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### 3.0.0 / ????-??-?? ###

* Prevent duplicate assembly steps [#49]( (@ifedapoolarewaju)
* Send "Transloadit-Client" header for every request (@ifedapoolarewaju)

### 2.0.1 / 2017-01-23 ###

* Use the ssl enabled url as the API base url (@ifedapoolarewaju)

### 2.0.0 / 2016-12-03 ###

* Drop support for EOL'd Ruby 1.9.x and Ruby 2.0, please use version 1.2.0 if you need support for older
  Ruby versions.
* Fix compatibility to Ruby >=2.1 and Rails 5.
* Remove bored instance logic (thanks @ifedapoolarewaju for the PR). This shouldn't affect users at all and removes
  the need for another HTTP request before the actual HTTP request.
* We now have the `transloadit.bill` method to retrieve billing reports. (@ifedapoolarewaju)
* Deprecate `assembly.submit!` method for `assembly.create!`. This shouldn't affect users as the `submit!` method remains
  as an alias for `create!`. (@ifedapoolarewaju)
* Add support for new `assembly` methods (Thanks @ifedapoolarewaju):
  * list to get a list of all assemblies.
  * get to retrieve a particular assembly. Requires assembly id to be passed as argument.
  * replay to replay a particular assembly. Requires assembly id to be passed as argument.
  * get_notifications to get a list of all assembly notifications.
  * replay_notification to replay the notification of a particular assembly. Requires assembly id to be passed as argument.
* We now have a Template api with the following methods:
  * create to create a new template.
  * list to get a list of all templates.
  * get to retrieve a particular template.
  * update to update a particular template.
  * delete to delete a particular template.
* Add rate limit feature to implicitly retry assembly creation when the rate limit is reached.
* Add `assembly.reload_until_finished!` which calls `reload!` once per second until assembly is finished (@gbuesing)
* Added example files with a [small tutorial](examples/ in `examples` (@jasonaibrahim)

### 1.2.0 / 2015-12-28 ###

* allow custom fields to be passed to Transloadit and received back in the response (thanks @Acconut for the pull request)

### 1.1.4 / 2015-12-14 ###

* fix Ruby 1.9.x compatibility by explicitly requiring mime-types 2.99

### 1.1.3 / 2014-08-21 ###

* Use rest-client < 1.7.0 for Ruby version below 1.9 to stay 1.8 compatible.

### 1.1.2 / 2014-06-17 ###

* Fix deprecation warning on Ruby 2.1.0 for OpenSSL::Digest (thanks @pekeler for the patch)

### 1.1.1 / 2013-06-25 ###

* request.get with secret (thanks @miry for the patch)

### 1.1.0 / 2013-04-22 ###

* We now have more statuses available in the response:
    * finished? to check if processing is finished
    * error? to check if processing failed with errors
    * canceled? to check if processing was canceled
    * aborted? to check if processing was aborted
    * executing? to check if processing is still executing
    * uploading? to check if the upload is still going
* Please use `finished?` to check if procssing is finished and `completed?` to
  check if completed successfully

### 1.0.5 / 2013-03-13 ###

* Use MultiJSON so everyone can use the JSON parser they like. (thanks @kselden for the patch)
* Switch to Kramdown for RDoc formatting
* Support jRuby 1.8/1.9 and MRI 2.0.0 too

### 1.0.4 / 2013-03-06 ###

* allow symbols as keys for response attributes (thanks @gbuesing for reporting)

### 1.0.3 / 2012-11-10 ###

* Support max_size option

### 1.0.1 / 2011-02-08 ###

[Full list of changes](

* Enhancements
  * support custom form fields for Transloadit::Assembly

* New Maintainers
  * Robin Mehner <>

### 1.0.0 / 2011-09-06 ###

* Initial release