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Test Coverage
 * @file Defines the audio meter that measures
 * audio activity for each WebRTC MediaStream.
 * @requires module:js/error
 * @requires module:js/navbar
 * This is currently an experimental feature that can be enabled/disabled.
 * Because of problems with Chrome's WebAudio/WebRTC implementation, we are
 * currently using to alert the other callers of our sound state.
 * @see

'use strict';

// This specifies how many audio samples to process at once. This must be a power of 2 with
// the maximum amount of samples at 16384. The bigger the buffer, the less often onaudioprocess
// is triggered. However, there will be more events to go through.
var kSampleSize = 16384;

// How often we take a sample.
var kSampleAverageInterval = 16;

// Threshold for when to broadcast noise levels
var kBroadcastRMSThreshold = 0.08;

var AudioMeter = {
    // Stores a mapping of peerId with objects needed to update and teardown associated items
    _map: {},

    // This will be set when init() is called and should be non-null
    _client: null,

     * Animates the fill meter.
     * @param {Object} fillMeter - Fill meter object
     * (a `<div>` element).
     * @param {Number} rms - Root mean square (measure
     * of audio power).
     * @returns {undefined} undefined
     * @private
    _animateFillMeter: function(fillMeter, rms) {
                width: (rms * 100) + '%'
            }, 250,
            function() {
                // Make the meter "bounce" back to 0
                        width: '0%'
                    }, 250);

     * Initializes the audio meter.
     * @param {Object} client - VTCClient object of
     * the current WebRTC session.
     * @returns {undefined} undefined
     * @public
    init: function(client) {
        this._client = client;

     * Handles the peer message.
     * @param {String} peerId - Peer ID that sent
     * the associated message.
     * @param {Object} content - Contains the decibel
     * percentage for use with populating the "width"
     * property of a `<div>` element:
     *    content: {
     *        rms : float
     *    }
     * @returns {undefined} undefined
     * @public
    handlePeerMessage: function(peerId, content) {
        if (peerId !== this._client.getId()) {
            var item = this._map[peerId];
            if (item !== undefined) {
                var fillMeter = item.fillMeter;
                if (typeof content.rms === 'number' && content.rms <= 1) {
                    this._animateFillMeter(fillMeter, content.rms);
            } else {
                ErrorMetric.log('AudioMeter.handlePeerMessage => ' + peerId + ' is not valid');

     * Creates a new AudioMeter for the MediaStream for
     * a given peerId.
     * @param {String} peerId - Peer ID of the provided
     * MediaStream object.
     * @param {Object} stream - MediaStream instance containing
     * the audio and video information of the user.
     * @param {Object} meterFillElem - HTML `<div>` element
     * representing the decibel amount (0 to 100%)
     * @param {Boolean} isLocalStream - True if the AudioMeter
     * to be created is for the local stream, false otherwise.
     * @returns {undefined} undefined
     * @public
    create: function(peerId, stream, meterFillElem, isLocalStream) {
        var _this = this;
        var audioContext = null;
        var mediaStreamSource = null;
        var processor = null;
        var eventListenerId = null;

        var _broadcastRms = function(rms) {
                room: _this._client.getRoomName()
            }, 'audio-meter', {
                rms: rms

        if (isLocalStream !== undefined && isLocalStream) {
            audioContext = new AudioContext();
            mediaStreamSource = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
            processor = audioContext.createScriptProcessor(kSampleSize, 1, 1);


            processor.onaudioprocess = function(evt) {
                var buffer = evt.inputBuffer;
                if (buffer.numberOfChannels > 0) {
                    var inputData = buffer.getChannelData(0);
                    var inputDataLength = inputData.length;
                    var total = 0;

                    // We calculate the average of every X to prevent CPU fans from kicking in
                    // on laptops!
                    for (var i = 0; i < inputDataLength; i += kSampleAverageInterval) {
                        total += Math.abs(inputData[i]);

                    var rms = Math.sqrt((kSampleAverageInterval * total) / inputDataLength);
                    _this._animateFillMeter(meterFillElem, rms);

                    // Only send our rms data if we are not muted.
                    if (NavBar.micBtn.isSelected() && rms > kBroadcastRMSThreshold) {

        this._map[peerId] = {
            streamSource: mediaStreamSource,
            processor: processor,
            fillMeter: meterFillElem,
            eventListenerId: eventListenerId

     * Destroys the AudioMeter associated
     * with the provided Peer ID.
     * @param {String} peerId - The peer ID of
     * the AudioMeter to destroy.
     * @returns {undefined} undefined
     * @public
    destroy: function(peerId) {
        var item = this._map[peerId];
        if (item.streamSource !== null && item.processor !== null) {

        if (item.eventListenerId !== null) {

        delete this._map[peerId];

window.AudioContext = (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext);