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Test Coverage
import sys

from functools import reduce
import re
import logging

from ..core.plugin import Plugin
from ..core.smtlib import Operators, to_constant
from ..utils.enums import StateLists
import pyevmasm as EVMAsm

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class FilterFunctions(Plugin):
    def __init__(
        self, regexp=r".*", mutability="both", depth="both", fallback=False, include=True, **kwargs
        Constrain input based on function metadata. Include or avoid functions
        selected by the specified criteria.

        #Do not explore any human transactions that end up calling a constant function
        no_human_constant = FilterFunctions(depth='human', mutability='constant', include=False)

        #At human tx depth only accept synthetic check functions
        only_tests = FilterFunctions(regexp=r'mcore_.*', depth='human', include=False)

        :param regexp: a regular expression over the name of the function '.*' will match all functions
        :param mutability: mutable, constant or both will match functions declared in the abi to be of such class
        :param depth: match functions in internal transactions, in human initiated transactions or in both types
        :param fallback: if True include the fallback function. Hash will be 00000000 for it
        :param include: if False exclude the selected functions, if True include them
        depth = depth.lower()
        if depth not in ("human", "internal", "both"):
            raise ValueError
        mutability = mutability.lower()
        if mutability not in ("mutable", "constant", "both"):
            raise ValueError

        # fixme better names for member variables
        self._regexp = regexp
        self._mutability = mutability
        self._depth = depth
        self._fallback = fallback
        self._include = include

    def will_open_transaction_callback(self, state, tx):
        world = state.platform
        tx_cnt = len(world.all_transactions)
        # Constrain input only once per tx, per plugin
        if state.context.get("constrained%d" % id(self), 0) != tx_cnt:
            state.context["constrained%d" % id(self)] = tx_cnt

            if self._depth == "human" and not tx.is_human:
            if self._depth == "internal" and tx.is_human:

            # Get metadata if any for the target address of current tx
            md = self.manticore.get_metadata(tx.address)
            if md is None:
            # Let's compile  the list of interesting hashes
            selected_functions = []

            for func_hsh in md.function_selectors:
                abi = md.get_abi(func_hsh)
                if abi["type"] == "fallback":
                if self._mutability == "constant" and not abi.get("constant", False):
                if self._mutability == "mutable" and abi.get("constant", False):
                if not re.match(self._regexp, abi["name"]):

            if self._fallback and md.has_non_default_fallback_function:

            if self._include:
                if not selected_functions:
                    logger.warning("No functions selected, adding False to path constraint.")
                # constrain the input so it can take only the interesting values
                constraint = reduce(
                    Operators.OR, ([:4] == x for x in selected_functions), False
                # Avoid all not selected hashes
                constraint = True
                for func_hsh in md.function_selectors:
                    if func_hsh in selected_functions:
                        constraint = Operators.AND([:4] != func_hsh, constraint)

class LoopDepthLimiter(Plugin):
    """This just aborts explorations that are too deep"""

    def __init__(self, loop_count_threshold=5, **kwargs):
        self.loop_count_threshold = loop_count_threshold

    def will_run_callback(self, *args):
        with self.manticore.locked_context("seen_rep", dict) as reps:

    def will_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, pc, insn):
        world = state.platform
        with self.manticore.locked_context("seen_rep", dict) as reps:
            item = (
                world.current_transaction.sort == "CREATE",
            if item not in reps:
                reps[item] = 0
            reps[item] += 1
            if reps[item] > self.loop_count_threshold:

class VerboseTrace(Plugin):
    Generates a verbose trace of EVM execution and saves in workspace into `state<id>.trace`.

    Example output can be seen in test_eth_plugins.

    def will_evm_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, instruction, arguments):
        current_vm = state.platform.current_vm
        state.context.setdefault("str_trace", []).append(str(current_vm))

    def generate_testcase(self, state, testcase, message):
        trace = state.context.get("str_trace", [])

        with testcase.open_stream("verbose_trace") as vt:
            for t in trace:
                vt.write(t + "\n")

class VerboseTraceStdout(Plugin):
    Same as VerboseTrace but prints to stdout. Note that you should use it only if Manticore
    is run with procs=1 as otherwise, the output will be clobbered.

    def will_evm_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, instruction, arguments):

class KeepOnlyIfStorageChanges(Plugin):
    """This plugin discards all transactions that results in states where
    the underlying EVM storage did not change or in other words,
    there were no writes to it.

    This allows to speed-up EVM engine exploration as we don't
    explore states that have the same storage (contract data).

    However, keep in mind that if the (contract) code relies on
    account balance and the balance is not a symbolic value
    it might be that a certain state will not be covered by the
    execution when this plugin is used.

    def did_open_transaction_callback(self, state, tx, *args):
        """We need a stack. Each tx (internal or not) starts with a "False" flag
        denoting that it did not write anything to the storage

    def did_close_transaction_callback(self, state, tx, *args):
        """When a tx (internal or not) is closed a value is popped out from the
        flag stack. Depending on the result if the storage is not rolled back the
        next flag in the stack is updated. Not that if the a tx is reverted the
        changes it may have done on the storage will not affect the final result.

        flag = state.context["written"].pop()
        if tx.result in {"RETURN", "STOP"}:
            code_written = (tx.result == "RETURN") and (tx.sort == "CREATE")
            flag = flag or code_written
            # As the ether balance of any account can be manipulated beforehand
            # it does not matter if a state can affect the balances or not.
            # The same reachability should be obtained as the account original
            # balances must be symbolic and free-ish
            if not flag:
                ether_sent = state.can_be_true(tx.value != 0)
                flag = flag or ether_sent
            state.context["written"][-1] = state.context["written"][-1] or flag

    def did_evm_write_storage_callback(self, state, *args):
        """Turn on the corresponding flag is the storage has been modified.
        Note: subject to change if the current transaction is reverted"""
        state.context["written"][-1] = True

    def will_run_callback(self, *args):
        """Initialize the flag stack at each human tx/run()"""
        for st in self.manticore.ready_states:
            st.context["written"] = [False]

    def did_run_callback(self):
        """When  human tx/run just ended remove the states that have not changed
        the storage"""
        with self.manticore.locked_context("ethereum.saved_states", list) as saved_states:
            # Normally the ready states are consumed and forked, eth save the
            # states that finished ok in a special context list. This list will
            # compose the ready states for the next human transaction.
            # The actual "ready_states" list at this point contain the states
            # that have not finished the previous TX due to a timeout. Those will
            # be ignored.
            for state_id in list(saved_states):
                st = self.manticore._load(state_id)
                if not st.context["written"][-1]:
                    if in self.manticore._ready_states:

    def generate_testcase(self, state, testcase, message):
        with testcase.open_stream("summary") as stream:
            if not state.context.get("written", (False,))[-1]:
                    "State was removed from ready list because the last tx did not write to the storage"

class SkipRevertBasicBlocks(Plugin):
    def _is_revert_bb(self, state, pc):
        world = state.platform

        def read_code(_pc=None):
            while True:
                yield to_constant(world.current_vm.read_code(_pc)[0])
                _pc += 1

        for inst in EVMAsm.disassemble_all(read_code(pc), pc):
            if == "REVERT":
                return True
            if inst.is_terminator:
                return False

    def will_evm_execute_instruction_callback(self, state, instruction, arguments):
        world = state.platform
        if state.platform.current_transaction.sort != "CREATE":
            if instruction.semantics == "JUMPI":

                # if the bb after the jumpi ends ina revert do not explore it.
                if self._is_revert_bb(state, world.current_vm.pc + instruction.size):
                    state.constrain(arguments[1] == True)

                # if the target of the jumpi ends up in a revert avoid it
                if self._is_revert_bb(state, arguments[0]):
                    state.constrain(arguments[1] == False)

                # This may have added an impossible constraint.