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# Google Analytics input plugin for Embulk

Embulk input plugin for Google Analytics reports.

## Configuration

- **json_key_content**: See example config.
- **view_id**: View ID for target data. See [Get View ID](#get-view-id) (string, required)
- **time_series**: Only `ga:dateHour` or `ga:date` (string, required)
- **dimensions**: Target dimensions (array, default: `[]` )
- **metrics**: Target metrics (array, default: `[]` )
- **start_date**: Target report start date. Valid format is "YYYY-MM-DD". (string, default: [7 days ago](
- **end_date**: Target report end date. Valid format is "YYYY-MM-DD". (string, default: [1 day ago](
- **incremental**: `true` for generate "config_diff" with `embulk run -c config.diff` (bool, default: true)
- **last_record_time**: Ignore fetched records until this time. Mainly for incremental:true. (string, default: nil)
- **retry_limit**: Try to retry this times (integer, default: 5)
- **retry_initial_wait_sec**: Wait seconds for exponential backoff initial value (integer, default: 2)

### **New update from verions  0.1.18**
Started from version 0.1.18, the Plugin also supports User Account Authentication along with Service Account Authentication see: [OAuth 2.0 for Server-side Web Application]( Extra optional configuration keys were added and the **json_key_content** is made optional
 - **client_id**: client_id for application (string, optional)
 - **client_secret**: client_secret for application (string, optional)
 - **refresh_token**: the refresh_token obtained during exchange authentication code (string, optional)

### Get View ID

1. Go to the [Google Analytics sign in page]( and sign in.
1. Click "Admin" tab at left below
1. Select the "Property" using the drop-down menu below ‘Property’.
1. Select ‘View Settings’ beneath ‘View’.
1. The View ID for the selected property is listed first under ‘Basic Settings

### About `json_key_content` option.

You need a service account on Google.

  <li>Open the <a href=""><b>Service accounts</b> page</a>. If prompted,
select a project.</li>
  <li>Click <b>Create service account</b>.</li>

    In the <b>Create service account</b> window, type a name for the service
    account, and select <b>Furnish a new private key</b>. If you want to
    <a href="">grant
    Google Apps domain-wide authority</a> to the service account, also select
    <b>Enable Google Apps Domain-wide Delegation</b>.

    Then click <b>Create</b>.</li>
From: <>

Screenshot: ![Service Account](./service_account.png)

## Why the result doesn't match with web interface?

Google Reporting API uses "sampling" data.


That means sometimes result will be unmatched with Google Analytics web interface, and the result is based on sampled data, not all of raw data. This is a Google API's limitation.

Currently a sampling level supported by this plugin is DEFAULT only. Let us know if you want to use other sampling level (SMALL or LARGE).

## Example

  type: google_analytics
  json_key_content: |
      "type": "service_account",
      "project_id": "....",
      "private_key_id": "....",
      "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n..........................\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
      "client_email": ".....",
      "client_id": ".........",
      "auth_uri": "",
      "token_uri": "",
      "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
      "client_x509_cert_url": ".........."
  view_id: 123111111
  time_series: "ga:dateHour" # hourly basis

    - "ga:browser"
    - "ga:visits"
    - "ga:pageviews"

  start_date: "2016-06-27"
  end_date: "2016-06-28"

## Config example using User Authentication
  type: google_analytics
  client_id: ""
  client_secret: "##############QLxgrfis4"
  refresh_token: "##########awWNT9lTeGq8weKE"
  view_id: 123111111
  time_series: "ga:dateHour" # hourly basis
    - "ga:browser"
    - "ga:visits"
    - "ga:pageviews"

  start_date: "2016-06-27"
  end_date: "2016-06-28"

## Build

$ rake build