
Test Coverage
# Changelog

## develop (unreleased)
### New features
* [#301]( Add `NiciraConjunction` action.
* [#300]( Add new classes `Pio::Match::PacketReg{0..3}`.

## 0.30.0 (11/17/2015)
### New features
* [#281]( Add `NiciraRegLoad` action.
* [#282]( Add `NiciraResubmit` action.
* [#283]( Add `SetMetadata` action.
* [#284]( Enable masking with reg0-reg7.
* [#285]( Add Nicira `SendOutPort` action.

## 0.29.0 (11/11/2015)
### New features
* [#274]( Add `SetSourceMacAddress` action.
* [#275]( Add `SetDestinationMacAddress` action.
* [#276]( Add `SetArpOperation` action.
* [#277]( Add `SetArpSenderProtocolAddress` action.
* [#278]( Add `SetArpSenderHardwareAddress` action.
* [#280]( Add `NiciraRegMove` action.

## 0.28.1 (11/5/2015)
### Changes
* Remove `OpenFlow10` namespace from `Pio::OpenFlow10::SetSourceMacAddress` and `Pio::OpenFlow10::SetDestinationMacAddress`.

## 0.28.0 (11/5/2015)
### New features
* [#267]( Add Queue Stats Request message generator.
* [#266]( Add Port Stats Request message generator.
* [#252]( Add NiciraResubmit and NiciraResubmitTable actions.
* [#251]( Add Table Stats Request message generator.
* [#250]( Add Flow Removed message parser.

### Changes
* [#272]( Rename `Match` option: `:ip_source_address` -> `:source_ip_address` and `:ip_destination_address` -> `:destination_ip_address`.
* [#271]( Rename `Match` option: `:ether_destination_address` -> `:destination_mac_address`.
* [#270]( Rename `Match` option: `:ether_source_address` -> `:source_mac_address`.
* [#269]( Rename `SetIpSourceAddress` -> `SetSourceIpAddress` and `SetIpDestinationAddress` -> `SetDestinationIpAddress`.
* [#268]( Rename `SetEtherSourceAddress` -> `SetSourceMacAddress` and `SetEtherDestinationAddress` -> `SetDestinationMacAddress`.
* [#265]( Rename `SetIpTos` -> `SetTos`.

## 0.27.2 (10/25/2015)
### New features
* [#244]( Support ARP in ``.

### Changes
* [#242]( Fix `Parser#read` to avoid fail in parsing unsupported eth\_type frame.

## 0.27.1 (9/28/2015)
### Bugs fixed
* [#238]( `Features::Reply#datapath_id` doesn't return an Integer.

## 0.27.0 (9/16/2015)
### New features
* [#203]( Add new classes `Pio::OpenFlow10::DescriptionStats::Request`, `Pio::OpenFlow10::DescriptionStats::Reply`, `Pio::OpenFlow10::FlowStats::Request`, `Pio::OpenFlow10::FlowStats::Reply`, `Pio::OpenFlow10::AggregateStats::Request`, `Pio::OpenFlow10::AggregateStats::Reply`.

## 0.26.0 (9/8/2015)
### New features
* [#214]( Add new class `Pio::OpenFlow10::Error::HelloFailed`.
* [#215]( Add new class `Pio::OpenFlow13::Error::HelloFailed`.
* [#216]( Add new class `Pio::OpenFlow10::Error::BadRequest`.
* [#217]( Add new class `Pio::OpenFlow13::Error::BadRequest`.

## 0.25.0 (8/6/2015)
### New features
* [#211]( Add new classes `Pio::FlowStats::Request` and `Pio::FlowStats::Reply`.

## 0.24.2 (8/4/2015)
### Bugs fixed
* [#209]( `` cannot parse Barrier messages.

## 0.24.1 (8/4/2015)
### Bugs fixed
* [#208]( `` doesn't allow `:idle_timeout` and `:hard_timeout` options.

## 0.24.0 (8/1/2015)
### New features
* [#201]( Add oxm experimenter support (OpenFlow1.3).
* [#202]( Add `Pio::OpenFlow.switch_version` method.
* [#205]( Add new classes `Pio::OpenFlow10::Barrier::Request`, `Pio::OpenFlow10::Barrier::Reply`.
* [#207]( Add new method ``

### Bugs fixed
* [#188]( Add PacketIn#in_port (OpenFlow1.3).
* [#189]( Add PacketIn#datapath_id= (OpenFlow1.3).
* [#190]( Add PacketOut#to_binary (OpenFlow1.3).
* [#191]( Add GotoTable#to_binary_s.
* [#192]( Add Meter#to_binary_s.
* [#193]( Add WriteMetadata#to_binary_s.

## 0.23.1 (6/30/2015)
### Bugs fixed
* [#186]( Add the missing `FlowMod#to_binary` method.

## 0.23.0 (6/29/2015)
### New features
* [#183]( Add new class `Pio::PacketIn` (OpenFlow1.3).
* [#185]( Add new classes `Pio::Match::TunnelId` and `Pio::Match::MaskedTunnelId`
* [#184]( Add new classes `Pio::Match::ArpOp`, `Pio::Match::ArpSenderProtocolAddress`, `Pio::Match::ArpTargetProtocolAddress`, `Pio::Match::ArpSenderHardwareAddress`, `Pio::Match::ArpTargetHardwareAddress`, `Pio::Match::MaskedArpSenderProtocolAddress`,`Pio::Match::MaskedArpTargetProtocolAddress`, `Pio::Match::MaskedArpSenderHardwareAddress` and `Pio::Match::MaskedArpTargetHardwareAddress`

## 0.22.0 (6/25/2015)
### New features
* [#177]( Add new class `Pio::PacketIn` (OpenFlow1.3).
* [#173]( Add new classes `Pio::Match::VlanVid`, `Pio::Match::VlanPcp`.
* [#174]( Add new classes `Pio::Match::IpDscp`, `Pio::Match::IpEcn`.
* [#178]( Add new classes `Pio::Match::SctpSourcePort`, `Pio::Match::SctpDestinationPort`.
* [#180]( Add new classes `Pio::Match::Icmpv4Type`, `Pio::Match::Icmpv4Code`.

## 0.21.1 (6/24/2015)
### Bugs fixed
* [#179]( Fix wrong OXM length.

## 0.21.0 (6/19/2015)
### New features
* [#164]( Add new classes `Pio::FlowMod`, `Pio::Apply`, `Pio::GotoTable`, `Pio::WriteMetadata`, `Pio::Meter` and `Pio::SendOutPort`.

## 0.20.1 (6/10/2015)
### Bugs fixed
* [#167]( Fix PacketIn accessor methods (raw_data = VLAN tagged UDP).

## 0.20.0 (4/22/2015)
### New features
* [#138]( Add new class `Pio::Features::Request`.
* [#153]( Add new class `Pio::Features::Reply`.

## 0.19.0 (4/9/2015)
### New features
* [#132]( Add new class `Pio::Hello13`.
* [#136]( Add new class `Pio::Echo13::Request` and `Pio::Echo13::Reply`.

## 0.18.2 (3/12/2015)
### New features
* Add attr writers to `Pio::Match` and `Pio::ExactMatch`.

## 0.18.1 (3/11/2015)
### Changes
* `Lldp#port_number` returns primitive Ruby objects.

## 0.18.0 (3/9/2015)
### Changes
* Deprecated `Pio::Mac#== Integer`.
* `Pio::PacketIn#source_mac` and `Pio::PacketIn#destination_mac` returns `Pio::Mac`.

## 0.17.0 (3/6/2015)
### Changes
* Renamed `Pio::PacketIn#data` => `Pio::PacketIn#raw_data`.
* Renamed `Pio::PacketOut#data` => `Pio::PacketOut#raw_data`.
* Fix behavior of `IPv4Address#eql?` and `IPv4Address#hash`.

## 0.16.0 (3/2/2015)
### New features
* [#129]( Add new class `Pio::Udp`.

## 0.15.2 (2/18/2015)
### Changes
* [#128]( Field accessors return Ruby primitives (Fixnum, Symbol, etc.).

## 0.15.1 (2/17/2015)
### Bugs fixed
* [#127]( Make OpenFlow classes thread safe.

## 0.15.0 (2/12/2015)
### New features
* [#126]( Add new class `Pio::PortStatus`.
* [#126]( Add new methods `Pio::Type::OpenFlow::PhyPort#up?`, `Pio::Type::OpenFlow::PhyPort#down?`, `Pio::Type::OpenFlow::PhyPort#local?`, `Pio::Type::OpenFlow::PhyPort#datapath_id` and `Pio::Type::OpenFlow::PhyPort#dpid`.
* [#126]( Add new methods `Pio::PacketIn#lldp?`.
* [#126]( Add new methods `Pio::Features::Reply#physical_ports`.

## 0.14.0 (2/9/2015)
### New features
* [#125]( Add new accessor methods `Pio::PacketIn#datapath_id` and `Pio::PacketIn#dpid`.

## 0.13.0 (2/6/2015)
### New features
* [#124]( Add new methods `Pio::PacketIn#source_mac` and `Pio::PacketIn#destination_mac`.

## 0.12.0 (2/5/2015)
### New features
* [#123]( Add new class `Pio::ExactMatch`.

## 0.11.2 (1/29/2015)
### Bugs fixed
* [#121]( Fix behavior of `Pio::Match#==` and `Pio::SendOutPort#==`.

## 0.11.1 (1/15/2015)
### New features
* [#116]( Support Cisco-style MAC addresses.

## 0.11.0 (1/15/2015)
### New features
* [#108]( Added new class `Pio::FlowMod` and `Pio::Match`.

## 0.10.1 (1/6/2015)
### Bugs fixed
* [#104]( Fix bug when parsing `Pio::PacketOut` with `Pio::StripVlanHeader` action.

## 0.10.0 (1/6/2015)
### New features
* [#103]( Added new class `Pio::PacketOut`.

## 0.9.0 (12/22/2014)
### New features
* [#102]( Added new class `Pio::PacketIn`.

## 0.8.2 (12/18/2014)
### Bugs fixed
* [#100]( Fix bug when passing `ports:` option to ``.

## 0.8.1 (6/5/2014)
### Misc
* Updated bundled gems.
* Modernized Gemfile and .gemspec.

## 0.8.0 (5/26/2014)
### Changes
* Renamed `version` => `ofp_version`

## 0.7.0 (4/22/2014)
### New features
* Added new class `Pio::Features`, `Pio::Features::Request` and `Pio::Features::Reply`

### Changes
* Renamed `rake PCAP='foo.pcap' dump_pcap` => `rake PACKET_FILE='foo.pcap' dump`

## 0.6.0 (4/15/2014)
### New features
* Added new class `Pio::Echo`, `Pio::Echo::Request` and `Pio::Echo::Reply`.

## 0.5.1 (4/15/2014)
### Bugs fixed
* Set hello message type = 0.

## 0.5.0 (4/14/2014)
### New features
* Added new class `Pio::Hello`.

### Misc
* Added new rake task `cucumber`.
* Added new rake task `dump_pcap`.

## 0.4.0 (3/31/2014)
### New features
* Added new classes `Pio::Dhcp`, `Pio::Dhcp::Discover`,
  `Pio::Dhcp::Offer`, `Pio::Dhcp::Request` and `Pio::Dhcp::Ack`.

### Changes
* Added new class alias `Pio::ICMP` => `Pio::Icmp`.
* Added new class alias `Pio::ARP` => `Pio::Arp`.
* Added new class alias `Pio::LLDP` => `Pio::Lldp`.
* Added new class alias `Pio::DHCP` => `Pio::Dhcp`.