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import debugModule from "debug";
const debug = debugModule("codec:conversion");

import BN from "bn.js";
import Big from "big.js";
import utf8 from "utf8";
import type * as Types from "@truffle/codec/format/types";
import type * as Values from "@truffle/codec/format/values";

 * @param bytes - undefined | string | number | BN | Uint8Array | Big
 * @return {BN}
export function toBN(
  bytes: undefined | string | number | BN | Uint8Array | Big | bigint
): BN {
  if (bytes === undefined) {
    return undefined;
  } else if (typeof bytes === "string") {
    return new BN(bytes, 16);
  } else if (typeof bytes === "bigint") {
    return new BN(bytes.toString(16), 16);
  } else if (typeof bytes == "number" || BN.isBN(bytes)) {
    return new BN(bytes);
  } else if (isBig(bytes)) {
    return new BN(bytes.toFixed()); //warning, better hope input is integer!
    //note: going through string may seem silly but it's actually not terrible here,
    //since BN is binary-based and Big is decimal-based
    //[toFixed is like toString except it guarantees scientific notation is not used]
  } else if (typeof bytes.reduce === "function") {
    return bytes.reduce(
      (num: BN, byte: number) => num.shln(8).addn(byte),
      new BN(0)

//Big doesnt provide this function, so we'll make one ourselves
export function isBig(input: any): input is Big {
  return (
    typeof input === "object" &&
    input !== null &&
    (input.s === 1 || input.s === -1) &&
    typeof input.e === "number" &&
    Array.isArray(input.c) &&
    //we want to be sure this is *not* a BigNumber instead,
    //but we can't use isBigNumber here because we don't want
    //to import that library here, so, HACK, we'll check that
    //it lacks a particular BigNumber method that would be meaningless
    //for Bigs
  //(BigNumbers have this method because it supports Infinity and NaN,
  //but Big doesn't, so this method doesn't exist, because it would
  //be pointless)

 * @param bytes - Uint8Array
 * @return {BN}
export function toSignedBN(bytes: Uint8Array): BN {
  if (bytes[0] < 0x80) {
    // if first bit is 0
    return toBN(bytes);
  } else {
    return toBN( => 0xff - b))

export function toBigInt(value: BN): BigInt {
  //BN is binary-based, so we convert by means of a hex string in order
  //to avoid having to do a binary-decimal conversion and back :P
  return !value.isNeg()
    ? BigInt("0x" + value.toString(16))
    : -BigInt("0x" + value.neg().toString(16)); //can't directly make negative BigInt from hex string

export function toBig(value: BN | number | bigint): Big {
  //note: going through string may seem silly but it's actually not terrible here,
  //since BN (& number) is binary-based and Big is decimal-based
  return new Big(value.toString());

 * @param bytes - Uint8Array | BN | bigint
 * @param padLength - number - minimum desired byte length (left-pad with zeroes)
 * @param padRight - boolean - causes padding to occur on right instead of left
 * @return {string}
export function toHexString(
  bytes: Uint8Array | BN | bigint | number | Big,
  padLength: number = 0,
  padRight: boolean = false
): string {
  if (
    BN.isBN(bytes) ||
    typeof bytes === "bigint" ||
    typeof bytes === "number" ||
  ) {
    bytes = toBytes(bytes);

  const pad = (s: string) => `${"00".slice(0, 2 - s.length)}${s}`;

  //                                          0  1  2  3  4
  //                                 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  // bytes.length:        5  -  0x(          e5 c2 aa 09 11 )
  // length (preferred):  8  -  0x( 00 00 00 e5 c2 aa 09 11 )
  //                                `--.---'
  //                                     offset 3
  if (bytes.length < padLength) {
    let prior = bytes;
    bytes = new Uint8Array(padLength);

    if (padRight) {
      //unusual case: pad on right
    } else {
      //usual case
      bytes.set(prior, padLength - prior.length);

  debug("bytes: %o", bytes);

  let string = bytes.reduce(
    (str, byte) => `${str}${pad(byte.toString(16))}`,

  return `0x${string}`;

export function toBytes(
  data: BN | string | number | Big | bigint,
  length: number = 0
): Uint8Array {
  //note that length is a minimum output length
  //strings will be 0-padded on left
  //numbers/BNs will be sign-padded on left
  //NOTE: if a number/BN is passed in that is too big for the given length,
  //you will get an error!
  //(note that strings passed in should be hex strings; this is not for converting
  //generic strings to hex)

  if (typeof data === "bigint") {
    data = data.toString(16);

  if (typeof data === "string") {
    let hex = data; //renaming for clarity

    if (hex.startsWith("0x")) {
      hex = hex.slice(2);

    if (hex === "") {
      //this special case is necessary because the match below will return null,
      //not an empty array, when given an empty string
      return new Uint8Array(0);

    if (hex.length % 2 == 1) {
      hex = `0${hex}`;

    let bytes = new Uint8Array(
      hex.match(/.{2}/g).map(byte => parseInt(byte, 16))

    if (bytes.length < length) {
      let prior = bytes;
      bytes = new Uint8Array(length);
      bytes.set(prior, length - prior.length);

    return bytes;
  } else {
    // BN/Big/number case
    if (typeof data === "number") {
      data = new BN(data);
    } else if (isBig(data)) {
      //note: going through string may seem silly but it's actually not terrible here,
      //since BN is binary-based and Big is decimal-based
      data = new BN(data.toFixed());
      //[toFixed is like toString except it guarantees scientific notation is not used]

    //note that the argument for toTwos is given in bits
    return data.toTwos(length * 8).toArrayLike(Uint8Array as any, "be", length);

export function stringToBytes(input: string): Uint8Array {
  input = utf8.encode(input);
  let bytes = new Uint8Array(input.length);
  for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
    bytes[i] = input.charCodeAt(i);
  return bytes;
  //NOTE: this will throw an error if the string contained malformed UTF-16!
  //but, well, it shouldn't contain that...

//computes value * 10**decimalPlaces
export function shiftBigUp(value: Big, decimalPlaces: number): Big {
  let newValue = new Big(value);
  newValue.e += decimalPlaces;
  return newValue;

//computes value * 10**-decimalPlaces
export function shiftBigDown(value: Big, decimalPlaces: number): Big {
  let newValue = new Big(value);
  newValue.e -= decimalPlaces;
  return newValue;

export function countDecimalPlaces(value: Big): number {
  return Math.max(0, value.c.length - value.e - 1);

//converts out of range booleans to true; something of a HACK
//NOTE: does NOT do this recursively inside structs, arrays, etc!
//I mean, those aren't elementary and therefore aren't in the domain
//anyway, but still
export function cleanBool(
  result: Values.ElementaryResult
): Values.ElementaryResult {
  switch (result.kind) {
    case "value":
      return result;
    case "error":
      switch (result.error.kind) {
        case "BoolOutOfRangeError":
          //return true
          return {
            type: <Types.BoolType>result.type,
            kind: "value",
            value: {
              asBoolean: true
            interpretations: {}
          return result;