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# Changelog

## [v1.40]( (2024-02-09)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix *more* bugs when YAML file is commented and the language key is still present.

## [v1.39]( (2024-02-09)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix bug when YAML file is commented and the language key is still present.

## [v1.38]( (2023-10-23)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Bump GetText dependency to 3.4.9 (fix `\r` escape and other improvements)
## [v1.37]( (2023-06-27)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Prepare compatibility with Ruby 3.3 by bumping GetText dependency
## [v1.36]( (2023-05-03)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Keep YAML files and keys from locales that are not in the configuration file (#54)

## [v1.35]( (2023-01-12)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Compatibility with Ruby 3.2 (Fix `File.exists?` to `File.exist?`)

## [v1.34]( (2022-11-16)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix plural rule in source PO file by manually adding it (for GetText >= 3.3.9)

## [v1.33]( (2022-11-07)

#### New features:

 * Match I18n fallbacks in GetText (cf. [#48]( and [#50]( Thanks @ryanb!
**Important information:** a new directory with PO/MO files for the source language will be created in your `locales/gettext` directory. 
Don't worry, it's expected: the purpose is to unify fallback management.

## [v1.32]( (2022-05-20)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix bad `html.erb` parsing when there is a `case` in it, using new gettext 3.4.3 Erubi parser. (cf. [ruby-gettext/gettext PR #91](

## [v1.31]( (2022-04-04)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix Psych 4 breaking change when loading YAML files with aliases. See [issue #47](

## [v1.30]( (2022-03-23)

#### New features:

 * Don't raise an issue for a conflicted `.translation_io` file anymore, but fix it directly.

## [v1.29]( (2022-02-01)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Use `source_locale` as last fallback for GetText (instead of default "en").

## [v1.28]( (2022-01-17)

#### New features:

 * Bump GetText dependency to 3.4.2 to support:
   * Automatic locale fallbacks `fr_BE_Foo` -> `fr_BE` -> `fr` (cf. [ruby-gettext/gettext#89](
   * Ruby 3.1 (cf. [ruby-gettext/gettext#92](

## [v1.27]( (2021-10-06)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Improve symbol/string consistency of `source_locale` and `target_locales`.

## [v1.26]( (2021-07-14)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix syntax issue with Ruby 3.0 and release v1.25 (that is now yanked!)

## [v1.25]( (2021-07-14)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Don't remove empty keys in `localization.xx.yml` files when `config.yaml_remove_empty_keys = true`, they may be useful for delimiters, etc.

## [v1.24]( (2021-06-15)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Force max version of GetText (3.3.7) to avoid dependency to external online request (see [here]( for discussion).

#### New features:

 * Warnings when trying to init/sync with duplicate or empty `target_locales` in the configuration file.

## [v1.23]( (2021-01-17)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix `ArgumentError: comparison of Pathname with String failed` if `I18n.load_path` contains a Pathname instead of a String ([#41]( Thanks @11mdlow!

## [v1.22]( (2020-07-27)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix deprecation warnings on Rails 6 ([#38](

#### New features:

 * Add `config.yaml_remove_empty_keys` option ([#37]( Thanks @Uepsilon!

## [v1.21]( (2019-12-30)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Refactor YAML source editions service ([#35](
   * Faster when many source editions are applied.
   * Better behavior when overriding the same key from a gem multiple times in a single sync.
   * Better paths normalization.

## [v1.20]( (2019-10-10)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Improved `config.ignored_key_prefixes` to escape prefix from Regexp (prevent `.` to be any char).

## [v1.19]( (2019-09-13)

#### New features:

 * Add `config.yaml_line_width` option to wrap YAML files ([#19](
 * Add `config.gettext_object_delegate` option to avoid monkey-patching of Object ([#30](
 * Remove extra-whitespace in YAML files (issue with libYAML) ([#13](
 * Only write localization.xx.yml files if they are not empty.
 * Faster GetText parsing by ignoring paths using `Pathname#find` API instead of `Dir[].reject`. Big speed up if lots of files in the project (`node_modules` etc.)!
 * `translation:init`: won't rewrite source YAML files if that's not needed.

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Improved `config.ignored_key_prefixes` so `errors.message` would not ignore `errors.messageandstuff` key.

## [v1.18]( (2019-04-05)

#### New features:

 * Parse GetText strings from specified gems ([#28]( Cf.
 * Add `config.disable_yaml` option ([#26](
 * Add `config.text_domain` and `config.binded_text_domains` options for GetText fine-tuning.

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Deprecation warning for #has_rdoc (Rubygems) ([#29](

## [v1.17]( (2018-11-12)

#### New features:

 * New 'rake translation:sync_readonly' task for concurrent syncing (CI). See README.
 * Increase timeout for HTTP requests.

## [v1.16]( (2018-10-10)

#### New features:

 * Make the parsing compatible with .inky extension files (like erb templating) + add custom "erb-like" extensions in configuration.

## [v1.15]( (2018-09-27)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Debug error and more specs for inconsistent YAML.

## [v1.14]( (2018-03-23)

#### New features:

 * Add params to each request to specify the version and the client (`gem_version` become `version` and `client` is always `rails`). Needed because now there are also Laravel projects on (cf.

## [v1.13]( (2018-02-19)

#### New features:

 * `rake translation:sync_and_show_purgeable` specifies the languages of the to-be-removed segments (because sometimes it will only delete a segment related to a removed language).

## [v1.12]( (2018-02-06)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Exit with failure status code as opposed to implicit success in rescue blocks ([#22]( Thanks @Dombo!

## [v1.11]( (2017-12-14)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Update GetText dependency to >= 3.2.5 because of [That issue that evaluate strings of whole code](
 * Call `send(:include)` to make it compatible with Ruby < 2.1

## [v1.10]( (2017-10-18)

#### New features:

 * Add `rake translation:sync_and_show_purgeable` task to see all unused keys/strings from, using the current branch as reference ([#20](
 * Better file formats configuration in configuration file ([#14](
 * Better wording

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Debug error and more specs for inconsistent YAML.

## [v1.9]( (2017-02-16)

#### New features:

 * Messages with project URL on init/sync.
 * Check if no git conflicts in .translation_io hidden file.
 * Check syntax of generated ruby files for HAML/SLIM parsing.

## [v1.8.4]( (2016-12-02)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Debug FlatHash.to_hash in a very specific case. This issue should not happen in consistent YAML files.

## [v1.8.3]( (2016-09-06)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Don't set LC_TYPE to avoid warnings on Linux ([#7](

## [v1.8.2]( (2016-07-20)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Add missing wee and wen locales to Locale (Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian)

## [v1.8.1]( (2016-07-08)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Removed clutter (lost puts)

## [v1.8]( (2016-07-06)

#### New features:

 * When `disable_gettext` is set to `true`, only load GetText libraries where needed to consume less memory.

## [v1.7]( (2016-04-19)

#### New features:

 * Force use of Gettext 3.2.2 because of bad Chinese (traditional/simplified) language management for previous versions of Gettext: [ruby-gettext/gettext#45](

## [v1.6]( (2016-02-03)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Debug check of source locale during init.

## [v1.5]( (2016-01-08)

#### New features:

 * Warning when source YAML text was changed in local project and in
 * Better warning messages for source and target locale consistencies during init.

## [v1.4]( (2015-12-11)

#### New features:

 * New configuration option : `disable_gettext` (gettext folder will not appear, and code will not be parsed for Gettext keys)
 * Better HAML and SLIM management for situations where `_` is used without parenthesis.

## [v1.3]( (2015-11-13)

#### New features:

 * Description text on top of localization files (YML).
 * New error message if languages of project and languages of configuration don't match.
 * New config option `config.ignored_source_files` to ignore some files for gettext parsing.

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Rescue Gettext parsing errors when this case happens `_ | %w()`. It will not fail and will raise a error message with the line of the issue.

## [v1.2]( (2015-07-03)

#### New features:

 * Ensure the correct locale can be set only for the current thread.

## [v1.1.3]( (2015-03-31)

#### New features:

 * Ensure GetText.locale is in sync with I18n's default locale at boot

## [v1.1.2]( (2015-03-18)

#### New features:

 * Better specs

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix HAML and SLIM parsing and import.

## [v1.1.0]( (2015-03-17)

#### New features:

 * Allow users to edit source text of YAML keys in interface.
 * `rake translation:sync` will now get the new sources into the app before synchronizing translations.

## [v1.0.1]( (2015-01-08)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Development dependencies resolution in gemspec.

## [v1.0.0]( (2015-01-08)

#### New features:

 * Better set_locale
 * POT/PO headers improvement when syncing.

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Adding a new language in your Rails project before syncing no longer breaks the PO header.

## [v0.9.7]( (2014-12-12)

#### New features:

 * Better localization files management :
   * Don't copy empty keys from source locale anymore
   * Keep keys that are only in targets
   * Manage transliterations
 * `rake translation:sync_and_purge` instead of `rake translation:purge`

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Debug charset issues

## [v0.9.5]( (2014-10-10)

#### New features:

 * Deep merge of YAML files before flatten
 * Custom ignored key prefixes

## [v0.9.4]( (2014-09-26)

#### New features:

 * Use HTTPS to sync with
 * Can deal with .ruby and .rabl files containing GetText localization

## [v0.9.3]( (2014-09-11)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Fix issue when there is absolutely no YAML keys on the init (happens when not-english source language)

## [v0.9.2]( (2014-09-09)

#### Fixes (bugs & defects):

 * Does not break on empty YAML files loading

## [v0.9.1]( (2014-09-05)

#### New features:

 * Better management of reserved keys in YAML (no, n, true, false, etc.)

## [v0.9]( (2014-09-05)

#### New features:

 * Better management of localization keys in YAML (delimiters, boolean values, integers, etc.)