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# Query String parser plugin for [Embulk](

Transform `key=value&key2=value2` line to `{key: "value", key2: "value2"}`. (HTTP Query String to Hash)

Currently, this plugin supports minimum case, some edge cases are unsupported as below.

- Duplicated key (e.g. `key=1&key=2`)
- Array parameter (e.g. `key[]=1&key[]=2`)

## Overview

Required Embulk version >= 0.7.2.

**NOTE: If you use Embulk < 0.7, you should use embulk-parser-query_string <= 0.1.3.**

* **Plugin type**: parser
* **Guess supported**: yes

## Configuration

- **strip_quote**: If you have quoted lines file such as `"foo=FOO&bar=BAR"`, should be true for strip their quotes. (bool, default: true)
- **strip_whitespace**: Strip whitespace before parsing lines for any indented line parse correctly such as '  foo=FOO'. (bool, default: true)
- **capture**: Capture valuable text from each line using Regexp. Matched first pattern (a.k.a `$1`) will be used. See also [partial-config.yml](./partial-config.yml) (string, default: nil)

## Example

You have such text file (`target_file.txt`) as below:


And you have `partial-config.yml` as below:

  type: file
  path_prefix: ./target_file
    strip_quote: true
    strip_whitespace: true
exec: {}
out: {type: stdout}

Run `embulk guess`.

$ embulk guess -g query_string partial-config.yml -o guessed.yml

You got guessed.yml as below:

  type: file
  path_prefix: ./target_file
    strip_quote: true
    strip_whitespace: true
    charset: ISO-8859-2
    newline: CRLF
    type: query_string
    - {name: user_id, type: long}
    - {name: some_param, type: string}
exec: {}
out: {type: stdout}

Finally, `embulk run` with generated guessed.yml.

$ embulk run guessed.yml

You can see the parsed records on STDOUT.

## Install plugin

$ embulk gem install embulk-parser-query_string