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import type BN from "bn.js";
import type Big from "big.js";
import type * as Types from "./types";

//note that we often want an elementary *value*, and not an error!
//so let's define those types too
 * An elementary value
 * @Category General categories
export type ElementaryValue =
  | UintValue
  | IntValue
  | BoolValue
  | BytesValue
  | AddressValue
  | StringValue
  | FixedValue
  | UfixedValue
  | EnumValue
  | UserDefinedValueTypeValue
  | ContractValue;

export type BuiltInValueValue =
  | UintValue
  | IntValue
  | BoolValue
  | BytesStaticValue
  | AddressValue
  | FixedValue
  | UfixedValue;

 * A bytestring value (static or dynamic)
 * @Category Elementary types
export type BytesValue = BytesStaticValue | BytesDynamicValue;

 * An unsigned integer value
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface UintValue {
  type: Types.UintType;
  kind: "value";
  value: {
    asBN: BN;
    rawAsBN?: BN;
  interpretations: {};

 * A signed integer value
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface IntValue {
  type: Types.IntType;
  kind: "value";
  value: {
    asBN: BN;
    rawAsBN?: BN;
  interpretations: {};

 * A boolean value
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface BoolValue {
  type: Types.BoolType;
  kind: "value";
  value: {
    asBoolean: boolean;
  interpretations: {};

 * A bytestring value (static length)
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface BytesStaticValue {
  type: Types.BytesTypeStatic;
  kind: "value";
  value: {
     * hex-formatted, with leading "0x"
    asHex: string;
    rawAsHex?: string;
  interpretations: {};

 * A bytestring value (dynamic length)
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface BytesDynamicValue {
  type: Types.BytesTypeDynamic;
  kind: "value";
  value: {
     * hex-formatted, with leading "0x"
    asHex: string;
  interpretations: {};

 * An address value
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface AddressValue {
  type: Types.AddressType;
  kind: "value";
  value: {
     * has leading "0x" and is checksum-cased
    asAddress: string;
     * just a hex string, so no checksum
    rawAsHex?: string;
  interpretations: {
    ensName?: StringValueInfo;
    contractClass?: Types.ContractType;

 * A string value; see [[StringValueInfo]] for more detail
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface StringValue {
  type: Types.StringType;
  kind: "value";
  value: StringValueInfo;
  interpretations: {};

 * These come in two types: valid strings and malformed strings.
 * @Category Elementary types
export type StringValueInfo = StringValueInfoValid | StringValueInfoMalformed;

 * This type of StringValueInfo represents a valid UTF-8 string.
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface StringValueInfoValid {
  kind: "valid";
  asString: string;

 * This type of StringValueInfo represents a malformed string.
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface StringValueInfoMalformed {
  kind: "malformed";
   * hex-formatted, with leading "0x"
  asHex: string;

 * A signed fixed-point value
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface FixedValue {
  type: Types.FixedType;
  kind: "value";
  value: {
    asBig: Big;
    rawAsBig?: Big;
  interpretations: {};

 * An unsigned fixed-point value
 * @Category Elementary types
export interface UfixedValue {
  type: Types.UfixedType;
  kind: "value";
  value: {
    asBig: Big;
    rawAsBig?: Big;
  interpretations: {};

 * An enum value
 * @Category User-defined elementary types
export interface EnumValue {
  type: Types.EnumType;
  kind: "value";
  value: {
    name: string;
     * the numeric value of the enum
    numericAsBN: BN;
  interpretations: {};

 * A UDVT value
 * @Category User-defined elementary types
export interface UserDefinedValueTypeValue {
  type: Types.UserDefinedValueTypeType;
  kind: "value";
  value: BuiltInValueValue;
  interpretations: {};

 * A contract value; see [[ContractValueInfo]] for more detail
 * @Category User-defined elementary types
export interface ContractValue {
  type: Types.ContractType;
  kind: "value";
  value: ContractValueInfo;
  interpretations: {
    ensName?: StringValueInfo;

 * There are two types -- one for contracts whose class we can identify, and one
 * for when we can't identify the class.
 * @Category User-defined elementary types
export type ContractValueInfo =
  | ContractValueInfoKnown
  | ContractValueInfoUnknown;

 * This type of ContractValueInfo is used when we can identify the class.
 * @Category User-defined elementary types
export interface ContractValueInfoKnown {
  kind: "known";
   * formatted as address (leading "0x", checksum-cased);
   * note that this is not an AddressResult!
  address: string;
   * this is just a hexstring; no checksum (also may have padding beforehand)
  rawAddress?: string;
  class: Types.ContractType;
  //may have more optional members defined later, but I'll leave these out for now

 * This type of ContractValueInfo is used when we can't identify the class.
 * @Category User-defined elementary types
export interface ContractValueInfoUnknown {
  kind: "unknown";
   * formatted as address (leading "0x", checksum-cased);
   * note that this is not an AddressResult!
  address: string;
   * this is just a hexstring; no checksum (also may have padding beforehand)
  rawAddress?: string;