# CodeClimate specification:
# Build and run via:
# docker build -t codeclimate/codeclimate-reek . && docker run codeclimate/codeclimate-reek
FROM ruby:2.6.0-alpine
MAINTAINER The Reek core team
ENV code_dir /code
ENV app_dir /usr/src/app
ENV user app
RUN apk --update add git build-base
ADD . ${app_dir}
RUN adduser -u 9000 -D ${user}
RUN chown -R ${user}:${user} ${app_dir}
USER ${user}
WORKDIR ${app_dir}
RUN gem install rake
RUN bundle install --without debugging development
RUN gem install codeclimate-engine-rb
VOLUME ${code_dir}
WORKDIR ${code_dir}
CMD [ "/usr/src/app/bin/code_climate_reek" ]