require 'transloadit'
# Represents an Assembly API ready to make calls to the REST API endpoints.
# See the Transloadit {documentation}[]
# for futher information on Assemblies and available endpoints.
class Transloadit::Assembly < Transloadit::ApiModel
# @return [Hash] the processing steps, formatted for sending to Transloadit
def steps
_wrap_steps_in_hash options[:steps]
# Creates a Transloadit::Assembly and sends to the REST API. An
# Assembly can contain one or more Steps for processing or point to a
# server-side template. It's submitted along with a list of files to process,
# at which point Transloadit will process and store the files according to the
# rules in the Assembly.
# See the Transloadit {documentation}[]
# for futher information on Assemblies and their parameters.
# Accepts as many IO objects as you wish to process in the assembly.
# The last argument is an optional Hash
# of parameters to send along with the request.
# @overload create!(*ios)
# @param [Array<IO>] *ios the files for the assembly to process
# @overload create!(*ios, params = {})
# @param [Array<IO>] *ios the files for the assembly to process
# @param [Hash] params additional POST data to submit with the request;
# for a full list of parameters, see the official documentation
# on {templates}[].
# @option params [Step, Array<Step>] :steps the steps to perform in this
# assembly
# @option params [String] :notify_url A URL to be POSTed when the assembly
# has finished processing
# @option params [String] :template_id the ID of a
# {template}[] to use instead of
# specifying params here directly
def create!(*ios, **params)
params[:steps] = _wrap_steps_in_hash(params[:steps]) if !params[:steps].nil?
extra_params = {}
extra_params.merge!(self.options[:fields]) if self.options[:fields]
trials = self.options[:tries] || DEFAULT_TRIES
(1..trials).each do |trial|
# update the payload with file entries
ios.each_with_index {|f, i| extra_params.update :"file_#{i}" => f }
response = _do_request(
'/assemblies',params,'post', extra_params
return response unless response.rate_limit?
_handle_rate_limit!(response, ios, trial < trials)
# alias for create!
# keeping this method for backward compatibility
def submit!(*ios)
warn "#{caller(1)[0]}: warning: Transloadit::Assembly#submit!"\
" is deprecated. use Transloadit::Assembly#create! instead"
# Returns a list of all assemblies
# @param [Hash] additional GET data to submit with the request
def list(params = {})
_do_request('/assemblies', params)
# Returns a single assembly object specified by the assembly id
# @param [String] id id of the desired assembly
def get(id)
# Replays an assembly specified by the id
# @param [String] id id of the desired assembly
# @param [Hash] params additional POST data to submit with the request
def replay(id, params = {})
params.merge!({ :wait => false })
_do_request("/assemblies/#{id}/replay", params, 'post').extend!(Transloadit::Response::Assembly)
# Returns all assembly notifications
# @param [Hash] params additional GET data to submit with the request
def get_notifications(params = {})
_do_request "/assembly_notifications", params
# Replays an assembly notification by the id
# @param [String] id id of the desired assembly
# @param [Hash] params additional POST data to submit with the request
def replay_notification(id, params = {})
_do_request("/assembly_notifications/#{id}/replay", params, 'post')
# @return [Hash] a Transloadit-compatible Hash of the Assembly's contents
def to_hash
:auth => self.transloadit.to_hash,
:steps => self.steps
).delete_if {|k,v| v.nil?}
# Returns a Transloadit-compatible Hash wrapping the +steps+ passed to it.
# Accepts any supported format the +steps+ could come in.
# @param [nil, Hash, Step, Array] steps the steps to encode
# @return [Hash] the Transloadit-compatible hash of steps
def _wrap_steps_in_hash(steps)
case steps
when nil then steps
when Hash then steps
when Transloadit::Step then steps.to_hash
if steps.uniq(&:name) != steps
raise ArgumentError, "There are different Assembly steps using the same name"
steps.inject({}) {|h, s| h.update s }
# Stays idle for certain time and then reopens assembly files for reprocessing.
# Should be called when assembly rate limit is reached.
# @param [Response] response assembly response that comes with a rate limit
# @param [Array<IO>] ios the files sent for the assembly to process.
def _handle_rate_limit!(response, ios, is_retrying)
if is_retrying
warn "Rate limit reached. Waiting for #{response.wait_time} seconds before retrying."
sleep response.wait_time
# RestClient closes file streams at the end of a request.
ios.collect! {|file| open file.path }