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 * # Codec Output Format
 * ## Module information
 * This module primarily defines TypeScript types for the output format
 * used in results provided by packages
 * `@truffle/decoder@>=4.0.0` and `@truffle/codec@>=0.1.0`.
 * See below for complete listing or continue reading
 * [Format information](#format-information) to learn about this format.
 * ### How to import
 * Import either as part of Codec or by itself:
 * ```typescript
 * // when importing entire Codec, use Codec.Format.*:
 * import * as Codec from "@truffle/codec";
 * // or import Format directly:
 * import { Format } from "@truffle/codec";
 * ```
 * ![Example struct decoding](media://example-struct-decoding.png)
 * ## Format information
 * This format is intended for use in smart contract and dapp development
 * tools and libraries, and for use in display contexts, such as when
 * building on-screen components to show transaction and smart contract
 * state information.
 * This format seeks to provide an exhaustive schema for JavaScript
 * objects to encode **lossless**, **machine-readable** representations of
 * all possible Solidity and ABI data types and all possible values of those
 * types.
 * This format targets types and values understood by the
 * [Solidity programming language]( and
 * the [Contract ABI specification](,
 * within the context of the [Ethereum Virtual Machine](
 * (EVM) and in raw data for transactions and logs according to the
 * [Ethereum JSON RPC](
 * Objects in this format may be deeply nested and/or contain circular
 * dependencies. As such, **do not** serialize objects in this format or
 * otherwise attempt to display them in full without considering potential
 * risk. **Objects in this format are for the machine to read, not humans!**
 * This module provides utilities for inspecting objects in this format,
 * including the **safe** [[Format.Utils.Inspect.ResultInspector]] wrapper
 * (for [util.inspect](,
 * and the **unsafe** [[Format.Utils.Inspect.unsafeNativize]] function. For more
 * information, please see the documentation for those utilities.
 * ### Specification
 * Individual decoded values are represented by objects of the type
 * [[Format.Values.Result]], which contain the following fields:
 *   1. `type`: This is a [[Format.Types.Type|`Type`]] object describing the value's
 *     type.  Each `Type` has a `typeClass` field describing the overall broad type,
 *     such as `"uint"` or `"bytes"`, together with additional information that gives
 *     the specific type.  For full detail, see [[Format.Types]].
 *   2. `kind`: This is either `"value"`, in which case the `Result` is a
 *     [[Format.Values.Value|`Value`]], or `"error"`, in which case the `Result` is an
 *     [[Format.Errors.ErrorResult|`ErrorResult`]].  In the former case, there will be
 *     a `value` field containin the decoded value.  In the latter case, there will be
 *     an `error` field indicating what went wrong.  *Warning*: When decoding a
 *     complex type, such as an array, mapping, or array, getting a kind of `"value"`
 *     does not necessarily mean the individual elements were decoded successfully.
 *     Even if the `Result` for the array (mapping, struct) as a whole has kind
 *     `"value"`, the elements might still have kind `"error"`.
 *   3. `value`: As mentioned, this is included when `kind` is equal to `"value"`.
 *     It contains information about the actual decoded value.  See
 *     [[Format.Values|`Format.Values`]] for more information.
 *   4. `error`: The alternative to `value`.  Generally includes information about
 *     the raw data that led to the error.  See [[Format.Errors|`Format.Errors`]] for
 *     more information.
 *   5. `interpretations`: This field will also be present when `kind` is equal
 *     to `"value"`; it is an object that may contain additional information
 *     about the decoded value beyond what is found in `value`.  (All fields in
 *     `interpretations` are always optional and will be included only when
 *     applicable.)  You may wonder, what is the difference between `value`
 *     and `interpretations`?  The answer is that the distinction is largely
 *     historical; `interpretations` was not originally part of the format, and
 *     it was added so that there would be a place to put new additional
 *     information we wanted to include without having to expand `value`.  See
 *     [[Format.Values|`Format.Values`]] for more information.
 *   6. `reference`: This field is a debugger-only feature and does not
 *      apply to results returned by  @truffle/decoder, so it won't be documented here.
 * ### Values vs. errors
 * It's worth taking a moment here to answer the question: What counts as a value,
 * and what counts as an error?
 * In general, the answer is that anything that can be generated via Solidity
 * alone (i.e. no assembly), with correctly-encoded inputs, and without making use
 * of compiler bugs, is a value, not an error.  That means that, for instance, the
 * following things are values, not errors:
 *   - A variable of contract type whose address does not actually hold a
 *     contract of that type;
 *   - An external function pointer that does not correspond to a valid
 *     function;
 *   - A string containing invalid UTF-8;
 *   - ..., etc.
 * By contrast, the following *are* errors:
 *   - A `bool` which is neither `false` (0) nor `true` (1);
 *   - An `enum` which is out of range;
 *   - ..., etc.
 * (You may be wondering about the enum case here, because if you go sufficiently
 * far back, to Solidity 0.4.4 or earlier, it *was* possible to generate
 * out-of-range enums without resorting to assembly or compiler bugs.  However,
 * enums are only supported in full mode (see
 * [Notes on decoding modes](../#decoding-modes)),
 * which only supports 0.4.12 and later, so
 * we consider out-of-range enums an error.  There are also additional technical
 * reasons why supporting out-of-range enums as a value would be difficult.)
 * There are three special cases here that are likely worthy of note.
 * Firstly, internal function pointers currently can't be meaningfully
 * decoded via @truffle/decoder.  However, they decode to a bare-bones value,
 * not an error, as it is (in a sense) our own fault that we can't decode
 * these, so it doesn't make sense to report an error, which would mean that
 * something is wrong with the encoded data itself.  This value that it
 * decodes to will give the program counter values it corresponds to, but
 * will not include the function name or defining class, as @truffle/decoder
 * is not presently capable of that.  For now, full decoding of internal
 * function pointers remains a debugger-only feature.  (But limited support for
 * this via @truffle/decoder is planned for the future.)
 * (When using the debugger, an invalid internal function pointer will decode to an
 * error.  However, when using @truffle/decoder, we have no way of discerning whether
 * the pointer is valid or not, so internal function pointers will always decode to
 * a value, if an uninformative one.)
 * Secondly, when decoding events, it is impossible to decode indexed parameters
 * of reference type.  Thus, these decode to an error
 * (`IndexedReferenceTypeError`, which see) rather than to a value.
 * Thirdly, the decoder is currently limited when it comes to decoding state
 * variables that are declared constant, and not all such variables are yet
 * supported in decoding; attempting to decode one of these that is not currently
 * supported will yield an error.
 * Similarly, there are various things that decode to errors for technical reasons.
 * Objects with encoded length fields larger than what fits in a JavaScript safe
 * integer, or pointed to by pointers with values larger than what fits in a
 * JavaScript safe integer, will decode to errors, even if they may technically be
 * legal.  Such cases are impractical to handle and should never come up in real
 * use so we decode them to errors.  Errors may also be returned in case of an
 * error in attempting to read the data to be decoded.
 * Finally, except when decoding events, we do not return an error if the pointers
 * in an ABI-encoded array or tuple are arranged in a nonstandard way, or if
 * strings or bytestrings are incorrectly padded, because it is not worth the
 * trouble to detect these conditions.
 * ## Notes on this documentation
 * Most of this doesn't have explanatory documentation
 * because it's largely self-explanatory, but particularly
 * non-obvious parts have been documented for clarity.
 * A note on optional fields: A number of types or values
 * have optional fields.  These contain helpful
 * but non-essential information, or information which
 * for technical reasons we can't guarantee we can determine.
 * @category Data
 * @packageDocumentation
import { Types, Values, Errors } from "./common";
import * as Utils from "./utils";

export { Types, Values, Errors, Utils };