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Test Coverage
 * This file contains a class with methods of the package.
 * @package    CodeTeaser
 * @license  The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author     trzczy <>
namespace Trzczy\Model\Domain;

 * Teaser creator
 * The class is for making the teaser of a blog article. Article must consist of paragraphs, blocquote, special code
 * elements and no bare text. The special code elements must not contain encoded text.
 * @package    CodeTeaser
 * @author     trzczy <>
class CodeTeaser
     * Trims down the article
     * @param int $targetLength max teaser length
     * @param string $content An article body to get the teaser of
     * @return string Returns trimmed article with the text inside code tags not encoded.
    final public function build($targetLength = 50, $content)
        $content = $this->replaceBracketsByParenthesis($content);
        $loop = 3;
        $wordLoop = 0;
        $lengths = [0, 0];
        $countedLength = mb_strlen($this->prepareCodeForCharCounting(mb_substr($content, 0, $loop)));
        array_push($lengths, $countedLength);

        while (
            $countedLength <= $targetLength
            mb_strlen($content) >= $loop
        ) {
            array_push($lengths, $countedLength);

            $lengthChange = $lengths[1] - $lengths[0];

            $resultArr1 = [];
            $resultArr7 = [];

            $oneCharLongerText = mb_substr($content, 0, $loop + 1);
            $sevenCharLongerText = mb_substr($content, 0, $loop + 7);

            preg_match('/\w[^\w]\z/u', $oneCharLongerText, $resultArr1);
            preg_match('/\<\/code\>\z/u', $sevenCharLongerText, $resultArr7);
            if (
            ) {
                $loop = $loop + 7;
            } elseif (
            ) {
                $wordLoop = $loop;
            $countedLength = mb_strlen($this->prepareCodeForCharCounting($oneCharLongerText));// 2
        $regexPattern = '/<code(?:(?:\W[^<>]*?>)|>)(.*?)(?:<\/code>|$)/su';//!
        $cutText = preg_replace_callback(
            function ($searches) {
                return str_replace($searches[1], htmlspecialchars($searches[1]), $searches[0]);
            mb_substr($content, 0, $wordLoop)
        if (!empty($cutText)) {
            $cutText = $this->encodeAmpersandEverywhereButCodeSnippets($cutText);
            $cutText = $this->htmlRegenerate($cutText);
            $cutText = $this->afterHtmlRegenerating($cutText); //????
        return htmlspecialchars_decode($cutText);

     * Converts a string with brackets code tags to the string with html code tags
     * @param string $string Text that may contain bracket code tags.
     * @return string Returns converted string
    private function replaceBracketsByParenthesis($string)
        return preg_replace_callback('/\[(\/?code[ ]?[^\]]*)\]/su', function ($matches) {
            return '<' . $matches[1] . '>';

     * Normalizes a string for char counting
     * @param string $string Text that may contain some invisible chars and chars between main tags.
     * @return string Returns normalized string
    private function prepareCodeForCharCounting($string)
        $regexPattern = '/(?:^|<\/code>).*?(?:<code(?:(?:\W[^<>]*?>)|>)|$)/us';
        $string = preg_replace_callback(
            function ($searches) {
                /** @var string $stringExceptCode A string divided by code snippets */
                $stringExceptCode = $searches[0];
                $stringExceptCode = $this->cleanArticle($stringExceptCode);
                $stringExceptCode = $this->clearBetweenMainTags($stringExceptCode);
                $stringExceptCode = strip_tags($stringExceptCode);
                return $stringExceptCode;
            }, $string
        $string = preg_replace('/\W$/u', '', $string);
        return $string;

     * Removes double spaces and some invisible chars
     * @param string $string Text that may contain some invisible chars that can influence the result of counting chars.
     * @return string Returns clean string
    private function cleanArticle($string)
        $string = preg_replace('/\v+/us', '', $string);
        $string = preg_replace('/\h+/us', ' ', $string);
        return $string;

     * Removes any chars between main tags.
     * @param string $string Text that may contain some chars between main tags.
     * @return string Returns the string without any chars between main tags.
    private function clearBetweenMainTags($string)
        foreach (['p', 'code', 'blockquote'] as $tag) {
            $string = preg_replace_callback(
                '/(<\/' . $tag . '>)[^<]*/u',
                function ($matches) {
                    return $matches[1];
                , $string);
        return $string;

     * Removes any chars between main tags.
     * @param string $string Text that may contain some chars between main tags.
     * @return string Returns the string without any chars between main tags.
    private function encodeAmpersandEverywhereButCodeSnippets($string)
        $regexPattern = '/(?:^|<\/code>).*?(?:<code(?:(?:\W[^<>]*?>)|>)|$)/us';
        $string = preg_replace_callback(
            function ($searches) {
                $stringExceptCode = $searches[0];
                $stringExceptCode = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $stringExceptCode);
                return $stringExceptCode;
            }, $string
        return $string;

     * Closes open tags and adds three dots.
     * @param string $html Text that may contain some html tags open.
     * @return string Returns the string without open tags and with three dots added to the last word of the text
    private function htmlRegenerate($html)
        $dom = new \DOMDocument();
        $dom->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"), LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD);
        $dots = $dom->createTextNode("...");
        $innerHTML = "";
        foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->childNodes as $child) {
            $innerHTML .= $dom->saveHTML($child);
        return $innerHTML;

     * Finds the last parent element in DOM
     * @param object $dom DOMDocument object
     * @return object Returns DOMElement of the last parent element of the given DOM
    private function lastParent($dom)
        $child = $dom->documentElement;
        while ($child->lastChild) {
            $child = $child->lastChild;
        return $child->parentNode;

     * Normalizes a string to the inline pseudo-html code without spaces between main tags.
     * @param string $string Text that may contain white spaces between main tags.
     * @return string Returns normalized string
    private function afterHtmlRegenerating($string)
        $regexPattern = '/(?:^|<\/code>).*?(?:<code(?:(?:\W[^<>]*?>)|>)|$)/us';
        $string = preg_replace_callback(
            function ($searches) {
                $stringExceptCode = $searches[0];
                $stringExceptCode = $this->cleanArticle($stringExceptCode);
                $stringExceptCode = $this->clearBetweenMainTags($stringExceptCode);
                return $stringExceptCode;
            }, $string
        return $string;