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1 day
Test Coverage
import debugModule from "debug";
const debug = debugModule("decoder:adapter");
import type { BlockSpecifier } from "@truffle/codec";
import type BN from "bn.js";
import type {
  Provider as LegacyProvider,
} from "web3/providers";

// lifted from @types/web3
type Log = {
  address: string;
  data: string;
  topics: string[];
  logIndex: number;
  transactionHash: string;
  transactionIndex: number;
  blockHash: string;
  blockNumber: number;
type PastLogsOptions = {
  toBlock?: string | number;
  fromBlock?: string | number;
  address?: string | string[];
type SendRequestArgs = {
  method: string;
  params: unknown[];
  formatOutput?: (arg: any) => any;

type Eip1193Provider = {
  request: (options: {
    method: string;
    params?: unknown[] | object;
  }) => Promise<any>;

type Block = {
  number: string;
  hash: string;
  parentHash: string;
  mixHash: string;
  nonce: string;
  sha3Uncles: string;
  logsBloom: string;
  transactionsRoot: string;
  stateRoot: string;
  receiptsRoot: string;
  miner: string;
  difficulty: string;
  totalDifficulty: string;
  extraData: string;
  size: string;
  gasLimit: string;
  gasUsed: string;
  timestamp: string;
  transactions: string[];
  uncles: string[];

type FormattedBlock = {
  number: number;
  size: number;
  gasLimit: number;
  gasUsed: number;
  timestamp: number;
  hash: string;
  parentHash: string;
  mixHash: string;
  nonce: string;
  sha3Uncles: string;
  logsBloom: string;
  transactionsRoot: string;
  stateRoot: string;
  receiptsRoot: string;
  miner: string;
  difficulty: string;
  totalDifficulty: string;
  extraData: string;
  transactions: string[];
  uncles: string[];
const stringWhitelist = ["latest", "pending", "genesis", "earliest"];

export const formatBlockSpecifier = (block: BlockSpecifier): string => {
  if (typeof block === "string" && stringWhitelist.includes(block)) {
    // block is one of 'latest', 'pending', 'earliest', or 'genesis'
    return block === "genesis"
      ? // convert old web3 input format which uses 'genesis'
      : block;
  } else if (typeof block === "string" && !isNaN(parseInt(block))) {
    // block is a string representation of a number
    if (block.startsWith("0x")) return block;
    // convert to hex and add '0x' prefix in case block is decimal
    return `0x${parseInt(block).toString(16)}`;
  } else if (typeof block === "number") {
    return `0x${block.toString(16)}`;
  } else {
    throw new Error(
      "The block specified must be a number or one of the strings 'latest'," +
        "'pending', or 'earliest'."
const formatBlock = (block: Block): FormattedBlock => {
  return {
    number: parseInt(block.number),
    size: parseInt(block.size),
    gasLimit: parseInt(block.gasLimit),
    gasUsed: parseInt(block.gasUsed),
    timestamp: parseInt(block.timestamp)

 * @hidden
export type Provider = LegacyProvider | Eip1193Provider;

// EIP-1193 providers use `request()` instead of `send()`
// NOTE this provider returns `response.result` already unwrapped
const isEip1193Provider = (provider: Provider): provider is Eip1193Provider =>
  "request" in provider;

 * @hidden
export class ProviderAdapter {
  public provider: Provider;

  constructor(provider: Provider) {
    this.provider = provider;

  private async request({
  }: SendRequestArgs): Promise<any> {
    if (!this.provider) {
      throw new Error("There is not a valid provider present.");
    let result;
    if (isEip1193Provider(this.provider)) {
      result = await this.provider.request({
    } else {
      // HACK MetaMask's injected provider doesn't allow `.send()` with
      // a callback, so prefer `.sendAsync()` if it's defined
      const send: LegacyProvider["send"] = (
        "sendAsync" in this.provider
          ? // uses `any` because LegacyProvider type doesn't define sendAsync
            (this.provider as any).sendAsync
          : (this.provider as LegacyProvider).send

      // HACK this uses a manual `new Promise` instead of promisify because
      // users reported difficulty running this package in a browser extension
      result = await new Promise((accept, reject) =>
            jsonrpc: "2.0",
            id: new Date().getTime(),
          ((error: Error, response: JsonRPCResponse) => {
            if (error) {
              return reject(error);
            if (response.error) {
              return reject(response.error);
            return accept(response.result);
          }) as Callback<JsonRPCResponse>
    if (formatOutput) return formatOutput(result);
    return result;

  public async call(
    fromAddress: string,
    contractAddress: string,
    data: string,
    blockNumber: BlockSpecifier
  ): Promise<any> {
    const blockToFetch = formatBlockSpecifier(blockNumber);
    return await this.request({
      method: "eth_call",
      params: [
          from: fromAddress,
          to: contractAddress,
          data: data

  public async getCode(
    address: string,
    block: BlockSpecifier //making this one not regularized to support encoder
  ): Promise<string> {
    const blockToFetch = formatBlockSpecifier(block);
    return await this.request({
      method: "eth_getCode",
      params: [address, blockToFetch]

  public async getBlockByNumber(
    block: BlockSpecifier
  ): Promise<FormattedBlock> {
    const blockToFetch = formatBlockSpecifier(block);
    return await this.request({
      method: "eth_getBlockByNumber",
      params: [blockToFetch, false],
      formatOutput: formatBlock

  public async getPastLogs({
  }: PastLogsOptions): Promise<Log[]> {
    return await this.request({
      method: "eth_getLogs",
      params: [{ fromBlock, toBlock, address }]

  public async getNetworkId(): Promise<number> {
    return await this.request({
      method: "net_version",
      params: [],
      formatOutput: result => parseInt(result)

  public async getBlockNumber(): Promise<number> {
    return await this.request({
      method: "eth_blockNumber",
      params: [],
      formatOutput: result => parseInt(result)

  public async getBalance(
    address: string,
    block: BlockSpecifier
  ): Promise<string> {
    return await this.request({
      method: "eth_getBalance",
      params: [address, formatBlockSpecifier(block)],
      formatOutput: result => parseInt(result).toString()

  public async getTransactionCount(
    address: string,
    block: BlockSpecifier
  ): Promise<string> {
    return await this.request({
      method: "eth_getTransactionCount",
      params: [address, formatBlockSpecifier(block)],
      formatOutput: result => parseInt(result).toString()

  public async getStorageAt(
    address: string,
    position: BN,
    block: BlockSpecifier
  ): Promise<string> {
    return await this.request({
      method: "eth_getStorageAt",
      params: [