

3 hrs
Test Coverage

namespace Drupal\tripal_chado\Services;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\tripal\TripalDBX\TripalDbxConnection;
use Drupal\tripal\TripalVocabTerms\TripalTerm;

class ChadoTermsInit{

   * Instantiates a new ChadoTermsInit object.
  public function __construct() {


   * Gets a controlled voabulary object.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of the vocabulary
   * @return \Drupal\tripal\TripalVocabTerms\TripalVocabularyBase
  private function getVocabulary($name) {
    $vmanager = \Drupal::service('tripal.collection_plugin_manager.vocabulary');
    $vocabulary = $vmanager->loadCollection($name, 'chado_vocabulary');
    if (!$vocabulary) {
      $vocabulary = $vmanager->createCollection($name, 'chado_vocabulary');
    return $vocabulary;

   * Gets a controlled vocabulary IDspace object.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of the IdSpace
   * @return \Drupal\tripal\TripalVocabTerms\TripalIdSpaceBase
  private function getIdSpace($name) {
    $idsmanager = \Drupal::service('tripal.collection_plugin_manager.idspace');
    $idSpace = $idsmanager->loadCollection($name, 'chado_id_space');
    if (!$idSpace) {
      $idSpace = $idsmanager->createCollection($name, 'chado_id_space');
    return $idSpace;

   * Installs the module's default terms into Chado.
  public function installTerms() {
    $config_factory = \Drupal::service('config.factory');
    $config = $config_factory->get('tripal.tripal_content_terms.chado_content_terms');
    $vocabs = $config->get('vocabularies');
    foreach ($vocabs as $vocab_info) {

      // Step 1: Create the Vocabulary.
      $vocab = $this->getVocabulary($vocab_info['name']);
      if (array_key_exists('label', $vocab_info)) {

      // Step 2: Create the IdSpaces.
      foreach ($vocab_info['idSpaces'] as $idSpace_info) {
        $idspace = $this->getIdSpace($idSpace_info['name']);
        if (array_key_exists('description', $idSpace_info)) {
        if (array_key_exists('urlPrefix', $idSpace_info)) {
        // A vocabulary can borrow a term from another IdSpace
        // If so, that IdSpace should have been created prior to
        // this vocubulary using it.
        if (!array_key_exists('isBorrowed', $idSpace_info) or
            $idSpace_info['urlPrefix']['isBorrowed'] !== True) {

      // The vocab URL should be set after all IdSpaces have been added.
      if (array_key_exists('url', $vocab_info)) {

      // Step 3: Add the terms.
      if (array_key_exists('terms', $vocab_info)) {
        foreach ($vocab_info['terms'] as $term_info) {
          list($idSpace_name, $accession) = explode(':', $term_info['id']);
          $idspace = $this->getIdSpace($idSpace_name);
          if ($idspace) {
            $term = new TripalTerm([
              'name' => $term_info['name'],
              'accession' => $accession,
              'idSpace' => $idSpace_name,
              'vocabulary' => $vocab_info['name'],
              'definition' => array_key_exists('description', $term_info) ? $term_info['description'] : '' ,