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 * @file
 * Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with
 * TripalEntity content types (bundles) and their entities.

 * @defgroup tripal_entities_api Tripal Entities
 * @ingroup tripal_api
 * @{
 * Provides an application programming interface (API) for working with
 * TripalEntity content types (bundles) and their entities.
 * Bundles (Content Types): Bundles are types of content in a Drupal site.
 * By default, Drupal provides the Basic Page and Article content types,
 * and Drupal allows a site developer to create new content types on-the-fly
 * using the administrative interface--no programming required.  Tripal also
 * provides several Content Type by default. During installation of Tripal the
 * Organism, Gene, Project, Analysis and other content types are created
 * automatically.  The site developer can then create new content types for
 * different biological data--again, without any programming required.
 * In order to to assist with data exchange and use of common data formats,
 * Tripal Bundles are defined using a controlled vocabulary term (cvterm).
 * For example, a "Gene" Bundle is defined using the Sequence Ontology term for
 * gene whose term accession is: SO:0000704. This mapping allows Tripal to
 * compare content across Tripal sites, and expose data to computational tools
 * that understand these vocabularies. By default, Tripal uses Chado as its
 * primary data storage back-end.
 * Entity: An entity is a discrete data record.  Entities are most commonly
 * seen as "pages" on a Drupal web site and are instances of a Bundle
 * (i.e content type). When data is published on a Tripal site such as
 * organisms, genes, germplasm, maps, etc., each record is represented by a
 * single entity with an entity ID as its only attribute. All other
 * information that the entity provides is made available via Fields.
 * For more information please see:
 * @}

 * Get Page Title Format for a given Tripal Entity Type.
 * @param TripalEntityType $bundle
 *   The Entity object for the Tripal Entity Type the title format is for.
function tripal_get_title_format($bundle) {

  // Get the existing title format if it exists.
  $title_format = $bundle->getTitleFormat();

  // If there isn't yet a title format for this bundle/type then we should
  // determine the default.
  if (!$title_format) {
    $title_format = $bundle->getDefaultTitleFormat();

  return $title_format;

 * Determine the default title format to use for an entity.
 * @param TripalBundle $bundle
 *   The Entity object for the Tripal Bundle that the title format is for.
 * @return string
 *   A default title format.
 * @ingroup tripal_entities_api
function tripal_get_default_title_format($bundle) {
  return $bundle->getDefaultTitleFormat();

 * Returns an array of tokens based on Tripal Entity Fields.
 * @param TripalBundle $bundle
 *    The bundle entity for which you want tokens.
 * @return
 *    An array of tokens where the key is the machine_name of the token.
function tripal_get_entity_tokens($bundle, $options = []) {
  return $bundle->getTokens($options);

 * Replace all Tripal Tokens in a given string.
 * NOTE: If there is no value for a token then the token is removed.
 * @param string $string
 *   The string containing tokens.
 * @param TripalEntity $entity
 *   The entity with field values used to find values of tokens.
 * @param TripalBundle $bundle_entity
 *   The bundle entity containing special values sometimes needed for token
 *   replacement.
 * @return
 *   The string will all tokens replaced with values.
 * @ingroup tripal_entities_api
function tripal_replace_entity_tokens($string, &$entity, $bundle_entity = NULL) {
  if ($bundle_entity) {
    return $entity->replaceTokens($string,
      ['tripal_entity_type' => $bundle_entity]);
  else {
    return $entity->replaceTokens($string);

 * Formats the tokens for display.
 * @param array $tokens
 *   A list of tokens generated via tripal_get_entity_tokens().
 * @return
 *   A render array defining the available tokens.
function theme_token_list($tokens) {

  $header = ['Token', 'Name', 'Description'];
  $rows = [];
  foreach ($tokens as $details) {
    $rows[] = [

  return [
    '#type' => 'table',
    '#header' => $header,
    '#rows' => $rows

 * Refreshes the bundle such that new fields added by modules will be found
 * during cron.
 * @param $bundle_name
 *   The name of the bundle to refresh (e.g. bio_data_4).
 * @ingroup tripal_entities_api
function tripal_tripal_cron_notification() {
  $num_created = 0;

  // Get all bundle names to cycle through.
  $all_bundles = db_select('tripal_bundle', 'tb')
    ->fields('tb', ['name'])

  foreach ($all_bundles as $bundle_name) {
    // Get the bundle object.
    $bundle = tripal_load_bundle_entity(['name' => $bundle_name->name]);
    if (!$bundle) {
      tripal_report_error('tripal', TRIPAL_ERROR, "Unrecognized bundle name '%bundle'.",
        ['%bundle' => $bundle_name]);
      return FALSE;
    $term = tripal_load_term_entity(['term_id' => $bundle->term_id]);

    // Allow modules to add fields to the new bundle.
    $modules = module_implements('bundle_fields_info');
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_bundle_fields_info';
      $entity_type = 'TripalEntity';
      $info = $function($entity_type, $bundle);
      drupal_alter('bundle_fields_info', $info, $bundle, $term);
      foreach ($info as $field_name => $details) {

        // If the field already exists then skip it.
        $field = field_info_field($details['field_name']);
        if ($field) {

        // Create notification that new fields exist.
        $detail_info = ' Tripal has detected a new field ' . $details['field_name'] . ' for ' . $bundle->label . ' content type is available for import.';
        $title = 'New field available for import';
        $actions['Import'] = 'admin/import/field/' . $details['field_name'] . '/' . $bundle_name->name . '/' . $module . '/field';
        $type = 'Field';
        $submitter_id = $details['field_name'] . '-' . $bundle_name->name . '-' . $module;

        tripal_add_notification($title, $detail_info, $type, $actions, $submitter_id);

    // Allow modules to add instances to the new bundle.
    $modules = module_implements('bundle_instances_info');
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_bundle_instances_info';
      $entity_type = 'TripalEntity';
      $info = $function($entity_type, $bundle);
      drupal_alter('bundle_instances_info', $info, $bundle, $term);
      foreach ($info as $field_name => $details) {

        // If the field is already attached to this bundle then skip it.
        $field = field_info_field($details['field_name']);
        if ($field and array_key_exists('bundles', $field) and
          array_key_exists('TripalEntity', $field['bundles']) and
          in_array($bundle->name, $field['bundles']['TripalEntity'])) {

        // Create notification that new fields exist.
        $detail_info = ' Tripal has detected a new field ' . $details['field_name'] . ' for ' . $bundle->label . ' content type is available for import.';
        $title = 'New field available for import';
        $actions['Import'] = 'admin/import/field/' . $details['field_name'] . '/' . $bundle->name . '/' . $module . '/instance';
        $type = 'Field';
        $submitter_id = $details['field_name'] . '-' . $bundle_name->name . '-' . $module;

        tripal_add_notification($title, $detail_info, $type, $actions, $submitter_id);