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import * as Codec from "@truffle/codec";
import stringify from "json-stable-stringify";

export function peelAwayPotentialEVMNoOp(node) {
  if (node.nodeType === "FunctionCall" && node.kind === "typeConversion") {
    //some type conversions are no-ops;
    //not all are, but it's not worth the trouble to detect which ones,
    //the places where this is used no it's only checking for *potential* no-ops
    return node.arguments[0];
  } else if (node.nodeType === "UnaryOperation" && node.operator === "+") {
    //prior to 0.5.0, unary + was legal, which was a no-op
    return node.subExpression;
  } else if (
    node.nodeType === "FunctionCall" &&
    node.kind === "functionCall" &&
    ["wrap", "unwrap"].includes(Codec.Ast.Utils.functionClass(node.expression))
  ) {
    //starting in 0.8.8, there are wrap and unwrap which are no-ops
    return node.arguments[0];
  } else {
    return null;

/** AST node types that are skipped by stepNext() to filter out some noise */
export function isDeliberatelySkippedNodeType(node) {
  const skippedTypes = [
  return skippedTypes.includes(node.nodeType);

export const topLevelNodeTypes = ["SourceUnit", "YulObject"];

export function isTopLevelNode(node) {
  return topLevelNodeTypes.includes(node.nodeType);

//these aren't the only types of skipped nodes, but determining all skipped
//nodes would be too difficult
export function isSkippedNodeType(node) {
  const otherSkippedTypes = [
    "InlineAssembly", //definitely do *not* add to deliberately skipped!
  return (
    isDeliberatelySkippedNodeType(node) ||
    otherSkippedTypes.includes(node.nodeType) ||
    node.nodeType.includes("TypeName") || //HACK
    //skip string literals too -- we'll handle that manually
    (node.typeDescriptions !== undefined && //seems this sometimes happens?
      Codec.Ast.Utils.typeClass(node) === "stringliteral")

export function prefixName(prefix, fn) {
  Object.defineProperty(fn, "name", {
    value: `${prefix}.${}`,
    configurable: true

  return fn;

export function makePath(sourceId, pointer) {
  return `${sourceId}:${pointer}`;

 * returns a new array which is a copy of array but with
 * elements popped from the top until numToRemove elements
 * satisfying the predicate have been removed (or until the
 * array is empty)
export function popNWhere(array, numToRemove, predicate) {
  let newArray = array.slice();
  //I'm going to write this the C way, hope you don't mind :P
  while (numToRemove > 0 && newArray.length > 0) {
    let top = newArray[newArray.length - 1];
    if (predicate(top)) {
  return newArray;

 * @return 0x-prefix string of keccak256 hash
export function keccak256(...args) {
  return Codec.Conversion.toHexString(

 * Given an object, return a stable hash by first running it through a stable
 * stringify operation before hashing
export function stableKeccak256(obj) {
  return keccak256({ type: "string", value: stringify(obj) });

 * used by data; takes an id object and a ref (pointer) and returns a full
 * corresponding assignment object
export function makeAssignment(idObj, ref) {
  let id = stableKeccak256(idObj);
  return { ...idObj, id, ref };

 * Given a mmemonic, determine whether it's the mnemonic of a calling
 * instruction (does NOT include creation instructions)
export function isCallMnemonic(op) {
  return calls.includes(op);

 * returns true for mnemonics for calls that take only 6 args instead of 7
export function isShortCallMnemonic(op) {
  const shortCalls = ["DELEGATECALL", "STATICCALL"];
  return shortCalls.includes(op);

 * returns true for mnemonics for calls that delegate storage
export function isDelegateCallMnemonicBroad(op) {
  const delegateCalls = ["DELEGATECALL", "CALLCODE"];
  return delegateCalls.includes(op);

 * returns true for mnemonics for calls that delegate everything
export function isDelegateCallMnemonicStrict(op) {
  const delegateCalls = ["DELEGATECALL"];
  return delegateCalls.includes(op);

 * returns true for mnemonics for static calls
export function isStaticCallMnemonic(op) {
  const delegateCalls = ["STATICCALL"];
  return delegateCalls.includes(op);

 * Given a mmemonic, determine whether it's the mnemonic of a creation
 * instruction
export function isCreateMnemonic(op) {
  const creates = ["CREATE", "CREATE2"];
  return creates.includes(op);

 * Given a mmemonic, determine whether it's the mnemonic of a self-destruct
 * instruction
export function isSelfDestructMnemonic(op) {
  const creates = ["SELFDESTRUCT", "SUICIDE"]; //latter name shouldn't be used anymore but let's be safe
  return creates.includes(op);