

2 hrs
Test Coverage
import logging
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from pydantic import BaseModel, Extra, validator
from typing import Any, Dict, Literal, Optional, Union
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from .is_datetime_like import is_datetime_like
from ..base import QualityChecker

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CheckMonotonic(QualityChecker):
    Checks if any values are not ordered strictly monotonically (i.e. values must all be
    increasing or all decreasing). The check marks values as failed if they break from
    a monotonic order.


    class Parameters(BaseModel, extra=Extra.forbid):
        require_decreasing: bool = False
        require_increasing: bool = False
        dim: Optional[str] = None

        def check_monotonic_not_increasing_and_decreasing(
            cls, inc: bool, values: Dict[str, Any]
        ) -> bool:
            if inc and values["require_decreasing"]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "CheckMonotonic -> Parameters: cannot set both 'require_increasing'"
                    " and 'require_decreasing'. Please set one or both to False."
            return inc

    parameters: Parameters = Parameters()

    def run(
        dataset: xr.Dataset,
        variable_name: str,
    ) -> Union[NDArray[np.bool_], None]:
        variable = dataset[variable_name]
        failures = np.full(variable.shape, False)

        if self.parameters.dim is None and len(variable.shape) == 2:
                "Variable '%s' has shape '%s'. 2D variables must provide a 'dim'"
                " parameter for the name of the dimension to check the variable for"
                " monotonicity.",
            return None

        if variable.values.dtype.kind in {"U", "S"}:  # type: ignore
                "Variable '%s' has dtype '%s', which is currently not supported for"
                " monotonicity checks.",
                variable.values.dtype,  # type: ignore
            return None

        axis = self.get_axis(variable)
        zero = np.timedelta64(0) if is_datetime_like(variable.data) else 0

        # TODO: `direction` would be better assigned as a class var on init than within a method.
        direction: Literal["increasing", "decreasing", ""] = ""

        if self.parameters.require_decreasing:
            direction = "decreasing"
        elif self.parameters.require_increasing:
            direction = "increasing"
            diff = np.diff(variable.data, axis=axis)  # type: ignore
            direction = (
                if np.sum(diff > zero) >= np.sum(diff < zero)
                else "decreasing"

        # Find all the values where things break, not just those flagged by diff
        # if any(failures) and not all(failures):
        if len(variable.shape) == 1:
            prev = variable.values[0]
            for i, value in enumerate(variable.values[1:]):
                success = value < prev if direction == "decreasing" else value > prev
                if success:
                    prev = value  # only update prev on success
                    failures[i + 1] = True
            # 2D diff isn't as clever with failing indexes; just report all individual
            # points that fail
            diff = np.gradient(variable.data)[axis]
            failures = diff <= zero if direction == "increasing" else diff >= zero

        return failures

    def get_axis(self, variable: xr.DataArray) -> int:
        if not (dim := self.parameters.dim):
            dim = variable.dims[0]  # type: ignore
        return variable.get_axis_num(dim)  # type: ignore