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namespace Epoch\Trait;

use Epoch\DateTimeFormats;
use Epoch\Epoch;
use Epoch\Units;
use Epoch\Utils;

use function abs;
use function ceil;

/** @internal */
trait GetSetTrait
    /** @return int Year of the Week */
    public function weekOfYear(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::WEEK_NUMBER_YEAR);

    /** @return int The day of the year (starting from 1) */
    public function dayOfYear(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::DAY_NUMBER_YEAR) + 1;

    /** @return int ISO 8601 week-numbering year */
    public function isoWeekYear(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::ISO_WEEK_NUMBER);

    public function year(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::FULL_YEAR);

    public function setYear(int $value): Epoch
        $day = $this->day();
        if (
            $this->isLeapYear() &&
            $this->month() === 2 &&
            $this->day() === 29
        ) {
            $day = Utils::daysInMonths($value, $this->month());
        $this->date->setDate($value, $this->month(), $day);

        return $this;

    public function isLeapYear(): bool
        return Utils::isLeapYear($this->year());

    public function month(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::MONTH);

     * @param int $value Sets the Month (1-12)
     * @return Epoch
    public function setMonth(int $value): Epoch
        $this->date->setDate($this->year(), $value, $this->day());

        return $this;

    public function quarter(): int
        return (int)ceil($this->month() / 3);

     * @param int $value Sets the Quarter (1-4)
     * @return Epoch
    public function setQuarter(int $value): Epoch
        $value = Utils::boundValue($value, 1, 4);
        $month = (($value - 1) * 3 + ($this->month() % 3));

        return $this;

    public function day(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::DAY);

    public function setDay(int $value): Epoch
        $this->date->setDate($this->year(), $this->month(), $value);

        return $this;

    public function daysInMonth(): int
        return Utils::daysInMonths($this->year(), $this->month());

    /** @return int Day of Week (0-6) */
    public function weekday(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::WEEKDAY);

     * @param int $value Day of Week (0-6), negative values supported
     * @return Epoch
    public function setWeekday(int $value): Epoch
        $value = abs($value) * ($value / abs($value ?: 1));
        $this->add($value - $this->weekday(), Units::DAYS);

        return $this;

    /** @return int Day of Week (1-7) */
    public function isoWeekday(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::ISO_WEEKDAY);

     * @param int $value ISO Day of Week (1-7), negative values supported
     * @return Epoch
    public function setIsoWeekday(int $value): Epoch
        $value = abs($value) * ($value / abs($value ?: 1));
        $this->setWeekday($this->weekday() % 7 ? $value : $value - 7);

        return $this;

    public function hours(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::HOURS);

    public function setHours(int $value): Epoch
        $value = Utils::boundValue($value, 1, 24);
        $this->date->setTime($value, $this->minutes(), $this->seconds(), $this->microseconds());

        return $this;

    public function minutes(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::MINUTES);

    public function setMinutes(int $value): Epoch
        $value = Utils::boundValue($value, 1, 60);
        $this->date->setTime($this->hours(), $value, $this->seconds(), $this->microseconds());

        return $this;

    public function seconds(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::SECONDS);

    public function setSeconds(int $value): Epoch
        $value = Utils::boundValue($value, 1, 60);
        $this->date->setTime($this->hours(), $this->minutes(), $value, $this->microseconds());

        return $this;

    public function milliseconds(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::MILLISECONDS);

    public function setMilliseconds(int $value): Epoch
        $value = Utils::boundValue($value, 0, 999);
        $this->setMicroseconds($value * Utils::MS_PER_SECOND);

        return $this;

    public function microseconds(): int
        return (int)$this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::MICROSECONDS);

    public function setMicroseconds(int $value): Epoch
        $value = Utils::boundValue($value, 0, 999999);
        $this->date->setTime($this->hours(), $this->minutes(), $this->seconds(), $value);

        return $this;

    /** Unix Timestamp */
    public function timestamp(bool $milliseconds = false): int|float
        return $milliseconds
            ? (float)($this->date->format(DateTimeFormats::TIMESTAMP . '.' . DateTimeFormats::MILLISECONDS))
            : $this->date->getTimestamp();

     * @uses Epoch::timestamp()
     * @return int Unix Timestamp in milliseconds
    public function value(): int
        return (int)($this->timestamp(true) * Utils::MS_PER_SECOND);