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import debugModule from "debug";
const debug = debugModule("codec:evm:utils");

import BN from "bn.js";
import Web3Utils from "web3-utils";
import * as Conversion from "@truffle/codec/conversion";
import { ShortSelectorSize } from "@truffle/abi-utils";

export const WORD_SIZE = 0x20;
export const ADDRESS_SIZE = 20;
export const SELECTOR_SIZE = ShortSelectorSize; //equals 4; function & error selectors, not event selectors
export const PC_SIZE = 4;
export const MAX_WORD = new BN(-1).toTwos(WORD_SIZE * 8);
export const ZERO_ADDRESS = "0x" + "00".repeat(ADDRESS_SIZE);

//beware of using this for generic strings! (it's fine for bytestrings, or
//strings representing numbers) if you want to use this on a generic string,
//you should pass in {type: "string", value: theString} instead of the string
//(maybe I should add a rawKeccak256 function, using sha3 instead of
//soliditysha3?  not seeing the need atm though)
export function keccak256(...args: any[]): BN {
  // debug("args %o", args);

  const rawSha: string | null = Web3Utils.soliditySha3(...args);
  debug("rawSha %o", rawSha);
  let sha: string;
  if (rawSha === null) {
    sha = ""; //HACK, I guess?
  } else {
    sha = rawSha.replace(/0x/, "");
  return Conversion.toBN(sha);

//checks if two bytearrays (which may be undefined) are equal.
//does not consider undefined to be equal to itself.
export function equalData(
  bytes1: Uint8Array | undefined,
  bytes2: Uint8Array | undefined
): boolean {
  if (!bytes1 || !bytes2) {
    return false;
  if (bytes1.length !== bytes2.length) {
    return false;
  for (let i = 0; i < bytes1.length; i++) {
    if (bytes1[i] !== bytes2[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;

export function toAddress(bytes: Uint8Array | string): string {
  if (typeof bytes === "string") {
    //in this case, we can do some simple string manipulation and
    //then pass to web3
    let hex = bytes; //just renaming for clarity
    if (hex.startsWith("0x")) {
      hex = hex.slice(2);
    if (hex.length < 2 * ADDRESS_SIZE) {
      hex = hex.padStart(2 * ADDRESS_SIZE, "0");
    if (hex.length > 2 * ADDRESS_SIZE) {
      hex = "0x" + hex.slice(hex.length - 2 * ADDRESS_SIZE);
    return Web3Utils.toChecksumAddress(hex);
  //otherwise, we're in the Uint8Array case, which we can't fully handle ourself

  //truncate *on left* to 20 bytes
  if (bytes.length > ADDRESS_SIZE) {
    bytes = bytes.slice(bytes.length - ADDRESS_SIZE, bytes.length);

  //now, convert to hex string and apply checksum case that second argument
  //(which ensures it's padded to 20 bytes) shouldn't actually ever be
  //needed, but I'll be safe and include it
  return Web3Utils.toChecksumAddress(
    Conversion.toHexString(bytes, ADDRESS_SIZE)