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import * as Common from "..";

export namespace Normalized {
  export namespace Sources {
    export type Content = AsyncIterable<Buffer>;

    export interface Entry extends Common.Sources.Entry {
      path: string;
      source: Source;

    export interface Container extends Common.Sources.Container {
      entries: AsyncIterable<Entry>;

    export type Source = Content | Container;

  export type Source = Sources.Source;

  export interface Target extends Common.Target {
    source: Source;

export const normalize = (target: Common.Target): Normalized.Target => {
  const source = normalizeSource(target.source);
  return { source };

const normalizeSource = (source: Common.Source): Normalized.Source => {
  if (Common.Sources.isContainer(source)) {
    return normalizeContainer(source);

  return normalizeContent(source);

const normalizeContainer = (
  container: Common.Sources.Container
): Normalized.Sources.Container => {
  const entries = normalizeEntries(container.entries);
  return { entries };

const normalizeEntries = async function* (
  entries: Iterable<Common.Sources.Entry> | AsyncIterable<Common.Sources.Entry>
): AsyncIterable<Normalized.Sources.Entry> {
  for await (const entry of entries) {
    yield normalizeEntry(entry);

const normalizeEntry = (
  entry: Common.Sources.Entry
): Normalized.Sources.Entry => {
  const { path } = entry;
  const source = normalizeSource(entry.source);
  return { path, source };

const normalizeContent = (
  content: Common.Sources.Content
): Normalized.Sources.Content => {
  if (Common.Sources.Contents.isString(content)) {
    return normalizeString(content);
  if (Common.Sources.Contents.isBytes(content)) {
    return normalizeBytes(content);
  if (Common.Sources.Contents.isIterable(content)) {
    return normalizeIterable(content);
  if (Common.Sources.Contents.isAsyncIterable(content)) {
    return normalizeAsyncIterable(content);

const normalizeString = (content: string): Normalized.Sources.Content => {
  return (async function* () {
    yield Buffer.from(content);

const normalizeBytes = (
  content: Common.Sources.Contents.Bytes
): Normalized.Sources.Content => {
  return (async function* () {
    yield Buffer.from(content);

const normalizeIterable = (
  content: Iterable<Common.Sources.Contents.Bytes>
): Normalized.Sources.Content => {
  return (async function* () {
    for (const bytes of content) {
      yield Buffer.from(bytes);

const normalizeAsyncIterable = (
  content: AsyncIterable<Common.Sources.Contents.Bytes>
): Normalized.Sources.Content => {
  return (async function* () {
    for await (const bytes of content) {
      yield Buffer.from(bytes);