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import { logger } from "@truffle/db/logger";
const debug = logger("db:resources:networks:resolveRelations");

import type { SavedInput, Input, IdObject, Workspace } from "../types";

export const resolveAncestors = resolveRelations("ancestor");
export const resolveDescendants = resolveRelations("descendant");

export function resolveRelations(relationship: "ancestor" | "descendant") {
  const {
  } = relationshipProperties(relationship);

  return async (
    network: IdObject<"networks">,
    { workspace }: { workspace: Workspace }
  ): Promise<SavedInput<"networks">[]> => {
    const {
      includeSelf = false,
      batchSize = 10,
      [superlativeOption]: onlySuperlative,
      [heightBoundOption]: heightBound
    } = options;

    const heightBoundSelector =
      typeof heightBound === "number"
        ? { [heightBoundComparison]: heightBound }
        : { $gte: 0 }; // pouch needs this for some reason

    // process:
    // track related networks as we've found them from the workspace, as well
    // as the set of IDs we know to have no further relations ("superlatives")
    const networks: { [id: string]: SavedInput<"networks"> } = {};
    const superlatives: Set<string> = new Set([]);
    // iteratively search genealogy records (e.g. when looking for ancestors,
    // look for records that specify unsearchedGenealogies as descendant)
    // start by marking root network for this search and proceed so long as
    // there are additional genealogies to search
    let unsearchedGenealogies: IdObject<"networks">[] = [network];
    const genealogiesExhausted = () => unsearchedGenealogies.length === 0;
    // track depth for optionally-specified limit
    let depth = 1;
    const exceededDepth = () => typeof limit === "number" && depth > limit;
    // as we iterate over genealogy records, prepare batches of known relations
    // for lookup from workspace. found inputs may be included in return result
    // (pending superlativity when [superlativeOnly])
    let unsearchedInputs: IdObject<"networks">[] = includeSelf ? [network] : [];
    const batchReady = () => unsearchedInputs.length >= batchSize;
    // since we're dealing with a DAG and not just a tree, it's possible that
    // we might encounter the same network twice in our search. we don't need
    // to search for anything in our collected networks or in our next batch
    const requiresSearch = ({ id }) =>
      !(id in networks) && !{ id }) => id).includes(id);
    // iterate:
    const done = () => genealogiesExhausted() || exceededDepth();
    while (!done()) {
      debug("depth %d", depth);
      debug("unsearchedGenealogies %o", unsearchedGenealogies);

      // conduct this iteration's genealogy search
      const networkGenealogies: Input<"networkGenealogies">[] = (
        await workspace.find("networkGenealogies", {
          selector: {
            [`${reverseRelationship}.id`]: {
              $in:{ id }) => id)
        ): networkGenealogy is SavedInput<"networkGenealogies"> =>
      debug("networkGenealogies %o", networkGenealogies);

      // track any superlatives
      const hasRelation = new Set({ [reverseRelationship]: { id } }) => id)
      const missingRelation = unsearchedGenealogies.filter(
        ({ id }) => !hasRelation.has(id)
      for (const { id } of missingRelation) {
        "found %o superlatives: %O",

      // prepare for next iteration - since we searched genealogies by
      // [reverseRelationship], we next must search all the [relationship]s,
      // except for those we already know about as a relation
      unsearchedGenealogies = networkGenealogies
        .map(({ [relationship]: { id } }) => ({ id } as IdObject<"networks">))

      // add these to the current batch for possible network lookup

      // increase depth

      // fetch batch when we have enough or at the end when we're done
      if (batchReady() || done()) {
        // fetch from workspace
        for (const network of await workspace.find("networks", {
          selector: {
            "id": { $in:{ id }) => id) },
            "historicBlock.height": heightBoundSelector
        })) {
          // track only found results
          // anything missing is either out of height bounds or an unknown ID
          // (silently skip unknown IDs in order to be tolerant of corruption)
          if (network) {
            const { id } = network;
            networks[id] = network;

        // reset for next batch
        unsearchedInputs = [];

        // we can safely cull our list of networks for the genealogy search:
        // we **just** looked up everything we knew about as a possibility;
        // whatever's missing can be subsequently ignored
        unsearchedGenealogies = unsearchedGenealogies.filter(requiresSearch);

    const relations = onlySuperlative
      ? [...superlatives].map(id => networks[id])
      : Object.values(networks);

    return relations.sort(comparator);

function relationshipProperties(relationship: "ancestor" | "descendant") {
  return relationship === "ancestor"
    ? ({
        reverseRelationship: "descendant",
        superlativeOption: "onlyEarliest",
        heightBoundOption: "minimumHeight",
        heightBoundComparison: "$gte",
        comparator: (a, b) => b.historicBlock.height - a.historicBlock.height
      } as const)
    : ({
        reverseRelationship: "ancestor",
        superlativeOption: "onlyLatest",
        heightBoundOption: "maximumHeight",
        heightBoundComparison: "$gte",
        comparator: (a, b) => a.historicBlock.height - b.historicBlock.height
      } as const);