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3 days
Test Coverage
import debugModule from "debug";
const debug = debugModule("debugger:evm:selectors");

import { createSelectorTree, createLeaf } from "reselect-tree";
import BN from "bn.js";

import trace from "lib/trace/selectors";

import * as Codec from "@truffle/codec";
import {
} from "lib/helpers";

const ZERO_WORD = "00".repeat(Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE);

function determineFullContext(
  { address, binary },
) {
  let contextId;
  let isConstructor = Boolean(binary);
  if (address) {
    //if we're in a call to a deployed contract, we must have recorded
    //the context in the codex, so we don't need to do any further
    ({ context: contextId, binary } = instances[address]);
  } else if (isConstructor) {
    //otherwise, if we're in a constructor, we'll need to actually do a
    contextId = search(binary);
  } else {
    //exceptional case: no transaction is loaded
    return null;

  if (contextId != undefined) {
    //if we found the context, use it
    let context = contexts[contextId];
    return {
  } else {
    //otherwise we'll construct something default
    return {

 * create EVM-level selectors for a given trace step selector
 * may specify additional selectors to include
function createStepSelectors(step, state = null) {
  let base = {
     * .trace
     * trace step info related to operation
    trace: createLeaf([step], step => {
      if (!step) {
        return null;
      let { gasCost, op, pc } = step;
      return { gasCost, op, pc };

     * .programCounter
    programCounter: createLeaf(["./trace"], step => (step ? step.pc : null)),

     * .isCall
     * whether the opcode will switch to another calling context
    isCall: createLeaf(["./trace"], step => isCallMnemonic(step.op)),

     * .isShortCall
     * for calls that only take 6 arguments instead of 7
    isShortCall: createLeaf(["./trace"], step => isShortCallMnemonic(step.op)),

     * .isDelegateCallBroad
     * for calls that delegate storage
    isDelegateCallBroad: createLeaf(["./trace"], step =>

     * .isDelegateCallStrict
     * for calls that additionally delegate sender and value
    isDelegateCallStrict: createLeaf(["./trace"], step =>

     * .isStaticCall
    isStaticCall: createLeaf(["./trace"], step =>

     * .isCreate
     * (includes CREATE2)
    isCreate: createLeaf(["./trace"], step => isCreateMnemonic(step.op)),

     * .isSelfDestruct
    isSelfDestruct: createLeaf(["./trace"], step =>

     * .isCreate2
    isCreate2: createLeaf(["./trace"], step => step.op === "CREATE2"),

     * .isStore
    isStore: createLeaf(["./trace"], step => step.op === "SSTORE"),

     * .isLoad
    isLoad: createLeaf(["./trace"], step => step.op === "SLOAD"),

     * .touchesStorage
     * whether the instruction involves storage
    touchesStorage: createLeaf(
      ["./isStore", "isLoad"],
      (stores, loads) => stores || loads

     * .isPop
     * used by data
    isPop: createLeaf(["./trace"], step => step.op === "POP"),

     * .isLog
    isLog: createLeaf(["./topicCount"], topicCount => topicCount !== null),

     * .topicCount
     * returns null if not on a logging step
    topicCount: createLeaf(["./trace"], step => {
      if (!step.op) {
        return null;

      const match = step.op.match(/LOG(\d+)/);
      if (!match) {
        return null;

      return Number(match[1]);

  if (state) {
    const isRelative = path =>
      typeof path === "string" &&
      (path.startsWith("./") || path.startsWith("../"));

    if (isRelative(state)) {
      state = `../${state}`;

    Object.assign(base, {
       * .isJump
      isJump: createLeaf(
        ["./trace", state],
        (step, { stack }) =>
          step.op === "JUMP" ||
          (step.op === "JUMPI" && stack[stack.length - 2] !== ZERO_WORD)

       * .valueStored
       * the storage written, as determined by looking at the stack
       * rather than at storage (since valueLoaded is now being done
       * this way, may as well do valueStored this way as well and
       * completely remove our dependence on the storage field!)
      valueStored: createLeaf(["./isStore", state], (isStore, { stack }) => {
        if (!isStore) {
          return null;
        return stack[stack.length - 2];

       * .callAddress
       * address transferred to by call operation
      callAddress: createLeaf(
        ["./isCall", state],

        (isCall, { stack }) => {
          if (!isCall) {
            return null;

          let address = stack[stack.length - 2];
          return Codec.Evm.Utils.toAddress(address);

       * .createBinary
       * binary code to execute via create operation
      createBinary: createLeaf(
        ["./isCreate", state],

        (isCreate, { stack, memory }) => {
          if (!isCreate) {
            return null;

          // Get the code that's going to be created from memory.
          // Note we multiply by 2 because these offsets are in bytes.
          const offset = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 2], 16) * 2;
          const length = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 3], 16) * 2;

          return (
            "0x" +
              .substring(offset, offset + length)
              .padEnd(length, "00")

       * .callData
       * data passed to EVM call
      callData: createLeaf(
        ["./isCall", "./isShortCall", "./isCreate", state],
        (isCall, short, isCreate, { stack, memory }) => {
          if (!isCall) {
            //if it's not a call or create, this is invalid and we return null.
            //for creations, we return 0x (if you want the binary, use createBinary
            return isCreate ? "0x" : null;

          //if it's 6-argument call, the data start and offset will be one spot
          //higher in the stack than they would be for a 7-argument call, so
          //let's introduce an offset to handle this
          let argOffset = short ? 1 : 0;

          // Get the data from memory.
          // Note we multiply by 2 because these offsets are in bytes.
          const offset = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 4 + argOffset], 16) * 2;
          const length = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 5 + argOffset], 16) * 2;

          return (
            "0x" +
              .substring(offset, offset + length)
              .padEnd(length, "00")

       * .callValue
       * value for the call (not create); returns null for DELEGATECALL
      callValue: createLeaf(
        ["./isCall", "./isDelegateCallStrict", "./isStaticCall", state],
        (calls, delegates, isStatic, { stack }) => {
          if (!calls || delegates) {
            return null;

          if (isStatic) {
            return new BN(0);

          //otherwise, for CALL and CALLCODE, it's the 3rd argument
          let value = stack[stack.length - 3];
          return Codec.Conversion.toBN(value);

       * .createValue
       * value for the create
      createValue: createLeaf(["./isCreate", state], (isCreate, { stack }) => {
        if (!isCreate) {
          return null;

        //creates have the value as the first argument
        let value = stack[stack.length - 1];
        return Codec.Conversion.toBN(value);

       * .storageAffected
       * storage slot being stored to or loaded from
       * we do NOT prepend "0x"
      storageAffected: createLeaf(
        ["./touchesStorage", state],

        (touchesStorage, { stack }) => {
          if (!touchesStorage) {
            return null;

          return stack[stack.length - 1];

       * .salt
      salt: createLeaf(
        ["./isCreate2", state],

        (isCreate2, { stack }) => {
          if (!isCreate2) {
            return null;

          return "0x" + stack[stack.length - 4];

       * .callContext
       * context of what this step is calling/creating (if applicable)
      callContext: createLeaf(
        (address, binary, instances, search, contexts) =>
          determineFullContext({ address, binary }, instances, search, contexts)

       * .logData
       * the data portion of what's getting logged
      logData: createLeaf(["./isLog", state], (isLog, { stack, memory }) => {
        if (!isLog) {
          return null;

        // Get the data from memory.
        // Note we multiply by 2 because these offsets are in bytes.
        // (note the data offset/length comes before the topics, so
        // we don't neeed ot adjust for the topic count)
        const offset = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 1], 16) * 2;
        const length = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 2], 16) * 2;

        return (
          "0x" +
            .substring(offset, offset + length)
            .padEnd(length, "00")

       * .logTopics
       * returns an array of hex strings
      logTopics: createLeaf(
        ["./isLog", "./topicCount", state],
        (isLog, topicCount, { stack }) => {
          if (!isLog) {
            return null;

          //the topics (if any) start with the third argument,
          //so we take the appropriate number of entries from
          //the end of the stack (excluding than the last two), then
          //reverse to put them in order; we also prepend "0x" for
          //note the use of reverse() is safe due to the use of slice() first
          return stack
            .slice(-2 - topicCount, -2)
            .map(word => "0x" + word);

  return base;

const evm = createSelectorTree({
   * evm.state
  state: state => state.evm,

   * evm.application
  application: {
     * evm.application.storageLookup
    storageLookup: createLeaf(
      state => state.application.storageLookup

     * evm.application.storageLookupSupported
    storageLookupSupported: createLeaf(
      state => state.application.storageLookupSupported

  info: {
    contexts: createLeaf(["/state"], state =>,

    binaries: {
       * returns function (binary) => context (returns the *ID* of the context)
       * (returns null on no match)
      search: createLeaf(
        contexts => binary =>
          //HACK: the type of contexts doesn't actually match!! fortunately
          //it's good enough to work
            Codec.Contexts.Utils.findContext(contexts, binary) || {
              context: null

   * evm.transaction
  transaction: {
     * evm.transaction.globals
    globals: {
       * evm.transaction.globals.tx
      tx: createLeaf(["/state"], state => state.transaction.globals.tx),

       * evm.transaction.globals.block
      block: createLeaf(["/state"], state => state.transaction.globals.block)

     * evm.transaction.blockHash
    blockHash: createLeaf(
      state => state.transaction.txIdentification.blockHash

     * evm.transaction.txIndex
    txIndex: createLeaf(
      state => state.transaction.txIdentification.txIndex

     * evm.transaction.status
    status: createLeaf(["/state"], state => state.transaction.status),

     * evm.transaction.initialCall
    initialCall: createLeaf(["/state"], state => state.transaction.initialCall),

     * evm.transaction.startingContext
    startingContext: createLeaf(
        "/current/callstack", //we're just getting bottom stackframe, so this is in fact tx-level
        "/current/codex/instances", //this should also be fine?
      (stack, instances, search, contexts) =>
        stack.length > 0
          ? determineFullContext(stack[0], instances, search, contexts)
          : null

     * evm.transaction.affectedInstances
    affectedInstances: createLeaf(
      state => state.transaction.affectedInstances.byAddress

   * evm.current
  current: {
     * evm.current.callstack
    callstack: state => state.evm.proc.callstack,

    call: createLeaf(

      stack => (stack.length ? stack[stack.length - 1] : {})

     * evm.current.context
    context: createLeaf(

     * evm.current.isIR
     * was the current context compield with IR on?
     * currently, this defaults to false; in the future the default
     * may depend on the Solidity version
    isIR: createLeaf(["./context"], context =>
      context.settings ? Boolean(context.settings.viaIR) : false

     * evm.current.state
     * evm state info: as of last operation, before op defined in step
    state: Object.assign(
      ...["depth", "error", "gas", "memory", "stack"].map(param => ({
        [param]: createLeaf([trace.step], step => step[param])

     * evm.current.step
    step: {
      ...createStepSelectors(trace.step, "./state"),

      //the following step selectors only exist for current, not next or any
      //other step

       * evm.current.step.createdAddress
       * address created by the current create step
      createdAddress: createLeaf(
        (isCreate, stack, isCreate2, create2Address) => {
          if (!isCreate) {
            return null;
          let address = stack //may be null if the create step itself fails
            ? Codec.Evm.Utils.toAddress(stack[stack.length - 1])
            : Codec.Evm.Utils.ZERO_ADDRESS; //nothing got created, so...
          if (address === Codec.Evm.Utils.ZERO_ADDRESS && isCreate2) {
            return create2Address;
          return address;

       * evm.current.step.create2Address
       * address created by the current create2 step
       * (computed, not read off the return)
      create2Address: createLeaf(
        ["./isCreate2", "./createBinary", "../call", "../state/stack"],
        (isCreate2, binary, { storageAddress }, stack) =>
            ? Codec.Evm.Utils.toAddress(
                "0x" +
                    type: "bytes",
                      //slice 2's are for cutting off initial "0x" where we've prepended this
                      //0xff, then address, then salt, then code hash
                      "0xff" +
                      storageAddress.slice(2) +
                      stack[stack.length - 4] +
                      keccak256({ type: "bytes", value: binary }).slice(2)
                    2 +
                      2 *
                        (Codec.Evm.Utils.WORD_SIZE -
                //slice off initial 0x and initial 12 bytes (note we've re-prepended the
                //0x at the beginning)
            : null

       * evm.current.step.isInstantCallOrCreate
       * are we doing a call or create for which there are no trace steps?
       * This can happen if:
       * 1. we call a precompile
       * 2. we call an externally-owned account (or other account w/no code)
       * 3. we do a call or create but the call stack is exhausted
       * 4. we attempt to transfer more ether than we have
      isInstantCallOrCreate: createLeaf(
        ["./isCall", "./isCreate", "./isContextChange"],
        (calls, creates, contextChange) => (calls || creates) && !contextChange

       * evm.current.step.isContextChange
       * groups together calls, creates, halts, and exceptional halts
      isContextChange: createLeaf(
        ["/current/state/depth", "/next/state/depth"],
        (currentDepth, nextDepth) => currentDepth !== nextDepth

       * evm.current.step.isNormalHalting
      isNormalHalting: createLeaf(
        ["./isHalting", "./returnStatus"],
        (isHalting, status) => isHalting && status

       * evm.current.step.isHalting
       * whether the instruction halts or returns from a calling context
       * HACK: the check for stepsRemainining === 0 is a hack to cover
       * the special case when there are no trace steps; normally this
       * is unnecessary because the spoofed step past the end covers it
      isHalting: createLeaf(
        ["/current/state/depth", "/next/state/depth", trace.stepsRemaining],
        (currentDepth, nextDepth, stepsRemaining) =>
          nextDepth < currentDepth || stepsRemaining === 0

       * evm.current.step.isExceptionalHalting
      isExceptionalHalting: createLeaf(
        ["./isHalting", "./returnStatus"],
        (isHalting, status) => isHalting && !status

       * evm.current.step.returnStatus
       * checks the return status of the *current* halting instruction or insta-call
       * returns null if not halting & not an insta-call
       * (returns a boolean -- true for success, false for failure)
      returnStatus: createLeaf(
        (isHalting, isInstaCall, { stack }, remaining, finalStatus) => {
          if (!isHalting && !isInstaCall) {
            return null; //not clear this'll do much good since this may get
            //read as false, but, oh well, may as well
          if (remaining <= 1) {
            return finalStatus;
          } else {
            return stack[stack.length - 1] !== ZERO_WORD;

       * evm.current.step.returnValue
       * for a [successful] RETURN or REVERT instruction, the value returned;
       * we DO prepend "0x"
       * for everything else, including unsuccessful RETURN, just returns "0x"
       * (which is what the return value would be if the instruction were to
       * fail) (or succeed in the case of STOP or SELFDESTRUCT)
       * NOTE: technically this will be wrong if a REVERT fails, but that case
       * is hard to detect and it barely matters
      returnValue: createLeaf(
        ["./trace", "./isExceptionalHalting", "../state"],

        (step, isExceptionalHalting, { stack, memory }) => {
          if (step.op !== "RETURN" && step.op !== "REVERT") {
            return "0x";
          if (isExceptionalHalting && step.op !== "REVERT") {
            return "0x";
          // Get the data from memory.
          // Note we multiply by 2 because these offsets are in bytes.
          const offset = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 1], 16) * 2;
          const length = parseInt(stack[stack.length - 2], 16) * 2;

          return (
            "0x" +
              .substring(offset, offset + length)
              .padEnd(length, "00")

       * evm.current.step.valueLoaded
       * the storage loaded on an SLOAD. determined by examining
       * the next stack, rather than storage (we're avoiding
       * relying on storage to support old versions of Geth and Besu)
       * we do not include an initial "0x"
      valueLoaded: createLeaf(
        ["./isLoad", "/next/state"],
        (isLoad, { stack }) => {
          if (!isLoad) {
            return null;
          return stack[stack.length - 1];

       * evm.current.step.beneficiary
       * NOTE: for a value-destroying selfdestruct, returns null
      beneficiary: createLeaf(
        ["./isSelfDestruct", "../state", "../call"],

        (isSelfDestruct, { stack }, { storageAddress: currentAddress }) => {
          if (!isSelfDestruct) {
            return null;
          const beneficiary = Codec.Evm.Utils.toAddress(
            stack[stack.length - 1]
          return beneficiary !== currentAddress ? beneficiary : null;

     * evm.current.codex (namespace)
    codex: {
       * evm.current.codex (selector)
       * the whole codex! not that that's very much at the moment
      _: createLeaf(["/state"], state => state.proc.codex),

       * the current storage, as fetched from the codex
      storage: createLeaf(
        ["./_", "../call"],
        (codex, { storageAddress }) =>
          codex[codex.length - 1].accounts[storageAddress].storage

       * evm.current.codex.instances
      instances: createLeaf(["./_"], codex =>
          ...Object.entries(codex[codex.length - 1].accounts).map(
            ([address, { code, context }]) => ({
              [address]: { address, binary: code, context }

  next: {
     * evm state as a result of next step operation
    state: Object.assign(
      ...["depth", "error", "gas", "memory", "stack", "storage"].map(param => ({
        [param]: createLeaf([], step => step[param])

    step: createStepSelectors(, "./state")

   * evm.nextOfSameDepth
  nextOfSameDepth: {
     * evm.nextOfSameDepth.state
     * evm state at the next step of same depth
     * individual parts of the state will return null if there
     * is no such step
    state: Object.assign(
      ...["depth", "error", "gas", "memory", "stack", "storage"].map(param => ({
        [param]: createLeaf([trace.nextOfSameDepth], step =>
          step ? step[param] : null

export default evm;