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6 days
Test Coverage
const OS = require("os");
const debug = require("debug")("debug-utils");
const util = require("util");
const Codec = require("@truffle/codec");
const BN = require("bn.js");

const chromafi = require("@trufflesuite/chromafi");
const hljsDefineSolidity = require("highlightjs-solidity");
const chalk = require("chalk");

const panicTable = {
  0x01: "Failed assertion",
  0x11: "Arithmetic overflow",
  0x12: "Division by zero",
  0x21: "Enum value out of bounds",
  0x22: "Malformed string",
  0x31: "Array underflow",
  0x32: "Index out of bounds",
  0x41: "Oversized array or out of memory",
  0x51: "Call to invalid function"

const verbosePanicTable = {
  0x01: "An assert() check was not satisfied.",
  0x11: "An arithmetic overflow occurred outside an unchecked { ... } block.",
  0x12: "A division by zero occurred.",
  0x21: "An integer was cast to an enum type that cannot hold it.",
  0x22: "There was an attempt to read an incorrectly-encoded string or bytestring.",
  0x31: "An empty array's pop() method was called.",
  0x32: "An array or bytestring was indexed or sliced with an out-of-bounds index.",
  0x41: "An oversized array was created, or the contract ran out of memory.",
  0x51: "An uninitialized internal function pointer was called."

const commandReference = {
  "o": "step over",
  "i": "step line / step into",
  "u": "step out",
  "n": "step next",
  ";": "step instruction (include number to step multiple)",
  "p": "print instruction & state (`p [mem|cal|sto]*`; see docs for more)",
  "l": "print additional source context (`l [+<lines-ahead>] [-<lines-back>]`)",
  "h": "print this help",
  "v": "print variables and values (`v [bui|glo|con|loc]*`)",
  ":": "evaluate expression - see `v`",
  "+": "add watch expression (`+:<expr>`)",
  "-": "remove watch expression (-:<expr>)",
  "?": "list existing watch expressions and breakpoints",
  "b": "add breakpoint (`b [[<source-file>:]<line-number>]`; see docs for more)",
  "B": "remove breakpoint (similar to adding, or `B all` to remove all)",
  "c": "continue until breakpoint",
  "q": "quit",
  "r": "reset",
  "t": "load new transaction",
  "T": "unload transaction",
  "s": "print stacktrace",
  "g": "turn on generated sources",
  "G": "turn off generated sources except via `;`",
  "y": "(if at end) reset & continue to final error",
  "Y": "reset & continue to previous error",
  "e": "Print recent events (`e [<number>|all]`)"

const shortCommandReference = {
  "o": "step over",
  "i": "step into",
  "u": "step out",
  "n": "step next",
  ";": "step instruction",
  "p": "print state",
  "l": "print context",
  "h": "print help",
  "v": "print variables",
  ":": "evaluate",
  "+": "add watch",
  "-": "remove watch",
  "?": "list watches & breakpoints",
  "b": "add breakpoint",
  "B": "remove breakpoint",
  "c": "continue",
  "q": "quit",
  "r": "reset",
  "t": "load",
  "T": "unload",
  "s": "stacktrace",
  "g": "turn on generated sources",
  "G": "turn off generated sources",
  "y": "reset & go to final error",
  "Y": "reset & go to previous error",
  "e": "print event log"

const truffleColors = {
  mint: chalk.hex("#3FE0C5"),
  orange: chalk.hex("#E4A663"),
  pink: chalk.hex("#E911BD"),
  purple: chalk.hex("#8731E8"),
  green: chalk.hex("#00D717"),
  red: chalk.hex("#D60000"),
  yellow: chalk.hex("#F2E941"),
  blue: chalk.hex("#25A9E0"),
  comment: chalk.hsl(30, 20, 50),
  watermelon: chalk.hex("#E86591"),
  periwinkle: chalk.hex("#7F9DD1")


const trufflePalette = {
  /* base (chromafi special, not hljs) */
  "base": chalk,
  "lineNumbers": chalk,
  "trailingSpace": chalk,
  /* classes hljs-solidity actually uses */
  "builtIn": truffleColors.watermelon,
  "built_in": truffleColors.watermelon, //just to be sure
  "literal": truffleColors.watermelon,
  "comment": truffleColors.comment,
  "doctag": truffleColors.comment,
  "punctuation": truffleColors.purple,
  /* classes it might soon use! */
  "meta-string":, //similar
  /* classes it doesn't currently use but notionally could */
  "meta-keyword":, //again, to be sure
  "property": chalk, //not putting any highlighting here for now
  /* classes that don't make sense for Solidity */
  "regexp": chalk, //solidity does not have regexps
  "subst": chalk, //or string interpolation
  "name": chalk, //or s-expressions
  "builtInName": chalk, //or s-expressions, again
  "builtin-name": chalk, //just to be sure
  /* classes for config, markup, CSS, templates, diffs (not programming) */
  "section": chalk,
  "tag": chalk,
  "attr": chalk,
  "attribute": chalk,
  "variable": chalk,
  "bullet": chalk,
  "code": chalk,
  "emphasis": chalk,
  "strong": chalk,
  "formula": chalk,
  "link": chalk,
  "quote": chalk,
  "selectorAttr": chalk, //lotta redundancy follows
  "selector-attr": chalk,
  "selectorClass": chalk,
  "selector-class": chalk,
  "selectorId": chalk,
  "selector-id": chalk,
  "selectorPseudo": chalk,
  "selector-pseudo": chalk,
  "selectorTag": chalk,
  "selector-tag": chalk,
  "templateTag": chalk,
  "template-tag": chalk,
  "templateVariable": chalk,
  "template-variable": chalk,
  "addition": chalk,
  "deletion": chalk

var DebugUtils = {
  truffleColors, //make these externally available

  //panicCode may be either a number, BN, or decimal string
  panicString: function (panicCode, verbose = false) {
    const unknownString = "Unknown panic";
    const verboseUnknownString = "A panic occurred of unrecognized type.";
    if (BN.isBN(panicCode)) {
      try {
        panicCode = panicCode.toNumber();
      } catch (_) {
        return verbose ? verboseUnknownString : unknownString;
    return verbose
      ? verbosePanicTable[panicCode] || verboseUnknownString
      : panicTable[panicCode] || unknownString;

  //attempts to test whether a given compilation is a real compilation,
  //i.e., was compiled all at once.
  //if it is real, it will definitely pass this test, barring a Solidity bug.
  //(anyway worst case failing it just results in a recompilation)
  //if it isn't real, but passes this test anyway... well, I'm hoping it should
  //still be usable all the same!
  isUsableCompilation: function (compilation) {
    //check #1: is the source order reliable?
    if (compilation.unreliableSourceOrder) {
      debug("unreliable source order");
      return false;

    //check #2: are (user) source indices consecutive?
    //(while nonconsecutivity should not be a problem by itself, this probably
    //indicates a name collision of a sort that will be fatal for other
    //NOTE: oddly, empty spots in an array will cause array.includes(undefined)
    //to return true!  So I'm doing it this way even though it looks wrong
    //(since the real concern is empty spots, not undefined, yet this turns
    //this up anyhow)
    if (compilation.sources.includes(undefined)) {
      debug("nonconsecutive sources");
      return false;

    //check #3: do generated source indices start directly after user source indices?
    //(once again, if there's a gap between them, that's not a problem by itself,
    //but it probably indicates that something bad is going on)
    const lowestInternalIndex = Math.min( => {
        //find first defined index
        let lowestConstructor = (contract.generatedSources || []).findIndex(
          x => x !== undefined
        if (lowestConstructor === -1) {
          lowestConstructor = Infinity;
        let lowestDeployed = (
          contract.deployedGeneratedSources || []
        ).findIndex(x => x !== undefined);
        if (lowestDeployed === -1) {
          lowestDeployed = Infinity;
        return Math.min(lowestConstructor, lowestDeployed);
    if (lowestInternalIndex !== Infinity) {
      //Infinity would mean there were none
      if (lowestInternalIndex !== compilation.sources.length) {
        //if it's a usable compilation, these should be equal,
        //as length = 1 + last user source
        debug("gap before internal sources");
        return false;

    //check #4: are there any AST ID collisions?
    let astIds = new Set();

    let allIDsUnseenSoFar = node => {
      if (Array.isArray(node)) {
        return node.every(allIDsUnseenSoFar);
      } else if (node !== null && typeof node === "object") {
        if ( !== undefined) {
          if (astIds.has( {
            debug("id occurred twice: %o",;
            return false;
          } else {
        return Object.values(node).every(allIDsUnseenSoFar);
      } else {
        return true;

    //now: walk each Solidity AST
    //(and don't bother checking generated sources as they're
    //never Solidity)
    debug("checking Solidity ASTs for collisions");
    return compilation.sources.every(
      source =>
        !source ||
        source.language !== "Solidity" ||

  formatStartMessage: function (withTransaction) {
    if (withTransaction) {
      return "Gathering information about your project and the transaction...";
    } else {
      return "Gathering information about your project...";

  formatTransactionStartMessage: function () {
    return "Gathering information about the transaction...";

  formatCommandDescription: function (commandId) {
    return (`(${commandId})`) + " " + commandReference[commandId]

  formatPrompt: function (network, txHash) {
    return txHash !== undefined
      ? `debug(${network}:${txHash.substring(0, 10)}...)> `
      : `debug(${network})> `;

  formatAffectedInstances: function (instances) {
    var hasAllSource = true;

    var lines = Object.keys(instances).map(function (address) {
      var instance = instances[address];

      if (instance.contractName) {
        return " " + address + " - " + instance.contractName;

      if (!instance.source) {
        hasAllSource = false;

      return " " + address + "(UNKNOWN)";

    if (lines.length === 0) {
      lines.push("No affected addresses found.");

    if (!hasAllSource) {
        )} The source code for one or more contracts could not be found.`

    return lines.join(OS.EOL);

  formatHelp: function (lastCommand = "n") {
    var prefix = [
      "Commands:","(enter)") +
        " last command entered (" +
        shortCommandReference[lastCommand] +

    var commandSections = [
      ["o", "i", "u", "n"],
      ["c", "Y"],
      ["g", "G"],
      ["s", "e"],
      ["q", "r", "t", "T"],
      ["+", "-"],
      [":", "h"]
    ].map(function (shortcuts) {
      return", ");

    var suffix = [

    var lines = prefix.concat(commandSections).concat(suffix);

    return lines.join(OS.EOL);

  tabsToSpaces: function (inputLine, tabLength = DEFAULT_TAB_WIDTH) {
    //note: I'm going to assume for these purposes that everything is
    //basically ASCII and I don't have to worry about astral planes or
    //grapheme clusters.  Sorry. :-/
    let line = "";
    let counter = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < inputLine.length; i++) {
      if (inputLine[i] === "\t") {
        const remaining = tabLength - counter;
        line += " ".repeat(remaining);
        counter = 0;
      } else if (inputLine[i] === "\n") {
        line += "\n";
        counter = 0;
      } else if (inputLine[i] === "\r" && inputLine[i + 1] === "\n") {
        line += "\n";
        counter = 0;
      } else {
        line += inputLine[i];
        if (counter === tabLength) {
          counter = 0;
    return line;

  formatLineNumberPrefix: function (line, number, cols) {
    const prefix = String(number).padStart(cols) + ": ";

    return prefix + line;

  formatLinePointer: function (
    tabLength = DEFAULT_TAB_WIDTH
  ) {
    const prefix = " ".repeat(padding + 2); //account for ": "

    let output = "";
    let counter = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
      let pointedAt = i >= startCol && i < endCol;

      let additional;
      if (line[i] === "\t") {
        const remaining = tabLength - counter;
        additional = " ".repeat(remaining);
        debug("advancing %d", remaining);
        counter = 0;
      } else {
        additional = " "; // just a space
        if (counter === tabLength) {
          counter = 0;

      if (pointedAt) {
        additional = additional.replace(/./g, "^");

      output += additional;

    return truffleColors.purple(prefix + output);

  //NOTE: source and uncolorizedSource here have already
  //been split into lines here, they're not the raw text
  //ALSO: assuming here that colorized source has been detabbed
  //but that uncolorized source has not
  formatRangeLines: function (
    contextBefore = 2,
    contextAfter = 0
  ) {
    // range is {
    //   start: { line, column },
    //   end: { line, column}
    // }

    var startIndex = Math.max(range.start.line - contextBefore, 0);
    var endIndex = Math.min(range.start.line + contextAfter, source.length - 1);

    var prefixLength = (endIndex + 1 + "").length; //+1 to account for 0-index

    //note: beforeLines now includes the line itself
    var beforeLines = source
      .slice(startIndex, range.start.line + 1)
      .map((line, index) => {
        let number = startIndex + index + 1; // 1 to account for 0-index
        return DebugUtils.formatLineNumberPrefix(line, number, prefixLength);
    var afterLines = source
      .slice(range.start.line + 1, endIndex + 1)
      .map((line, index) => {
        let number = range.start.line + 1 + index + 1; // 1 to account for 0-index
        return DebugUtils.formatLineNumberPrefix(line, number, prefixLength);

    var pointerStart = range.start.column;
    var pointerEnd;

    let uncolorizedLine = uncolorizedSource[range.start.line];

    // range.end is undefined in some cases
    // null/undefined check to avoid exceptions
    if (range.end && range.start.line === range.end.line) {
      // start and end are same line: pointer ends at column
      pointerEnd = range.end.column;
    } else {
      pointerEnd = uncolorizedLine.length;

    var allLines = beforeLines.concat(
          //the line-pointer formatter doesn't work right with colorized
          //lines, so we pass in the uncolored version

    return allLines.join(OS.EOL);

  formatBreakpointLocation: function (
  ) {
    let baseMessage;
    if (breakpoint.start !== undefined && breakpoint.length !== undefined) {
      baseMessage = here
        ? `this point in line ${breakpoint.line + 1}`
        : `a point in line ${breakpoint.line + 1}`;
      //note we always add 1 to adjust for zero-indexing
    } else {
      baseMessage = `line ${breakpoint.line + 1}`;
    if (breakpoint.sourceId !== currentSourceId) {
      const sourceName = sourceNames[breakpoint.sourceId];
      return baseMessage + ` in ${sourceName}`;
    } else {
      return baseMessage;

  formatCurrentInstruction: function (instruction) {
    const pc = this.formatPC(instruction.pc);
    const formattedInstruction = this.formatInstruction(instruction);
    return "-> " + + pc;

  formatInstruction: function (instruction) {
    return +
        " " +
        (instruction.pushData !== undefined && instruction.pushData !== "0x"
          ? instruction.pushData
          : "") //display just "PUSH0", not "PUSH0 0x"

  formatPC: function (pc) {
    let hex = pc.toString(16);
    if (hex.length % 2 !== 0) {
      hex = "0" + hex; //ensure even length
    return " (PC=" + pc.toString() + ", 0x" + hex + ")";

  formatStack: function (stack) {
    //stack here is an array of hex words (no "0x")
    var formatted =, index) => {
      item =;
      item = "  " + item;
      if (index === stack.length - 1) {
        item += " (top)";
      } else {
        item += ` (${stack.length - index - 1} from top)`;

      return item;

    if (stack.length === 0) {
      formatted.unshift("  No data on stack.");
    } else {

    return formatted.join(OS.EOL);

  formatMemory: function (memory) {
    //note memory here is an array of hex words (no "0x"),
    //not a single long hex string

    //get longest prefix needed;
    //minimum of 2 so always show at least 2 hex digits
    let maxPrefixLength = Math.max(
      ((memory.length - 1) * Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE).toString(16).length
    if (maxPrefixLength % 2 !== 0) {
      maxPrefixLength++; //make sure to use even # of hex digits

    let formatted =, index) => {
      let address = (index * Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE)
        .padStart(maxPrefixLength, "0");
      return `  0x${address}:  ${}`;

    if (memory.length === 0) {
      formatted.unshift("  No data in memory.");
    } else {

    return formatted.join(OS.EOL);

  formatStorage: function (storage) {
    //storage here is an object mapping hex words to hex words (no 0x)

    //first: sort the keys (slice to clone as sort is in-place)
    //note: we can use the default sort here; it will do the righ thing
    let slots = Object.keys(storage).slice().sort();

    let formatted =, index) => {
      if (
        index === 0 ||
          Codec.Conversion.toBN(slots[index - 1]).addn(1)
      ) {
        return `0x${slot}:\n` + `  ${[slot])}`;
      } else {
        return `  ${[slot])}`;

    if (slots.length === 0) {
      formatted.unshift("  No known relevant data found in storage.");
    } else {
      formatted.unshift("Storage (partial view):");

    return formatted.join(OS.EOL);

  formatCalldata: function (calldata) {
    //takes a Uint8Array
    let selector = calldata.slice(0, Codec.Evm.Utils.SELECTOR_SIZE);
    let words = [];
    for (
      let wordIndex = Codec.Evm.Utils.SELECTOR_SIZE;
      wordIndex < calldata.length;
      wordIndex += Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE
    ) {
        calldata.slice(wordIndex, wordIndex + Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE)
    let maxWordIndex =
      (words.length - 1) * Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE +
    let maxPrefixLength = Math.max(2, maxWordIndex.toString(16).length);
    if (maxPrefixLength % 2 !== 0) {
    let formattedSelector;
    if (selector.length > 0) {
      formattedSelector =
        "Calldata:\n" +
        `  0x${"00".padStart(maxPrefixLength, "0")}:  ` +
            .padStart(2 * Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE, "  ")
    } else {
      formattedSelector = "  No data in calldata.";

    let formatted =, index) => {
      let address = (
        index * Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE +
        .padStart(maxPrefixLength, "0");
      let data = Codec.Conversion.toHexString(word)
        .padEnd(2 * Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE);
      return `  0x${address}:  ${}`;


    return formatted.join(OS.EOL);

  formatValue: function (value, indent = 0, nativized = false) {
    let inspectOptions = {
      colors: true,
      depth: null,
      maxArrayLength: null,
      breakLength: 30
    let valueToInspect = nativized
      ? value
      : new Codec.Export.ResultInspector(value, { noHideAddress: true });
    return util
      .inspect(valueToInspect, inspectOptions)
      .map((line, i) => {
        // don't indent first line
        const padding = i > 0 ? Array(indent).join(" ") : "";
        return padding + line;

  //note: only intended to be used for *custom* errors :)
  formatCustomError: function (decoding, indent = 0) {
    const inspectOptions = {
      colors: true,
      depth: null,
      maxArrayLength: null,
      breakLength: 30
    const name = decoding.definedIn
      ? `${decoding.definedIn.typeName}.${}`
    return Codec.Export.formatFunctionLike(
      { noHideAddress: true },

  formatStacktrace: function (stacktrace, indent = 2) {
    //get message or panic code from stacktrace
    const { message, panic, custom } = stacktrace[0];
    //we want to print inner to outer, so first, let's
    stacktrace = stacktrace.slice().reverse(); //reverse is in-place so clone first
    let lines =
      }) => {
        let name;
        if (contractName && functionName) {
          name = `${contractName}.${functionName}`;
        } else if (contractName) {
          name =
            type === "external" && isConstructor
              ? `new ${contractName}`
              : contractName;
          //for internal calls, it doesn't really make sense
          //to write "new Contract"
        } else if (functionName) {
          name = functionName;
        } else {
          name = "unknown function";
        let locationString;
        if (location) {
          let {
            source: { sourcePath },
            sourceRange: {
              lines: {
                start: { line, column }
          } = location;
          locationString = sourcePath
            ? `${sourcePath}:${line + 1}:${column + 1}` //add 1 to account for 0-indexing
            : "unknown location";
        } else {
          locationString = "unknown location";
        let addressString =
          type === "external"
            ? address !== undefined
              ? ` [address ${address}]`
              : " [unknown address]"
            : "";
        return `at ${name}${addressString} (${locationString})`;
    let status = stacktrace[0].status;
    if (status != undefined) {
      let statusLine;
      if (message !== undefined) {
        statusLine = status
          ? `Error: Improper return (caused message: ${message})`
          : `Error: Revert (message: ${message})`;
      } else if (panic !== undefined) {
        statusLine = status
          ? `Panic: Improper return (caused ${DebugUtils.panicString(
            ).toLowerCase()} (code 0x${panic.toString(16)}))`
          : `Panic: ${DebugUtils.panicString(panic)} (code 0x${panic.toString(
      } else if (custom !== undefined) {
        statusLine = status
          ? `Error: Improper return (caused custom error)`
          : `Error: Revert (custom error)`;
      } else {
        statusLine = status
          ? "Error: Improper return (may be an unexpected self-destruct)"
          : "Error: Revert or exceptional halt";
    let indented =, index) =>
      index === 0 ? line : " ".repeat(indent) + line
    return indented.join(OS.EOL);

  colorize: function (code, language = "Solidity") {
    const options = {
      lang: "solidity",
      colors: trufflePalette,
      //we want to turn off basically everything else, as we're
      //handling padding & numbering manually
      lineNumbers: false,
      stripIndent: false,
      codePad: 0,
      tabsToSpaces: false, //we handle this ourself and don't
      //want chromafi's padding
      lineEndPad: false
    switch (language) {
      case "Solidity":
        return chromafi(code, options);
      case "Yul":
        options.lang = "yul"; //registered along with Solidity :)
        return chromafi(code, options);
      case "Vyper":
        options.lang = "python"; //HACK -- close enough for now!
        return chromafi(code, options);
        //don't highlight
        return code;

  cleanThis: function (variables, replacement) {
    return Object.assign(
      ...Object.entries(variables).map(([variable, value]) =>
        variable === "this" ? { [replacement]: value } : { [variable]: value }

   * HACK warning!  This function modifies the debugger state
   * and should only be used in light mode, at startup, in a very specific way!
   * let bugger = await Debugger.forTx(txHash, { lightMode: true, ... });
   * const sources = await getTransactionSourcesBeforeStarting(bugger);
   * await bugger.startFullMode();
   * Don't go switching transactions after doing this, because there's no
   * way at the moment to switch back into light mode in order to re-run
   * this function.  You do *not* want to run this in full mode.
  getTransactionSourcesBeforeStarting: async function (bugger) {
    await bugger.reset();
    let sources = {};
    const { controller } = bugger.selectors;
    while (!bugger.view(controller.current.trace.finished)) {
      const source = bugger.view(controller.current.location.source);
      const { compilationId, id, internal } = source;
      //stepInto should skip internal sources, but there still might be
      //one at the end
      if (!internal && compilationId !== undefined && id !== undefined) {
        sources[compilationId] = {
          [id]: source
      await bugger.stepInto();
    await bugger.reset();
    //flatten sources before returning
    return [].concat(...Object.values(sources).map(Object.values));

module.exports = DebugUtils;