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Test Coverage
Specific Values

Create a new instance from a specific values.
  int $year,
  ?int $month,
  ?int $day,
  ?int $hours,
  ?int $minutes,
  ?int $seconds,
  ?float $milliseconds,
  ?DateTimeZone $timeZone
): \Epoch\Epoch

| Parameter       |                                                                                                                              |
| `$year`         | Required. The year of the date. This is the minimum required parameter.<br>Type: `integer`                                   |
| `$month`        | Optional. The month of the date (1-12).<br>Type: `integer`                                                                   |
| `$day`          | Optional. The day of the date (Starting from 1).<br>Type: `integer`                                                          |
| `$hours`        | Optional. The hour of the date (0-23).<br>Type: `integer`                                                                    |
| `$minutes`      | Optional. The minute of the date (0-59).<br>Type: `integer`                                                                  |
| `$seconds`      | Optional. The second of the date (0-59).<br>Type: `integer`                                                                  |
| `$milliseconds` | Optional. The millisecond of the date, this does accept fractional values (0-999.999).<br>Type: `float`                      |              
| `$timeZone`     | Optional. Timezone to use for the date. See [Time Zones]( for information.<br>Type: `DateTimeZone` |