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import debugModule from "debug";
const debug = debugModule("debugger:txlog:selectors");

import { createSelectorTree, createLeaf } from "reselect-tree";

import data from "lib/data/selectors";
import evm from "lib/evm/selectors";
import trace from "lib/trace/selectors";
import sourcemapping from "lib/sourcemapping/selectors";

import * as Codec from "@truffle/codec";

const identity = x => x;

function createMultistepSelectors(stepSelector) {
  return {
     * .source
     * HACK: see notes in sourcemapping selectors about cases
     * where this won't work
    source: createLeaf([stepSelector.source], identity),

     * .astNode
     * HACK: see notes in sourcemapping selectors about cases
     * where this won't work
    astNode: createLeaf([stepSelector.node], identity),

     * .inInternalSourceOrYul
    inInternalSourceOrYul: createLeaf(
      ["./source", "./astNode"],
      (source, node) =>
        !node ||
        source.internal ||
        node.nodeType.startsWith("Yul") ||
        node.nodeType === "ContractDefinition" //HACK
      //HACK: this last case is to handle a Solidity bug where code that
      //should be unmapped instead gets mapped to the to the contract
      //definition node.  I'm worried that this might screw things up for
      //optimized code, but... we'll see?

let txlog = createSelectorTree({
   * txlog.state
  state: state => state.txlog,

   * txlog.proc
  proc: {
     * txlog.proc.transactionLog
    transactionLog: createLeaf(
      state => state.proc.transactionLog.byPointer

   * txlog.transaction
  transaction: {
     * txlog.transaction.origin
    origin: createLeaf([evm.transaction.globals.tx], tx => tx.origin),

     * txlog.transaction.initialCall
    initialCall: createLeaf(["/state"], state => state.transaction.initialCall),

     * txlog.transaction.absorbFirstInternalCall
    absorbFirstInternalCall: createLeaf(

   * txlog.current
  current: {

     * txlog.current.state
    state: createLeaf([evm.current.state], identity),

     * txlog.current.pointer
     * NOTE: transaction log pointer; NOT the AST pointer!
    pointer: createLeaf(["/state"], state => state.proc.currentNodePointer),

     * txlog.current.pointerStack
    pointerStack: createLeaf(["/state"], state => state.proc.pointerStack),

     * txlog.current.node
     * NOTE: transaction log node; NOT the AST node!
    node: createLeaf(
      ["./pointer", "/proc/transactionLog"],
      (pointer, log) => log[pointer]

     * txlog.current.step
    step: createLeaf(
      [trace.index, trace.steps],
      (index, steps) =>
        steps.length === 0
          ? -1 //special case: we use step -1 to mean before the steps start;
          : //so if there are no steps, that's what we want to report. trace.index
            //won't do that, though, so we special-case it in here.
            index //normal case

     * txlog.current.waitingForFunctionDefinition
     * This selector indicates whether there's a call (internal or external)
     * that is waiting to have its function definition identified when we hit
     * a function definition node.
    waitingForFunctionDefinition: createLeaf(
      node =>
        (node.type === "callinternal" || node.type === "callexternal") &&

     * txlog.current.waitingForInternalCallToAbsorb
    waitingForInternalCallToAbsorb: createLeaf(
      node => node.type === "callexternal" && node.absorbNextInternalCall

     * txlog.current.nextActionPointer
     * the pointer where a new action will be added
    nextActionPointer: createLeaf(
      ["./pointer", "./node"],
      (pointer, node) => `${pointer}/actions/${node.actions.length}`

     * txlog.current.internalReturnPointer
     * the pointer where we'll end up after an internal return
     * (if we're on an internal call, it returns; if we're not,
     * we stay put and just absorb the info)
    internalReturnPointer: createLeaf(
      ["./pointer", "./node"],
      (pointer, node) =>
        node.type === "callinternal"
          ? pointer.replace(/\/actions\/\d+$/, "")
          : pointer

     * txlog.current.externalReturnPointer
     * the pointer where we'll end up after an external return
     * (take the top stack entry, then go up one more)
     * (there should always be something on the stack when this
     * selector is used)
    externalReturnPointer: createLeaf(["./pointerStack"], stack =>
      stack[stack.length - 1].replace(/\/actions\/\d+$/, "")

     * txlog.current.context
     * Note we use data context, not evm context
     * (i.e. decoder context, not debugger context)
    context: createLeaf([data.current.context], identity),

    call: createLeaf([], identity),

     * txlog.current.contract
    contract: createLeaf([data.current.contract], identity),

     * txlog.current.isSourceRangeFinal
    isSourceRangeFinal: createLeaf(

     * txlog.current.onFunctionDefinition
    onFunctionDefinition: createLeaf(
      (node, ready, isNextInternal, stepsRemaining) =>
        (ready || stepsRemaining <= 2) && //HACK: see below
        node &&
        node.nodeType === "FunctionDefinition" &&
        !isNextInternal //need to make sure we're not just jumping to a generated source or unmapped code
      //hack above: the last step doesn't get processed, so...

     * txlog.current.currentFunctionIsAsExpected
     * Does the function we're currently in according to the AST,
     * match the function we're currently in according to the txlog?
     * (if we're in a modifier we'll ignore this check)
    currentFunctionIsAsExpected: createLeaf(
      ["./node", data.current.function, data.current.contract],
      (txlogNode, currentFunction, contractNode) =>
        currentFunction &&
        (currentFunction.nodeType === "ContractDefinition" ||
          currentFunction.nodeType === "ModifierDefinition" ||
          (currentFunction.nodeType === "FunctionDefinition" &&
   === txlogNode.functionName &&
            (txlogNode.kind === "callexternal" ||
              (contractNode && === txlogNode.contractName))))

     * txlog.current.compilationId
    compilationId: createLeaf([data.current.compilationId], identity),

     * txlog.current.isJump
    isJump: createLeaf([evm.current.step.isJump], identity),

     * txlog.current.jumpDirection
    jumpDirection: createLeaf([sourcemapping.current.jumpDirection], identity),

     * txlog.current.isLog
    isLog: createLeaf([evm.current.step.isLog], identity),

     * txlog.current.isStore
    isStore: createLeaf([evm.current.step.isStore], identity),

     * txlog.current.rawStorageSlot
     * note we prepend 0x
    rawStorageSlot: createLeaf(
      [evm.current.step.isStore, evm.current.step.storageAffected],
      (isStore, slot) => (isStore ? "0x" + slot : null)

     * txlog.current.rawStorageValue
     * note we prepend 0x
    rawStorageValue: createLeaf([evm.current.step.valueStored], value =>
      value !== null ? "0x" + value : null

     * txlog.current.rawEventInfo
    rawEventInfo: {
       * txlog.current.rawEventInfo.topics
      topics: createLeaf([evm.current.step.logTopics], identity),

      data: createLeaf([evm.current.step.logData], identity)

     * txlog.current.isCall
    isCall: createLeaf([evm.current.step.isCall], identity),

     * txlog.current.isDelegateCallBroad
    isDelegateCallBroad: createLeaf(

     * txlog.current.isCreate
    isCreate: createLeaf([evm.current.step.isCreate], identity),

     * txlog.current.isInstantCallOrCreate
    isInstantCallOrCreate: createLeaf(

     * txlog.current.isHalting
    isHalting: createLeaf([evm.current.step.isHalting], identity),

     * txlog.current.returnStatus
    returnStatus: createLeaf([evm.current.step.returnStatus], identity),

     * txlog.current.callValue
    callValue: createLeaf([evm.current.step.callValue], identity),

     * txlog.current.callAddress
    callAddress: createLeaf([evm.current.step.callAddress], identity),

     * txlog.current.callContext
     * note we make sure to use data, not evm, context!
     * (i.e. decoder context, not debugger context)
    callContext: createLeaf([data.current.callContext], identity),

     * txlog.current.absorbNextInternalCall
    absorbNextInternalCall: createLeaf(

     * txlog.current.callData
    callData: createLeaf([evm.current.step.callData], identity),

     * txlog.current.createBinary
    createBinary: createLeaf([evm.current.step.createBinary], identity),

     * txlog.current.createValue
    createValue: createLeaf([evm.current.step.createValue], identity),

     * txlog.current.createdAddress
    createdAddress: createLeaf([evm.current.step.createdAddress], identity),

     * txlog.current.salt
    salt: createLeaf([evm.current.step.salt], identity),

     * txlog.current.isSelfDestruct
    isSelfDestruct: createLeaf([evm.current.step.isSelfDestruct], identity),

     * txlog.current.beneficiary
    beneficiary: createLeaf([evm.current.step.beneficiary], identity),

     * txlog.current.returnData
    returnData: createLeaf([evm.current.step.returnValue], identity),

     * txlog.current.inputParameterAllocations
    inputParameterAllocations: createLeaf(
      ["./astNode", "./state"],
      (functionDefinition, { stack }) => {
        if (
          !functionDefinition ||
          functionDefinition.nodeType !== "FunctionDefinition"
        ) {
          return null;
        return locateParameters(
          stack.length - 1

     * txlog.current.outputParameterAllocations
    outputParameterAllocations: createLeaf(
      ["./astNode", "./state"],
      (functionDefinition, { stack }) => {
        if (
          !functionDefinition ||
          functionDefinition.nodeType !== "FunctionDefinition"
        ) {
          return null;
        //when this selector is invoked, we're on the jump out step, so the
        //top element of the stack is the return address; we need to skip past that
        return locateParameters(
          stack.length - 2

  next: {

   * txlog.views
  views: {
     * txlog.views.transactionLog
     * contains the actual transformed transaction log ready for use!
    transactionLog: createLeaf(["/proc/transactionLog"], log => {
      const tie = node =>
          ? {
              actions: => tie(log[pointer]))
          : node;
      return tie(log[""]); //"" is always the root node

     * txlog.views.flattedEvents
    flattedEvents: createLeaf(["./transactionLog"], log => {
      const returnStatus = node => {
        switch (node.returnKind) {
          case "revert":
            return false;
          case "unwind":
            //note: if the returnKind is "unwind", the last action *must*
            //be a callinternal!  if not, something has gone very wrong.
            const lastCall = node.actions[node.actions.length - 1];
            return returnStatus(lastCall);
            return true;
      const getFlattedEvents = (node, address, codeAddress, status) => {
        switch (node.type) {
          case "transaction":
            return node.actions.flatMap(subNode =>
              getFlattedEvents(subNode, node.origin, node.origin, status)
          case "callexternal":
            const subNodeStatus = returnStatus(node);
            return node.actions.flatMap(subNode =>
                node.isDelegate ? address : node.address,
                status && subNodeStatus
          case "callinternal":
            return node.actions.flatMap(subNode =>
              getFlattedEvents(subNode, address, codeAddress, status)
          case "event":
            return [
                decoding: node.decoding,
                raw: node.raw,
                step: node.step,
            return [];
      return getFlattedEvents(log, null, null, true);

function locateParameters(parameters, top) {
  const reverseParameters = parameters.slice().reverse();
  //note we clone before reversing because reverse() is in place

  let results = [];
  let currentPosition = top;
  for (let parameter of reverseParameters) {
    const words = Codec.Ast.Utils.stackSize(parameter);
    const pointer = {
      location: "stack",
      from: currentPosition - words + 1,
      to: currentPosition

      name: ? : undefined, //replace "" with undefined
      definition: parameter,
    currentPosition -= words;
  return results;

export default txlog;