    user =

3. List the Accounts and Profiles of the first Account


4. List all the Profiles the User has Access to


5. Get a Profile

    profile = user.profiles.first

6. The Profile Carries the User

    profile.user == user #=> true

7. The profile can also lookup its "parent" Web Property


## Google Analytics Model ##

class Exit
  extend Legato::Model

  metrics :exits, :pageviews
  dimensions :page_path, :operating_system, :browser

profile.exit #=> returns a Legato::Query
profile.exit.each {} #=> any enumerable kicks off the request to GA

## Metrics & Dimensions ##

metrics :exits, :pageviews
dimensions :page_path, :operating_system, :browser

## Filtering ##

Create named filters to wrap query filters.

Here's what google has to say:

### Examples ###

Inside of any `Legato::Model` class, the method `filter` is available (like `metrics` and `dimensions`).

Return entries with exits counts greater than or equal to 2000

filter(:high_exits) {gte(:exits, 2000)}

# or ...

filter :high_exits, &lambda {gte(:exits, 2000)}

Return entries with pageview metric less than or equal to 200

filter(:low_pageviews) {lte(:pageviews, 200)}

Filters with dimensions

filter(:for_browser) {|browser| matches(:browser, browser)}

Filters with OR

filter(:browsers) {|*browsers| {|browser| matches(:browser, browser)}}

## Using and Chaining Filters ##

Pass the profile as the first or last parameter into any filter.

Exit.for_browser("Safari", profile)

Chain two filters.


Profile gets a method for each class extended by Legato::Model

Exit.results(profile) == profile.exit

We can chain off of that method, too.


Chaining order doesn't matter. Profile can be given to any filter.

Exit.high_exits(profile).low_pageviews == Exit.low_pageviews(profile).high_exits

Be sure to pass the appropriate number of arguments matching the lambda for your filter.

For a filter defined like this:

filter(:browsers) {|*browsers| {|browser| matches(:browser, browser)}}

We can use it like this, passing any number of arguments:

Exit.browsers("Firefox", "Safari", profile)

## Google Analytics Supported Filtering Methods ##

Google Analytics supports a significant number of filtering options.

Here is what we can do currently:
(the operator is a method available in filters for the appropriate metric or dimension)

Operators on metrics (method => GA equivalent):

    eql     => '==',
    not_eql => '!=',
    gt      => '>',
    gte     => '>=',
    lt      => '<',
    lte     => '<='

Operators on dimensions:

    matches          => '==',
    does_not_match   => '!=',
    contains         => '=~',
    does_not_contain => '!~',
    substring        => '=@',
    not_substring    => '!@'

## Session-level Segments

Your query can have a session-level segment, which works with filter expressions. It
works like an [advanced
segment](, except you
don't have to create it beforehand, you can just specify it at query time.

Some of the numbers you'll get will be different from using a filter, since
[the subset of visits matched happens before dimensions and metrics are
calculated]( (hover on the `segment`
parameter to see).

Some metrics and dimensions are not allowed for segments, see the [API
for more details.

**Note**: Legato does _not_ support [Users vs Sessions](, yet. The default will be sessions (the equivalent of the earlier, now removed, dynamic segments).

### Defining, using and chaining segments

Return entries with exits counts greater than or equal to 2000

segment :high_exits do
  gte(:exits, 2000)

Return entries with pageview metric less than or equal to 200

segment :low_pageviews do
  lte(:pageviews, 200)

You can chain them


and call them directly on the profile

## Accounts, WebProperties, Profiles, and Goals ##

## Other Parameters Can be Passed to a call to #results ##

  * :start_date - The date of the period you would like this report to start
  * :end_date - The date to end, inclusive
  * :limit - The maximum number of results to be returned
  * :offset - The starting index
  * :sort - metric/dimension to sort by
  * :quota_user - any arbitrary string that uniquely identifies a user (40 characters max)
  * :sampling_level - 'FASTER' or 'HIGHER_PRECISION'
  * :segment_id - this will supersede any segments chained to the query

## Real Time Reporting ##

GA provides an endpoint to do **basic** reporting in near-realtime. Please read the above documentation to know which features (and dimentsion/metrics) are or are _not_ available. It is also only available in **beta** so you must already have access.

Inside of Legato, you can simply add `realtime` to your query (`#results` returns a `Query` instance), like this:

The results you iterate over (with `.each`, etc) will be from the realtime reporting API.

You can also call `realtime` on your model to get a new `Query` instance with realtime API set.

query = Exit.realtime
query.realtime? #=> true
query.tracking_scope #=> 'rt'

## Managing Quotas ##

Assigning a `quota_user` or `user_ip` on a user instance will be used by management and query requests.

user =
user.quota_user = 'some_unique_user_identifier'
# OR
user.user_ip = ip_address_from_a_web_user_or_something