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6 hrs
Test Coverage
import debugModule from "debug";
const debug = debugModule("source-fetcher:sourcify");

import type { Fetcher, FetcherConstructor } from "./types";
import type * as Types from "./types";
import { removeLibraries } from "./common";
import { networkNamesById, networksByName } from "./networks";
import retry from "async-retry";

// must polyfill AbortController to use axios >=0.20.0, <=0.27.2 on node <= v14.x
import "./polyfill";

import axios from "axios";

//this looks awkward but the TS docs actually suggest this :P
const SourcifyFetcher: FetcherConstructor = class SourcifyFetcher
  implements Fetcher
  static get fetcherName(): string {
    return "sourcify";
  get fetcherName(): string {
    return SourcifyFetcher.fetcherName;

  static async forNetworkId(
    id: number,
    _options?: Types.FetcherOptions
  ): Promise<SourcifyFetcher> {
    //in the future, we may add protocol and node options,
    //but these don't exist yet
    return new SourcifyFetcher(id);

  private readonly networkId: number;
  private readonly networkName: string; //not really used as a class member atm
  //but may be in the future

  private readonly domain: string = "";

  private static readonly supportedNetworks = new Set([
    "ropsten", //can no longer verify but can still fetch existing
    "kovan", //can no longer verify but can still fetch existing
    "kovan-optimistic", //can no longer verify but can still fetch existing
    "rinkeby-arbitrum", //can no longer verify but can still fetch existing
    //sourcify does *not* support xinfin mainnet...?
    //sourcify does *not* support zetachain mainnet?
    //sourcify does *not* support stratos mainnet?
    //I'm excluding crystaleum as it has network ID different from chain ID
    //excluding kekchain for the same reason
    //excluding ethereum classic for same reason

  constructor(networkId: number) {
    this.networkId = networkId;
    this.networkName = networkNamesById[networkId];
    //we no longer check if the network is supported; the list is now only
    //used for if you explicitly ask

  static getSupportedNetworks(): Types.SupportedNetworks {
    return Object.fromEntries(
      Object.entries(networksByName).filter(([name, _]) =>

  async fetchSourcesForAddress(
    address: string
  ): Promise<Types.SourceInfo | null> {
    let result = await this.fetchSourcesForAddressAndMatchType(address, "full");
    if (!result) {
      //if we got nothing when trying a full match, try for a partial match
      result = await this.fetchSourcesForAddressAndMatchType(
    //if partial match also fails, just return null
    return result;

  private async fetchSourcesForAddressAndMatchType(
    address: string,
    matchType: "full" | "partial"
  ): Promise<Types.SourceInfo | null> {
    const metadata = await this.getMetadata(address, matchType);
    debug("metadata: %O", metadata);
    if (!metadata) {
      debug("no metadata");
      return null;
    let sources: Types.SourcesByPath;
    sources = Object.assign(
      ...(await Promise.all(
          async ([sourcePath, { content: source }]) => ({
              source !== undefined
                ? source //sourcify doesn't support this yet but they're planning it
                : await this.getSource(address, sourcePath, matchType)
    const constructorArguments = await this.getConstructorArgs(
    debug("compilationTarget: %O", metadata.settings.compilationTarget);
    return {
      contractName: Object.values(metadata.settings.compilationTarget)[0],
      options: {
        language: metadata.language,
        version: metadata.compiler.version,
        //we also pass the flag to remove compilationTarget, as its
        //presence can cause compile errors
        settings: removeLibraries(metadata.settings, true),
        specializations: {
          libraries: metadata.settings.libraries

  private async getMetadata(
    address: string,
    matchType: "full" | "partial"
  ): Promise<Types.SolcMetadata | null> {
    try {
      return await this.requestWithRetries<Types.SolcMetadata>({
        url: `https://${this.domain}/contracts/${matchType}_match/${this.networkId}/${address}/metadata.json`,
        method: "get",
        responseType: "json",
        maxRedirects: 50
    } catch (error) {
      //is this a 404 error? if so just return null
      debug("error: %O", error);
      if (error.response && error.response.status === 404) {
        return null;
      //otherwise, we've got a problem; rethrow the error
      throw error;

  private async getSource(
    address: string,
    sourcePath: string,
    matchType: "full" | "partial"
  ): Promise<string> {
    //note: sourcify replaces special characters in paths with underscores
    //(special characters here being anything other than ASCII alphanumerics,
    //hyphens, periods, and forward slashes)
    const transformedSourcePath = sourcePath.replace(/[^\w.\/-]/gu, "_");
    return await this.requestWithRetries<string>({
      url: `https://${this.domain}/contracts/${matchType}_match/${this.networkId}/${address}/sources/${transformedSourcePath}`,
      responseType: "text",
      method: "get",
      maxRedirects: 50

  private async getConstructorArgs(
    address: string,
    matchType: "full" | "partial"
  ): Promise<string | undefined> {
    try {
      const constructorArgs = await this.requestWithRetries<string>({
        url: `https://${this.domain}/contracts/${matchType}_match/${this.networkId}/${address}/constructor-args.txt`,
        method: "get",
        responseType: "text",
        maxRedirects: 50
      return constructorArgs.slice(2); //remove initial "0x"
    } catch (error) {
      //is this a 404 error? if so just return undefined
      debug("error: %O", error);
      if (error.response && error.response.status === 404) {
        return undefined;
      //otherwise, we've got a problem; rethrow the error
      throw error;

  private async requestWithRetries<T>(
    requestObject: any //sorry, trying to import the type properly ran into problems
  ): Promise<T> {
    return await retry(
      async bail => {
        try {
          //note: we use axios.request rather than just axios so we can stub it in tests!
          return (await axios.request(requestObject)).data;
        } catch (error) {
          //check: is this a 404 error? if so give up
          if (error.response && error.response.status === 404) {
            bail(error); //don't retry
          } else {
            throw error; //retry
      { retries: 3 } //leaving minTimeout as default 1000

export default SourcifyFetcher;