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= Change Log

== 3.5
    * Support for rails 4

== 3.4.1
    * Reverting changes of the 3.4.1

== 3.4.0
    * Moving all methods to be private

== 3.3.2
  * Removing debugger from Gemfile
  * Adding support to PlayBook as a mobile user agent

== 3.3.1
    * Fix to keep the `is_mobile_request?` output if :skip_user_agents is

== 3.3
    * New `:skip_user_agents` option to exclude user agents from mobile

== 3.2
    * Fixed fallback for templates inside gems

== 3.1
    * Fixed regression with windows user agent

== 3.0
    * New MobileUserAgents class
        The constant user agents list is now a class that can be replaced.
    * New device definition.
        Application can define devices, by user agent regex, to check a matching
    * Brand new fallback resolver, with fallback chains by format.
        It's possible to define different fallbacks per format, and devices.

== 2.3
    * Added support to kindle (thanks to @zbelzer, https://github.com/zbelzer)

== 2.2
  * Fixed fallbacks
    * Fallbacks now have the default value to :html
    * You can disable fall backs by passing config[:fall_back] = false in the
    controller configuration.
  * Moved the mobile user agents definitions to another module that doesn't
  get inserted to the controllers.

== 2.1
  * Adding new user_agents: ipad, maemo and fennec

== 2.0
  * New configuration
    * respond_to_mobile_requests is deprecated
    * use `include Mobylette::RespondToMobileRequests` instead
    * to configure it, use the mobylette_config method. see readme
  * stylesheet and javascript helpers were removed
  * all specs refactored

== 1.6
  * Support for ruby 1.9 only

== 1.5
  * Removed rails dependency. Now mobylette depends on actionpack only.
  * All calls for autoload were removed, as it is deprecated now.

== 1.4.2
  * Creating a initializer to alias to_mobile => to_html (responders)

== 1.4.1
  * Creating a skip_mobile=true url param that skips any mobile request from been treated as mobile

== 1.4.0
  * The mobile_view path (v 1.3.0) was a terrible idea and I removed it. I'm sorry.
  * Internal refactoring.

== 1.3.0
  * Adding a new view path for mobile views at app/mobile_views. This new behavior is optional and should not change any old behavior.

== 1.2.2
  * Gem dependency changed from rails 3.1 to 3.0. Contribution from billywatson (https://github.com/tscolari/mobylette/pull/1).

== 1.2.1
  * Internal methods refactoring
  * Adding more documentation

== 1.2.0
  * Created a new option (:skip_xhr_request) for the respond_to_mobile_requests method. Default is true.

== 1.1.0
  * XHR requests no longer trigger the mobile format
  * Added a new method 'is_mobile_view?'
    * The 'is_mobile_device?' now checks only for the user agent, no longer check for the request.format to return true/false
    * The new 'is_mobile_view?' checks only for the reqeust.format / params[:format] to return true/false

== 1.0.0
  * Added fall back from mobile views to others when there is no mobile view avaible

== 0.0.2
  * Fixing the view helpers (stylesheet and javascript includes)
  * Added tests to those helpers
  * Added a few more methods and modules documentation

== 0.0.1

  * Gem creation
    * respond_to_mobile_requests
    * Test Helpers (Helmet)