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This file implements a configuration system.

The config values and constant are gathered from three sources:

    1. default values provided at time of definition
    2. yml files (i.e. ./manticore.yml)
    3. command line arguments

in that order of priority.
import argparse
import logging
from typing import Dict
from itertools import product
from enum import Enum
import os
import yaml

_groups: Dict[str, "_Group"] = {}

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ConfigError(Exception):

class ConfigEnum(Enum):
    """Used as configuration constant for choosing flavors"""

    def title(self):
        return self._name_.title()

    def from_string(cls, name):
        return cls.__members__[name]

class _Var:
    def __init__(self, name: str = "", default=None, description: str = None, defined: bool = True): = name
        self.description = description
        self._value = default
        self.default = default
        self.defined = defined

    def was_set(self) -> bool:
        return self.value is not self.default

    def value(self):
        return self._value

    def value(self, val):
        # Forgiveness/Enums support from_string
        if isinstance(self.default, Enum) and isinstance(val, str):
            self._value = self.default.from_string(val)
            self._value = val

class _Group:
    Configuration group to which you can add variables by simple doing:
        group.add('some_var', default=123, description='..')

    And then use their value in the code as:

    Can also be used with a `with-statement context` so it would revert the value, e.g.:
    group.var = 100
    with group.temp_vals():
        group.var = 123
        # group.var is 123 for the time of with statement
    # group.var is back to 100

    Note that it is not recommended to use it as a default argument value for a function as it will be evaluated once.
    Also don't forget that a given variable can be set through CLI or .yaml file!

    def __init__(self, name: str):
        # To bypass __setattr__
        object.__setattr__(self, "_name", name)
        object.__setattr__(self, "_vars", {})

    def name(self) -> str:
        return self._name

    def add(self, name: str, default=None, description: str = None):
        Add a variable named |name| to this value group, optionally giving it a
        default value and a description.

        Variables must be added with this method before they can be set or read.
        Reading a variable replaces the variable that was defined previously, but
        updates the description if a new one is set.

        if name in self._vars:
            # Be kind when double-adding the same exact config
            existing = self._vars[name]
            if default == existing.default and description == existing.description:
            raise ConfigError(f"{}.{name} already defined.")

        if name == "name":
            raise ConfigError("'name' is a reserved name for a group.")

        v = _Var(name, description=description, default=default)
        self._vars[name] = v

    def update(self, name: str, value=None, default=None, description: str = None):
        Like add, but can tolerate existing values; also updates the value.

        Mostly used for setting fields from imported INI files and modified CLI flags.
        if name in self._vars:
            description = description or self._vars[name].description
            default = default or self._vars[name].default
        elif name == "name":
            raise ConfigError("'name' is a reserved name for a group.")

        v = _Var(name, description=description, default=default, defined=False)
        v.value = value
        self._vars[name] = v

    def get_description(self, name: str) -> str:
        Return the description, or a help string of variable identified by |name|.
        if name not in self._vars:
            raise ConfigError(f"{}.{name} not defined.")

        return self._vars[name].description

    def updated_vars(self):
        Return all vars that were explicitly set or updated with new values.
        return filter(lambda x: x.was_set, self._vars.values())

    def _var_object(self, name: str) -> _Var:
        return self._vars[name]

    def __getattr__(self, name):
            return self._vars[name].value
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(f"Group '{}' has no variable '{name}'")

    def __setattr__(self, name, new_value):
        self._vars[name].value = new_value

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._vars)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self._vars

    def temp_vals(self) -> "_TemporaryGroup":
        Returns a contextmanager that can be used to set temporary config variables.
        group.var = 123

        with group.temp_vals():
            group.var = 456
            # var is 456

        # group.var is back to 123
        return _TemporaryGroup(self)

class _TemporaryGroup:
    def __init__(self, group: _Group):
        object.__setattr__(self, "_group", group)
        object.__setattr__(self, "_entered", False)
        object.__setattr__(self, "_saved", {k: v.value for k, v in group._vars.items()})

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        return getattr(self._grp, item)

    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
        if self._entered and key not in self._saved:
            self._saved[key] = getattr(self._group, key).value

    def __enter__(self):
        if self._entered is True:
            raise ConfigError("Can't use temporary group recursively!")

        object.__setattr__(self, "_entered", True)

    def __exit__(self, *_):
        for k in self._saved:
            setattr(self._group, k, self._saved[k])

        object.__setattr__(self, "_entered", False)

def get_group(name: str) -> _Group:
    Get a configuration variable group named |name|
    global _groups

    if name in _groups:
        return _groups[name]

    group = _Group(name)
    _groups[name] = group

    return group

def save(f):
    Save current config state to an yml file stream identified by |f|

    :param f: where to write the config file
    global _groups

    c = {}
    for group_name, group in _groups.items():
        section = {}
        for var in group.updated_vars():
            if isinstance(var.value, Enum):
                section[] = var.value.value
                section[] = var.value
        if not section:
        c[group_name] = section

    yaml.safe_dump(c, f, line_break=True)

def parse_config(f):
    Load an yml-formatted configuration from file stream |f|

    :param file f: Where to read the config.

        c = yaml.safe_load(f)
        for section_name, section in c.items():
            group = get_group(section_name)

            for key, val in section.items():
                if key in group:
                    obj = group._var_object(key)
                    if isinstance(obj.default, Enum):
                        val = type(obj.default).from_string(val)
                setattr(group, key, val)
    # Any exception here should trigger the warning; from not being able to parse yaml
    # to reading poorly formatted values
    except Exception:
        raise ConfigError("Failed reading config file. Do you have a local [.]manticore.yml file?")

def load_overrides(path=None):
    Load config overrides from the yml file at |path|, or from default paths. If a path
    is provided and it does not exist, raise an exception

    Default paths: ./mcore.yml, ./.mcore.yml, ./manticore.yml, ./.manticore.yml.

    if path is not None:
        names = [path]
        possible_names = ["mcore.yml", "manticore.yml"]
        names = [os.path.join(".", "".join(x)) for x in product(["", "."], possible_names)]

    for name in names:
            with open(name, "r") as yml_f:
      "Reading configuration from {name}")
        except FileNotFoundError:
        if path is not None:
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"'{path}' not found for config overrides")

def add_config_vars_to_argparse(args):
    Import all defined config vars into |args|, for parsing command line.
    :param args: A container for argparse vars
    :type args: argparse.ArgumentParser or argparse._ArgumentGroup
    global _groups
    for group_name, group in _groups.items():
        for key in group:
            obj = group._var_object(key)

def process_config_values(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, args: argparse.Namespace):
    Bring in provided config values to the args parser, and import entries to the config
    from all arguments that were actually passed on the command line

    :param parser: The arg parser
    :param args: The value that parser.parse_args returned
    # First, load a local config file, if passed or look for one in pwd if it wasn't.
    if hasattr(args, "config"):

    # Get a list of defined config vals. If these are passed on the command line,
    # update them in their correct group, not in the cli group
    defined_vars = list(get_config_keys())

    command_line_args = vars(args)

    # Bring in the options keys into args
    config_cli_args = get_group("cli")

    # Place all command line args into the cli group (for saving in the workspace). If
    # the value is set on command line, then it takes precedence; otherwise we try to
    # read it from the config file's cli group.
    for k in command_line_args:
        default = parser.get_default(k)
        set_val = getattr(args, k)
        if default is not set_val:
            if k not in defined_vars:
                config_cli_args.update(k, value=set_val)
                # Update a var's native group
                group_name, key = k.split(".")
                group = get_group(group_name)
                setattr(group, key, set_val)
            if k in config_cli_args:
                setattr(args, k, getattr(config_cli_args, k))

def get_config_keys():
    Return an iterable covering all defined keys so far
    global _groups
    for group_name, group in _groups.items():
        for key in group:
            yield f"{group_name}.{key}"