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export interface FetcherConstructor {
  readonly fetcherName: string;
  forNetworkId(networkId: number, options?: FetcherOptions): Promise<Fetcher>;
  getSupportedNetworks(): SupportedNetworks;

export interface Fetcher {
   * should have same name as the static version
  readonly fetcherName: string;
   * returns null if no sources for address
   * (also may return null if the sources fall under an unsupported
   * case, although currently there are no such cases)
  fetchSourcesForAddress(address: string): Promise<SourceInfo | null>;

export interface NetworkInfo {
  name: string;
  networkId: number;
  chainId: number;

export interface SupportedNetworks {
  [name: string]: NetworkInfo;

export interface FetcherOptions {
  apiKey?: string;

export interface SourceInfo {
  contractName?: string;
  sources: SourcesByPath;
  options: CompilerOptions;

export interface SourcesByPath {
  [sourcePath: string]: string;

//apologies if reinventing the wheel here
export type CompilerOptions = SolcOptions | VyperOptions; //note: only Solidity really supported atm

export interface SolcOptions {
  language: "Solidity" | "Yul"; //again, only Solidity really supported atm
  version: string;
  settings: SolcSettings;
  specializations: SolcSpecializations;

export interface VyperOptions {
  language: "Vyper";
  version: string;
  settings: VyperSettings;
  specializations: VyperSpecializations;

//only including settings that would alter compiled result
//(no outputSelection, no modelChecker once that exists, no stopAfter)
export interface SolcSettings {
  remappings?: string[];
  optimizer?: OptimizerSettings;
  evmVersion?: string; //not gonna enumerate these
  debug?: DebugSettings;
  metadata?: MetadataSettings;
  viaIR?: boolean;
  libraries?: LibrarySettings; //note: we don't actually want to return this!
  compilationTarget?: {
    //not actually a valid compiler setting, but rather where the
    //contract name is stored! (as the lone value, the lone key being the source
    //where it's defined)
    [sourcePath: string]: string;

export interface VyperSettings {
  evmVersion?: string; //not gonna enumerate these
  optimize?: boolean; //warning: the Vyper compiler treats this as true if it's not specified!
  //also Etherscan currently doesn't support this flag; any Vyper contract currently
  //verified on Etherscan necessarily has this field unspecified (and thus effectively true)

export interface SolcSpecializations {
  libraries?: LibrarySettings;
  constructorArguments?: string; //encoded, as hex string, w/o 0x in front

export interface VyperSpecializations {
  constructorArguments?: string; //encoded, as hex string, w/o 0x in front

export interface SolcSources {
  [sourcePath: string]: {
    keccak256?: string;
    content?: string; //for Etherscan we assume this exists
    urls?: string;

export interface SolcInput {
  language: "Solidity" | "Yul" | "SolidityAST";
  sources: SolcSources;
  settings: SolcSettings;

export interface SolcMetadata {
  language: "Solidity" | "Yul";
  compiler: {
    version: string;
  settings: SolcSettings;
  sources: SolcSources;
  version: number;
  //there's also output, but we don't care about that

export interface LibrarySettings {
  [contractPath: string]: Libraries;

export interface Libraries {
  [libraryName: string]: string;

export interface MetadataSettings {
  useLiteralContent?: boolean;
  bytecodeHash?: "none" | "ipfs" | "bzzr1";
  appendCBOR?: boolean;

export interface DebugSettings {
  revertStrings?: "default" | "strip" | "debug" | "verboseDebug";

export interface OptimizerSettings {
  enabled?: boolean;
  runs?: number;
  details?: OptimizerDetails;

export interface OptimizerDetails {
  peephole?: boolean;
  jumpdestRemover?: boolean;
  orderLiterals?: boolean;
  deduplicate?: boolean;
  cse?: boolean;
  constantOptimizer?: boolean;
  yul?: boolean;
  yulDetails?: YulDetails;

export interface YulDetails {
  stackAllocation?: boolean;
  optimizerSteps?: string;